Longevity Species

Chapter 939: I Am The Asker Lei Dao! (first update)

"This is the Dragon Alliance."

Master Jiuquan brought Lei Dao to a magnificent and huge building. When he stepped into it, Master Jiuquan couldn't help but whispered: "Master Lei, don't be impulsive. What you said before When I didn’t hear it. No matter what status or influence you have in the bright world, no matter how strong you are, but when you come to the lost world, those things will have no effect. When you come to the lost world, everything starts from scratch, and the lost world The powerhouse is far beyond your imagination, you must not underestimate it..."

In fact, Master Jiuquan was a little confused when he heard Lei Dao's words before.

What is Longmeng surnamed Lei?

Lei Dao is going to make trouble!

And it's going to be a big deal!

In fact, over the years, many newcomers have come to the fandom, and some of them are not without some powerful masters, and some fierce people are even more powerful. But what about the result? Anyway, what Master Jiuquan saw was that all the newcomers ended up miserable.

Although the Dragon Alliance is not considered to be the top force in the maze world, it can be regarded as a cloud of masters, with countless masters and great masters. There are even more than one questioner sitting in the town!

With such a lineup, Lei Dao, a newcomer who has just arrived, can make any waves?

"Hehe, Great Master Jiuquan, don't worry, just watch."

Lei Dao remained calm, his tone seemed very calm, and he couldn't see what his plan was.

Seeing this, Great Master Jiuquan could only shake his head, sighed and said: "Forget it, anyway, I have already said what should be said, and I have done my best. I don't care what you want to do, but I have to remind you one last thing, If you die in the maze, you are really dead, and there is no difference from outside."

After all, Master Jiuquan took Lei Dao directly into the gate of the Dragon League.


The door opened, and Lei Dao and Master Jiuquan walked in.

Inside is a magnificent hall. In the middle of the main hall, there are three strong men sitting. The aura on them is also the aura of the great master. However, according to what the great master Jiuquan said before, Lei Dao also recognized it all at once. come out.

These three are probably the leader and the two deputy leaders of the Dragon Alliance.

They are not top masters, but questioners!

The aspirant, in fact, is also the master in terms of realm. But if there is no special aura, it is actually the same as the master.

"Greetings to the three lords and elders. This is the newcomer who has just arrived in the Lost Realm, Master Lei Dao."

Master Jiuquan said respectfully.

"Master Lei, you must be familiar with the situation in the Lost Realm, right? Join my Dragon League, and you will be safe in the Lost Realm."

The head leader of the Dragon Alliance, Longhui Zhuzhu, also said directly.

Lei Dao also understood that this Longhui ruler is not easy. When Master Longhui first entered the maze world, he was only a top master. But in a very short period of time in the maze world, he became an aspirant.

Presumably in the Ming Realm, that is also the famous top master.

Therefore, after Long Hui established the Dragon Alliance, it quickly developed and grew, and soon became one of the many forces in the lost world. It is not bad to have three aspirants sitting in the town.

Lei Dao did not hesitate, nodded and said: "No problem, Lei has planned to join the Dragon League."

"Okay, Master Lei seems to have thought clearly. From now on, you are an official member of my Dragon Alliance!"

Master Long Hui said with a smile.

Although there are not many newcomers in the Lost Realm, there are not too many practitioners who are masters when they come to the Lost Realm. After all, the maze corridor is getting more and more dangerous, which master will take the risk?

Moreover, once the top master enters the maze, it may not take long for him to break through and become an aspirant within the maze.

At that time, the Dragon Alliance will have the Four Great Aspirants, and their influence will undoubtedly become even stronger.

"Now that Lei has joined the Dragon League, what position should the Dragon League give Lei?"

Lei Dao looked at the three aspirants, with a playful look on his face.


Master Long Hui's expression sank, and he said coldly: "In Dragon League, everything is based on contribution. Of course, you are also a master in the Ming Realm, and your status and status must be very respected. Naturally, it is impossible to be an ordinary member. How about it? , as the great master, how about arranging a guardian for you?"

In Longmeng, the highest is the leader and deputy leader.

Followed by elders, followed by Dharma protectors.

Among the Dharma protectors, there are masters and great masters. In fact, such an arrangement can be regarded as a normal arrangement.

"Dharma protector? No, no, Lei doesn't want to be some kind of protector. Instead, Lei wants to sit in the position of leader of the alliance dominated by Long Hui."


The expressions of Master Longhui and the others all changed.

Even Great Master Jiuquan who came with Lei Dao had a wry smile on his face.

It seems that Lei Dao still hasn't listened to the persuasion. Is this going to directly challenge the position of the leader?

It's just too crazy!

Moreover, in the view of Great Master Jiuquan, Lei Dao's doing so is tantamount to seeking his own death.

