Longevity Species

Chapter 936 Really only improved a little bit (first update)

After Lei Dao sighed, he looked at the body data carefully.

With 41 billion years left in his lifespan, Lei Dao will not move for the time being.

And his ancestor's bloodline has finally reached 4%. Although he is still at the elementary level, he can finally see progress. Moreover, the 4% of the ancestor's body is actually very powerful. Among the aspirants, Already surpassed Emperor Yang.

Even, some aspects are much stronger than Emperor Yang, for example, traveling through space.

Lei Dao's talent in traveling through space was brought about by Kunpeng's bloodline. Although Kunpeng's bloodline has been integrated into the ancestor's bloodline, the ability to travel through space has not disappeared or even weakened. Instead, it has become stronger.

Lei Dao even suspected that if he returned to the ancient continent again, maybe he would be able to travel a longer distance. Moreover, if this continues, even in the barren ancient continent, Lei Dao is not far from the day of traveling through space.

Moreover, recently, as the number of fused bloodlines has increased, reaching a total of ten bloodlines, Lei Dao has gradually discovered a characteristic of the ancestor god body.

The ancestral bloodline formed by the fusion of these ten bloodlines forms the ancestral god body, which has a terrifying characteristic, that is, it can retain the most powerful talent in the bloodline.

For example, Lei Dao can still display the flames of the Huofeng clan.

There is also the space talent of the Kunpeng clan, and the blood of Lei Dao's ancestors is also preserved.

For these ten bloodlines, Lei Dao can use the strongest means of these bloodlines, which leads to Lei Dao's ancestor god body, which has almost no weaknesses, is very balanced but not mediocre, but very powerful.

This is only 4% of the blood of the ancestors.

If in the future, he reached 100% of the blood of the ancestor and became the real ancestor, how powerful would Lei Dao be? At that time, perhaps a kind of ancestor blood unique to Lei Dao will be formed!

It is all-encompassing, far surpassing any kind of ancestor blood.

The more Lei Dao thought about it, the more frightened he became.

At first, he still felt that the ancestor's blood created by the supernatural power seemed mediocre and not worth mentioning. But now, as more and more bloodlines are integrated, the ancestor bloodline gradually shows its powerful side.

Moreover, in the foreseeable future, the bloodline of the ancestors will become even stronger!

Lei Dao got up and left the secret room, and found Lord Wanhua and Lord Bull Demon.

The bull demon master carefully looked at Lei Dao, and asked with some doubts: "Master Lei, have you improved again?"

Lei Dao said with a smile: "It's just a trivial improvement, not worth mentioning."

In Lei Dao's view, a 1% increase in the blood of the ancestors is indeed an insignificant increase. As for the inner body realm, it's just a way to protect the way, let alone worth mentioning.

But the bull demon master seemed even more surprised.

It seems that every time Lei Dao retreats, he can make great progress.

As for the little improvement that Lei Dao said, just listen to it, the bull demon master doesn't really believe that it's just a "little" improvement.

"I really envy Master Lei. Like a top master, it is even more difficult to improve a little bit, let alone an aspirant? I became an aspirant and embarked on the path of the ancestor. During this time But there is no improvement at all. It is unbelievable that Master Lei can improve a little casually."

Lei Dao smiled and said nothing, just said lightly: "Now you can go to the Miyu Corridor, by the way, the Miyu Corridor, can you briefly talk to me?"

Lei Dao only knew a little bit of news about the Miyu Corridor, but it was only half-knowledgeable. Lei Dao was not familiar with the Miyu Corridor at all.

"It's natural."

Afterwards, the Bull Demon Master introduced the Lost Domain Corridor to Lei Dao in detail.

The Miyu Corridor is a forbidden place in the Ming Realm. It is actually not dangerous, but it is easy to trap people. Many people entered the maze corridor, and then... there was no more.

Never disappeared again.

Those with a life card can even see that the life card is not broken, which means that they are not dead, but they can't get out of the maze corridor from now on.

Of course, it is difficult to trap the questioner in the maze corridor.

How does the questioner exist?

That is to clarify the path of one's ancestor, and the inner will is extremely firm, and there is no place to trap the aspirant.

There is no danger, but it is a bit troublesome. You need to go to the Miyu Corridor to find Master Yaoxin. It may not be completed in a day or two, it will take a long time.

Moreover, the Bull Demon Master and the Wanhua Master also gave Lei Dao ample time, at most three months.

If Yaoxin can't be found within three months, Lei Dao can leave the Miyu Corridor directly.

This time the bull devil master will also go, and both of them are looking for someone in the corridor of the lost domain. In three months, as long as he can't find it, Lei Dao doesn't have to wait for the Bull Demon to dominate, and it will not be a problem to return to Wanhuayuan, or even return to the ancient continent.

"Okay, so when do we leave?"

Lei Dao didn't have many doubts.

