Longevity Species

Chapter 921 Why is it so difficult to practice quietly? (first update)

"Of course I have to give it a try."

The sage Yuan would not just believe the words of the ancestor Jie, even though the ancestor Jie seemed to have some conflicts with the ancestor Kong and others, and they were not of the same mind, but he was the ancestor after all, and he was different from their saints.

So, the sage's primordial spirit swept away, and swept directly towards the source channel.


When the divine sense of the sage Yuan extended into the channel of the source point, he found that his divine sense had completely disappeared. Yes, it has completely disappeared. The divine sense is originally a whole, especially for the saints, the divine sense is extremely huge.

But now a part of it suddenly disappeared, but it was very conspicuous.

Even if this part of divine sense is not so precious at all, it at least proves one thing, the source channel in front of you is really not simple.

It is very possible that what the ancestor Jie said is true.

As for the sage Yuan personally entering the channel of the source point, he did not dare.

Even if he only came with a very powerful main battle clone now. In other places, when the avatar is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and at most it will cause heavy losses to the saint yuan.

But if it is in the source channel, once the avatar falls, it will really die.

Just like the sage Xi, isn't it the avatar who steps into the source channel?

But the sage Xi was still dead.

It shows the horror of this origin channel.

"Old man, come and try."

Ancestor Kong suddenly spoke.

He took a step forward, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then, he seemed to take out a seed.

Would be surprised if Raidou was here.

Because, this is a seed of life!


As the ancestor Kong took out the life seed, he quickly turned the life seed into a huge life. This is an unprecedented brand new life, the life created by the ancestor Kong.

This is the void creation, the means of creating life.

"Great Creator, thank you for creating me, what are your orders?"

This huge living body said respectfully to the ancestor Kong.

"Go, enter the source channel."

"Yes, the great Creator!"

Ancestor Kong created this life, so this life will always be loyal to Ancestor Kong, even if Ancestor Kong lets him die, it will go there resolutely.

Afterwards, this life quickly rushed towards the small "black light", the origin channel only the size of a thumb. Everyone also wanted to know how the source channel could "swallow" this huge life.


However, the next moment, when this huge life approached the black light, the black light suddenly exploded and swallowed it in an instant. Even if the ancestor Kong wanted to rescue him, it would not help.

Afterwards, that life disappeared without a trace, and there was no contact with Ancestor Kong.


Ancestor Kong's face darkened.

"It seems that it is really the source channel."

"I didn't expect that the source point channel appeared so early."

"Didn't the source point passages all appear in the Great Tribulation of the Era in the past? Or, close to the Great Tribulation of the Era."

"This era is coming to an end?"

"I remember that this era seems to be tens of billions of years away?"

The hearts of many saints and ancestors sank slightly.

The appearance of the source channel is not a good sign.

This means that the Great Tribulation of the Era is coming.

Originally, this era should still have tens of billions of years, but now it seems that it may not be that long. An epoch is twelve trillion years long, but not fixed to a single day.

It is possible that in less than twelve trillion years, the catastrophe of the era will come. It is also possible that the time of more than twelve trillion years is not fixed.

The appearance of the source channel seems to make many saints and ancestors feel a sense of urgency.

"If it is the source channel, it is listed as a restricted area. In a short time, there will be no news from the source channel. Maybe, one day we will be able to explore the secret of the source channel."

Ancestor Kong said slowly.

The "forbidden zone" he mentioned is actually a forbidden zone in the eyes of the ancestors and sages.

Anyone can view the source channel, and anyone can explore it.

But once it sinks in, it will fall.

However, source channels also represent opportunities.

If some saints or ancestors who have determined that they will not be able to survive this catastrophe of the era, they will use the source point to break through. If it is really possible to succeed in the battle, or a little bit more information, it will be a great thing for the remaining saints and ancestors.

Therefore, not only will the news of the source channel not be concealed, but it even needs to be spread among the saint circle and the ancestor circle.

"Okay, the source channel has been discovered, which is considered a good thing. The matter of the sage Xizhi, that's all. Sage Yuan, what do you think?"

The ancestor Kong said in a deep voice.

This time the sage Yuan Xingshi mobilized the crowd, isn't it because of inner panic? Saint Xi will fall, which means that other saints will also fall completely.

But now, the reason has finally been found out, it is the reason why the source channel is present.

It is impossible for the origin channel to be controlled by the ancestors. That is to say, the ancestors still do not have the means and power to completely kill the saints.

This is enough, at least Saint Yuan is quite satisfied.

"This is the end of the matter of the saint Xi. However, the catastrophe of the era is approaching, and some old guys have begun to wake up from their deep sleep. Perhaps, the situation in the barren ancient continent and the Ming world will also change greatly. Ancestor Kong, Ancestor Pan, I hope you Can survive until the next era..."

After finishing speaking, the five saints including Saint Yuan and Saint Gu immediately turned around, left the Dark Realm, and headed back towards the ancient continent.

Only the ancestor Kong and others stayed.


