Longevity Species

Chapter 974 The saint is really a paper tiger! (third change)

Lei Dao's ancestor's blood has reached 7%, what this means, Lei Dao is very clear. Just now he only integrated into one bloodline, and he was able to transform the ancestor's bloodline into 7%.

This means, that is the top bloodline!

A top bloodline similar to the Kunpeng bloodline!

As long as there is a top-notch bloodline, it can increase the bloodline of the ancestor by one percent!

At the beginning, Lei Dao tried his best to search for many bloodlines in the entire barren ancient continent, but he couldn't find any top bloodlines. And those giant spirit bloodlines, Tianlong bloodlines and the like are just powerful bloodlines, and there is still a distance from the top bloodlines.

And now, Lei Dao can be sure that this is the top bloodline!

The most important thing is that there are still two top bloodlines, that is to say, Lei Dao can increase the ancestor bloodline twice more, which can almost reach 9%!

Of course, the premise is that there is enough life!

Lei Dao was extremely excited deep in his heart.

The ancestor's bloodline was transformed without even consuming 30 billion years of lifespan. This is the strength of the top bloodline. It is not only powerful, but also really saves lifespan.

If possible, Lei Dao is willing to integrate into the top bloodline all the time.

It's a pity that top bloodlines are not so easy to obtain.

With the transformation of Lei Dao's ancestor's bloodline, his ancestor's divine body began to reorganize immediately. Every time the ancestor's bloodline is upgraded, the ancestor's divine body will be reorganized once.

If other top aspirants know that Lei Dao's divine body has transformed again and again, they don't know how shocked they will be. They've been lucky to be able to regroup once or twice.

And what about Raidou?

Reorganizing the divine body seems to be commonplace, and everyone is used to it...

As the reorganization of the divine body gradually ended, Lei Dao mobilized his abilities to check the data of the divine body.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 113 billion 10 million years

Inner world: seventy-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 7% (24 bloodlines complete)

Lei Dao's ancestor's bloodline has reached 7%, and his lifespan is 113 billion years left, which is indeed a terrifying number.

However, Lei Dao had to plan to use the lifespan of more than 100 billion years, otherwise, it would not have much effect at all.

After all, Lei Daode made a choice and balance between promoting the ancestor's bloodline and expanding the internal realm.

Now that the ancestor's bloodline has reached 7%, the realm in the body can continue to expand. Once the realm is expanded ten times, it will consume 50 billion years of lifespan.

There are more than 60 billion left, and it seems that it will not work to expand the internal domain. After all, the ancestor's bloodline has to be upgraded, and there are two top bloodlines.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao has already made a decision.

He first expands the internal domain.

The internal realm is very important, and Lei Dao will never forget that this time he was able to kill the incarnation of the saint by relying on the internal realm.

His inner body realm is the real way to protect the way, and it belongs to Lei Dao's own power.

In addition, whether it is the black coffin or the strange treasure of the lost world, it is actually an external force.

As long as it is an external force, it will be a little unreliable after all, and there will be accidents. Only one's own strength is the most reliable, so, no matter what, Lei Dao will not give up expanding the internal realm.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao closed his eyes again, expending 50 billion years of lifespan to expand the realm in his body.

And his internal body domain has also directly increased from seventy-five times to eighty-five times!

It seems to be one step closer to the Hundred Times Realm!

After expanding the internal realm, Lei Dao still has more than 60 billion years of life left. After thinking about it, Lei Dao raised the remaining two top bloodlines to a perfect state.

Each top bloodline consumes 29 billion years of lifespan, and the two top bloodlines consume 58 billion years of lifespan!

The entire lifespan of 58 billion years was consumed in an instant, and Lei Dao's divine body was reorganized twice in a row.

Lei Dao mobilized his abilities again to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 5 billion 10 million years

Inner world: eighty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 9% (26 bloodlines complete)

Lei Dao opened his eyes, feeling the ancestral blood in his body, Lei Dao's mood was also a little complicated.

Nine percent!

His ancestral bloodline finally reached 9%, and it was almost 10%!

And ten percent, that is 10% of the ancestor's blood, and by then, Lei Dao will also be able to reach 10% of the ancestor's divine body!

Perhaps, there will be some changes. As for what kind of changes, Lei Dao is not clear. But even now, Lei Dao could feel that the ancestor blood in his body was already very strong.

Even so strong that only relying on the blood of the ancestor, Lei Dao felt that dozens of times the power of the realm could not help him.

Perhaps, the incarnation of a saint can carry it?

This is the single-finger ancestor god body!

If it reaches 10% of the ancestor's divine body, it will be even more terrifying.

However, Lei Dao's ancestor blood continued to increase, reaching 9%, but the internal domain did not continue to expand. According to the relationship between the ancestor god body and the internal realm.

Now Lei Dao's inner body realm can actually be expanded to one hundred and five times, and only then will the real balance be achieved. But Lei Dao's lifespan is only five billion years left.

