Longevity Species

Chapter 440 The holy law is difficult? If one day is not enough, add another day! (first update)

"Okay, Lei Shengzun, but I have orders, and I will obey everything!"

Jiu Gongzi was overjoyed. He was not afraid that Lei Dao would put forward any harsh conditions, but he was afraid that Lei Dao would not mention any conditions, and he was afraid that Lei Dao would be powerless about this matter.

But now, at least Lei Dao is willing to help the ninth son, that's enough.

As for whether it will be successful, in fact, Jiu Gongzi is not sure. Whether he can succeed depends on God's will, but he must go back and do it, and he cannot easily admit defeat.

"I need holy law, the more the better."

Lei Dao said first.

This is his first request.

"Holy law..."

Ninth Young Master gritted his teeth and said: "The first-class guest ministers can go to the Holy Law Pavilion of the Hou Mansion to choose a holy law, but there is only one. And you can't spread it privately. Therefore, even if I have a holy law, I can't Give it to Lei Shengzun, otherwise, it will be a disaster and will be held accountable by Shangyanghou Mansion!"

Lei Dao nodded, and also understood the regulations of Shangyanghou Mansion.

The reason is very simple, as a first-class guest, the Hou Mansion will naturally give a certain amount of attention and resources. Even the holy law can be given, but it can't be taught casually, otherwise, it would have been flooded long ago, and how could it attract those saints of the third level of the holy body?

"In addition to the holy law, two 30,000-year-old elixir are also needed."


Hearing Lei Dao's second request, whether it was the bearded saint or the ninth son, they all looked dull.

Especially Jiu Gongzi, he is ready to pay all the price, as long as he has, he will give it, because this is his only hope.

But there are still two 30,000-year panaceas.

There must be such a huge state of Shang Yanghou, but it is not something that Jiu Gongzi can touch now.

"Lei Shengzun, there is no problem with the two 30,000-year-old panacea. But I have to become the heir of the Shangyang Hou Kingdom, or even take charge of the entire Hou Kingdom. Otherwise, I can't take it out now, not only I can't take it out, even the eldest son can't. The eldest son's 30,000-year elixir was obtained by applying to Hou Guo when he advanced to the third level of the Holy Body, and he had to be supervised for his own use. Break through."

For this point, Jiu Gongzi is quite helpless, he has no way to meet Lei Dao's request. What's more embarrassing is that Lei Dao only put forward two requests, and the ninth son did not satisfy these two requests.

It just satisfies the requirements of Lei Dao's holy law, and this is the benefit that comes with the status of first-class guest minister.

"Lei Shengzun, do you have any other requests?"

Ninth Young Master's voice became quieter, Lei Dao's two requests were not met, and Ninth Young Master was also very embarrassed.

"There are still requirements... Forget it, let's wait until the ninth son becomes the heir of the Hou Kingdom."

Lei Dao shook his head, he also probably knew that Jiu Gongzi had nothing to satisfy him now, not that Jiu Gongzi didn't try his best, but what Lei Dao needed now, Jiu Gongzi couldn't satisfy him at all.

Unless the Ninth Prince inherits the Shang Yanghou Kingdom.

"Lei Shengzun, how are you going to help me fight for the status of the heir to the Marquis?"

Ninth Young Master was still very nervous. Although he said he wanted to fight, he really had no way to fight. If you want strength, you don't have strength, if you want power, you don't have power.

Even if there is no time, how can we fight?

Hope is too slim.

Lei Dao smiled lightly and said: "It's very simple. In terms of strength, you can't improve in a short time, but in terms of power, you can crush the eldest son."

"The power crushes the eldest son?"

The Ninth Young Master smiled wryly and said: "It's impossible. The Eldest Young Master has three Saints of the Holy Body and the Third Level, and there are also the first-class guest ministers of Shangyang Shanhai, that is, the four Three-Level Saints of the Holy Body. Such power, among the Nine Young Masters, He is the strongest, and it is simply impossible for me to expand my power in a short period of time to match or even surpass the Eldest Prince."

"Expand the power? No, it's not necessary at all. With Lei, what do you need other saints for? Lei is enough!"

At this moment, although Lei Dao's voice was very low, it revealed infinite domineering and majesty.

"Lei Shengzun alone? You mean, you want one against four?"

Ninth Young Master couldn't believe it.

Even though Lei Dao had been very strong before, and even had an inextricable fight with the old man in gray robe, in fact he was evenly matched. And the gray-robed old man has no holy law at all.

And the three saints under the eldest son's command all have the holy law.

The degree of mastery is not clear, but mastering the holy law and not mastering the holy law are completely two kinds, and it is simply a world of difference.

"Lei Shengzun, the holy body triple saint under the command of the eldest son is not simple, they have mastered the holy law, so..."

Ninth Young Master is reminding Lei Dao.

It's not easy to deal with the three Holy Physiques and Triple Saints under the command of the eldest son.

"So Lei has to learn a holy law first, and master the holy law as soon as possible. Well, try to shorten the time as much as possible. In one day, Lei can master the holy law, and then go directly to the eldest son. The guest minister under the eldest son's command They are all crushed, Ninth Young Master, you are the most powerful candidate for Shangyanghou Kingdom!"

"Learn the Holy Law in one day..."

Ninth Young Master fell silent.

If Lei Dao hadn't been really strong before, he would even think that Lei Dao was a liar.

