Longevity Species

Chapter 813 How can there be three king gods and demons? (third change)

The Black Fang tribe is just a small tribe, and the number of people in the tribe is only a thousand people. The tribe has more than a thousand people, and it belongs to a small tribe among small tribes.

It is simply a miracle that such a tribe can give birth to two kings, gods and demons.

Of course, this must be supported by the background of the Black Fang Tribe, otherwise, it would be impossible to give birth to the King of Gods and Demons.

"Grand Master Yuhua, how are you going to lure the two king gods and demons from the Black Fang Tribe?"

Lei Dao asked Master Yuhua.

"It's very simple, just make a big noise."

"Big movement? What is big movement?"

"Master Lei, I know you are a principled person. Killing wantonly causes chaos. It's too low-level, and I won't do it. However, killing is not the only way to make a big commotion."

Great Senior Yuhua took a deep breath, and the next moment, she manifested a divine body.


The divine body of Yuhua Dazun is like a huge water flow. The giant formed by the water flow is mighty and mighty across the void. At the same time, infinite water seems to gather around it, faintly overwhelming the entire Black Fang tribe. shrouded in it.

This is to set off a big flood and directly drown the Black Fang tribe!

"This is the big news! I don't believe that the king gods and demons of the Black Fang tribe can still sit still?"

Great Zun Yuhua had just gathered infinite water potential, and there was a reaction in the Black Fang tribe immediately.

"Extraterritorial demon, court death!"

A roar came from the Black Fang Tribe, and immediately after, a huge demon stepped out of the air and flew towards the direction of Master Yuhua and Lei Dao. Go straight to Great Monarch Yuhua.


Great Senior Yuhua retreated immediately. Her mission was only to lure out the ruler of the Black Fang Tribe. Now that her goal had been achieved, she would naturally choose to retreat, and then kept pestering her, thereby holding back a king god and demon.


Lei Dao also retreated quickly, the target of the King Feng Shenmo was Lord Yuhua, and he didn't care about Lei Dao.

However, Lei Dao discovered that the Black Fang Tribe had only dispatched one king-conferring god and demon, and the other king-conferring god and demon had not moved. Obviously, Lei Dao had to find a way to lure it out.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao took a deep breath, and immediately manifested the Kunpeng divine body.


Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body expanded rapidly, straddling the void mightily, exuding a terrifying aura.

However, in the next moment, three figures flew out from the Black Fang Tribe. They were also three gods and demons, but they were only top gods and demons, and they had not reached the level of becoming a king.

"Is this because you look down on me? Or, do you think I'm not qualified enough to let the gods and demons do it?"

Lei Dao's face darkened.

His task is to attract at least one king god and devil, and then delay for a quarter of an hour. Now there are only three top gods and demons, and the king seal god and demon has not been dispatched at all. How can this be done?

And, no harm without contrast.

As soon as Great Zun Yuhua made a move just now, he attracted a king-sealing god and demon to do it.

"Is it because I'm not cruel enough? Or not majestic enough?"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he felt that he had to put a little pressure on the Black Fang Tribe, otherwise he would really underestimate him, what if the last king god was really indifferent?

Wouldn't he be able to complete the task?

What's more, if there is a delay, it will be difficult for Great Master Yunhai to do anything.

"Alright, Lei feels that he has no opponent at the level of the great master. I don't know if the gods and demons of the ancient continent can block Lei's punch?"

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, looking coldly at the three gods and demons of the Black Fang tribe.


The three gods and demons roared angrily, and then they started together, rushing directly towards Lei Dao.

Suddenly, Lei Dao felt a pressure, but that's all. This little pressure didn't even make Lei Dao feel too dangerous.

The twenty worlds in Lei Dao's body exploded even more violently, and the violent power of the world detonated instantly. Even the Kunpeng Divine Body, which has reached the perfection of Lei Dao, seemed unable to withstand the impact.


The void seemed to be shaking.

The eruption of Lei Dao's power in the world was the most ferocious eruption. With a punch, phantoms of worlds seemed to appear above Lei Dao's head.


The three top gods and demons of the Black Fang Tribe were only one step away from becoming the king, but when they faced Lei Dao's punch, they were as if they were paper, and were easily pulverized by Lei Dao's punch.

Lei Dao, kill the three top gods and demons of the Black Fang tribe with one punch!

"The gods and demons in the ancient continent are nothing more than that!"

Lei Dao's tone was cold, he stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes looked down on all living beings, as if he was invincible!

At this moment, no matter if it was the Black Fang Tribe, Grand Master Yunhai who was secretly observing the movement, or even Grand Master Yuhua who was holding back the god and demon, they all felt a little unbelievable and were shocked.

Raido what is this for?

They just asked Lei Dao to hold back a god and demon, but what about Lei Dao?

He simply punched and killed the three top gods and demons.

This is the top demon of the Black Fang tribe, the strongest existence below the king. Even if it is any one of the great masters of Yunhai, it is absolutely impossible to kill the three top gods and demons with one punch.

