Longevity Species

Chapter 423 This is forcing me! (Second more)

"Dead...finally dead..."

Seeing the holy body of the Fuhai Holy Lord turn into ashes, the Holy Lord Taihao let out a long sigh of relief, and almost sat down on the ground.

It was too dangerous, just a little bit, they would die without a place to bury them. However, the three sages teamed up and slaughtered Fuhai Shengzun. This was a leapfrog battle. It is exciting to think about it. Maybe there will be no such glory in a lifetime.

But the state of the three of them is not good now, even quite bad.

Lei Dao only has four-tenths of the holy body in its heyday, and the Tahoe and the bearded saint have only one-tenth of the holy body left.

It can be said to be a heavy loss.

According to this situation, if there are a few more saints of the high holy body, they may not be able to resist.

Moreover, Lei Dao originally had 85 ten thousand year elixir plants left, but now he has used ten plants, but ten plants are missing, leaving only seventy five ten thousand year elixir plants, which can be said to be a big loss.

If you don't make up for this loss, it's not worth it.

"Everyone, immediately search for all the ten-thousand-year elixir on the twelfth floor, and restore your strength quickly at all costs. Now that you are in the Cangming Tower, no one can tell what will happen."

Lei Dao said in a low voice.

"Yes, let's search for the ten thousand year elixir first. However, let's make an agreement first. This time, Lei Shengzun will contribute the most. Therefore, Lei Shengzun can get 60% of the ten thousand year elixir, and the two of us will each get 20%." ,how?"

The bearded saint first made an agreement.

This time, the three of them can be regarded as living and dying together. In this case, the friendship is the strongest. But no matter how firm the friendship is, some rules need to be established.

Otherwise, for the ten thousand year elixir, maybe they will turn against each other.

Venerable Taihao also nodded and said: "That's right, if Venerable Lei didn't try to trap Holy Venerable Fuhai at all costs, we would have no chance to kill Sheng! It should be so."

Venerable Taihao also agreed.

Lei Dao is not polite either, he does need a large amount of ten thousand year elixir to restore the holy body, maybe the Lord Taihao and the bearded saint need a few ten thousand year elixir to recover, but even if Lei Dao has ten thousand year elixir The elixir cannot be recovered either.

After all, what he condensed is the ultimate holy body!

Although the ultimate holy body is very strong, it is also very troublesome to recover. Therefore, Lei Dao also has a lot of demand for these ten thousand year elixir.

So, after the three agreed, they began to search for the ten-thousand-year elixir in the entire twelve-story Cangming Pagoda.

There are many ten-thousand-year elixir in the Cangming Pagoda. Even though they had searched a lot before, all three of them have searched all the mature ten-thousand-year elixir on the twelfth floor together.

At the last count, there are a total of 150 plants!

One hundred and fifty ten thousand year elixir, even thinking about it is extremely shocking, and even hearing this number, the eyes of Venerable Tai Hao turned red.

The Holy Venerable Taihao is the Holy Venerable of the Taiyi Holy Land, but although the Taiyi Holy Land is the number one Holy Land in Yuanzhou, it more refers to the fact that the strength of the Holy Venerable Taihao was once the number one in Yuanzhou.

As for the background, Taiyi Holy Land is much worse than Yuanchu Holy Land.

The holy land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty had 10,000 jin of soil, so it could cultivate many ten thousand-year elixir, but Taiyi Holy Land did not have so many ten thousand-year elixir.

Now that he suddenly got one hundred and fifty ten thousand year elixir, even if Venerable Tai Hao only got 20% of it, after calculation, he still had thirty thousand year elixir.

This is an astronomical figure for Tai Hao, and it can be regarded as a big harvest.

However, the biggest harvest is Lei Dao, with 150 plants, he can get a full 60%, that is a total of 90 ten thousand year elixir, and if Lei Dao still has 75 ten thousand year elixir, That Lei Dao now has a total of 165 ten thousand year elixir.

This is a scary number.

It can be regarded as "getting rich".

Sure enough, only by looking for opportunities can it be possible to "get rich".

"Everyone, we can't go to the thirteenth floor for the time being. We have to recover our strength to cope with any possible changes. First restore our strength, and then go to the thirteenth floor!"

Lei Dao said in a low voice.

Everyone knows what the thirteenth floor means.

It is very likely that there is a 20,000-year-old panacea, which is also their purpose this time.

But the closer you are to your goal, the more calm, cautious, and careful you must be.

After all, their strength is now in the trough of the trough. If they encounter any changes, they may not be able to cope with it. Even if they get the 20,000-year-old elixir, they may not be able to keep it.

Therefore, it is most important to restore strength first.

So, the three of them sat cross-legged on the ground, and none of them rushed to enter the thirteenth floor. They began to use the ten-thousand-year elixir, regardless of all costs, and quickly recovered their strength, in order to restore the Holy Body to its peak in the shortest possible time. state.

This may waste many ten thousand years of elixir, but at this critical moment, it must be done.


In the Cangming Pagoda, all the way to the eleventh floor, there is competition everywhere.

However, no one entered the twelfth floor.

The news has already spread, Fuhai Shengzun has issued an order to kill anyone who steps into the twelfth floor.