Is it possible to learn the Holy Dharma in one day?

And Lei Dao still looked calm and breezy.

"Why, the holy law is difficult?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised.

Seeing the expressions of the bearded saint and the ninth son, he also guessed their thoughts. The holy method should be more difficult, not so easy to practice.

Sure enough, Master Jiu nodded solemnly and said: "People in the world only know that the holy law is hard to find, but in fact, even if you get the holy law, so what? In fact, the holy law is very difficult to practice, and the old man in gray robe can also get it." Has he acquired the holy law? And the time for him to get the holy law is actually not too short, but he still hasn't been able to practice it."

The bearded saint also said: "Yes, the holy law is difficult to practice. To practice the holy law, you need to practice for many years, and you have to see whether the holy law is compatible with your own holy body. If not, then It will be very difficult to practice. Even if it is a top genius, it will take at least a few years to practice the holy law. This is still a top genius. If it takes dozens or hundreds of years to practice the holy law, It couldn't be more normal."

Whether it is the Ninth Young Master or the bearded saint, they all want to express the same meaning.

That is, the holy law is really difficult to practice. Even if you get it, no matter how talented you are, it will take several years to study it before you can achieve it.

Moreover, it must be in accordance with the Eucharist.

After all, there are so many sacred bodies, how difficult is it to obtain a suitable holy law?

The reason why powers like the Marquis of Shangyang can be favored by so many sages is also very simple. The holy law alone made it impossible for those saints to refuse.

Moreover, there are many sacred laws of great forces. It is easier to find the holy law that suits you if you go in and choose.

Otherwise, no matter how hard you work, no matter how good the opportunity is, if you occasionally get a holy law, but it doesn't fit your own holy body, it will be wasted.

Entering the Kingdom of Shangyanghou, you can also go to the Shengfa Pavilion to choose. This is the real reason why many sages are willing to join the Shangyanghou Mansion and become first-class guest officials.

Lei Dao also nodded and said: "It seems that the holy law is really difficult, well, it has to be treated with caution, one day may not be enough, then add another day. Within two days, practice the holy law, and then Go directly to the eldest son."

After speaking, Lei Dao was ready to go to Shengfa Pavilion.

"Two days..."

The corner of Jiu Gongzi's mouth twitched slightly, dare they say what they just said in vain?

No, maybe it's not in vain, didn't you see that Lei Dao has extended one day to two days? If you can't practice the holy method in one day, then double the time and use two days to practice the holy method.

Lei Shengzun really values ​​the holy law!

Although the ninth son was a little helpless, he did not continue to persuade.

Now he has to rely on Lei Dao to create miracles and help him. Although Lei Dao said that it took two days to practice the holy method, which is a bit unimaginable, but at present, it seems that there is only one way.

No matter how unbelievable Master Jiu is, he must believe in Lei Dao now!

"Sage with a beard, take Lei Shengzun to Shengfa Pavilion, my son is waiting for good news from Lei Shengzun!"

With a wave of his hand, the ninth son directly gave Lei Dao a token of first-class guest. Although it was a bit hasty, but with this token representing Lei Dao's identity, he could go to the Holy Law Pavilion and choose a holy law.

Therefore, Lei Dao followed behind the bearded saint and walked towards the Shengfa Pavilion.

Along the way, the face of the bearded saint was a bit gloomy, and finally he sighed and said: "I didn't expect the matter to come to such an extent, and Lei Shengzun was still involved. I am also a little ashamed."

"It was established? No, this is a good thing, a very good thing. Without the introduction of the bearded saint, how could Lei enter the Holy Law Pavilion so easily and choose a holy law? Don't worry, the bearded saint, since Lei If you agree to the ninth son, then you will definitely do your best to help the ninth son. This is a matter of mutual benefit. Only when the ninth son is in charge of Shangyanghou country can Lei Mou have greater benefits. What's more, getting involved in this matter, After all, it is Lei's own choice, and it has nothing to do with the bearded saint."

In fact, this is true, and the bearded saint doesn't need to blame himself at all.

If Lei Dao doesn't take the initiative and doesn't agree, who can force Lei Dao to fail?

The bearded sage didn't say anything more, the matter had come to this point, it was useless to say anything, and he still expected Lei Dao to create a miracle like he did in Cangming Pagoda.

"The Holy Law Pavilion is ahead!"

Suddenly, the bearded saint stopped.

Lei Dao looked up, and it was a building that didn't look very grand, and even looked a little ordinary, so it was easy to be ignored.

At least from the outside, it is not considered to be the most important Shengfa Pavilion in Shangyanghou Mansion.

There is no doubt about the importance of holy law, even in Shangyanghou Mansion.

But the bearded saint whispered: "Lei Shengzun, this Shengfa Pavilion is not simple. It seems that there is nothing special on the surface, and there are even few people. But in fact, near the Shengfa Pavilion, at least There are three saints at the peak of the Holy Physique triple-layer guarding the Holy Law Pavilion in secret."

Lei Dao nodded. In fact, he has already sensed a few breaths, and the induction of his ultimate holy body can't be wrong.

Near the Holy Law Pavilion are not three saints with triple saints, but...five!

Lei Dao bids farewell to the bearded saint, the Holy Law Pavilion, the bearded saint cannot enter.

Therefore, Lei Dao directly stepped into the Shengfa Pavilion.

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