Longevity Species

Chapter 493: Elixir News! (first update)

Dongji Kingdom, in the palace hall.

Dongji King just got the news about Baihou League, which made Dongji King a little surprised.

"The Hundred Marquis League defeated Duke Liuli?"

Dongji King didn't pay much attention to the Hundred Marquis League at first, although he asked Emperor Dongbo to pay attention to the Baihou League and Lei Dao at all times, but in fact, the Dongji King did not pay attention to the Baihou League, let alone Lei Dao.

What really made him afraid, or in other words, valued was King Nanyun!

However, now I know that the Baihou League defeated Liuli Gong, and it was not by Lei Dao, but the Baihou Yin, the holy treasure fused by the Baihou League, that defeated Liuli Gong.

There is no doubt that Baihouyin must have stepped into the seventh layer of the Eucharist.

Now the Hundred Marquis League is no longer at the mercy of others, but possesses the seventh level combat power of the Eucharist!

"Emperor Jin Bo, you don't need to pay attention to the Hundred Marquis League from now on. Now that the Hundred Marquis League has become powerful, if you want to win the Hundred Marquis League, it will have too much impact and consume too much. It is better to take down more principalities around you."

Dongji King said to Emperor Jinbo.

Originally, the Baihou League was a little far away from the East Extreme King and did not border on it. If Dongji King forcibly annexed the Baihou League, the price he would pay would be too high, and the gains would outweigh the losses.

Now that the Baihou League has become a climate, it is no longer at the mercy of others, and the East Extreme King naturally knows what to choose.

But Emperor Jinbo was obviously not reconciled, he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty the King of the East Extremes, can you just let the Hundred Marquis Alliance like this? Originally, the core of the Hundred Marquis Alliance, the Nine Palaces and the Shangyang Marquis, should actually belong to His Majesty sphere of influence."

At the beginning, Jiugonghou State wanted to annex Shangyanghou State, and Jiugonghou State was supported by Dongji King. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that the East Extreme King had the opportunity to control the core of the Baihou League.

Dongji King shook his head and said: "It is different from the past. The Hundred Marquis League has become a major force, and it is not inferior to a principality. If you want to go far away to deal with the Baihou League, the gain is not worth the loss. Moreover, there will be someone more serious about this matter." I have a headache, but it's not this king. I'd better let King Nanyun have a headache."

Dongji King has made up his mind.

Strictly speaking, the Baihou League is actually adjacent to the Nanyun King's sphere of influence. Even if it wants to deal with the Baihou League, it is the Nanyun King who will take action against it, not the Dongji King.

If King Dongji really paid a huge price and forcibly annexed the Baihou League, then King Nanyun would definitely not sit still and would make fierce opposition.

Dongji King would not do such a thankless task.

Therefore, Dongji King simply gave up the Baihou League first, and let Nanyun King have a headache.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Although Emperor Jinbo was not reconciled, he still had to obey the order of Dongji King, so he could only hide his unwillingness deep in his heart.


King Nanyun, in the main hall of the palace.

As King Dongji expected, King Nanyun was indeed having a headache.

The Baihou League is adjacent to the King of Nanyun, and the King of Nanyun knew about the fact that the Baihou League had repelled Duke Liuli. But he also had a headache. When the Baihoumeng was weak, the Immortal Emperor could not win the Baihoumeng.

Now that the Baihoumeng has gained momentum, how much will it cost to take down the Baihoumeng?

At least, sending one or two Saints of the Seventh Stage of the Eucharist will definitely not work.

If you really want to be absolutely sure, you must send the eight-layered saint of the Eucharist!

But the eighth-fold holy body is a powerful holy body second only to the ninth-level holy body. Under the command of King Nanyun, he is also the absolute core and confidant.

Every Eighth Saint of the Holy Physique under King Nanyun has a very important matter. Even helping King Nanyun to expand around, it is very difficult to recruit an Eighth Saint of the Holy Physique.

Unless the King of Nanyun personally takes action, otherwise, the King of Nanyun really can't help the Baihou League now.

"Son of the Immortal Emperor."

King Nanyun looked at the Immortal Emperor, and suddenly spoke.

"Your Majesty, please tell me something."

The fairy emperor said respectfully.

King Nanyun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Son of Immortal Emperor, the situation is changing more and more, and there are fewer and fewer powerful saints under my command. Naturally, you Feixian Emperor Sect will have to fight with this king. If you want to cooperate, then of course you have to show sincerity! Just you guys are not enough, this king needs a more powerful sage."

"Strong man! What this king needs now is the support of a strong man above the seventh level of the Eucharist!"

This is the request of King Nanyun.


The Seventh Layer of the Eucharist!

The number of strong men under King Nanyun's command is already very small, and they are so stretched that they are unable to expand rapidly at all. King Nanyun couldn't do it himself at will.

After all, he is one of the six kings!

Although there are undercurrents surging now, there is still no chaos in the world after all. The Xihe Dynasty still has a certain strength. It cannot suppress the six kings, but it is still easy to suppress one of the six kings alone.

At this time, whoever jumps out first may encounter a major blow from the Xihe Dynasty.

Therefore, the six kings are very clear that now is definitely not the time for them to go off in person, and they have to wait a little longer. What's more, the status of the six kings is special, not only Xihe Shenchao is paying attention.

In fact, the Thirty-Six Holy Lands and the Nine Emperor Sects are all paying attention to the Six Kings.

