Longevity Species

Chapter 428 Carrying the Cangming Pagoda home! (first update)


The Cangming Pagoda was shaking violently, the ground was shaking, and Lei Dao's Annihilation Body seemed to be grabbing the Cangming Pagoda and dragging it, but the entire Cangming Pagoda was connected to the Cangming Mountain.

Therefore, Lei Dao seemed to be dragging the entire Cangming Mountain.

However, what about the entire Cangming Mountain?

Lei Dao has been sanctified, and he is still the second-level saint of the Eucharist, and the ultimate Eucharist Annihilation Eucharist has been strengthened twice, possessing various incredible powers.

Therefore, with Lei Dao's loud roar, the power of Annihilating the Holy Body skyrocketed again, and suddenly, the entire Cangming Mountain seemed to be completely "moved".

Of course, Lei Dao is not really moving mountains.

He has already seen that Cangming Pagoda is closely related to Cangming Mountain, but they are only connected by formations. Now that such a long time has passed, and the Cangming Pagoda is damaged, there are naturally some flaws in the connection with Cangming Mountain.

As Lei Dao crazily dragged the Cangming Pagoda into the void, the Cangming Pagoda was more damaged, but it was also gradually separated from the Cangming Mountain formation.


Finally, the bottom of the Cangming Pagoda cracked again. However, under the powerful force of the Annihilating Saint Body, the Cangming Pagoda was finally dragged out by Lei Dao, lying in the void.

Such feats are even more shocking.

Lei Dao wanted to move the Cangming Pagoda directly.

"This... will there be no Cangming Pagoda in Cangming Mountain?"

"It should be. In the future, there will be no Cangming Pagoda in Cangming Mountain, but it will be moved away by this Lei Shengzun."

"Lei Shengzun is really... plucking the wild goose. Come to the Cangming Pagoda to compete for the opportunity. In the end, even the Cangming Pagoda will be moved away."

Many saints were dumbfounded, and even felt a little weird deep in their hearts.

In front of their eyes, Lei Shengzun, who was incomparably domineering and extremely powerful before, forcibly dragged away the badly damaged Cangming Pagoda. This kind of behavior of plucking the feathers seemed to make Lei Dao "tall" all of a sudden. The image "collapsed" instantly.

However, Lei Dao didn't care, he really valued this Cangming Pagoda. The Cangming Pagoda itself is a treasure. Although it is a little damaged now, it can be slowly repaired after being dragged back to the Holy Land of Giant Willows.

Moreover, the Cangming Pagoda seems to be very suitable for the growth of elixir. At that time, combined with the breath soil of the Holy Land of Giant Willow, it may make the elixir of Holy Land of Giant Willow grow better.

As for image?

Where does Lei Dao care about what image? Now he has a "holy place", which is equivalent to his "home". Lei Daowan wants to "bring home" any good thing he likes, and the Cangming Pagoda in front of him is seen. It would be such a pity to "drag to" the house.


At this time, Lord Taihao and the bearded saint also flew out from the Cangming Pagoda.

The two saints just witnessed the scene where Lei Dao advanced to the second level of the Holy Body, and even Lei Dao showed his supernatural power and repelled the three second-level saints of the Holy Physique, which gave them a great shock.

Now the injuries of the two of them have also recovered to a good extent. After all, there are many ten-thousand-year elixir that can be "wasted".

"Congratulations to Lei Shengzun, advanced to the second level of the Eucharist."

As soon as the two of them flew out of Cangming Pagoda, they congratulated Lei Dao with complicated expressions. Holy Eucharist, they have worked hard for hundreds of years, and now they have reached the critical point.

And what about Raidou?

With just a cup of tea, you can advance to the second level of the Eucharist, and there is no harm if there is no comparison. This gap makes the two saints feel a little strange.

"It's just the second level of the Eucharist. There is nothing to congratulate. Besides, the two saints have reached a critical point, and they may advance to the second level of the Eucharist at any time."

Lei Dao said lightly, it seems that the second stage of the Eucharist is really not a big deal to him.

"Is Lei Shengzun going back to Yuanzhou?"

The bearded saint asked suddenly.

"That's right, the bearded sage can return to Yuanzhou with Lei, and visit Lei's holy land of giant willows."

Lei Dao also invited the bearded saint to be a guest at the Holy Land of Giant Willow.

But the bearded saint shook his head: "I have reached the critical point, and now that the 20,000-year elixir is in hand, it is still important to advance. Therefore, I am going to return to Ancient China and advance to the second level of the Holy Body with peace of mind. Holy Venerable, although there are nineteen states in the entire continent, Yuanzhou and Cangzhou are all desolate and remote places, and being able to advance to the second level of the Holy Body is already the limit."

"What's more, it's hard to find even the holy law in these places, let alone go further, reach the nine levels of the holy body, and even become the emperor. Even, if Lei Shengzun has the ambition and wants to become a god, only in the ancient Shenzhou, the whole Only in the center of this continent can there be such a sliver of hope. If one day, Lei Shengzun wants to go to ancient China, he should take this token and go to Xihe City in the ancient Shenzhou Xihe Dynasty. I have my own feeling, I will definitely come to welcome Lei Shengzun as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, the bearded saint directly handed Lei Dao a token, which seemed to be a jade pendant with a gentle breath and some strange patterns carved on it.

"Xihe Divine Dynasty?"

Lei Dao was thoughtful.

He knew from the mouth of the bearded saint that the entire nineteen states in the world are respected by the ancient Shenzhou! Ancient China was almost the center of the entire continent.

He also knows that in ancient China, there were three great god dynasties at the head, which were created by three high gods.

