Longevity Species

Chapter 856 Endless Sword Realm! (first update)

"get lost?"

There was a trace of coldness on the face of ancestor swallowing spirit, of course he could tell that this figure had just broken through the dark realm. It is very likely that he has indeed lost his way in the dark world.

But what does it matter if you get lost or not?

"It seems that it is God's will for you to come here, and you should be swallowed by me, hahaha..."

The spirit swallowing patriarch opened his mouth wide, and simply swept towards Lei Dao.

Lei Dao shook his head and said: "Lei Mou didn't want to be nosy, but you attacked me for no reason. You must be a very vicious person. If you have this means, why don't you go to the ancient continent?"

After all, the power of territory in Lei Dao's body exploded, and he directly stretched out his big hand, grabbing towards the ancestor of swallowing spirit.


Tun Ling Patriarch was surprised to find that the entire void seemed to be covered by Lei Dao's palm, and the monstrous divine power emanating from his palm made Tun Ling Patriarch tremble with fear.

This is master?

Moreover, even the top masters don't have such terrifying power, and even the great masters that the ancestor of swallowing spirits encountered before seem to be nothing more than that.

Could it be that he just bumped into a master so casually?


With Lei Dao's big hand grabbing, the body of Tunling Patriarch was directly caught in his hands, just like grabbing a chicken, without any effort.

"I...I don't accept..."

The spirit-swallowing ancestor was hoarse.

He refused to accept it, he refused to accept it!

He was sealed for hundreds of thousands of years, and it took another hundreds of thousands of years before he finally escaped the seal. Now, just after he escaped from the seal, he fell into the tiger's mouth again?

Moreover, looking at Lei Dao's appearance, I'm afraid he didn't use all his strength at all.

"Thinking of you has also become a master. It is very rare to practice all over the body. Well, if you are not convinced, go to the black coffin and stay for a while, Xiao Hei, I will leave it to you."

"Understood, master."

Xiao Hei is good at "teaching".

Therefore, Lei Dao directly threw the Tunling Patriarch into the black coffin.

The reason why he didn't kill the soul-swallowing patriarch was that Lei Dao was very curious about the "spirit-swallowing" ability of the soul-swallowing patriarch. If this ability is used well, it will be against the sky.

Therefore, it is much better to catch the ancestor of swallowing spirit and study it carefully than to kill him directly.

"Thank you senior for saving your life."

The remaining venerables and great venerables finally breathed a sigh of relief and saluted Lei Dao to thank him.

Judging by Lei Dao's appearance, he is far easier to deal with than the ancestor Tunling.

"You're welcome, Lei also did it casually. By the way, where is this place? Lei was lost in the dark world, and he just came here."

It's normal to get lost in the dark world, and these venerables didn't have any doubts, so they said directly: "This is the sword domain, which belongs to the border of the sword clan, but it is already at the border of the sword clan's border."

"Sword Domain? I haven't heard of it."

Lei Dao paused and asked again: "Do you know the lotus family?"

"Lotus? I haven't heard of it."

Reid fell silent.

The Lotus Clan can be regarded as the oldest and most powerful race near the human borders, but these venerables and great venerables have never even heard of the Lotus Clan. There is no doubt that this place is too far away from the Lotus Clan, and there is no one at all. What intersection.

Seeing that Lei Dao seemed to be at a loss, a great senior said with a smile: "Senior, there is no need to be depressed. The Sword Clan is one of the top ancient clans, and there are many racial information in the entire Ming Realm. Seniors only need to go to the Sword Clan to search for a Fan, you should be able to find news about the Lotus Clan."

Raidou nodded.

"Which is the largest world in Sword Domain?"

"The core of the Sword Clan is the Endless Sword Realm. If you go to the Endless Sword Realm, you will naturally be able to collect a lot of information and materials. It just so happens that the younger generation will also go to the Endless Sword Realm so that you can walk with the seniors."

Raidou nodded.

In fact, when he heard "Sword Domain", he knew that the Sword Clan was a big deal. This is already a domain, and it must be a big deal for the sword clan to be able to sit on a domain.

Not even the lotus clan can own a domain.

"Okay, do you have a space map of the Endless Sword Realm?"

"Yes, this junior has a space map."

This great venerable will present the space map.

Lei Dao took a look, nodded and said, "What's your name?"

"Junior Qingyun."

"Grand Master Qingyun, are you from the Sword Clan?"

"No, this junior just uses the sword. I heard that the Sword Domain is the holy place for all sword cultivators, so I came here here in admiration. Who will make the senior laugh, the junior wants to go to the Endless Sword Realm, but it's too far away. Can rush to the Endless Sword Realm."

Obviously, this Great Master Qingyun wanted to use Lei Dao to go to the Endless Sword Realm.

Anything that leads the way is just an excuse. He has never been there himself, how can he lead the way?

"For the sake of this space map, Lei will take you for a ride in an instant."

After all, Lei Dao stepped out in one step and got into the space passage.

In the space channel, Lei Dao felt extremely kind.

He was finally able to travel through space.

Moreover, this time the shuttle space is different from the past, Lei Dao has become the master! Moreover, he is also the master of the Kunpeng divine body with unparalleled space talent.

In terms of space shuttle, Lei Dao is even better than the top masters.

Even if it is a top master, if he wants to block the thunder path in space, he can't do it at all.