After all, the Six Kings are the pillars of the Xihe Dynasty, and the Six Kings did not make a move. In fact, no one knows how strong they are. But once he made a move, it would be regarded as exposing his hole cards.

For the Six Kings, it is necessary to remain mysterious.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, or until the Xihe Dynasty had completely collapsed, the Six Kings would not personally act.

When the Six Kings cannot take action in person, the number of strong men under their command is very important.

This is the real reason why King Nanyun put pressure on Emperor Xianling.

He just needs a strong man!

A large number of strong men are needed, and only Emperor Zong can provide such support to King Nanyun.

The Immortal Emperor was silent for a while, before finally nodding his head and saying, "I will immediately send the news to Emperor Zong for His Majesty Nanyun's request. I believe Emperor Zong will reply soon."

King Nanyun nodded: "I hope so."

After all, King Nanyun closed his eyes again. Obviously, King Nanyun was not going to deal with the Hundred Marquis League before the arrival of the powerful Flying Immortal Emperor Sect.


Time flies, and the Baihou League becomes famous in one battle!

Since the defeat of Liuli Gong, some holy venerables have heard the news, and some even actively joined the Baihou League. Of course, these saints are not too strong, at most they are at the second level of the Eucharist.

For the current Baihou League, it is nothing at all.

However, it is the lords of the lords who are most affected by this incident, especially those lords of the lords who are precarious and feel that they are very insecure.

There is an undercurrent in the entire Xihe Dynasty, and it's not just an undercurrent. For example, King Dongji and King Nanyun are rapidly expanding their power. All the neighboring countries were quickly annexed, and there was no resistance at all.

Therefore, the lords of these princes have become more and more unstable, feeling that they are in danger at any time. Many lords of the Marquis Kingdom simply came from thousands of miles away, and they even came with the Holy Treasure on their own initiative, asking to join the Hundred Marquis League.

The Hundred Marquis League naturally does not reject anyone who comes.

Even though the lords of these princely states are actually in a very difficult situation, and they may face the forces of some duchies or even kingdoms at any time, the Hundred Marquis League is not afraid.

The current Baihou League is not at the mercy of others.

Especially after the continuous integration of the Holy Treasure, the Baihou Seal became even more powerful.

The fusion of eighteen holy treasures is already comparable to the small giant with the seventh layer of the holy body. What about twenty or thirty holy treasures?

Therefore, now the Baihou League has to grasp almost everything to strengthen itself.

In just one month, Baihou League defeated Liuli Gong, and its influence has reached its peak. There are five lords of the Marquis Kingdom who voluntarily joined the Hundred Marquis League.

Therefore, after Baihou Yin fused five holy treasures, making a total of twenty-three holy treasures, its power also climbed to an extremely terrifying level.

Even, if Duke Liuli comes again next time, it will not be as simple as just defeating him.

However, none of these seem to have much to do with Lei Dao.

Lei Dao only needs a 50,000-year panacea.

Unfortunately, so far it has not been able to do so.

Lei Dao is now only the fourth-level Saint of the Holy Body, even if there is a clone of the fifth stage of the sacred blood, there is still a long way to go from the seventh level of the Holy Body.

Lei Dao really wanted to advance, but he couldn't do anything without the 50,000-year elixir.

On this day, Shangyang Yunchuan suddenly came in front of Lei Dao.

"Lei Shengzun, there is a piece of news that Lei Shengzun should need."

Shangyang Yunchuan is becoming more and more majestic now, even though his own cultivation level is not high, but now he is the palm sealer of Baihou seal, this status is no small matter.

It is comparable to the little giant of the Seventh Layer of the Eucharist!

In the entire Baihou League, Shangyang Yunchuan, who is currently in charge of Baihouyin, is the well-deserved number one powerhouse!

"Oh? What's the good news?"

Lei Dao raised his head and looked at Shangyang Yunchuan suspiciously.

"News about the 50,000-year panacea!"


Lei Dao was startled suddenly, and then a bright light appeared in his eyes.

Fifty thousand year panacea!

This is what Lei Dao has been looking forward to for a long time, and even urgently needs.

But there has been no news.

We all know that those dukes may have it, but so what?

Even if it is the current Hundred Marquis League, even if Shangyang Yunchuan personally takes action, it is almost impossible to defeat a duke in the other party's principality.

They may even be suppressed!

The power of faith of all living beings in a principality is also quite terrifying.

Whether there is a holy treasure, the gap is too big.

But whether the Holy Treasure can absorb the power of the faith of all beings, the gap is even greater.

If Lord Liuli was in the Baihou League, then Shangyang Yunchuan even felt that he could suppress Lord Liuli, even if he couldn't, it would not be a problem to easily defeat Lord Liuli.

But vice versa, Shang Yang Yunchuan would be easily suppressed in Liuli Palace.

Since it is impossible to forcibly seize the 50,000-year elixir from the Duke's hands, we can only collect information slowly. However, how can it be so easy to find a 50,000-year panacea?

Back then, the Patriarch Jiugong searched for a long time and spent a lot of painstaking effort, and finally found a 50,000-year-old elixir.

It is even more difficult for Lei Dao to find a 50,000-year-old panacea in a short period of time.

"Yes, it is a 50,000-year elixir, and it is a 50,000-year elixir that is expected!"

A smile appeared on Shangyang Yunchuan's face.

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