Longevity Species

Chapter 483 Why? (Second more)

"Holy Venerable Huangyan, don't underestimate it. Although the Holy Venerables of the Baihou League are not worth mentioning, the holy treasures in their hands were refined by the God of Xihe at the beginning, and they possess incredible abilities. There used to be nine layers of holy land The ancestors have all been killed by these holy treasure towns, so we have to be more careful."

There was a saint who reminded Huangyan.

Don't think that all the saints outside the holy land can be crushed to death easily, it's not worth mentioning. Even if these saints are not worth mentioning, there are still holy treasures refined by the God of Xihe.

When the God of Xihe was mentioned, Holy Venerable Huangyan's expression became serious.

The god of Xihe has a great reputation and is the supreme god!

With his own strength, he suppressed the thirty-six great holy places and the nine great emperor sects of ancient Shenzhou without daring to move. That is because the God of Xihe established the Xihe Dynasty, two gods were born one after another in the future, and two more god dynasties were established.

In the end, the three divine dynasties will completely suppress the ancient Shenzhou!

Even though the God of Xihe suppressed the Nine Great Emperor Sects at the beginning, the members of the Nine Great Emperor Sects and the Thirty-Six Holy Lands were still full of respect for the God of Xihe.

"The God of Xihe has a great reputation, so he is naturally extraordinary. Even the people of the Xihe Dynasty are also very strong. Some of the sons of the God Dynasty are truly the favored sons of heaven, stronger than the sons of the Nine Great Emperor Sects! But that is the royal family of the Shen Dynasty, how can these mere lords of the Marquis country compare? Let's go, no matter whether the people of the Baihou League resist or not, today, we will destroy the Baihou League and hand over the holy treasure to Liuli Gong. Show our sincerity!"

Lord Huangyan has such confidence.

After all, their lineup is quite strong this time.

Two saints of the sixfold holy body, three holy saints of the fivefold holy body.

Such a lineup can sweep any kingdom.

Under the seventh layer of the Eucharist, it is almost invincible!

It is no wonder that Huangyan Shengzun has such self-confidence, and indeed has such confidence.

Thus, a group of five people directly manifested the Eucharist.


The holy body manifested, and the thousand-foot-high holy body stretched across the void, directly surrounding the entire Shangyang City.

"Shangyang Yunchuan, come out. Do you really want us to destroy the entire Shangyang City before you show up?"

As soon as God Lord Huangyan opened his mouth, six sacred bodies with hundreds of feet in length spoke at the same time.

Suddenly, the voice was mighty, echoing throughout Shangyang City.

In Shangyang City, in the main hall of the headquarters of the Baihou League.

A total of twelve lords of the kingdom gathered together.

All of a sudden, five terrifying coercions descended instantly, covering the entire sky of Shangyang City.

"They are coming!"

"The Marquis knows them. They are the Holy Venerable Huangyan and the Holy Moon of the Desolate Abyss Holy Land. Both of them are dignified saints of the sixth level of the Eucharist, even if they are only one step away from the giants of the seventh level of the Eucharist. .”

"The news is reliable. The Holy Land of the Desolate Abyss is ready to cooperate with Duke Liuli. This is to attack us from the Hundred Marquis Alliance."

"Two saints with six layers of holy body, what shall we do?"

All the saints became worried, making the whole hall very noisy.

At this time, it really showed the "rabble" attribute of the Baihou League.

When you encounter trouble or danger, you can count on me and I can count on you. No one has any ideas. Moreover, the entire Baihou League has no cohesion.

The real cohesion lies in Lei Dao.

Even though Lei Dao is not here, some people still think of Lei Dao immediately. It's a pity that Lei Dao will never return to Shangyang City.

In other words, this crisis can only be resisted by them!


Shang Yang Yunchuan immediately shouted when he saw the messy hall.

The whole hall immediately fell silent.

Although Shangyang Yunchuan is only at the first level of the Eucharist, maybe he will soon reach the second level of the Eucharist, Shangyang Yunchuan's talent is not bad, and now he has resources such as elixir, he only needs to be able to fuse the Eucharist.

Therefore, the Eucharistic Double is not far away.

But whether it is the first stage of the Eucharist or the second stage of the Eucharist, there is actually no difference. Even if it is the fourth layer of the holy body, it is the same in the eyes of these holy ancestors.

What really made them "face up" to Shangyang Yunchuan was Baihouyin!

There are a total of seventeen Baihou seals, but now Shang Yang Yunchuan is in charge. Although on the surface, any lord of a Hou country has the imprint of Baihou Seal.

But one or two lords of the Marquis alone cannot shake Baihou Yin.

Shangyang Yunchuan, who is in charge of Baihouyin, is the strongest existence in one-on-one, and he is far beyond the lords of these princes.

After all, these strongest lords or patriarchs of the kingdom are only the fourth layer of the holy body.

As for Shangyang Yunchuan, who is in charge of Baihou Yin, in Shangyang City, or other Marquis states, as long as it is within the sphere of influence of the Baihou League, Shangyang Yunchuan, who can obtain a steady stream of power of faith, can even be comparable to the Six Lords of the Eucharist. Re-Peak Saint Venerable!

This refers to combat power.

Therefore, following Shangyang Yunchuan's cold snort, the hall completely fell silent, and everyone turned their attention to Shangyang Yunchuan.

