Longevity Species

Chapter 935 Set another small goal, practice martial arts for 20 years and become the ancestor! (thi

"What's the matter? Please speak up."

Lei Dao is in a good mood now, if it's not a big deal, he doesn't mind agreeing.

"It's like this. Our daughter Yaoxin, Master, strayed into the Misty Corridor when she was traveling in the Ming Realm ten years ago. I also went to look for it, but because of my lack of strength, I almost got lost in the Misty Corridor. The senior sister has a heavy responsibility and cannot leave Wan Huayuan easily, so I haven't searched for it these years. Fortunately, my daughter's life card is not broken, which means that her daughter is not dead."

"This time Lao Niu is back. Although he has also become an aspirant, the corridor of the Lost Realm is very special. I am afraid that Lao Niu will not be able to find his daughter alone, so I ask Master Lei to help us. No matter what, the three-month period , if you fail to find your daughter in three months, Lord Lei can leave the Miyu Corridor at any time."

Lei Dao raised his eyebrows and said: "Is there such a thing? My daughter got lost in the corridor of the lost domain. This is a big deal. Even if there are no life seeds and life-extending treasures, just because of my relationship with the bull demon master, I will definitely not stand by. How about it?" , Wait for me for a month, I will retreat and practice for a while, and then go to the Lost Corridor."

"No problem, Lord Lei can practice as long as he wants, there is no need to rush for a month or two."

Both the Bull Demon Lord and the Wanhua Lord are very happy.

With Lei Dao, their hopes of finding their daughter will be greatly increased.

Afterwards, Lei Dao asked Master Wanhua to ask for a secret room, and he began to "digest" the harvest this time.

Lei Dao can be said to have gained a lot when he came to Wan Garden this time.

One hundred and eight life seeds, and there are also a large number of life-extending treasures collected by Master Wanhua. These life-extending treasures alone can increase Lei Dao's lifespan by a lot.

After all, this is the collection of Master Wanhua.

The master of Wanhua controls Wanhuayuan. If she is the second in cultivating all kinds of natural materials and treasures, no one will dare to say that she is the first.

Therefore, these life-extending treasures are probably the most one-time life-extending treasures that Lei Dao can find in Ming Realm, so he has to cherish them.

"Try and see how much life can be increased?"

Lei Dao did not hesitate, and immediately began to refine these life-extending treasures.

It has to be said that the life-extending treasures collected by Master Wanhua are of very high quality, and it even makes Lei Dao feel like he has returned to the ancient continent.

One billion years, three billion years, five billion years, eight billion years, ten billion years...

Lei Dao could feel that his lifespan was rapidly increasing.

Even the magnitude of the increase was greater than that of the Ancient Desolate Continent. These life-extending treasures alone were too valuable. In a short period of time, Lei Dao refined all the life-extending treasures.

Ended up with a horrible number.

41 billion years of lifespan!

This is a lifespan of over 40 billion years. It is unimaginable to increase lifespan by more than 40 billion years entirely by relying on life-extending treasures in the Ming Realm.

This is even equivalent to Lei Dao selling another forty Hualongchi places in the ancient continent!

This is simply unbelievable!

Forty Hualongchi quotas, even in the barren ancient continent, will take a long time to sell. After all, it is very difficult to sell Hualongchi quotas now.

It may take a long time to sell one.

However, this is only the beginning.

Lei Dao set his sights on the seeds of life again.

One hundred and eight life seeds!

Moreover, unlike the seventy-two seeds of life obtained by Lei Dao before, there is no power of destruction in these one hundred and eight seeds of life. seeds of life.

Perhaps, the effect is not as strong as the seventy-two life seeds obtained by Lei Dao before, but it is also a life seed after all, which is very precious and can be encountered but not sought.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and without hesitation, began to refine the seeds of life again.

The first seed of life, surging vitality, quickly poured into Lei Dao's body. Without the power of destruction, Lei Dao's efficiency in refining the seeds of life is very high.

Soon the first seed of life was refined.

Lei Dao took a closer look.

Lifespan of 800 million years!

The first seed of life can actually have a life span of 800 million years. In fact, this has greatly exceeded Lei Dao's expectations. Lei Dao feels that he is already very satisfied that a seed of life can increase his life span by 500 million years. up.

Of course, with the refinement of Lei Dao, the effect of these life seeds may become worse and worse, but no matter how bad it is, it won't be that bad.

Therefore, Lei Dao quickly refined the seeds of life.

One, two, three...

One life seed after another was refined by Lei Dao, and Lei Dao's lifespan also increased rapidly. The surging vitality made Lei Dao extremely happy.

In a blink of an eye, one hundred and eight life seeds were completely refined by Lei Dao.

When he checked his life span, his heart was shocked.

Seventy-seven billion years of lifespan!

This is simply unbelievable, with a lifespan of 77 billion years, on average, almost every seed of life provides Lei Dao with a lifespan of more than 700 million years.

This is still under the condition that the effect is greatly weakened after refining a large number of life seeds.

Otherwise, the increased lifespan would be more.

One hundred and eight life seeds, together with a large number of life-extending treasures provided by Master Wanhua before, added a total of 118 billion years of life to Lei Dao.

This is a scary number!

Before that, Lei Dao had a lifespan of 5 billion years, that is to say, now Lei Dao's life span has reached a terrifying 123 billion years.

