Longevity Species

Chapter 937 Lost? The irritable Lord Thunder! (Second more)

In the maze corridor, Lei Dao continued to walk.

Although he can't travel through space, Lei Dao can fly, and his ancestor divine body perfectly inherits the advantages of Kunpeng's divine body. Not only does he have unparalleled talent in space, but his speed is also unparalleled in the world.


Lei Dao flew at full strength.

He would like to see, what secrets are hidden in a mere maze corridor? It can cause so many masters and great masters to fall into it.

Lei Dao is constantly flying in the corridor of the Lost Territory. This place is extremely wide, but there is no breath of life, and it cannot stop Lei Dao.

One day, two days, three days...

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Lei Dao was actually flying all the time.

This is a little unusual.

"It's been a few days, are you still flying? Haven't you flown through the entire maze corridor?"

Lei Dao felt something was wrong, how big is the entire corridor of the Lost Domain? From the outside, it is not worth mentioning at all, it is as big as an ordinary domain.

But Lei Dao's flying speed is so fast, and he has been flying all the way for a few days. Let alone one domain is so big, even if it is as big as ten domains, it should fly to the end. Why does it look like it still can't be seen? to the end?

Is a domain that big?

Lei Dao began to be vigilant in his heart.


Lei Dao stopped. At this time, he wanted to contact the bull demon master, but found that he could not use the communication stone to contact him. In the beginning, their contact was unimpeded, why is there no contact now?

In the maze corridor, no one knows what is going on. Even the Bull Demon Master only knows a little bit of information, after all, very few people can return from the maze corridor.

Even if they returned, they just stepped into the maze corridor, and then left immediately, without going deep.

"Deep... By the way, did I enter the core area of ​​the Lost Corridor?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, as if he thought of a certain possibility.

Under normal circumstances, in some mysterious and weird places, there may be no difference on the periphery, but once it reaches the core, it will be very weird, mysterious and terrifying.

Perhaps, Lei Dao came to the core area of ​​the Lost Corridor, so it became like this.

"Could it be that I'm lost too?"

Lei Dao frowned, and he had some guesses and judgments in his mind.

However, his stay is very short at present, just a few days, and he is still unable to make a judgment.

So, for the next time, Lei Dao kept flying and sweeping with his divine sense, trying to find Master Yaoxin, or Master Bull Demon.

It's a pity that Lei Dao got nothing for a whole month!

At this time, Lei Dao also vaguely understood, maybe, he was also trapped in the corridor of the lost domain, and he was also lost!

Because, no matter how he flies, he can't fly to the end, as if this maze corridor is endless, but how is this possible? Even if it is the vast Ming Realm, I dare not say it is endless, it has a limit.

And Lei Dao has such a feeling, it seems endless.

If it's just a maze, then it should be that Lei Dao keeps turning around and returning to the original point. But the Miyu Corridor is different, Lei Dao keeps flying, no matter how long he flies, he can see it at a glance, it is completely different from the previous position.

It seems that this maze corridor is really endlessly huge.

But Lei Dao is also very sober.

He understood that if he really wanted to keep flying like this, he might never be able to fly to the end.

He is really trapped!

"Want to trap me?"

Lei Dao snorted coldly, a maze corridor wanted to trap him, but Lei Dao didn't think he could trap him.


The next moment, Lei Dao manifested the body of the ancestor god, and at the same time, a road appeared above his head, which was an extremely wide road.

This is Lei Dao's ancestor's road!

Every aspirant has his own ancestor's path.

Once the path of the ancestor is manifested, the practitioner is the most determined practitioner, and will not be trapped by some illusions, at least he can see the illusion clearly.

Even, you can feel the bright world in the dark.

At this moment, Lei Dao's ancestor's path continued to expand, and he was really trying his best to sense the Ming Realm.

Just, it didn't work.

It didn't work, Lei Dao couldn't sense any power of the Ming Realm, and didn't even have a direction, as if the Ming Realm disappeared out of thin air.

This is somewhat similar to the Ancient Desolate Continent, and the Ancient Desolate Continent cannot sense any power from the Ming Realm.

But it seems to be a little different.

In the ancient continent, it is not so weird, it seems to be covered by fog anytime and anywhere.

"The questioner can't get out..."

Lei Dao's heart sank.

He found that the trouble was big, the trouble he encountered was too big.

He couldn't get out of the maze corridor, and none of the practitioners who had been trapped in the maze corridor came out. So where did so many venerables, masters and even great masters go?

If he had been stuck in the corridor of the Lost Domain all the time, then Lei Daofei should be able to touch it or feel its breath after flying for so long. But the point is that until now, Lei Dao has not felt the breath of any other practitioners.