Long Hui's temper is not good.

"Hahaha, it's been a long time since I've seen such an arrogant newcomer, who coveted the position of the leader of this seat just after he came to the Lost Realm. Even if the position of leader is given to you, are you safe?"

"It doesn't matter if it's stable or not. The important thing is that from today onwards, the Dragon League will be changed to Lei League, and the surname will be Lei from now on!"


The next moment, the three leaders did not speak, but some elders were already bursting with anger, extremely angry.

Each of these elders is a master, and they are top masters. They can't bear Lei Dao for a long time. How dare a mere newcomer be so arrogant?

Of course, the point is that the leader Long Hui is already very angry, so what scruples do they have?


The next moment, the three top masters and the three elders of the Longmeng attacked at the same time. All of them manifested their true bodies and rolled directly towards Lei Dao.

With such terrifying power, even the Great Master Jiuquan beside Lei Dao felt faintly crushed to powder. He was just a mere Great Master, and even if there was even a little bit of aftermath, he would die without a place to bury him.

Now Great Master Jiuquan is really miserable, and he even regrets it.

If you don't bring Lei Dao to Longmeng, won't there be nothing? But now, he has also been implicated, and may even be directly suppressed to death by several elders.

But now it's too late to regret it, he's just a mere lord and can't do anything.

However, Lei Dao's eyes turned cold, he didn't even move, and the power of the realm in his body descended instantly.


The next moment, Lei Dao's domain directly descended.

Not for these three top masters, but for the entire hall, and for everyone in the hall.

Including the three askers!


The three lords originally sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, aloof, and had no intention of making a move at all.

It's just to deal with a mere newcomer. If they all need their three lords to take action, then why do they need elders and guardians?

But now, they are extremely furious.

Lei Dao actually enveloped the entire hall, which was a provocation to the entire Dragon League and their three leaders.

Can't bear it!

Therefore, the three aspirants could not sit still on the Diaoyutai at this time and remain indifferent. Moreover, the most important thing is that the power of Lei Dao's domain descended and formed a domain.

This domain made the three aspirants feel threatened.

Therefore, the three askers made a move.

"court death!"

Among the three aspirants, the master Longhui manifested his real body, which seemed to be dragon clan, and there were dragon clans in Ming Realm, but basically there was not a single aspirant.

Unexpectedly, in this maze, a dragon aspirant was born.

Of course, maybe this is because of the special environment of the Lost Realm.

The maze world has unlimited resources, a lot of time, and a lot of fellowship. It is much easier to become an aspirant than in the bright world, and it is not so far away to become an aspirant.

Moreover, in the Lost Realm, these aspirants are not much different from those in the Ming Realm.

Therefore, when the three aspirants shot together, the pressure was extremely terrifying. If it wasn't for the shrinking power of Lei Dao's domain, but to envelop these practitioners inside, the aftermath alone would be enough to destroy the hall countless times.

"Thirty times!"

Lei Dao remained motionless, just constantly mobilizing the power of the realm in his body.

At this moment, he mobilized thirty times the realm!


Immediately, the power of the entire domain skyrocketed again, a force of confinement made all the practitioners in the domain seem to be struggling, no, it was not only difficult to move, it was unable to move.


There are even some masters who couldn't bear the terrifying pressure in the domain, and directly exploded into blood mist and turned into dust.

This is directly crushed to death!

"No, it's impossible, you are a mere newcomer, but you are actually an asker?"

Master Longhui couldn't believe his eyes.


Lei Dao is actually an aspirant, and he is a genuine aspirant in the bright world, completely different from those who have achieved success in the lost world.

In the Ming Realm, every aspirant is high and high, standing on the top of the Ming Realm, he is the ancestor of hope!

It won't be like in the maze world, the askers don't seem to be very good.

Master Long Hui never imagined that Lei Dao was actually a real aspirant!

And, not even the average questioner.

Their three great aspirants, the three lords, were under the suppression of Lei Dao's domain at this moment, and they couldn't move at all. More importantly, they can still feel that Lei Dao didn't try his best.

Once you do your best.

Maybe, they will die!

In the maze world, if you die, you are really dead.

At this moment, they were all terrified.

"You... who are you?"

Master Long Hui's face was full of horror.

He now wants to know, who is Lei Dao?

How could a questioner fall into the maze?

As far as they know, no aspirant has fallen into the maze world for so many years.

"who I am?"

Lei Dao smiled, and then his eyes were fixed, his body exuded a powerful aura, and he stood upright in the void, as if exuding infinite domineering aura.

"Remember, I am a disciple of the first ancestor. I have never met an opponent in this life. I have traversed the Ming Realm and the ancient continent. I am an invincible aspirant——Lei Dao!"

At this moment, Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes staring at all living beings, as if his body exuded an invincible brilliance!

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