Longevity Species

Chapter 848 Master Lei, who uses wisdom and brains more! (Second more)

The tower of life, the third floor.

Lei Dao's eyes shone with a trace of brilliance, and at this moment, his sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.

After all, with his supreme wisdom, he analyzed the correct answer, thus reaching the third floor of the Tower of Life.

"Wisdom is also a kind of power, but it is not so direct. It seems that my wisdom is not bad, even very high, otherwise I would not be able to break into the third floor of the tower of life. If I use my wisdom earlier, Maybe I can get to the third floor or even the fourth floor faster..."

Lei Dao didn't know that he dug a big hole for the many gods and demons and masters of the Void Cave Mansion, and he didn't know that he had become the target of the gods and demons, and they were cursing him one by one.

On the contrary, Lei Dao is mentally suppressing the separation.

Only at this moment did he realize that besides working hard enough, he also possessed top-level wisdom!

"I didn't make good use of my wisdom before, but now it seems that if I use my wisdom well, I can quickly transform it into my own strength, and even improve my strength. The tower of life is a clear proof!"

Raidou murmured softly.

The proof of what he said is actually a large pile of treasures in front of him, which are the treasures that broke through the second floor of the Tower of Life.

Lei Dao glanced at these treasures, each one was extremely precious.

Because this is a treasure full of vitality, or it can enhance vitality, or it can restore vitality. In short, it is more or less related to vitality.

And vitality often represents lifespan.

"Although it's still not as good as one hundred and eight longevity beads, it's almost too much. Besides, this is just a reward for breaking through the second floor, and there are third and fourth floors..."

Lei Dao didn't know how many floors the Tower of Life had.

But if there are dozens of layers or hundreds of layers, it will make a lot of money. At that time, how long will Lei Dao's lifespan be? It was unimaginable.

"These treasures should be refined first!"

Lei Dao can't wait to digest these treasures now, as long as he can increase his lifespan, that's enough, and such a little treasure won't take Lei Dao long.

If the lifespan can be increased, Lei Dao can also increase his strength, who knows what the test of the tower of life at a higher level will be? What if there is a need to fight?

Therefore, if the strength can be improved by one point, it will be improved by one point.

Soon, Lei Dao began to refine these treasures.

Although it is much worse than one hundred and eight longevity beads and a barrel of fountain of youth, Lei Dao still has great expectations.

However, with refining, Lei Dao's lifespan increases slowly.

In the end, Lei Dao only increased his lifespan by 900 million years, not even a billion years.

You know, the 108 Longevity Pearls brought Lei Dao more than two billion years, close to three billion years of life. But now, the life-extending treasures, which are only slightly worse than the one hundred and eight longevity beads, actually only increase the life span of a few hundred million years, and they can't even reach the life span of a billion years.

Obviously, Lei Dao has been in the ancient continent for such a long time, and he has obtained enough life-extending treasures, and the life span has been increased a lot. Therefore, like the Ming Realm, it is becoming more and more difficult for Lei Dao to increase his lifespan.

However, although only 900 million years of lifespan have been added, plus more than 100 million years of lifespan left before, the lifespan of Leidao is almost over one billion years, enough for Leidao to open up two more territories.

Once the two territories are opened up, it will be of great significance to Lei Dao.

It's not just an improvement in strength, it can also bring Lei Dao faintly close to the point where he can be promoted to the Great Master theoretically in the world's practice system. According to the master of the sword, there are basically ten territories, and there is a chance to be promoted to the master.

Of course, ten territories are not safe.

At the beginning, the master of the sword opened up ten territories, but he failed to advance after using the immortal grass a few times.

It is too difficult to give birth to the power of the ten territories.

The reason why the Sword Master succeeded in the end and he was sure to attack the Great Master was because his kendo was reunited with the help of Qinglian Master, and he broke through and then stood up, making the Sword Master's sword way to a higher level.

Although the Ming Realm does not practice Taoism or rules, the Master of Swords is an exception. He is mainly based on the sword, supplemented by world practice, which is different from the orthodox master of the world practice system.

The master of the sword relies on "the way of the sword" to embark on the road of great master, so he can break through.

And what about Raidou?

Lei Dao is actually the master of the most orthodox world practice system. He is opening up ten territories. It is actually hard to say whether he can give birth to the power of the realm.

In other words, the experience of the master of the sword is actually not of much reference value.

From this moment on, Lei Dao can be regarded as a "pioneer" in the world's practice system, even if the God of War dominates, he has not been able to open up nine territories.

In the future, the practice system of the world will have to rely on Lei Dao bit by bit, and rely on your own actual practice to improve it.

After thinking about this, Lei Dao felt more at ease.

"It seems that in the future, I will not only have to practice by myself, but also rely on my wisdom to improve the world's practice system. This is even more important, and it is related to the future of mankind!"

