Longevity Species

Chapter 944 It's Not My Mistake, It's The World's Mistake! (third change)


Elder Wei Xiang was a little flustered.

He was just talking harshly, even if he reported it to the leader and the elders, it would probably be nothing. After all, it was only his maid who was involved, but the other party was a top aspirant, how huge was the gap?

Could it be that for a little dominating maid, she had an evil relationship with a top aspirant?

If it's just the questioner, then not necessarily.

But top aspirants and ordinary aspirants are two completely different categories. The peak aspirant is the most peak existence in the entire Ming Realm, who dares to ignore it?

Even if there are a lot of top aspirants in the Dominion Alliance, they absolutely dare not ignore any one of them.

But Elder Weixiang is really angry now, and he is very unwilling. Anyway, this place is in the territory of the Juggernaut League. Could it be that Lei Dao can kill people directly?

Therefore, Elder Wei Xiang took courage and sneered, "So what? You forcibly took away the old man's maid, so why don't you allow the old man to report to the leader and the elders?"

"Or, do you still dare to kill the old man on the territory of the Juggernaut Alliance in front of Elder Chifeng?"

Elder Weixiang also glanced at Elder Chifeng.

But Elder Chifeng didn't speak, it was a tacit agreement.

People, Lei Dao can take away.

But if Lei Dao wanted to cause trouble on the territory of the Domination League, even beheading an elder of the Domination League, the nature would be quite different. He would not agree, let alone sit idly by.

Lei Dao suddenly smiled, very happily.

He took a deep look at Elder Weixiang and Elder Chifeng, then turned to Master Longhui and the three deputy leaders beside him, and said slowly in a low voice: "Master Longhui, did you see it? As I expected, this is human nature! It doesn’t matter whether it’s a master or a questioner, it’s the same.”

"I have endured enough, and imagined the hearts of the people in this world to be good enough, but the result? There are still people like elders who will report to the leader of the Master League, and will tell the truth to the elders of the Master League, and then the Master League will They will send people to investigate, even if they don’t do it directly, they will definitely send people to investigate, and then there will be conflicts, and finally...with the dominance of the Juggernaut League, the result is the same, and it is destined to destroy our Leimeng League.”

"By the way, what is the style of the Juggernaut? Isn't it domineering?"

"Uh...the Domination League's behavior style is indeed a little domineering."

Master Long Hui felt a little flustered.

Can he lie?


What's more, Lei Dao said the truth.

The Juggernaut is one of the most powerful, top-notch, and oldest forces in the fandom. Can it not act in a domineering style? Not to mention the Juggernaut League, even the Dragon League, wasn't it actually quite domineering before?

After discovering Lei Dao, he had to directly force Lei Dao to join the Dragon Alliance. If he was not overbearing, how could he survive in the Lost Realm? How to make others afraid?

"Look, the Juggernaut Alliance is really domineering. In fact, I can guess that even if you don't answer, a mere top master is not a questioner. Facing me, a top questioner, not only does he not have the slightest respect or fear On the contrary, he was arrogant and even threatened Lei Mou. How domineering and arrogant do you have to be to be able to behave like this?"

"A mere top master, a mere elder is like this, so how do the other inquirers, top inquirers, and even all high-level leaders of the dominator alliance have to be overbearing?"

"If I back down this time, then the next step will affect the entire Leimeng. There are too many evil people in this world. Only by eradicating all evil forces can the world be restored to peace."

"Wait, leader, calm down, you must calm down, things are not as bad as you imagined."

At this time, Master Longhui even felt that he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

He was very sure, very sure, something bad happened, something big happened!

Even elders Chifeng and Weixiang felt that something was wrong. Elder Wei Xiang just uttered a harsh word, could it have that much damage?

Looking at Lei Dao's appearance, it seems that he really wants to do something.

But this is the territory of the Domination Alliance.

Do it in the domination alliance?

Isn't that crazy? Suicide?


Raidou shook his head.

He knew that Master Longhui didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but Master Longhui was just too cautious and timid.

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a long sigh: "In fact, a long time ago, I understood a truth. In this world, there are too many wicked people. I can't kill them all. I can't change the whole world. Even, I went to the Ancient Desolate Continent and wanted to change the Ancient Desolate Continent, but found that I couldn’t change the Ancient Desolate Continent, there were too many saints and top aspirants there, and I was not strong enough to change it.”

"However, this has strengthened my judgment. It's not that I was wrong, but this world is wrong! I can't change the ancient continent, but there are no saints and ancestors in the lost world. I don't believe that I can't change it. If so, change the lost world , then start from today, from the Domination League!"

At this moment, Lei Dao's will was extremely firm.

He has been silent for too long.

In the ancient continent, Lei Dao actually had such an idea. He wanted to change the ancient continent, even a small part. It's a pity that he couldn't change even a small part.

It's the same even if he becomes a top inquirer.

Because, there are saints in the ancient continent!

The Ming Realm also has ancestors!

The saint and ancestor, Lei Dao cannot be changed.

With sages and ancestors, Lei Dao cannot change the Ming Realm and the Ancient Continent.

But this is a maze.

There are no patriarchs and saints here.

For Lei Dao, isn't this the place he dreamed of?

Moreover, Mijie was also wrong!

How wrong!

Respect the strong?

No, it shouldn't be like this.

In his imagination, the whole world should be full of love, harmonious and happy with each other. This is an ideal world, a world of truth, goodness and beauty in his imagination.

Even though Lei Dao thinks that everything in the maze world is illusory, but the human heart is not illusory, he only needs to change the human heart.