It's just to find someone, and there is no great danger. It will take three months at most. How could he refuse? After all, he came out this trip, but gained nearly 90 billion years of lifespan.

It's no big deal to help Lord Wanhua and Lord Bull Demon find their daughters.

"It's not too late, let's go right away."

The ruler of the Bull Demon also acted vigorously, and he didn't want to delay any longer. After not seeing his daughter for so many years, he finally reconciled with Master Wanhua, but his daughter disappeared, and he was already very anxious.

"Old Niu, you must come back safely."

Master Wanhua is still a little reluctant.

I haven't seen the bull demon master for so many years. When they were inseparable, but because of their daughter, they had to separate again. She was also very reluctant.

"Okay, I will find my daughter as soon as possible, then come back, and our family will be reunited."

After all, the bull demon master immediately prepared to travel through the space and head for the lost corridor.

"A family reunion?"

Lei Dao shook his head, he seemed to have a family too.

It's just that I almost forgot.

"Maybe, when I become the ancestor, I should go back and have a look?"

Lei Dao seemed to have forgotten something in his mind, and it was all in the innate secret realm. In order to become the master of the secret realm, he lost some memories.

I don't know what kind of memory it is.

Fortunately, Lei Dao also remembered that he still had family members.

However, now that his family is safe, Lei Dao doesn't take it too seriously, and he will go back to reunite with his family when he becomes the first ancestor.

Thus, Lei Dao and the bull devil master stepped into the space together, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The master of no words comforted the master of Wanhua in a calm tone: "Don't worry, there is no great danger in the Miyu Corridor. There are two aspirants, Lei Dao and Bull Demon Master, and Yao Xin should be recalled soon. .”

"I hope so..."

Master Wanhua could only nod his head, hoping that everything will go well.



In the void of the distant Ming Realm, circles of space ripples vaguely emerged.

Immediately afterwards, two figures stepped out of the space.

"Is this the Miyu Corridor?"

Lei Dao looked around, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

He and the bull demon master traveled through the space for a long time, and finally came to the maze corridor. Of course, this is only the edge of the maze corridor, or the outermost area.

The bull demon master is not as relaxed as Lei Dao. He said in a deep voice: "The corridor of the lost domain is not easy. Many masters and top masters are lost in the corridor of the lost domain. Although it is difficult to trap the aspirant, the It is also because very few aspirants enter the maze corridor. Perhaps, if they are not careful, they will be trapped in it. Therefore, Master Lei, you must not take it lightly and be careful."

The Bull Demon Ruler looked very dignified.

No one can tell the situation of the maze corridor. It is said that the questioner is very strong and cannot trap the questioner, but what if? What's more, aspirants basically don't go to the Miyu Corridor, and the number of aspirants is very small, and there are no opportunities or resources in the Miyu Corridor, so why go to the Miyu Corridor?

Therefore, just because there are no aspirants lost in the Lost Corridor does not mean that the Lost Corridor will not be able to trap the aspirant. Everything is possible, and no one can guarantee it.

"Don't worry, Lei won't let himself in. Well, let's go in."

Thus, Lei Dao and the bull demon master flew into the corridor of the lost domain.

As soon as he flew in, Lei Dao felt something different.

"This feeling is very strange, it seems... seems to be cut off from the Ming Realm?"

Lei Dao felt a little suspicious. This corridor of the Lost Domain seemed to have been cut. But it is different from the ancient continent, there is still some vague connection with the Ming world, in short, it is very strange.

Lei Dao swiped casually.


There are still space cracks, and the space passage is exposed inside.


It's just that the next moment, the space channel collapsed like glass shards.

"Why is the space here so fragile?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

Fragile space, a little strength can break the space, it seems easy, but in fact, such a space cannot carry practitioners to travel through the space.

In other words, in the maze corridor, space travel is impossible at all.

This has nothing to do with spatial talent.

Lei Dao's ancestor god body does have a very rare space talent, but so what? He can travel through the space in the ancient continent because the space is too stable.

But now, in this labyrinthine corridor, the space is too fragile to carry practitioners to travel through the space.

Once forced to shuttle, the space will collapse, no matter how strong Lei Dao's space talent is, it will not help.

"It's really weird here, we have to be careful."

Lei Dao said in a low voice.

There is no need for Lei Dao's reminder, the bull demon master has tried the space here just like Lei Dao, and knows that it is impossible to travel through space, so he appears to be very cautious.

Not being able to travel through space means that once you encounter danger, it is unrealistic to escape by traveling through space.

This will undoubtedly make practitioners very dangerous.

"Master Lei, the Misty Corridor is not too big, but it is not too small. Let's split up and try to wipe out the entire Misty Corridor."

"Okay, then split up and act, Master Bull Demon, you have to be careful."

"Master Lei, you too, be careful."

So, the two simply separated and started searching in two different directions.

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