Lei Dao is very clear that whether the practice system can be perfected is very important.

It even determines the future of a race.

Leaving aside the first ancestor, this is too far away, and many top ancient clans actually have no way to break through the first ancestor.

In other words, breaking through the ancestors cannot become a system at all.

Every ancestor has various chances and coincidences, and then he becomes the ancestor by luck.

If you want to practice systematically, step by step, and practice step by step to achieve the ancestor, it is too difficult, almost impossible.

However, it is very good to be able to become a master in a systematic way, and the world practice system is still possible, at least, when Lei Dao can get down to earth and practice step by step, so that the power of the realm will be born in the territory of the body, in that way, It will be able to completely improve the world's practice system, and be able to directly reach the realm of the Great Master.

That's almost complete!

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and immediately mobilized his abilities.

"Consume one billion years of life, open up two territories!"

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice.


Immediately, Lei Dao's body began to roar, and a territory began to be born.

It didn't take long for the territory in the body to be born, and it was soon born in Lei Dao's body. Lei Dao could feel that his strength also began to skyrocket.

But that's all.

After the birth of the two territories, Lei Dao's body quickly returned to calm. Although the strength has skyrocketed, it is also expected, and there is no sign of change.

Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his physical data.

Name: Lei Dao (29 years old)

Lifeform: Master

Lifespan: 35,236,2079 years

Inner World: Nine Territories (can be upgraded)

Undead Kongming Gong: Xiaocheng (can be improved)

Sure enough, Lei Dao's internal territory has reached nine, but the life span is not even 100 million years, only more than 30 million years.

"It seems that it is still almost there. When the tenth territory is opened up, maybe there will be some changes?"

Lei Dao is not sure either.

Maybe there will be changes, maybe there won't be. After all, Lei Dao is a "pioneer" now, and every step he takes is a huge improvement for the entire human race and the world's practice system.

And the day when Lei Dao becomes the Great Master is also the moment when the world's practice system is completely perfected.

"We need more life-extending treasures. If this is the case, then we have to continue to break into the Tower of Life."

Lei Dao stood up again and began to come to the middle of the third floor of the Tower of Life.


Suddenly, a ray of light shrouded Lei Dao's body.

The test of the third layer appeared.

"A great emperor has comprehended 3,600 laws, and a king-conferring god and demon has comprehended 360 kinds of laws. So how many combinations of laws can the king-conferring god and demon use to defeat the emperor?"

If other gods and demons saw this question, they would probably be stunned and completely dumbfounded.

What kind of question is this?

Can the king, god and demon defeat the emperor?

Of course!

Challenges are everywhere.

But Feng Wang Shenmo has no information at all, and the great emperor has no information at all, so how do you answer this?

Is it by calculation?

There was a flash of inspiration in Lei Dao's mind, as if he had thought of something.

"Sure enough, it didn't exceed my expectations. The test of this third-story birth tower is the skill of reckoning! It is said that the sage Xi is good at reckoning, and it is true. I have to start reckoning with supreme wisdom immediately. Hmph, with my Wisdom, even if a question is ten times or a hundred times more difficult, it will not fail me."

Lei Dao is full of confidence.

He hadn't tapped out his wisdom before, but he actually had such great potential. But now, with the Climb to the Tower of Life, Lei Dao gradually discovered how terrifying his own wisdom is and how great his potential is.

Now, these tests of the tower of life are actually training Lei Dao.

He believed that with his wisdom, he would be able to analyze the correct answer.

Even after this time, Lei Dao has to incorporate "wisdom" into his power range. In the future, Lei Dao will use more wisdom when encountering problems, and can no longer be as reckless as before.

When things happen, think more and use more wisdom.

After all, wisdom is also a kind of power.

Even more wisdom should be used in practice.

However, the answer to the third floor of the Tower of Life is still to be calculated.

"How many kinds of laws are needed to defeat the emperor? This question seems simple, but it is actually very profound, and there are traps hidden in it. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into the trap, and you will never be able to figure it out correctly. Answer……"

The light of wisdom in Lei Dao's eyes kept flickering. He felt that his thinking was becoming clearer and clearer. The light of wisdom was sufficient, and many answers flashed in his mind.

It seems that he has seen through everything!


Finally, Lei Dao thought about it for a while, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had a plan in mind.

Although Lei Dao analyzed this answer so quickly.

But in fact, Lei Dao went through 13,899 solutions in his mind, of which 36,800 calculation methods were used, and there were at least a thousand traps.

However, these are nothing.

Lei Dao finally got the answer, and he believed that the answer must be correct.

"My answer is...it is impossible to defeat the Great Emperor!"

Lei Dao said word by word, with piercing eyes.

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