But Lei Dao did it!

"We seem to have underestimated this Great Master Lei!"

"Great Master Lei can blow up the top gods and demons with one punch. The existence below the king belongs to the top. In the bright world, such a top master will definitely not be an unknown generation. How did he come to the ancient continent?"

"Master Lei is very powerful, but we just let him hold back the King of Gods and Demons, and didn't let him really kill and make the Kings of Gods and Demons go into a rage?"

"One of the remaining gods and demons of the Black Fang Tribe may fall into a violent rage. Can Dazun Lei resist for a quarter of an hour?"

Great Master Yunhai was both pleasantly surprised and worried.

It's really hard to say if Lei Dao "offended" the King of Gods and Demons for a quarter of an hour.

At this moment, Lei Dao felt very good about himself.

The power of the twenty worlds in the body even exceeded Lei Dao's imagination, which surprised Lei Dao a little.

With a move of his hand, suddenly, the mountains in the distance shook violently, and then the mountains were also summoned by Lei Dao.

This is Lei Dao imitating Master Yuhua's method, he summoned a big mountain, if the king god of the Black Fang tribe doesn't appear again, Lei Dao will throw the mountain to the Black Fang tribe.


There was a roar from the Black Fang Tribe. Apparently, the last King God Demon in the Black Fang Tribe couldn't bear it anymore.

A king-sealing god appeared, and the terrifying aura was like a scorching sun, making people feel suffocated. This is definitely the master level, comparable to the master of the Ming world!

Lei Dao's expression became slightly dignified.

This is the Desolate Ancient Continent Conferring Gods and Demons!

In the ancient continent, once a god and demon is achieved, it will be the gap between heaven and earth, and it will no longer be ordinary. Equivalent to the true god of the Ming Realm, transcending the mundane.

And the king god and demon, also known as the title god and demon, is even more powerful.

Every god and demon who seals the king has condensed the primordial spirit.

The primordial spirit represents that the gods and demons have stepped into the level of conferring kings, which is equivalent to the great master in the Ming world!

It was also the first time for Lei Dao to face the king of gods and demons, so it was understandable to be cautious.

However, although the other party is a terrifying king-conferring god and demon, how does Lei Dao feel that he is not as threatening as he was when he faced the master?

Lei Dao once felt as if he was about to suffocate when facing the master of human beings, and he was definitely not the opponent of the master.

But now, although the aura of the king-sealing god and demon opposite him is also amazing, the real threat does not seem to be so strong.

However, Lei Dao didn't dare to underestimate the gods and demons of the Desolate Ancient Continent, they were comparable to the masters, so they had to be more cautious.


The next moment, Lei Dao retreated frantically, making the most of the speed advantage of Kunpeng Divine Body.


Feng Wang Shenmo roared and chased directly towards Lei Dao, but the speed was far inferior.

Lei Dao is also very clear that he only needs to hold the other party for a quarter of an hour.

"It's done! Great Master Lei has already drawn out the second king-sealing demon, and it's up to us to get the weeping blood fruit!"

Great Master Yun Hai and the other three Great Masters were quietly observing and waiting in the dark.

Seeing that Lei Dao really led out the second King God Demon, Great Master Yunhai and others became excited. This shows that the Black Fang tribe is empty, and no one can stop them.

Weeping blood fruit, they must get it!

Thus, Grand Master Yunhai and others quietly sneaked into the Black Fang Tribe. At this moment, the Black Fang Tribe was already in chaos, with all kinds of crying and screams coming and going.

Great Master Yunhai knew the exact location of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree long ago, so he quickly came to the hidden place among the Black Fang Tribe with ease.

This seems to be the back mountain of the Black Fang Tribe.

"I found it, Weeping Blood Treasure Tree!"

Great Master Yunhai looked at a blood-red treasure tree in front of him, with a look of excitement on his face.

He waited for so long, planned for such a long time, finally an opportunity appeared, now that he has found the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, and is about to get the Weeping Blood Fruit, how can he not be excited?

"One, two, three, four, five, there are only five weeping blood fruits in total, no more, no less, just right!"

Great Master Yunhai carefully counted the Weeping Blood Fruits on the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, and there were indeed five, which was the same as the information he had obtained before. However, five weeping blood fruits are enough.

"Do it."

In the next moment, Great Master Yun Hai and the other three Great Masters immediately flew towards the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood.

However, just as the three of them were about to fly in front of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, they suddenly seemed to see a faint figure behind the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree.

"That is……"


The next moment, a terrifying momentum rose into the sky.


Conquer the king and gods and demons!

A real king-conferring god and demon is actually under the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood, and the breath of the whole person has been integrated into the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood. If it wasn't for the explosive momentum, no one would have noticed it.

"How is it possible? There are three gods and demons in the Black Fang Tribe?"

Master Yunhai's complexion turned pale all of a sudden, and he suddenly realized that this time he might be in serious trouble.

It's not a question of whether they can get the Weeping Blood Fruit, but whether they can retreat and survive!

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