Longevity Species

Chapter 437 Three holy bodies? Ray has it too! (first update)


The holy body of the gray-robed old man shook slightly, and then, a huge force covered the entire hall, and the terrifying aura directly crushed the bearded saint.

Even though the bearded saint had a double Eucharist, he even manifested two Eucharist. But in front of this gray-robed old man, it was simply not enough to look at.

He didn't even have the qualifications to approach, so he was knocked back by the volley.

This is because the gray-robed old man didn't want to kill anyone, after all, this is Shangyanghou's mansion, and the bearded saint is also a guest of Shangyanghou's mansion. Otherwise, the grey-robed old man could shatter the body of the bearded saint with a single punch.

"Hahaha, bearded sage, I never thought you would come back at this time. I didn't misunderstand you at the beginning. Shangyang Shanhai, I am also the sage of Shangyanghou's mansion, even if I compete for the heir Failure is not something you can handle easily. Don't you dare to kill me here?"

At this time, Shangyang Yunchuan didn't even make a move, but stared closely at Shangyang Shanhai.

Even the old man in gray robe hesitated.

Indeed, he didn't dare to kill Shangyang Yunchuan, and even if Shangyang Shanhai didn't insist, he wouldn't dare to do anything to Shangyang Yunchuan. After all, now Shangyang Yunchuan is the ninth son of Shangyanghou's mansion, and he is not something that he can handle as a guest.

Even if he is a first-class guest!

"My dear brother, you are so naive. I won't kill you, how could I kill you? I'm just saving you. Take you down, admit your mistakes to the eldest son, apologize, and then obey the eldest son, when the time comes naturally There is a way for you to survive. Besides, it doesn’t matter if you listen or not, you will be imprisoned forever in the future, and you will see with your own eyes that everything I do is correct..."

After a pause, Shang Yang Shanhai's gaze was a bit complicated, and finally gradually became firm, and said in a deep voice: "Take it!"

The old man in gray robe hesitated for a moment, but this was Shangyang Shanhai's order, and Shangyangshan Haikang was responsible for everything, he just took down Shangyang Yunchuan.

"Ninth Young Master, offended!"

The old man in gray robe let out a low cry.


Immediately, three thousands of holy bodies appeared in the void, like demon gods, stepping out from the depths of the void. The terrifying aura was overwhelming, like a net, enveloping the Ninth Young Master and the bearded saint.

Holy Eucharist Triple!

This is a real Holy Body Triple Saint!

No wonder even the bearded sage is no match, and he can even suppress the Ninth Young Master with just his breath, making him unable to move.

The ninth son's eyes were extremely crazy, and he roared at Shang Yang Shanhai: "Shang Yang Shanhai, if I don't die, I will kill you, definitely!"

The ninth son had a murderous intent, and he hated Shang Yang Shan Hai to the bone.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

No matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do. Under the pressure of the grey-robed old man, the third-level saint of the holy body, he couldn't move at all.

It can only make roars and roars of unwillingness.

As for the bearded saint, he was furious at the moment, and his two holy bodies wanted to rush over, but they were firmly suppressed by one holy body of the gray-robed old man, and he had no resistance at all.

This is the Triple Eucharist!

Suppressing the Eucharist double saint is simply as easy as pie.


The next moment, the holy body of the bearded saint raised its head to the sky and roared, as if it had performed some kind of secret technique. Suddenly, the huge holy body slammed into the gray robed old man's holy body fiercely.

In this collision, there was actually a faint aura of dying with the gray-robed old man.

The gray-robed old man's eyes flashed sharply, and he snorted coldly: "Young Master Ninth can't be killed, but you are a guest, can't I still kill the old man? If you want to die, you can't blame the old man!"

The old man in gray robe had already made a killing intent towards the bearded saint.

Immediately, the holy body of the gray-robed old man, with cold eyes, watched the holy body of the bearded saint rushing towards him. He did not avoid it, but just stood quietly in the hall.


The next moment, the holy body of the old man in gray robe moved.

A punch, just a punch.

It was as if the void was shaking, and the sky was collapsing.

Of course, this is just an illusion. In other places, even a casual punch from the gray-robed old man could destroy a city. But this is Xihe city.

Not to mention the third level of the Eucharist, even if it was the nine major battles of the Eucharist, it would not cause much damage to Xihe City. Here, there is a god sitting in town! It is a veritable city of gods. It is too difficult to destroy the city of gods, at least the Holy One can't do it at all.

This punch was too strong, it already had killing intent.

It was enough to injure the holy body of the bearded saint all at once, and even collapse directly.

In an instant, crisis enveloped the bearded saint.

"Sage with a beard, step back! Shangyang Shanhai, how dare you!!!"

Seeing that the bearded saint was in crisis, Shangyang Yunchuan roared, almost hysterical.

Unfortunately, his roar was of no use at all.

Shang Yang Shanhai also squinted his eyes, and didn't express his opinion at all. The gray-robed old man didn't stop, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he punched out directly.


Finally, the old man in gray robe punched down, and the whole hall was slightly shaken, filling the sky with smoke and dust.

However, the smile on the gray-robed old man's face suddenly froze.