"Printholder, what do you think should be done now?"

One of the Lords of the Hou Kingdom asked.

"what to do?"

Shangyang Yunchuan thought it was a bit funny, he glanced at the sacred body in the void, and sneered: "We have already surrounded Shangyang City, and they are eyeing Shangyang City, this is to destroy us completely, What else can we do now? Of course it’s a fight! As long as we survive, the Baihou League will rise completely, and no one should underestimate it, and it will even develop at a rapid pace.”

"But what if you can't make it?"

"If you can't survive, you can only die! Didn't you think that you would be in danger when you joined the Baihou League? How is that possible? Troubled times are approaching, and it is impossible to practice quietly without working hard! Besides, we also It's not that there is no chance of winning. Lei Shengzun will not leave for a long time, and he will definitely bring back the eighteenth or even the nineteenth lord of the kingdom in the shortest possible time. At that time, another holy treasure will be integrated into the hundred Among the waiting seals, the hundred waiting seals can transform, and there is no problem at all with being comparable to the giants of the seventh layer of the Eucharist!"

After Shang Yang Yunchuan's words fell, the others also started discussing.

Yes, as long as it survives, the development of the Baihou League will be able to progress by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, Lei Shengzun will try his best to come back.

They still have a chance.

And, more importantly, although the current Baihou League seems to be a mess and a mob, the power of Baihou Yin is real and there is no discount.

That is truly comparable to the peak of the sixth level of the Eucharist!

Of course, the two peak saints of the sixth level of the holy body came to the holy land of the wild abyss, and perhaps the seal of Baihou would still be suppressed. But don't forget, this is Shangyang City, and they are supported by a steady stream of faith.

As long as you hold on, there is hope for everything.

Seeing that many saints have calmed down, and even had a fighting spirit in their hearts, Shangyang Yunchuan nodded in satisfaction and said: "It seems that you have already thought it through clearly. You all have to do your best.”

Shangyang Yunchuan knew that it was useless to talk too much.

Once the Baihou League is over, then everyone is over. The Liuli Guild allows them, the masters of the holy treasure, to live? No kidding, it's just not possible.

They were alive, how could Duke Liuli integrate so many holy treasures into his Holy Treasures of the Duke of Liuli?

"Then let's fight!"

The lords of the twelve kingdoms have already made up their minds.

So, Shangyang Yunchuan nodded, stood up directly, and took the entire Shangyang city's saints, stepping into the void.



The Saints of Huangyan and Saints of Huangyue have already manifested the holy bodies. The five great saints have a total of twenty-seven holy bodies.

But all of a sudden, the hearts of the five great saints jumped, as if they felt something was wrong.

There was a faint heavy force that enveloped all of them.

"The power of faith?"

Huang Yan Shengzun seemed to have thought of something, his eyes were fixed, and he suddenly looked down at Shangyang City below.

At this moment, dozens of figures flew out of Shangyang City, and all of them were saints!

Not one or two, but dozens of saints!

The leaders are the lords of the twelve kingdoms including Shang Yang Yunchuan, that is, the saints who have the opportunity to become the palm seal.


The next moment, all these dozens of saints manifested the holy body. There are hundreds of holy bodies manifested, hundreds of thousands of holy bodies manifested, how amazing is that kind of momentum?

Even Huangyan Shengzun and others were shocked.

It is not common to see so many saints.

Although many of them are Saints of the first level of the Holy Body, but the number is too large, at least on the surface, the momentum is also very amazing.

This is the reason why the Baihou League was indifferent to the "entry" of Huangyan Shengzun and others during this period of time.

Shangyang Yunchuan is gathering all the saints of the Baihou League.

Hundred Marquis League, there are now seventeen Marquis countries joining.

It's impossible for every Marquis to have only one or two saints?

Therefore, the number of saints gathered in the seventeen kingdoms in a short period of time has exceeded fifty!

And, it's still too short a time.

If it takes a little longer, counting all the guests in the Hou Kingdom, it will be easy for the seventeen Hou Kingdoms and hundreds of sages.

However, battles are not won by numbers.

Lord Huangyan sneered and said, "What's the use of having more numbers? It's just a mob. Shangyang Yunchuan, I'll give you a chance to hand over the holy treasure of the Hundred Marquis Seal, and then hand over the Hundred Marquis League Ten If the seven kingdoms are completely merged into Duke Liuli's command, then your clansmen may still be preserved, otherwise..."

Holy Venerable Huang Yan didn't say "otherwise", but the meaning couldn't be more clear.

"What a big tone, you are not qualified enough to want us to join you! Let Liuli Gong come, maybe there is still talk."

Shang Yang Yunchuan stood with his hands behind his back, his tone neither humble nor overbearing.

As for Mr. Liu Li really coming?

That's just a talk.

Shangyang Yunchuan was just looking for an excuse to refuse, just to delay time.

He knew that since the five sages of the Huangyuan Holy Land came to Shangyang City today, they were destined to be unkind.

Holy Venerable Huangyan took a deep breath, his eyes were like knives, he stared at Shangyang Yunchuan firmly, as if he wanted to cut Shangyang Yunchuan into countless pieces.

"We are not qualified? Why? Is it just because of the Hundred-Hour Seal in your hand?"

In the next moment, the six holy bodies of the Holy Lord Huangyan punched fiercely towards the void.

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