Longevity Species

Chapter 498: The Elixir Is Ripe! (first update)

One day, two days, three days...

Lei Dao sat in the bone field, and as time went by, he clearly sensed that there were more strange spiritual thoughts around him. Even though he had used the Eucharist to frighten him before, but this time, these saints who were spying secretly were no longer the second or third layer of the Eucharist, but the fourth layer of the Eucharist!

At least they are all fourfold Saints of the Eucharist!

There's even a fivefold Saint of the Eucharist!

This is also the mighty saint that even Bai Huahou can't do anything about, but now there is a trace, and the purpose is naturally the 50,000-year-old elixir that is about to mature.

"Lei Shengzun."

At this time, Bai Huahou couldn't sit still anymore, and also came to the bone land.

It has been three or four days since Lei Dao was sitting in the corpse field. Obviously, the 50,000-year-old elixir is about to mature. Now in the entire Baihuahou Kingdom, the hidden sages are almost all focused on it. bone land.

Although not all the saints will show up, those saints are using various methods to spy on the 50,000-year-old elixir in the bone ground.

Even Lei Dao can be sure that those saints know no less than him.

Perhaps, at the moment when the 50,000-year panacea matures, all the saints will emerge.

Bai Huahou also clearly sensed a faint oppressive atmosphere near the corpse site, so he seemed very uneasy.

"Lei Shengzun, the news has already been spread. In just a few days, those saints have already arrived at the place of bones. I'm afraid..."

Bai Huahou didn't finish his words, but there was no doubt that Bai Huahou also had no confidence in Lei Dao. After all, in the face of so many sages, they are staring at each other.

There is also the Holy One spying in the dark.

Can Lei Dao alone suppress all the saints?

Lei Dao didn't speak, didn't even respond.

It's useless to say more about this kind of thing, you still have to fight to know.


Suddenly, Lei Dao raised his eyes and looked at the 50,000-year-old elixir plant in the bone field.

At this moment, the energy of this 50,000-year-old panacea is surging, and it can be seen at a glance. The terrifying energy even begins to dissipate, and even the large array cannot cover up that terrifying fluctuation.

Therefore, the 50,000-year-old elixir has matured, and the commotion is too great, and many holy venerables can know it at a glance.

"The elixir is ripe!"

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, and immediately, he stepped towards the 50,000-year-old elixir almost immediately.


Outside the bones, a black-robed saint sat quietly cross-legged in the void.

He was sitting cross-legged in the void by himself, but many saints seemed to ignore this figure, and no one cared at all.


As the 50,000-year elixir matured, the terrifying energy caused the entire void to vibrate.

Immediately, the man in black opened his eyes abruptly.


A strange light flashed in the eyes of the man in black.

"It has finally matured. It is difficult to find a 50,000-year-old elixir in other places. But in the corpse field, 50,000-year-old elixir has matured. Even though there is only one plant, it is enough."

There was a hint of excitement in the black-robed man's tone, obviously, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.


"Has the 50,000-year panacea matured?"

A saint dressed in a Chinese robe looked at the sky above the Bone Land in surprise. The terrifying energy fluctuations were unmistakable, that is, the elixir of the Bone Land had matured.

Otherwise, there would be no such fluctuations.

"This time, the 50,000-year-old elixir is ripe, and the Baihuahou country is very lively. However, Baihuahou joined the Baihou League, and the Lei Shengzun who invited here has a great reputation. Maybe, this time, the 50,000-year-old spirit The drug war will be quite interesting."

This is a saint with five layers of the Eucharist. He competed for this 50,000-year elixir. Although he didn't need it himself, he could give it to other saints. After all, once he had a 50,000-year elixir, as long as the timing was right, he could become a five-layer holy venerable!

Opportunities like this are rare. Since there is an opportunity to compete for the 50,000-year elixir, how can they let it go?


In the corpse field, Lei Dao watched the 50,000-year-old elixir ripen, and he no longer cared about the surrounding situation. In his eyes, there was only this 50,000-year-old elixir!

As for the surrounding situation, it has nothing to do with Lei Dao!

"Hahaha", this elixir belongs to the old man!

Suddenly, a burst of laughter echoed over the corpse field.

In the bone field, a lean old man appeared at some point, and his eyes were fixed on the 50,000-year-old elixir in the bone field.

At this moment, the 50,000-year-old elixir was about to mature, but Lei Dao took a step ahead and approached the elixir.

"Lei Shengzun, leave this elixir!"

The origin of this thin old man is unknown, but the breath on his body is extremely terrifying.

He immediately manifested the Eucharist, a total of four Holy Physiques, obviously, they are the peak saints of the fourth level of the Eucharist!

On Lei Daoming's face, it was only the fourth-fold saint of the Eucharist. Although there is an extra clone, in the eyes of those saints, Lei Dao is still only the fourth-level saint of the holy body.

Even if Lei Dao is very strong.

But which one of these saints who coveted the 50,000-year elixir is not strong? They also have self-confidence, even if they lose to Lei Dao, they will never be wrong to save their lives.

