Longevity Species

Chapter 927 Who is the peak at the end of the era? Seeing the ancestors is all empty! (first update)

In the void, the sage was talking alone, but it seemed that all the incarnations were talking. Moreover, this was not an ordinary incarnation, but a saint incarnation, and the top aspirants were far from opponents.

With an incarnation, Lei Dao was helpless to fight back.

With so many incarnations of saints, it can make one's scalp tingle at a glance.

The ancestor Kong Shen thought swept away, and said lightly: "One thousand three hundred and eighty-nine incarnations, well, it is not easy for you to accumulate so many incarnations in three or four eras, and it is not bad."

"It can only be considered good?"

Sage Yuan sneered: "Ancestor Kong, although you have gone through seven eras of catastrophe, you probably haven't fought a saint to the death? Hahaha, I wait for a saint, with thousands of incarnations, immortal and immortal, so what can I do if I am the first ancestor?" ? You only need to die once, and you are dead!"

The next moment, the incarnation of the sage Yuan made a move.


More than a thousand incarnations attacked at the same time, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the earth, and the terrifying power erupted. No one below the saint could stop so many saints.

When Lei Dao saw the battle between the ancestor Kong and the sage Yuan, it was nothing more than pediatrics. But now, it is the real hands-on, the real action!

This is a life-and-death battle between the saint and the ancestor!

"This sage is a sage of the heavens, and he controls the mighty power of the ancient continent. The wind is coming!"

With a call from the sage Yuan.

Immediately, a gust of wind really blew up in the void, but this gust of wind was black, and there was a faint smell of blood.

This is the Spirit Extinguishing Wind!

All living things will be reduced to ashes when the wind blows over them.


Then, another flame came, this kind of flame was a black flame, this was a soul-destroying flame, and it was even more tyrannical than the world-destroying flame.

Any living things will be burned to ashes by the flames.

"Rain is coming!"

There is also heavy rain that falls in an instant. This rain, which eats the bones and ecstasies, is the rain of souls. All things with souls will be stained by this rain, and their souls will dissipate in an instant.

Each of these can only be summoned by a saint.

"Run, run away!"

"Crazy, crazy, Saint Yuan is really crazy."

"The battle between the saint and the ancestor, how can ordinary people watch it? We are so far apart, it is still useless, hurry up, if you don't leave, you will die."

Seeing that the sage Yuan displayed the power that a sage should have, that is the power of the ancient continent!

Immediately, many top emperors and top masters rushed around. In front of this kind of battle, they are not even qualified to watch.

The sage's primordial spirit is placed in the void of the ancient continent, so it can also mobilize a part of the ancient continent's power. It has been tried and tested repeatedly against saints or people below the ancestors.

So, Lei Dao was still thinking about trying to fight against the incarnation of the saint, how is this possible? Even if the saint didn't use his avatar, but only used part of the power of the ancient continent, Lei Dao would have been killed long ago.

This is the real saint!

Supreme saint!

A great existence comparable to the ancestor!

However, Ancestor Kong didn't seem to care at all. He stepped out, and the entire void shook slightly. Then, the wind, rain, and fire all poured on Ancestor Kong's body crazily.

But Ancestor Kong's body seemed to be indestructible, even though these strong winds blew his body, let the flames burn, let the rain erode.

His body remained motionless.

The small body is like the real gold after hundreds of refinements, condensed to the extreme, all the power is in that small body, this is the great power attributed to itself.

"Hahaha, Saint Yuan, your means are far from enough. This old man has gone through seven era catastrophes, and even the power of the era catastrophe can compete with one or two. How can your means break this old man? body?"

The ancestor Kong looked up to the sky and laughed.

The little power of the ancient continent mobilized by the sage Yuan can't help the ancestor Kong at all. Even, it is still far behind the ancestor Kong Tickle.

After all, the ancestor Kong Lian could withstand and sustain the power of the Great Tribulation of the Era for a period of time, let alone the power of the mere ancient continent? It's not worth mentioning at all, but it can't help the ancestor Kong.

Saint Yuan's face darkened, but he was not surprised. The ancestors also paid attention to accumulation. Every time an era passed, the accumulation of the ancestors became more terrifying.

There is even a title among ancestors and saints.

For example, the ancestor of the second robbery, the ancestor of the third robbery, and so on.

The same is true for saints. The saints of the second kalpa and the saints of the third kalpa are completely different.

If you have just become a saint, there are not even a few incarnations, so what is it?

At the beginning, Saint Yuan had just become a saint, and in the circle of saints, he could even be regarded as a little transparent.

How terrifying is it that the ancestor Kong survived the seven era catastrophes? Could it be that his means could hurt him?

Of course, the sage Yuan never thought of hurting the ancestor Kong with these methods alone.

His more than a thousand incarnations, accompanied by the squalling wind, heavy rain, and black flames, began to attack with a bang. The more than a thousand incarnations were all saints. It took three or four eras to accumulate countless resources and consume Countless painstaking efforts were condensed, representing his strongest combat power!