Ancestor Kong, Ancestor Pan, Ancestor Shang, and Ancestor Xia, the eyes of the four ancestors all focused on Ancestor Jie. Now that the saints are gone, it's their turn to settle accounts.

"Ancestor Tribulation! You have made trouble several times, isn't it because you want the Ming Realm to collide with the ancient continent? I will not let you succeed."

The ancestor Kong's tone was cold, and he stared at the ancestor Jie.

This ancestor Jie has fought with him one era after another, and no one can take advantage of it, which is very troublesome.

"Why, you four still want to do something? Hahaha, you can't kill me."

The first ancestor Jie seemed to be full of confidence, and it seemed that he was not afraid of the four ancestors such as the first ancestor Kong at all.

"I can't kill you, but I can suppress you!"

"Only by you? Zukong, you should know that there is a high probability that I won't be able to survive the catastrophe of the era, and you are also in danger. If I have no hope, I will not go to the source channel, but I will try my best Do everything possible, do whatever it takes to create some opportunities, whoever blocks my last hope, I will fight with my life!"

Ancestor Jie exuded a tyrannical aura.

This powerful ancestor who has gone through seven era catastrophes is now on the verge of going berserk and seems to erupt at any time.

The ancestor Kong didn't speak, and neither did the other ancestors. Then, the ancestor Jie left and disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

Ancestor Kong and the others fell silent.

"Ancestor Kong, you..."

The ancestor Shang hesitated.

He is the first ancestor in this era. According to the previous probability, the first ancestor Shang can basically survive the first era of catastrophe, no problem.

But the ancestor Kong is in trouble.

The ancestor Kong is the same as the ancestor robbery, there is a high probability that he will not be able to survive this era of calamity.

"Don't worry, the ancestor robber can't turn the tide. How many eras have I dealt with the ancestor robber? Even if he goes crazy, I can stop him at all costs!"

The ancestor Kong's tone was extremely firm.

However, everyone knows that once that step is really reached, there is a high probability that the ancestor Kong and the ancestor robber will perish.

"Let's go, go back quickly. The origin channel is not something we can explore for the time being. Go back to the ancient continent and cultivate some good seedlings. Maybe, one day, someone will be able to surpass the ancestor and reach the level of detachment. To that At that time, maybe we won't have to suffer from the Great Tribulation of the Era anymore..."

Ancestor Kong said lightly.

This is his philosophy, which is completely different from the ancestor Jie.

He hoped that other ancestors could transcend and surpass the ancestors, so that even the Great Tribulation of the Era could not be destroyed.

If such a great existence was really born, perhaps, the great calamity of the era will not be able to do anything to the first ancestor.

This is the hope of the ancestor Kong!

But this hope is very slim.

After all, this era has come to an end, and only one ancestor Shang was born, not even a second ancestor was born. As for the ancestor Shang, he was just an ordinary ancestor.

It is impossible to surpass the ancestors.

"The Great Tribulation of the Era is approaching, and some old guys will wake up, as well as the Tribulation of the First Ancestor... It's a troubled time."

The ancestor looked at the source channel, sighed, then turned around and left the source channel.


"Ninety billion years of lifespan!"

In the Innate Secret Realm, Lei Dao refined all the life-extending treasures, and finally increased the lifespan by so much.

Originally, Lei Dao only sold thirty places.

But later, top masters bought ten places one after another, and there were almost forty places.

These forty life-extending treasures have brought Lei Dao a lot of harvest, and the lifespan of a full 90 billion years is incredible.

If the 40 quotas this time were added to the previous 30 quotas, Lei Dao would have sold 70 quotas, which is unbelievable when you think about it.

This time, with so many lifespans, Lei Dao didn't relax in the slightest.

For some reason, Lei Dao felt a sense of urgency in his heart, as if some danger was coming somewhere.

Lei Dao hadn't experienced this kind of whim feeling for a long time.

But with his current state, once a whim occurs, it is most likely not groundless, and there must be a reason. Therefore, Lei Dao felt a little urgent in his heart.

"Where does the danger come from?"

Lei Dao thought about it, and his biggest danger at present is nothing more than occupying the innate secret realm.

This is a "treasure house", which is quite hated.

Although Lei Dao defeated Emperor Yang, it doesn't mean that he can deter everyone.

What if there are still powerful aspirants coveting the Innate Secret Realm?

Therefore, it is not groundless for Lei Dao to have such a whim, maybe it is really dangerous.

"If you want to practice quietly and go further on the path of the ancestor, why is it so difficult? The blood of the ancestor has reached 2%, but in terms of improving strength, it is still far inferior to the realm within the body..."

Lei Dao gritted his teeth and immediately made up his mind.

Of course he wants to strengthen the ancestor's bloodline with peace of mind, and use all his lifespan to enhance the ancestor's bloodline, from 2% to 100%.

But the situation does not allow it!

This time, Lei Dao will spend all of his lifespan on the expansion of the internal domain.

Who gave him a sense of urgency somewhere?

If there is danger, strength is the most important thing.

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