Longevity Species

Chapter 474 It's Dangerous Outside! (Second more)

When the field of Lei Dao's divine eyes covered the fifth holy body of Emperor Xianling, Emperor Xianling was shocked all over. Even if she is a high-level holy body strengthened five times, she is only a high-level holy body after all.

Even if Lei Dao's sacred blood avatar only has the fourth stage of divine blood, it can even imprison the ultimate holy body, and it is not a problem to imprison such a five-time strengthened high-level holy body.

In an instant, the holy body of the fairy emperor's son was imprisoned, unable to move.

The next moment, Emperor Xian Ling felt a great terror deep in her heart, as if something terrible had descended, or some terrifying force had erupted, and an extremely dangerous atmosphere permeated her heart.


Lei Dao's divine blood avatar didn't hold back anything at this time, and didn't show any tricks. He went all out and punched the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor.


Immediately, the fifth holy body of the Immortal Emperor's son exploded and turned into powder.

With just one blow, the fifth holy body of the Immortal Emperor's son was instantly killed, which had a great impact on everyone. For the first four sacred bodies, Lei Dao can still be indistinguishable from the immortal emperor's son.

How come the fifth holy body, the Immortal Emperor was instantly killed?

In fact, even Lei Dao was a little surprised.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he understood.

He still underestimated the field of divine eyes a bit.

After the divine-blood avatar reached the fourth stage of divine-blood, the field of divine eyes continued to become stronger. The "imprisonment" in the field of God's Eye is actually all-round. It can suppress the five-time strengthened holy body to such an extent that the speed is so slow that it is almost imprisoned. How powerful is this?

At that level, the holy body of the fairy emperor's son is almost a living target, allowing Lei Dao to attack. Originally, Lei Dao's divine blood avatar had reached the fourth stage, and in terms of pure strength, it was even stronger than his four ultimate holy bodies.

The fifth high-level holy body of the fairy emperor's son is naturally far from being able to withstand the attack of Lei Dao's blood clone. Therefore, it collapsed with just one blow and was completely obliterated.

"What? Killing the holy body of the fairy emperor's son in one blow?"

"Leidao's body is not a holy body, why is it so powerful?"

"Although the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor is not the ultimate holy body, it is also a high-level holy body strengthened five times, and it is also very powerful. How can Lei Dao's clone kill the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor in seconds? ?”

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

Especially Emperor Jinbo.

He has two holy bodies, not even as good as the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor's son. Even the fifth holy body of the Immortal Emperor's son was instantly killed. If he encountered it, he might not be able to escape the fate of being instantly killed.

Once the two holy bodies are instantly killed, then he will be the five powerful bodies of the three holy bodies against Lei Dao.

At that time, this will not be a question of victory or defeat, but a question of fall.

If Emperor Jin Bo ran into Lei Dao alone, it would be a disaster.

he will die!

Even though Emperor Jinbo had never thought about this possibility, he felt extremely terrified after seeing the fifth holy body of Emperor Xianling being defeated and turned into powder.

The dignified emperor actually felt the threat of death while watching.

It shows how terrified Emperor Jinbo is.

Moreover, this is not alarmist talk, Emperor Jinbo knows very well that he will really die.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jinbo felt very lucky.

Fortunately, Emperor Xianling came first and entangled him. Otherwise, what a huge "surprise" would be waiting for him when Emperor Jinbo went to Shangyang City in person.

Maybe it really capsized in the gutter, and the confession was in Shangyang City.

It's so dangerous outside!

This was Emperor Jinbo's first feeling.

He originally thought that "joining the WTO" was safe, just like "travelling", a majestic son of an emperor, invincible and invincible. But now, Emperor Jinbo is awake.

It's not safe outside, on the contrary, it's dangerous.

If he really died, the Hongchen Emperor Sect would certainly be furious, but so what? Chase and kill Lei Dao?

At that time, Lei Dao turned around and disappeared without a trace.

Could it be that there will be a great emperor from the Hongchen Emperor Sect to personally chase and kill him?

That impossible thing at all will be ignored in the end, even if he is the emperor's son.

In the past, those emperors who "entered the world" of the Hongchen Emperor Sect had never fallen, so what happened? Most of them just let it go, and there are only a handful of people who can be hunted down by the Hongchen Emperor Sect.

After all, they all knew that they had killed the emperor, so who would foolishly wait for the revenge of the Hongchen emperor?

It has already slipped away.

"Joining the WTO" is not as easy as Emperor Jinbo imagined, and outside, it is not as safe as he imagined. Even if he is an emperor, he is far from being unscrupulous.

"What about the five-layered saint? What about the emperor's son?"

After Lei Dao's divine blood avatar killed the fifth holy body of the Immortal Emperor in one blow, his aura rose to the extreme, and even faintly suppressed the other four holy bodies of the Immortal Emperor.

At the same time, the face of Emperor Xianling changed drastically.

The fifth holy body was defeated and obliterated, and for her, it was also a serious injury. Even if the Emperor Sect had countless resources, it would take a long time to restore the fifth holy body.

More importantly, the battle between her and Lei Dao has actually been decided.

Even if she still has four sacred bodies, which can be evenly matched with Lei Dao, so what?

Lei Dao's fifth body is very powerful, no worse than the ultimate holy body. Now that he has killed the fifth holy body of the fairy emperor, Lei Dao has five bodies.

In terms of quantity, it undoubtedly occupies a great advantage.

If this continues like this, it may not be a loss for both sides, but the fairy emperor will die and fall.

This is a result that the fairy emperor can't accept anyway.

Therefore, Emperor Xianling chose to back down.