This bearded sage claimed to be from Beizhou, and later traveled to ancient Shenzhou, but he did not expect to be in Xihe City in the Xihe Dynasty, which is the real city of God!

It seems that the identity of the bearded saint is not simple.

"Okay, if Lei Mou goes to Ancient China, he must visit the bearded saint."

"Haha, then I will be waiting for Lei Shengzun!"

After speaking, the bearded saint directly manifested the holy body, quickly left Cangming Mountain, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Venerable Taihao moved slightly in his heart: "The identity of this bearded saint is not simple."

Lei Dao nodded, but didn't pay much attention. No matter what the identity of the bearded saint is, at least the three of them have gone through life and death together, and they have formed a friendship, which is a good thing.

"Holy Lord Taihao, this is not a place to stay for a long time, let's go too."

Lei Dao said to Venerable Taihao.

Venerable Taihao glanced at the huge Cangming Pagoda in the void, opened his mouth to speak but stopped, and finally said nothing.

This move of Lei Shengzun... is really unexpected.

The Cangming Pagoda must be moved away.

Once the Cangming Pagoda is moved away, Cangzhou will be completely over, and there may not even be a Holy One born again in the future.

However, this Cangming Pagoda is a treasure, if you have a chance to get such a treasure, don't let it go for nothing.

As a result, Lei Dao directly manifested two holy bodies, the blue ice holy body and the annihilated holy body. The two sacred bodies of hundreds of feet, like giant demon gods, jointly "carried" the Cangming Pagoda, left Cangming Mountain directly, and returned to Yuanzhou.

Along the way, Lei Dao's two holy bodies "carried" the Cangming Pagoda, and the movement was too loud. However, there can be two holy bodies, and the terrifying aura is above the high-level holy body.

Whether in Cangzhou or Yuanzhou, who can be the opponent?

Therefore, feeling a little breath from a distance, some holy venerables immediately avoided it, not daring to obstruct it. Although the movement was a little louder, Lei Dao stared at a Cangming Pagoda abruptly and returned to Yuanzhou.

After returning to Yuanzhou, Lei Dao bid farewell to Venerable Taihao.

After all, the Holy Venerable Taihao has also reached a critical point. Now that he has the 20,000-year elixir in hand, he can't wait to return to the Taiyi Holy Land and advance to the second level of the Eucharist.

After bidding farewell to Venerable Taihao, Lei Dao returned directly to the Holy Land of Juliu.

Soon, Lei Dao's two sacred bodies "carried" the huge Cangming Pagoda, and flew in the sky. It didn't take long before the Holy Land of Juliu could be seen.

It didn't take long for Lei Dao to go to the Holy Land of Giant Willows, only about a month.

The Great Willow Holy Land has not changed much, but at least the Giant Willow Holy Land has slowly entered the right track, and it already has the appearance of a "Holy Land".

At this moment, everything in the Holy Land is orderly and orderly.

The retreat that should be closed, the practice that should be practiced, the discussion that should be discussed.

But suddenly, the formation in the Holy Land was activated.

Many disciples or elders of the Holy Land seemed to feel something in their hearts and looked up into the void.

At a glance, they saw the huge Cangming Pagoda flying directly towards the Holy Land of Giant Willows on top of the heads of the two terrifying saints.

"What is that? A tower?"

"Thousands of thousands of holy bodies, and one of the holy bodies seems to be the annihilated holy body of the patriarch. Could it be that the patriarch has returned?"

"Didn't the Patriarch only have one Annihilation Saint? Why are there two Saints now?"

"The patriarch is still carrying that high tower, what's going on?"

Many disciples and elders were actually very shocked in their hearts.

Two sacred bodies that are as tall as demon gods, "carrying" a huge tower, stretched across the void, giving people a great shock invisibly.

Although the disciples and elders of the Holy Land of Juliu knew that the patriarch of the Holy Land had left, they didn't know where Lei Dao was going or what he was doing.

Only a few people know about it.

The head teacher of the Holy Land, Lei Dao's wife Xue Yuan, knew what Lei Dao was doing in Cangzhou, it was to compete for the opportunity of the Cangming Pagoda.

However, according to Lei Dao's previous introduction, the Cangming Pagoda has a rare opportunity, and it is necessary to compete for the 20,000-year-old elixir from the Cangming Pagoda, and it is also necessary to compete in front of many peaks of the first level of the Holy Body, and even in front of the second level of the Holy Body. , very difficult.

But what now?

Lei Dao directly moved the Cangming Pagoda back to the Holy Land of Juliu?

For a moment, even Xue Yuan was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Saying yes is dangerous and difficult?

She even worries about Lei Dao every day.

But now, Lei Dao simply came back with the Cangming Pagoda on his shoulders.


The two sacred bodies flew directly over the Holy Land of Juliu. Afterwards, Lei Dao let the holy body directly and threw the Cangming Pagoda into the Holy Land of Giant Willow.

Immediately, a dilapidated tower stood in the Holy Land of Juliu, but exuded an ancient, mysterious and powerful aura!

ps: Now that I have gone to all channels, there are many people who scold Lao Yue. Forget it, don't say anything, Lao Yue has no manuscripts, the second and third updates will be later, and Lao Yue doesn't know the time, but there must be a third update... Lao Yue can only say that every chapter is written by Lao Yue. I have put my heart into it, and as for the fact that it may not suit the appetite of some friends, it is better to get together or to order forks, and the next book will be together by fate. For the friends who continue to support Lao Yue, Lao Yue is very grateful. Lao Yue can only say that there may be another year of company. Lao Yue will write with heart, thank you for your support!

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