In front of him, a sacred body appeared, and it was also punched, colliding violently with him. But the holy body of the bearded saint has disappeared.

No, it is not disappearing, but behind this strange holy body.

"Lei... Lei Shengzun?"

The bearded saint looked at the holy body in front of him, his eyes were extremely excited.

It was Lei Dao who took the shot and blocked the killing blow for him.

"Lei Shengzun?"

Both the old man in gray robe and Shang Yang Shanhai frowned slightly, they didn't remember that there was such a saint under Shang Yang Yunchuan's command.

Moreover, the holy body of this saint seems to be extremely powerful. It doesn't look like the third layer of the holy body, but it seems to be no less powerful than the third layer of the holy body.

Just, is it possible?

"Lei Shengzun? The bearded saint, is this the Lei Shengzun you went to pick up?"

Shangyang Yunchuan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes narrowed sharply, and he asked hastily.

The bearded saint nodded and said, "Yes, this is Lei Shengzun!"

In fact, the bearded saint was also shocked.

Lei Shengzun is only at the second level of the Holy Body, which can't be fooled by the bearded saint, but he is also at the second level of the Holy Body, and he seems to be far behind Lei Dao.

The bearded saint couldn't stop the blow of the gray-robed old man at all.

But Lei Dao was able to contend head-on with the old man in gray robe.

This kind of strength far exceeds that of the bearded saint!

"Who are you?"

At this time, the old man in gray robe also reacted and asked in a hoarse voice.

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, quietly standing in the hall, and said slowly: "It doesn't matter who Lei is, the important thing is that with Lei here, you can't kill the bearded saint!"

"Hmph, it's up to you? You don't have to play tricks and play tricks, thinking that the old man didn't see it? You are just a second-level saint. If you want to keep the bearded saint, it depends on whether you have such strength. Then Stop it, this old man will kill you too!"

The gray-robed old man let out a cold snort, and immediately, the thousand-foot-high holy body rushed towards the bearded saint again.


The thousand-foot-high holy body, like a demon god, has a terrifying aura rushing towards it.

Lei Dao's eyes were fixed, but his expression was very calm.

His Annihilated Holy Body suddenly greeted him.


The two holy bodies are head-to-head again.

If it is said that the gray-robed old man was a little careless before and did not go all out. So now, the gray-robed old man has no excuses or reasons.

Because this time, he has been preparing for a long time and is absolutely going all out.

But Lei Dao still confronted the gray-robed old man head-on, on par!

"The triple Eucharist is nothing more than that."

Lei Dao has a bottom line in his mind. Of course, the gray-robed old man in front of him doesn't seem to have used the holy method yet. Lei Dao was always on guard in his heart.

Whether there is a saint who has mastered the holy law, it is completely two kinds of saints, and there is a world of difference.

And in Shang Yanghou's mansion, as soon as you wait for the guest, you can get a holy law. The gray-robed old man is the third-level saint of the holy body, and he automatically obtains the status of a first-class guest minister, so he can naturally obtain a holy law.

Lei Dao would not underestimate any saint with a triple eucharist.

"How can it be?"

The gray-robed old man felt a little unbelievable. In his induction, the Lei Shengzun in front of him was clearly the second level of the Eucharist. And he is the third level of the holy body, the holy body has been strengthened three times, how could it be impossible to do nothing to Lei Shengzun?

What's more, the Lei Shengzun in front of him didn't display the holy law. According to the theory, he couldn't compare with the Holy Body Triple Saint.

As for holy law.

The old man in gray robe has indeed obtained the holy law, but it is not easy to practice a holy law? He has only acquired the Holy Law not long ago, how can he master it? Still in the process of groping and practicing.

However, the second level of the Holy Body is only the second level of the Holy Body, and the gray-robed old man still has absolute confidence.

Therefore, he has three hosts!

"you wanna die!"

The old man in gray robe said every word, his tone was serious and murderous.

Immediately, one after another, thousands of holy bodies gathered beside the gray-robed old man. There were three holy bodies in total, each of which exuded a terrifying aura.

One holy body is enough to suppress Jiu Gongzi and the bearded saint, not to mention three holy bodies gathered now.

For a moment, a terrifying momentum swept towards Lei Dao overwhelmingly.

"Lei Shengzun!"

The bearded saint wanted to step forward to help Lei Dao. He knows the details of Lei Dao, Lei Dao is the second layer of the Holy Body, even if an ultimate Holy Body is promoted, so what?

Facing the three powerful Holy Physiques of the Holy Physique Triple Saint, it is still powerless, and I am afraid that it will be very difficult and difficult to deal with. Lei Dao confronted the gray-robed old man in order to save him, so it was impossible for the bearded saint to remain indifferent.

Even if you work hard, you have to work hard today.

However, Lei Dao didn't seem to have much panic, and even his expression didn't change at all. He just looked at the three holy bodies in the void, as if he was looking at them.

There was a strange smile on the corner of Lei Dao's mouth.

"Three sacred bodies? Lei has one too!"


The next moment, the void was turbulent, and the blue ice holy body seemed to step out from the depths of the void.

This is not over yet, another terrifying body of thousands of feet, a blood clone like a demon god, also appeared in the hall.

ps: the second is later

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