It's more than 100 billion years old!

Lei Dao was also overjoyed, it was the right time to come to Wanhuayuan with the Bull Demon Master this time.

It has increased the lifespan by more than 100 billion years, which is so incredible when you think about it.

It's just, how to use this more than 100 billion years of life now?

"The realm has been raised to the limit, and it cannot be raised anymore. It is necessary to increase the body of the ancestor god."

Lei Dao's practice actually has a direction.

Either improve the ancestor's divine body, strengthen the ancestor's blood, or expand the realm in the body, whether it is the way of the ancestor or the means of protecting the way, Lei Dao must be prepared with both hands, and it is best to go hand in hand.

Only in this way can Lei Dao strive for the greatest benefit!

"Then strengthen the ancestor's bloodline first."

Therefore, Lei Dao selected three more powerful bloodlines.

For these three bloodlines, Lei Dao began to improve directly.

The first kind of bloodline took Lei Dao 10 billion years of life to cultivate to perfection.

The second bloodline consumed Lei Dao's 10 billion-year lifespan and cultivated to perfection.

The third bloodline consumed Lei Dao's lifespan of 12 billion years and cultivated to perfection.

Together, the three bloodlines consumed Lei Dao's lifespan of 32 billion years.

It seems to be a little more than 30 billion, but it is also within the acceptable range.


Later, when Lei Dao integrated these three bloodlines into the ancestor's bloodline, without any surprise, the ancestor's bloodline increased from 3% to 4%.

Then the ancestor god body naturally began to reorganize again.

Every time the divine body is reorganized, it will bring earth-shaking changes to the divine body. Lei Dao can clearly feel that after the reorganization of his ancestor's divine body, he may be comparable to Emperor Yang.

Even stronger than Emperor Yang!

This is only 4% of the blood of the ancestors.

For Lei Dao, his ancestral journey is just the beginning, in its infancy.

Even if Lei Dao is slow and feels the power of 4% of the ancestor's divine body, he also knows that the ancestor's path of the ancestor's blood provided by the ability is probably not the ordinary ancestor's path.

The ancestors who achieved in this way have unlimited future prospects.

Of course, the premise is to become the ancestor!

Without being an ancestor, everything is empty and has no meaning.

The ancestor's divine body had increased to 4%, and Lei Dao felt that the realm in his body could be improved again, so he no longer hesitated, and quickly expanded the realm in his body.

The inner body realm is Lei Dao's means of protecting Dao, and it is also very important.

Without means of protecting the way, how could Lei Dao defeat the Master of Silence and thus enter Wan Garden? How could Lei Dao get a huge harvest if he didn't enter Wan Garden?

Therefore, the ancestor's bloodline needs to be improved, and the body's domain must also be expanded.

Forty-six domains, forty-seven domains, forty-eight domains...

As Lei Dao expands the realm in his body, doubling and multiplying, Lei Dao has already become familiar with the road, and soon it has increased to fifty times the realm, and it is still increasing.

In the end, Lei Dao's inner body domain expanded to fifty-five times!

It still increased the domain ten times, and it took a full 50 billion years of life.


Raidou opened his eyes.

Originally, he thought that he could finish his practice in one month, but he didn't expect to gain so much this time. Therefore, he practiced for two full months before it ended.

Lei Dao felt that his body was full of power, whether it was the ancestor god body or the realm in his body, earth-shaking changes had taken place.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his physical data.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 41 billion 10 million years

Inner world: fifty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 4% (ten kinds of bloodlines complete)

The first thing Lei Dao saw was not his life span, but his age.


During his practice, Lei Dao even forgot his birthday.

He is thirty-four years old!

Of course, many masters do not have the habit of celebrating birthdays. Maybe some masters will hold a birthday party for ten thousand years, or a birthday party for a hundred million years, but there will never be a master for a one-year birthday party.

a year?

For the Juggernaut, it's just a snap of the fingers.

Maybe it’s been ten or eight years, what is a mere year?

But for Lei Dao, one year is extraordinary, and he even values ​​it very much.

Thirty-four years old!

He started practicing martial arts at the age of eighteen, how many years has it been since then?

Sixteen years!

Sixteen years!

Lei Dao feels that the sea has changed, how many sixteen years does an ordinary person have?

And him?

Sixteen years later, he is still the great master, and he seems to be far away from the path of the ancestor, and he doesn't know whether he can become the ancestor before the end of this era.

"By the way, how many years are left in this era?"

Lei Dao thought about it carefully, it seems to be hundreds... billions of years, right?

Yes, there is an extra word "billion".

Not hundreds of years, but tens of billions of years!

Compared to sixteen years, it was quite a long time, but Lei Dao felt that it was very urgent.

They all only have a lifespan of tens of billions of years. If he doesn't become the first ancestor earlier, how will he survive the catastrophe of the era?

"Then set another small goal, practice martial arts for 20 years and become the ancestor!"

Lei Dao made up his mind, with a firm expression on his face.

At this moment, Lei Dao has completely forgotten the last time, and the "small goal" he set seems to have not been completed...

However, is this important to Lei Dao?


Anyway, he has set a small goal, and he just needs to work hard towards this goal.

Lei Dao just works hard, and leave the rest to God.

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