In the space channel, Lei Dao seemed like a fish in water. He didn't feel a little bit of pressure, but felt extremely comfortable.

"It's no wonder that the Kunpeng clan is regarded as the darling of space. This kind of space talent is indeed terrifying."

A series of thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

Originally, the Endless Sword Realm was far away from here, but Lei Dao possessed unparalleled space talent, and the distance he traveled was even farther than that of the top masters.

Therefore, Lei Dao has already come to the endless sword world after only two shuttles.


When Lei Dao got out of the space, he immediately saw a huge sword standing in the void in the distance.

This gigantic sword, covering the sky and the sun, is extremely huge, even comparable to a huge big world!

Even though Lei Dao had seen big scenes in the ancient continent, he was very shocked when he saw this giant sword at this moment.

"Senior, this is the Endless Sword Realm. It is rumored that the Endless Sword Realm is the ancestor of the sword clan, the ancestor of all sword cultivators in the entire Ming Realm, left behind by the sword ancestors! Anyone who practices kendo in the Endless Sword Realm will get twice the result with half the effort. This is our sword A holy place to repair!"

Great Master Qingyun looked at the huge sword, and his eyes showed longing.

"Sword ancestor? An ancestor?"

Raido asked.

"Yes, the Sword Ancestor is a great ancestor! I heard that even the Sword Clan was created by the Sword Ancestor."

Raidou nodded.

Lei Dao knew a little about the ancestor.

It is not too difficult for the ancestors to create things in the void and create life.

This sword family has an ancestor, so it is naturally glorious and prosperous, and the mere sword field is nothing at all.

"Grand Master Qingyun, let's leave now."

Lei Dao wants to find the Lotus Clan and the human territory as soon as possible, so it doesn't make sense to continue to be with Master Qingyun. Therefore, Lei Dao directly entered the endless sword world alone.

Seeing Lei Dao's disappearing back, Qingyun Dazun sighed and said: "This Thunder Master is really a master. When can I be like Lei Master, who can come and go freely in the vast world of light, and be at ease?"

Lord Qingyun is very envious of Lei Dao.

He felt that Lei Dao was his goal, to come and go freely, and to be at ease, isn't this the goal he pursued?

However, he is still a long way from being the master of swordsmanship.


Lei Dao stepped into the endless sword world.

In the world of endless swords, Lei Dao seemed to feel that his own strength was being suppressed. There was a faint feeling here, as if filled with a power called "Sword Dao", which was suppressing other powers.

"No, this kind of power feels a bit familiar. Isn't this the power in the ancient continent? Although it is a little different, there are too many similarities..."

Although Lei Dao didn't stay in the ancient continent for a long time, he has experienced all kinds of things. Many of his experiences are much richer than those of some masters who have stayed in the ancient continent for thousands of years.

What's more, Lei Dao had some close contact with "Sage Xi", and he couldn't be more familiar with the various auras of gods and demons.

Lei Dao felt very familiar with this kind of "Sword Dao" in the Endless Sword Realm, and it seemed to be no different from some avenues in the barren ancient continent.

There is also swordsmanship in the ancient continent.

It's just that there is no swordsman saint, and no gods and demons become saints by virtue of the swordsmanship.

"Sword Ancestor..."

Lei Dao thought for a while, in this era, the only real ancestor born was the ancestor Shang.

This shows that Sword Ancestor is not the ancestor born in this era, it is very likely to be the ancestor of the last era, or even the ancient ancestor of the previous era.

The Sword Ancestor must know about the Ancient Desolate Continent. Moreover, the Sword Ancestor created the Sword Clan and even specialized in the practice of swordsmanship. He faintly wanted to combine the practice system of the Ming Realm with the practice system of the Desolate Ancient Continent.

This is clearly for the birth of ancestors, or saints, among the sword clan.

If the top masters of these sword clans go to the ancient continent, will they be able to understand the way of the sword, and even become a saint by virtue of the way of the sword?

"This Sword Ancestor is afraid that the picture is not small..."

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

Regarding the situation in the Ming Realm, Lei Dao actually has some understanding.

The ancestors of the Ming Realm were not monolithic either.

For example, Ancestor Pan, Ancestor Shang, and Lei Dao's master, Ancestor Kong, should all be similar. They advocate letting practitioners from the Ming Realm enter the ancient continent, and then combine the two to become Ancestors.

The first ancestor Shang himself was the beneficiary of this path and became the first ancestor.

But there are also some other ancestors, who may have other ideas.

For example, why does it have to be the first ancestor?

Can't you become a saint?

Perhaps, Jian Zu had such an idea.

After all, the mainstream of the Ming world does not comprehend the Dao, but only cultivates the body. But the Sword Ancestor created a Sword Clan who specialized in comprehending the way of the sword. Lei Dao even suspects that the Sword Clan's kendo cultivation method has spread to the entire Ming Realm, and the kendo practiced by the sword master of mankind may be related to the Sword Clan.

"Forget it, I just want to go home, the plan of the ancestors has nothing to do with me."

Raidou shook his head.

Just when Lei Dao was about to inquire about the territory of the Lotus Clan, suddenly, something happened.

A terrifying sword energy, mighty and mighty, actually fell directly towards Lei Dao.

Lei Dao even sensed that this sword energy can kill the master!

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