Longevity Species

Chapter 818 Who Am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? (Second more)

Little by little time passed, and none of the masters came, and Qinglian's cave seemed deserted.

However, Lei Dao was not in a hurry, but waited quietly. He believed that as long as there was a master of a huge race behind him, he would definitely not miss such an inheritance treasure like the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree.

Because this is the real "root" of a race.

With the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood, it can almost guarantee that the race will continue to prosper in the future. Even if it declines, there is still a chance to rise again and prosper again!

"Hahaha, Master Lei, it looks like I'm the first to arrive!"

Finally, a master has arrived. This is a master with a bold face and a burly figure, but a top master! Lei Dao could tell at a glance that this was the bull demon master, one of the top masters in Pancheng!

This bull demon master, known as Pancheng's most hopeful master of the ancestors, has a terrible record, and has killed hundreds of great emperors in the ancient continent so far!

Those who can be honored as "Emperor" in the ancient continent are all powerful existences comparable to the top masters.

But in front of the bull demon master, it was not enough to look at at all.

This is a very powerful man!

"Master the Bull Demon, welcome."

"Master Lei, why don't you just sell the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood to this seat? You don't have to bother to hold any auction anymore."

"Hehe, the Bull Demon Master was joking. The news has been announced for so long. If the other masters come and lose the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood, wouldn't it mean that I have broken my trust? Lei has never broken his trust in his life!"

"Haha, what a person who has never broken his promise, Dazun Lei, I admire the great ancestor Kong the most in my life. If you see the ancestor Kong, please say hello to the great ancestor Kong for me."

After finishing speaking, the Bull Demon Lord sat casually on the futon in the cave, closed his eyes, and quietly rested his mind.

With the bull demon master, many follow-up masters came, and soon, the cave became lively.

There was also a smile on Lei Dao's face.

Today's auction is almost half done!


Master Qinglian and several top masters went to a dangerous place this time, and almost confessed that they were there, but they finally escaped and got some good harvests.

"The ancient continent is really dangerous. I almost died when I went on an adventure for the first time. I don't know when such a day will be the end? Ancestor, when will I be able to fully comprehend the mystery of the ancestor..."

Master Qinglian is a dignified top master, but she is also very confused and helpless. Although she seems to have reached the realm of the top master in theory, if she goes further, she can become the ancestor.

But in fact, Master Qinglian knew that she was still far away from the realm of the ancestors, even a hundred and eight thousand miles away. Maybe this life will not be able to be the eternal ancestor.

After all, now she doesn't even have a clue about the realm of the ancestors.

In the entire barren continent, there are many top masters, and I don't know how many are stronger than Qinglian master, but none of them became the ancestors, and then buried their bones in other places, completely staying in the barren continent.

There is still a long time to come, and this is just the beginning. Master Qinglian can only hope that every time he takes an adventure, he will gain something and improve.

The reason why many top masters can kill other top masters.

That is also relying on time to improve bit by bit. Every time you improve a little bit, how much do you have to improve after accumulating for a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years?

Even when the first ancestor Shang was still the top master, didn't he take risks every time, and finally he was able to comprehend the realm of the first ancestor and become the first ancestor?

Master Qinglian is very clear about this point, even if she is the disciple of the first ancestor, she can only rely on herself to become the first ancestor.

Soon, Master Qinglian returned to her cave.

However, when Master Qinglian returned to her cave, her expression changed slightly when she saw the Master surrounded by circles around the cave.

"what happened?"

Master Qinglian stepped forward immediately, and she took a closer look, yes, this is her cave.

But, when did her cave become so lively?

"Leave the idlers!"

Master Qinglian let out a loud shout.

She is a dignified top master, a disciple of the first ancestor, why would she care about other masters? Only some of the top masters will let Master Qinglian pay a little attention.

Seeing so many rulers surrounding her cave now, Qinglian ruler is naturally not very polite.

"It's Lord Qinglian who's back, hurry up!"

"It seems that the auction has no place for us, so we might as well leave."

"Qinglian's master is not Lei Dazun, if you mess with her, you will be in trouble."

Many rulers discussed in low voices, and quickly left Master Qinglian's cave, but they still watched from a distance, refusing to leave completely.

Master Qinglian frowned.

She captured the key information from the comments of these masters.

It seems to be some kind of auction, and it has something to do with Lei Dao.

Lei Dao is a great senior, what happened again?

The next moment, Lord Qinglian walked directly into his cave.


As soon as she entered the cave, Lord Qinglian immediately felt countless powerful auras, even over her aura, making her feel extremely dangerous.