The Immortal Emperor made a decisive decision and retreated almost immediately. After all, she still has four ultimate holy bodies, all of which have been strengthened five times, and their strength is very strong.

Even if Lei Dao has a divine blood avatar, it is impossible to wipe out one or two holy bodies of the fairy emperor in a short time, and even has to bear the maximum counterattack of the fairy emperor.

At that time, Lei Dao might be in danger.

Therefore, when Emperor Xianling retreated violently, Lei Dao didn't chase after him, and didn't even make another move, but watched Emperor Xianling retreat far away.

The two sides were far apart, and the fairy emperor glanced at Lei Dao with a complicated expression, and slowly said: "Lei Shengzun, if you are not the emperor, you are really amazing. But, no matter how much you behave Amazing, it can't save the Nine Palaces, and it can't even save the Shang Yanghou. This area has been brought into the sphere of influence by King Nanyun, you can't stop it!"

After finishing speaking, the Immortal Emperor turned around and left.

She was not hysterical, nor did she have incomparable hatred. On the contrary, the fairy emperor admired him deeply in his heart. In fact, she has already seen that Lei Dao is really not the son of a certain Emperor Sect.

Otherwise, there will definitely be some news among the Nine Emperor Sects about this amazingly talented emperor, and it is impossible for such a top emperor to appear without saying a word.

That's simply not possible.

If it is not the emperor's son, but has such terrifying strength. With the cultivation base of the fourth level of the Holy Physique, and against the fifth level of the Holy Physique, he is still as powerful as the Son of the Immortal Emperor.

This level of talent is unimaginable.

Even, has the appearance of a great emperor!

The fairy emperor's heart was shaken, so instead of hysterical anger, there was only admiration. They are even willing to "remind" Lei Dao that his current situation is not a second.

Even if Emperor Xianling is defeated, the fate of Jiugonghou Kingdom and Shangyanghou Kingdom cannot be avoided.

That was the place Nanyun King was staring at, no matter how strong Lei Dao was, there was nothing he could do about it.

Going back this time, the next time the King of Nanyun sends out a holy statue, I'm afraid it won't be the fifth-level holy body, and it may even be the sixth-level or even seventh-level holy body!

The seven layers of the Eucharist are comparable to the Lord of the Principality!

Lei Dao's heart sank, and the reminder from the Immortal Emperor made him understand that his current situation is indeed not very good. The entire Xihe Dynasty was about to fall into turmoil.

Countless forces are looking for backing, alliances, and ways to survive.

Loose cultivators like Lei Dao, in Xi He's court, are actually precarious and very dangerous.

Even in the Marquis and the Principality, everyone is at risk.

Of course, Lei Dao can also seek refuge with King Nanyun or Dongji King, but under the hands of these strong men, Lei Dao may only charge forward and cannot even escape when encountering danger.

The harvest is very little.

Even if they took refuge in those Holy Lands and Emperor Sects, and hadn't stayed in the Holy Lands and Emperor Sects since they were young, the Holy Lands and Emperor Sects would never fully trust them, and they would never be able to use their various resources.

"It's hard!"

Lei Dao knows that this is the difficulty in troubled times.

There is no doubt that the Xihe Dynasty is about to enter a troubled world.


Lei Dao turned around and looked at Emperor Jinbo behind him.

He has not forgotten the emperor Jinbo, after all, the other party is also the emperor's son, and Lei Dao is not arrogant enough to ignore a five-layered emperor.

"Emperor Jinbo is here, but under the orders of the King of the Eastern Extremes, to kill Lei?"

Of course Lei Dao knew that Emperor Jinbo belonged to the East Extreme King, and Marquis Jiugong had already explained the origin of Emperor Jinbo through sound transmission.

Emperor Jinbo was shocked.

He was stared at by Lei Dao, and his heart was a little hairy, and he was even afraid that Lei Dao would directly attack him and kill him.

He is clear that Lei Dao has the strength to kill the emperor's son!

"No, Lei Shengzun misunderstood. This time I did not come to kill Lei Shengzun under the order of Dongji King, but just to investigate. Is Lei Shengzun the emperor's son? Or, is there any emperor involved here? ?”

Emperor Jin Bo hurriedly explained that although he had the intention to kill Lei Dao before, how dare he say it now?

"Oh? Then how does Emperor Jinbo plan to report to Dongji King?"

Lei Dao asked meaningfully.

As soon as the thoughts in Jinbo's mind changed, he immediately understood Lei Dao's meaning, so he calmed down and said in a deep voice: "The Nine Palaces has been infiltrated by King Nanyun. Even King Nanyun personally sent experts to come, Even the Immortal Emperor Son of the Feixian Emperor Sect got involved. I lost to the Immortal Emperor Sect, so I had to return."

Lei Dao nodded, and said with a smile: "That's right, King Nanyun is powerful, I believe King Dongji will weigh it up. Well, please come back, Prince Jinbo."

Emperor Jin Bo hurriedly cupped his hands, and then quickly left Jiugong City with his people, for fear that Lei Dao would go back on his word.

"Hey, it's a troublesome time. If there is one less trouble, it will be one less trouble. A Nanyun King is already difficult to deal with, let alone a Dongji King?"

Lei Dao let out a long sigh.

He let Emperor Jinbo go back, and his purpose was very clear.

He didn't want to deal with the forces of King Dongji and King Nanyun at the same time.

When Emperor Jinbo went back to report this, King Dongji would naturally consider whether a large-scale conflict broke out with King Nanyun right now?

In this situation, unless Dongji King is stupid, otherwise, he will never break out a large-scale conflict with Nanyun King for the sake of a few vassal states.

However, even without King Dongji and King Nanyun, how would Lei Dao deal with it?

ps: The third update is at night

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