He didn't even sense the breath of life, which was very suspicious.

It seems that Lei Dao is the only one in the entire lost corridor.

"I can't be trapped!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath. Today, he has no other better way. He can only take a risk and try to see if he can travel through the space.


The next moment, Lei Dao was like a shadow, directly "integrating" into the space without making a sound. This is Lei Dao's ability to activate the Kunpeng Divine Body in the ancestor's bloodline in his body, and travel through space!

With the talent of Kunpeng's divine body, it can't even be called space shuttle, but integrated into space, and with the help of space channel, he can leave any place quickly.

This talent is too strong.

Only the Kunpeng clan can have such spatial talent. With Lei Dao's ancestral divine body and his space talent, Lei Dao easily entered the space channel.

However, the next moment, the space channel suddenly collapsed.


Like a shattered mirror, the space channel collapsed and turned into pieces, and Lei Dao's ancestor god body could only stagger and escape from the space channel.

"Space shuttle doesn't work either..."

Lei Dao's expression was extremely dignified.

At this time, he didn't know that he was really in big trouble!

If it is not resolved, I am afraid that he will never be able to leave the corridor of the maze.

"I want to see, how big is the maze corridor?"

There was a trace of coldness in Lei Dao's eyes.

He was also a little impatient, and tried again and again, but it didn't work. The current Lei Dao doesn't want to find Yaoxin's master anymore, he just wants to leave this lost corridor.

As a result, Lei Dao mobilized the power of the realm in his body.

This time, Lei Dao did not shrink the domain, but unscrupulously released the entire domain. Moreover, he is not the power of the realm released, but the complete realm!


The domain has come!

A complete domain descended suddenly, and it just descended directly into the corridor of the mysterious domain. Everything in the domain was under Lei Dao's control.

This is Lei Dao's real method!

However, this is his desperate method, because once the internal domain is broken, it will be difficult for him to recover. Therefore, unless it is a last resort, Lei Dao will not directly let the domain come down, at most it will mobilize the power of the domain to form the domain.

When the power of Lei Dao's domain came, the place that Lei Dao could sense instantly became a domain.

Just, it didn't work.

Within the range covered by his domain, Lei Dao didn't sense any clues about the maze corridor. Some are just empty.

Cold, empty, silent...

This is the maze corridor.

Lei Dao's eyes were cold, and he murmured in a low voice: "Lei wants to see if the Miyu Corridor is really infinite?"

After all, Lei Dao had a thought, at this moment, his domain expanded crazily.

Double, double, triple, quadruple, five times...

Lei Dao's inner body realm is expanding crazily, constantly expanding. Lei Dao didn't have any intention of controlling it, so he just allowed the realm in his body to expand.

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times, forty times, fifty times...

In a blink of an eye, Lei Dao's inner body domain expanded to fifty-five times the size of the domain, which is currently the largest extent Lei Dao can expand.

Fifty-five times the realm, equivalent to the size of fifty-five realms.

Even Lei Dao's inner body realm has a solid foundation, and the general fifty-five realms are far less than fifty-five times the size of Lei Dao's realm.

But such a large area is still empty, cold, and silent, without a trace of life, nor does it feel the breath of other people.

This is the first time Lei Dao has encountered such a weird scene!

However, Lei Dao was not discouraged, but became crazy.

"Since you can't find the way back, then completely destroy this lost corridor, destroy everything, and let me explode..."

Lei Dao let out a low growl. He is very irritable now, and he was very irritable by this maze corridor.

Since he couldn't find a way out, he completely destroyed the Lost Domain Corridor.

At the same time, the place where his domain expanded fifty-five times was completely under his control. Fifty-five times the power of the realm exploded, and immediately, the void covered by the fifty-five realm was shattered.



The void shatters!

Complete smash!

Just like the doomsday, no, more terrifying than the doomsday. Lei Dao has never seen the Great Tribulation of the Era, and maybe even the Great Tribulation of the Era, it is not like now, the void is all shattered and turned into nothingness.

The void under the control of fifty-five times the realm was completely shattered. However, Lei Dao's anger is anger, but he is still sensing every place under the control of the fifty-five times domain.

"Huh? This space crack..."

Lei Dao suddenly felt a move in his heart.

At this moment, he felt something unusual.

It seems that somewhere in the nothingness, the moment the space is instantly shattered, there is a trace of space crack with some very subtle fluctuations.

Although this fluctuation was fleeting, it was captured by Lei Dao.

The next moment, Lei Dao flew directly towards the source of the fluctuation.

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