If he can't even change the Lost Realm and Lei Dao, what courage and confidence does he have to change the Bright Realm and the Ancient Continent?

At this moment, Lei Dao seemed to exude an invisible brilliance, and he suddenly felt that he had a great mission on his shoulders. Even, he was able to take the initiative to find the lost world, maybe there is a great mission that needs him to do.

His mission is to change the entire lost world!

"how so?"

Master Long Hui was in despair.

But suddenly, he found that there was no killing intent on Lei Dao's body, not at all, instead, there was a kind of "sacred" and "noble", which seemed to be very fanatical.

But Lei Dao's change did not reassure Master Longhui, but made him even more worried.

If a person can let go of killing intent and anger, how terrible is it?

"Elder Wei Xiang, you are heinous, you are the embodiment of evil in the world, and I can't help you correct your evil, and I can't purify your heart. If that's the case, then I can only eliminate the evil. Without the evil, the whole lost world will be nothing but evil." Goodness remains."

Lei Dao does not have the ability to save people's hearts and make people correct their evil ways.

He only has the Evil Sword!

Cut off all the people and power in the world, and naturally only goodness will remain in the world.

Perhaps, he will become the enemy of many evil forces, so what?

If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?

At this time, Lei Dao's mind was already very "noble". He seemed to feel that he was carrying a sacred mission, and he could realize what he wanted to do but dared not do, or could not do.

But now, in the Lost Realm, Lei Dao felt that he could do what he wanted to do most in his heart.


The next moment, Lei Dao's domain power descended.

"No, no, I am the elder of the Domination League. If you kill the elder of the Domination League, even if you are a top aspirant, the Domination League will not let you go..."

Elder Weixiang was beginning to feel fear now.

In an instant, his body was imprisoned, and he couldn't even move a little bit. Isn't that scary?

He already knew what Lei Dao wanted to do.

This far exceeded his expectations.

How dare Lei Dao do this?

Isn't Lei Dao afraid of Juggernaut?

Even if it is a top aspirant, who is not afraid of dominating the alliance?

Dare to be an enemy of the Juggernaut League just for the sake of a mere Juggernaut, isn't that a lunatic?

"Master Lei, what are you doing?"

Elder Chifeng also noticed that something was wrong, and in an instant, a mighty "road" appeared above his head, which was the road of his ancestor.

"Lei is purifying!"

Lei Dao didn't care about Elder Chifeng at all, as soon as the power of the domain in his body exploded, he pressed hard on Elder Weixiang.


Elder Wei Xiang's body, like an egg, shattered in an instant, and turned into powder without even a scream.


really dead!

A top-notch master just fell, and he had no power to resist.

Even Lei Dao could faintly feel that Elder Weixiang was really dead and completely fallen, there was nothing wrong with that.

This was the first time he had killed someone in the maze, and even he felt that death in the maze was real death.


Elder Chifeng wanted to say something more, but he found that he couldn't say anything. Even, he couldn't even walk, he couldn't move anymore.

This couldn't help but shocked Elder Chifeng.

He is a questioner!

Although it is not a real aspirant, it is only an aspirant who has cultivated in the maze, but the strength that the aspirant who has cultivated in the maze can display is no different from that of a real aspirant.

As for Lei Dao, he can easily suppress him and make him dare not move. How powerful is this?

According to the rumors, Lei Dao is a top aspirant, and even Lord Long Hui admits that Lei Dao is a top aspirant, but as long as you have not personally experienced Lei Dao's strength, you will not have a sense of awe.

But now, Elder Chifeng has a sense of awe.

He is afraid!

There seems to be no difference between Lei Dao killing an elder Weixiang and killing him again.

"You... still have a conscience, not as heinous as Elder Wei Xiang. Lei Mou let you go, I hope, you can abandon evil and do good, and become a ruler of truth, goodness and beauty from now on..."

Lei Dao waved his hand and let Elder Chifeng go.

Elder Chifeng still couldn't believe it.

What the hell is this?

Just let him go?

However, since Lei Dao let him go, Elder Chifeng didn't hesitate, and immediately turned into a stream of light, and quickly flew away from Elder Weixiang's cave.

He had to tell the top management of the Dominion League this news.

Juggernaut, something big has happened!

Looking at the figure of Elder Chifeng leaving, Lei Dao shook his head, sighed and said: "Lei killed Elder Weixiang, the Juggernaut League will definitely not let it go, and will definitely send people to chase and kill. To prevent more innocent people from being implicated, you Let's all go. Master Longhui, you take Master Yaoxin and leave first. This alliance of rulers is a place where filth is hidden. It is usually used to be domineering and arrogant, and it is the biggest evil force in the lost world. Lei also took advantage of this opportunity Opportunity to completely purify this evil force!"

"The ally..."

The corner of Long Hui's master's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

Raidou was simply insane.

It's not enough to kill a prestige elder, but also to purify the entire Juggernaut Alliance?

Is this crazy?

Still, maybe this is their chance too.

If Lei Dao really escaped, then the Dragon League would definitely suffer from the wrath of the Juggernaut League, and the Dragon League would no longer exist. Now, at least they still have a chance to escape.

"The leader, take care, go!"

At this time, Master Long Hui did not hesitate, and immediately took Master Yao Xin away.

At this moment, Master Yaoxin's face was full of bewilderment.

Didn't Lei Dao come to rescue her?

She is the center, the protagonist, right?

Why is it like this now?

Lei Dao is going to purify the entire Juggernaut Alliance?

However, no matter how dazed she was, it was useless.

The fact is that Lei Dao really wants to purify the entire Juggernaut, and he is working towards the sacred ideal in his heart.

In the lost world, a shocking event has happened!

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