To expand the domain another twenty times, it would take another 100 billion years of lifespan.

A lifespan of hundreds of billions of years, if you say no, it will be gone. Where can Lei Dao go to get life extension treasures with a lifespan of hundreds of billions of years? This time, he emptied Julei Mountain, and even faced the incarnation of the saint.

As a result, the bloodline of the ancestors only reached 9%, and even the internal body realm only reached 85 times, not hundreds of times.

Moreover, now Lei Dao also knows the situation of the ancient continent.

He has offended four saints, if he continues, how many saints will he offend?


Lei Dao realized more and more that practice is too difficult.

"Go out and have a look first."

Lei Dao got up and left the secret room. He had to understand the situation of the ancient continent before making plans.

When he left the secret room, Ancestor Tunling was guarding him outside.

It's just that the spirit-swallowing patriarch seemed to be more respectful, and there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Reid asked, frowning.

"Master, the outside world has already spread the word. You faced the saint, fought the saint vigorously, and even defeated the saint!"

The voice of the ancestor swallowing spirit was trembling.

Even though it was not the first time he had heard the news, he was still extremely shocked.

Raidou defeated the saint?

That is simply a fantasy, impossible thing to happen.

Who is the saint?

That is an existence comparable to the ancestors, equal to the ancestors, and even in the ancient continent, the saints have a greater advantage than the ancestors!

Will the invincible saint be defeated by Lei Dao?

At first, the ancestor of Tunling didn't believe it, but as the rumors became more and more, all kinds of news also spread, and finally the ancestor of Tunling had to believe that his master Lei Dao might have really done it. An earth-shattering event is enough to cause a sensation in the entire barren continent, and even go down in the annals of history, becoming a legend of the barren continent!

In the ancient continent, at least since this era, there has never been a case of an aspirant defeating a saint.

It was the first time that the aspirant defeated the saint!

This detonated the entire ancient continent almost instantly, whether it was the ruler of the Ming Realm or the gods and demons of the ancient continent, they were frantically inquiring about the news of Lei Dao and the truthfulness of this matter.

But in fact, it is true!


Some of the top aspirants even voluntarily admitted it. After all, the Battle of Julei Mountain was under the watchful eyes of everyone, and they couldn't hide it even if they wanted to, let alone such a shocking thing?

At this moment, even Lei Dao didn't realize how appalling his "prestige" in the ancient continent had reached. Even those gods and demons and aspirants in the ancient continent have a little bit of approval for Lei Dao.

The reason is very simple, Lei Dao broke the shackles and the law of saints being invincible, which brought hope to all saints and practitioners below the ancestors.

Seeing the frenzied expression of the spirit swallowing patriarch, Lei Dao's face darkened, he hurriedly shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "Beat the saint? Rumors, it must be rumors!"

"Uh... rumors?"

The spirit swallowing patriarch was slightly taken aback.

Lei Dao said it was a rumor?

Moreover, Lei Dao's attitude is so firm, it doesn't seem to be fake, is it really a rumor?

Just, why are the "rumors" so true? There are even details, is this a rumor?

"Yes, this is a rumor! Tun Ling, you have been with me for so long, when did you become so exaggerated? Rumors are absolutely unbelievable, how can I defeat the saint? I am not the ancestor."

"Master, the rumors outside are intensifying."

"Yeah, so you must not spread rumors. I just defeated the incarnation of the saint. How could I defeat the saint? The rumors are too exaggerated."


The ancestor Tunling's face twitched slightly, his expression froze.

I have already defeated the incarnation of the saint. Isn't this called defeating the saint?

Well, there may be a little difference, but in the eyes of ancestor Tun Ling and others, there is actually no difference.

Is there a difference between a saint and a saint incarnate?


Anyway, saints rely on incarnation to fight.

The difference is only the strength of the avatar.

Lei Dao looked very worried, he sighed and said: "Even you have heard the rumors, it seems that the rumors can no longer be stopped, won't this cause trouble for me? How can I go to the ancient continent in a low-key manner in the future? Those saints, Don’t they all stare at me? Didn’t they just defeat the two incarnations of saints? I’m afraid they don’t even have a ten-thousandth of the power of saints. Maybe some top aspirants can defeat those two incarnations of saints. Just luck."

Lei Dao didn't think it was so great.

Anyway, in his opinion, the two incarnations of Saint Yi and Lingzu Saint were really weak.

In terms of strength alone, it seems to be at the level of a top aspirant.

It is estimated that the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain were able to defeat the incarnation of the saint in their heyday, but they did not dare to fight the incarnation of the saint.

Yes, just dare not!

The status of a saint is high, who dares to fight against a saint?

Therefore, no top aspirant has dared to challenge the saint, but in fact, as long as the top aspirant dares to challenge, he will eventually find that the incarnation of the saint is a paper tiger, which can be broken with a single poke!

Lei Dao felt that it was necessary for him to publicize this "fact" to let more top aspirants know that the saint is really a paper tiger!

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