Even Master Qinglian was taken aback.

"How is this going?"

Master Qinglian saw some "familiar" faces.

For example, the bull demon master, this is one of the top masters under the ancestor, the most promising existence of the ancestor, why did he also come to her cave?

There are other masters, almost all of whom are great masters.

But now, these top masters are all gathered in Master Qinglian's cave, and they all seem to be in a bad mood, all of them are fighting for something with red faces.

Master Qinglian was stunned.

Is this the top master she knows?

Could it be that Master is here?

Apart from Master Kong, the first ancestor, who else could make so many top masters sit obediently in the cave? Even Master Qinglian doesn't have such face.

At this time, Master Qinglian felt like asking three questions in life.

who I am? Where do I come from? Where am I going?

At this moment, Master Qinglian is really at a loss!

"Eh? Master Qinglian is back."

"Master Qinglian, although you are Lei Dazun's senior sister, you have to follow the rules and bid for the auction, otherwise the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree will not be given to you. Even if it is given to you, we will not agree!"

"That's right. Now that the auction has started, Lord Qinglian has to bid to take away the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood."

Many masters knew about Master Qinglian, so they sounded a reminder.

Master Qinglian has been completely "covered", this is her cave! Why is she ignorant of what is going on in the cave now?

"Can any of you tell me what happened? Why are you masters in my cave?"

Master Qinglian took a deep breath and couldn't help asking loudly.

"Uh... Master Qinglian doesn't know yet?"

"That's right. Master Qinglian left Pancheng before, and he probably just came back now. I don't know what happened yet."

"Hahaha, Master Qinglian, you have been in Pancheng for so many years, and it seems that you haven't had the generosity of Master Lei this time."

"Master Qinglian, why don't you just ask Master Lei?"

Many masters laughed.

Lord Qinglian didn't know about it, and he didn't know how big a thing Lei Dao had done.

Now these top masters, they are all sitting obediently in the cave, "obeying" Lei Dao's arrangement, except for the first ancestor, Lei Dao is probably the only one who has done it.

"Master Lei?"

Master Qinglian immediately knew the source of this matter, it turned out to be the younger brother Lei Dao.

However, Lei Dao has just arrived in the ancient continent and Pancheng, so what kind of commotion can he make?

"Senior sister, come in, and junior brother will explain to you slowly."

Lei Dao's voice came from Master Qinglian's ear.

So Master Qinglian quickly walked into a secret room in the cave.

In the secret room, Master Qinglian saw Lei Dao.

"Brother, what's going on?"

Master Qinglian asked in a deep voice.

How did her cave become like this? She has nowhere to vent her anger now, there is no way, whoever makes the masters outside are not ordinary masters, but top masters.

Even Master Qinglian can't get angry at these top masters at will.

"Uh... Senior Sister, it's a long story."

Therefore, Lei Dao introduced the ins and outs of the whole matter to Master Qinglian in detail. It's not too complicated, and it's explained quickly.

"So, you really got a Weeping Blood Treasure Tree? And put it up for public auction?"

"Yes, it's the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree!"

Lei Dao directly took out the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood.

Seeing the Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood, even Master Qinglian couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.

Now she finally understands why so many top masters will sit in the cave and bid for the auction. This Weeping Blood Treasure Tree can become the inheritance treasure of any race.

With such a Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, the races behind the masters will not have to worry about declining in the future. This is the deepest foundation!

Master Qinglian didn't know what to say about Lei Dao's luck.

A few great masters dared to go to the ancient continent and provoke tribes with kings, but the key is to get such a priceless tree of weeping blood.

What else can Master Qinglian say?

Moreover, Lei Dao has already auctioned it publicly, otherwise, even Master Qinglian couldn't help but want to buy this weeping blood tree from Lei Dao at all costs.

"Don't worry, senior sister, I left you a weeping blood fruit. However, the two weeping blood fruits just now have been taken away by other masters."

Lei Dao directly took out a weeping blood fruit, and handed it to his senior sister, Master Qinglian.

"It's not bad, I know there is a senior sister. Well, if you are so caring, then the senior sister will naturally escort you this time and make your auction a success!"

Master Qinglian accepted the weeping blood fruit.

However, Master Qinglian also made up her mind, and she must try to bid for it later. It would be a pity if she gave up this Treasure Tree of Weeping Blood.

"Senior Sister, since there is no problem, I will start announcing the auction of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree!"

Raidou took a deep breath.

The highlight of this auction, the auction of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree has officially started!

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