At this moment, it erupted all of a sudden, and its power was earth-shattering.

"Ancestor Kong, go die!"

More than a thousand incarnations of Saint Yuan were roaring, all the incarnations tightly blocked the entire void, and all of them punched out, covering the sky and blocking the sun, and firmly locked the ancestor space.

Even the ancestor Kong couldn't avoid it.

Even, all forces and creatures within the attack range cannot resist.

Including that innate secret realm!

At this moment, there are more than seventy top emperors and top rulers in the Xiantian Secret Territory, and none of them are in the mood to comprehend the way of manifesting in the Secret Territory.

With that terrifying coercion, even the entire secret realm was on the verge of collapse.

"no no……"

"The innate secret realm is about to collapse, how could this happen?"

"We will die, in the Innate Secret Realm..."

Dozens of top emperors and top rulers are all about to cry at this moment. This is simply a sudden disaster. I originally thought that Lei Dao could repel Yang Emperor, and he should be able to stabilize for a while.

They even paid a huge price to obtain an admission quota and enter the innate secret realm to comprehend the Dao. Who knew that this was actually a pit, a big pit, which dug all of them into the gutter.

Who would have thought that the saint would do it himself?

And it's not just playing around, but going all out and doing it for real.

How could the sage care about a mere secret realm when he made a move, they didn't care at all, they were a disaster, and could only watch helplessly as many gusts of wind, heavy rain, and flames destroyed the innate secret realm.


Suddenly, without knowing when, a strange figure appeared above the Innate Secret Realm.

With a wave of his hand, this figure enveloped the Innate Secret Realm, and the strong winds, rainstorms, and flames all over the sky could not get close to the Innate Secret Realm.

"This is... Saint Gu?"

"Yes, it is Saint Gu, who saved us?"

"Hahaha, there is no unparalleled road, it is the sage Gu who saved us."

Many top emperors were overjoyed.

Saint Gu took action to protect the innate secret realm, so even if the ancestors fought against the saint, they should not be able to deal with the innate secret realm. They finally didn't have to die so aggrieved.

It took a lot of money to enter the secret realm, who would be willing to die so aggrieved?

They all still have great hope of embarking on the path of ancestors or saints and becoming aspirants.

In Ye Zidong Mansion, Lei Dao also saw the figure in the sky above the Innate Secret Realm. He had seen that figure before, and he had seen it the last time Saint Xi's Void Cave Mansion appeared.

That's sage ancient!

Only the sage Gu can protect the innate secret realm.

"Sure enough, Saint Gu took the initiative to protect the Innate Secret Realm, so even if the battle is over, this Innate Secret Realm has nothing to do with me..."

Lei Dao had expected it.

He was in great pain, but there was nothing he could do, unless he could regain the Innate Secret Realm.

However, is it possible to regain the secret realm from a saint?

"Hey, I should sell a little more quota, now it's all empty..."

Lei Dao is also sorry.

After losing the innate secret realm, he didn't know how much time and energy he would have to spend to obtain so many life-extending treasures. Now Lei Dao has met the sage, and was even targeted by the sage Yuan.

He already knew the gap between himself and the saint.

The gap is too big!

Therefore, life-prolonging treasures are even more indispensable, and he must become stronger. Otherwise, in the eyes of the saint, he is still just an ant.

At this moment, more than a thousand incarnations of saints are fighting against the ancestors together, even Lei Dao's heart is tight.

It is said that the ancestor of Master Kong is the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations, and the saint Yuan is the saint of the Three Tribulations. There seems to be a big gap between the two, but who knows if the gap between the saint and the ancestor is really that huge?

At least, Lei Dao didn't see how powerful Master Zu Kong was.

The power of the sage Yuan is very astonishing at first glance, but the ancestor Kong, from the beginning to the present, does not seem to have erupted any astonishing means.

Facing the attack of more than a thousand saint incarnations, even the ancestor Kong cannot be underestimated.

His eyes suddenly became sharper, and his body began to swell, but, in front of more than a thousand incarnations of saints, he still looked so small.

"Sage Yuan, do you know why this old man is called Ancestor Kong?"

Ancestor Kong suddenly spoke.

But the sage Yuan didn't speak, just looked at the ancestor Kong coldly.

He wants to see how the ancestor Kong can resist the attack of his more than a thousand incarnations? This is all the incarnations he has accumulated for three or four eras.

No saint or ancestor dare to underestimate it.

Seeing that the sage Yuan didn't respond, Zukong's eyes suddenly became sharper.

"Who is the peak at the end of the era? Seeing the ancestors is all empty!"


The next moment, the aura of the ancestor Kong soared. At this moment, he was no longer an ordinary-looking old man, but an invincible overlord, an invincible overlord who swept the era and fought against the heavens and the earth!

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