If one or two holy bodies can be used to obtain the 50,000-year elixir, then it is not hesitating.

Therefore, this Holy One made a move, and he went all out when he did it, and even the four holy bodies were blazing, and the power of the holy body was exerted to the extreme.

Even super-level performance!

This is desperate!

For a 50,000-year-old elixir, directly burn the holy body.

Even if there is no opponent, after burning the Eucharist, the Eucharist will suffer heavy losses, and it will take a long time to recover, and even damage the foundation, making it impossible to fully recover.

Seeing this scene, Lei Dao didn't even move at all, even though the four holy bodies of the thin old man rushed towards him, Lei Dao still flew towards the 50,000-year elixir.


At this moment, a big mountain appeared in the void, a heavy mountain, which fell directly from the sky and smashed hard to the area in front of Lei Dao.

This is not to smash Lei Dao to death, but to block Lei Dao's way.

Afterwards, a big hand quickly grabbed the 50,000-year-old elixir below, at a speed faster than Lei Dao's.

Obviously, he could get ahead of Lei Dao and get the 50,000-year elixir first.

"court death!"

Lei Dao was very angry.

This 50,000-year-old elixir is very crucial to whether he can quickly advance to the fifth level of the Eucharist. Now there is no one in front of him, blatantly and brazenly snatching the 50,000-year elixir.

what does that mean?

This means provocation, very serious provocation!

Lei Dao is far from reaching the realm of taking everything lightly, he needs a 50,000-year elixir!

Whoever dares to snatch the 50,000-year elixir will die!


In the next moment, Lei Dao didn't hesitate any longer, and all four holy blood avatars with the fifth stage of divine blood also manifested. The five bodies of thousands of feet stretched across the void.

The terrifying aura seemed to freeze the void.

The invisible aura is like a big net, covering the entire void, and all the saints who feel this aura feel as if a huge stone is pressing on their hearts, which is very heavy.

However, momentum is just momentum.

Even if it can make the other party frightened, it can't prevent the other party from snatching the 50,000-year elixir.

"God's Eye Domain!"

The next moment, the scarlet eyes on the forehead of Lei Dao's divine eye avatar suddenly opened. Immediately, the rich scarlet light quickly gathered into a field of divine eyes, which expanded in all directions almost in the blink of an eye, covering the mature 50,000-year-old elixir in it.

The huge mountain that just fell from the sky, as well as the protruding hand, seemed to be frozen at this moment, motionless.

This is the field of divine eyes!

In the field of God's Eye, it can be accelerated, and of course it can also be decelerated.

When decelerating to the extreme, it is almost indistinguishable from standing still.

That giant hand still seems to want to struggle, but once it enters the domain of God's Eye, unless it is powerful enough to forcibly tear the domain of God's Eye, otherwise, it can only be manipulated by the domain of God's Eye.

The giant mountain was still trembling slightly, but it didn't have any effect. This giant mountain is obviously a holy treasure, and even the holy body of the fourth-fold peak saint can't withstand the suppression of this huge mountain.

But in the face of the God's Eye field, it still has no effect.

Lei Dao ignored the giant mountain and the big hand, but continued to fly towards the 50,000-year-old elixir. He was already very close to the elixir, and he could even reach it with his hand.


I don't know when, many saints have appeared in the sky above the bones, and even dozens of holy bodies have appeared densely. Every holy body exudes a terrifying aura.

At least they are all fourfold Saints of the Eucharist!

Apparently, those venerables who were secretly spying on the bones and coveting the 50,000-year-old elixir all chose to act at this moment. After all, the 50,000-year elixir has matured, and if they don't do it at this moment, they will have no chance.

"So many saints..."

Bai Huahou's face turned pale. She had speculated and estimated before, maybe she also knew something in her heart, knowing that there are many saints who covet the 50,000-year-old elixir.

But how many there are, in fact, Bai Huahou doesn't have an intuitive concept deep in his heart.

And now, Bai Huahou witnessed this scene with his own eyes. In the void, densely packed holy bodies all showed the number of saints who coveted the 50,000-year-old elixir.

With so many saints, Bai Huahou couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

Fortunately, she decided to join the Baihou League, and even came to the Baihuahou Kingdom with Lei Shengzun. Otherwise, what would she do to resist this scene?

It's simply impossible!

I'm afraid that in the end, I can only watch the elixir being robbed.

But, facing so many saints, what can Lei Dao do?

"Caught it!"

Lei Dao grabbed it with his big hand, and finally, without any accidents, the field of divine eyes enveloped this area, and Lei Dao's speed was the fastest. He finally got his wish and obtained this mature 50,000-year-old elixir.

The elixir is finally here!


Lei Dao put the elixir into his arms, and at this moment, he raised his head and looked into the void.

The sky above the corpse field is densely packed, all of which are holy bodies!

ps: After the examination, I will wait for the hospital to call to make an appointment for surgery, so it can be updated stably during this period. Today's third update will make up for yesterday's owed updates.

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