Although there were still Lei Dao, Taihao Shengzun and the bearded saint who entered the twelfth floor before, but there is no movement now, and it is estimated that they were all beheaded by Fuhai Shengzun.

Those saints who wanted to fight for the opportunity, although hesitant, still did not have the consciousness to fight at all costs under the threat of a dignified saint with a double holy body.

In the end, it only stayed on the eleventh floor, competing with many saints for the 9,000-year elixir.

There are also some saints who feel that it is hopeless to compete.

They could only compete for the thousand-year-old elixir, and there was no point in continuing to stay in the Cangming Pagoda. Therefore, some saints left the Cangming Pagoda directly one after another.

"Hahaha, finally arrived!"

"Although the Cangming Pagoda only has 20,000-year-old elixir, it's better than nothing."

"It's just that there is only one Cangming Pagoda, but there are three of us, how should we divide it?"

As soon as some saints flew out of the Cangming Tower, they saw three figures descending from the void exuding a terrifying aura.

The three figures are just a phantom of the holy body, but they suffocate ordinary saints, as if they were the same as the floating sea saints they saw before.

This is the saint with the second layer of the Eucharist!

For a moment, the ordinary saint's heart tightened, so many saints with the second level of the holy body came again, wouldn't it be dangerous for them to stay here? So, just as he was about to leave, he was stopped by one of the two saints of the Eucharist.

"You guys just came out of the Cangming Pagoda, tell me what's going on inside?"

One of the saints with the second level of the Eucharist asked in a deep voice.

Just asking about the news in the Cangming Pagoda, these ordinary saints replied without thinking: "To the three saints, there is only one floating sea saint in the Cangming Pagoda, who has a double holy body. He has occupied the Cangming Tower." Above the twelfth floor, anyone who enters the twelfth floor will be beheaded by the Holy Lord Fuhai. Therefore, we felt that we could not compete for the opportunity, so we simply withdrew from the Cangming Tower competition and left Cangming Mountain."

"Oh? Holy Lord Fuhai is still so domineering. Well, you can go."

The three saints of the second level of the holy body looked at each other, and there was a smile on their faces. Obviously, they all knew the saint of Fuhai.

"It seems that Fuhai Shengzun has obtained all the ten thousand-year elixir. Even if we go up, it will be too late."

"Hey, Fuhai wants to swallow it all by himself? How about we wait for Fuhai to leave Cangming Pagoda before making any plans?"

"How can we stop Fuhai when Fuhai plunders all the ten-thousand-year elixir in the Cangming Pagoda? This Cangming Pagoda is not a great treasure. It has been tens of thousands of years. I will wait for the three of us to join forces , will definitely be able to tear the Cangming Pagoda. At that time, we can go straight to the twelfth floor and snatch the ten thousand-year elixir. When the Cangming Pagoda is torn apart, our three saints will use their own means to snatch the ten-year elixir, how about it? "

"It should be so, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of time to go all the way?"

"Then let's do it!"

The three saints with the second level of the Eucharist had already discussed it properly, and they made up their minds in a few words.


The three saints with the second level of the Eucharist suddenly manifested the Eucharist.

One holy body after another seemed to come out from the depths of the void, lying in the middle of the void, and there were six huge holy bodies of thousands of feet, surrounding the Cangming Pagoda.


The six sacred bodies began to punch Cangming Pagoda with a low growl.


Immediately, the Cangming Pagoda began to tremble violently, as if it would be completely shattered in the next moment.


Inside the Cangming Pagoda, the twelfth floor.

Lei Dao, Taihao Shengzun and the bearded saint are using the ten thousand year elixir to restore their strength. Lei Dao's holy body has even recovered to 70%, of course, it is far from the peak.

At this moment, the entire Cangming Pagoda was shaking violently.


Raidou opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

Venerable Taihao has already recovered seven or eight times, and actually has some confidence in his heart, but now even the Cangming Pagoda is shaking, and there is a trace of panic in his heart.

"There are people outside!"

At this time, the bearded saint also opened his eyes. He swept away with the power of his divine sense, and immediately knew the situation. There were three holy saints with double saints outside, surrounding the Cangming Pagoda.

Six thousands of holy bodies surrounded the Cangming Pagoda from all directions. Obviously, they wanted to smash the Cangming Pagoda so that they could directly enter the Cangming Pagoda.

Even if the Cangming Pagoda is not a mortal thing, but according to this speed, the time that the Cangming Pagoda can support is probably very short.

It may not even last for a cup of tea, and it will be broken.

"Three saints with double holy bodies..."

Venerable Taihao felt extremely bitter in his heart.

Just now, the three of them worked so hard that they both suffered losses, and then they beheaded Fuhai Shengzun.

And now, three more saints with the second level of the Eucharist came all at once.

How can I fight this?

Once the three Holy Physique Second Level Saints are allowed to break the Cangming Pagoda, if they don't hand over the ten thousand year elixir, they will die. Even if he is willing to hand over the ten thousand year elixir, it may be a dead end.

For a moment, all three of them fell into a real crisis, and they were helpless. If they were not strong enough, they were meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"This is forcing me!"

Lei Dao raised his head abruptly, a stern light flashed in his eyes.

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