Longevity starts with learning

Chapter 84 Know the person and know the medicine.

"Brother Mu, do you know what is the most important thing in studying medicine?"

In the snow, Mr. Li spoke slowly, his voice was calm, but in the whistling cold wind, it was clearly heard by Chu Mu.

"Know people, know medicine."

Chu Mu pondered for a moment, and uttered these four words very firmly.

"Brother Mu, you are really talented. You have only studied medicine for one month, but you have already understood the essence."

Old Li showed his appreciation: "This principle is the ultimate principle of medicine!"

"Know people, know what people need, know medicine, know pharmacology, can treat the disease, and know what you need."

"Brother Mu, you are a martial artist, and you follow me to study medicine, I think it is also for the needs of martial arts. In this case, you must keep this principle in mind. Know people, know medicine, and then you can know what you need."

Seeing that Mr. Li had spoken, Chu Mu's concerns were also dispelled, and he expressed the doubts he had always wanted to ask, but didn't know who to ask.

"May I ask, Mr. Li, is Qi and blood cultivation just a day-to-day effort?"

"Day-to-day effort..."

Mr. Li was slightly startled, as if he had stirred his emotions, but he sighed softly: "For ordinary people like us, it is naturally a day-to-day effort."

"Human life is so short."

"Qi and blood cultivation can waste half of your life!"

"What can I do... What can I do..."

Chu Mu's eyes moved slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and then asked again: "If you know people, you know medicine... ...Can I avoid this hard work?"

"Know people...know medicine..."

Old Li chuckled: "Brother Mu, you are talented, so you naturally have such ambitions."

"Ordinary people may not be able to reach this level in their lifetime, so how can they avoid this hard work?"

"Besides, even if they can avoid this hard work, how can they not waste decades in mediocrity..."

Chu Mu raised his head suddenly, his eyes flashing, and his eyes looking at Old Li seemed to have a little more inexplicable eagerness.

Old Li seemed not to notice Chu Mu's eager eyes, and his slightly turbid eyes looked at the sky, and said faintly: "This sky is too dark."

Chu Mu was silent. He was now very sure that the old Li in front of him...not to mention whether he was truly extraordinary, but...he should have come into contact with the real extraordinary world.

Maybe...just like the old man in Qili Village?

Or, he had stepped into the extraordinary world, was destroyed by reality, was discouraged, and retired to this small town?

This sky... is too dark?

Chu Mu thought for a moment, but then he was relieved.

The extraordinary sky is too dark.

Is this secular sky bright?

Chu Mu could understand Li Lao's sigh, just as Li Lao always disliked the inspection station's indifference to the lives of ordinary people.

Chu Mu could understand, but he could not empathize.

People are selfish after all.

He, Chu Mu, is just an extremely insignificant member of the multitude of living beings.

It is good enough to be able to take care of oneself and do what one can at most.

As for helping the world... that is nonsense.

Who wants to cause trouble for himself? Anyway, he doesn't want to.

"Hey, when people get old, they are always prone to sighing."

Li Lao shook his head: "I'm sorry to make you laugh, Brother Mu."

Chu Mu was a little confused. He didn't understand what Li Lao's half-hidden words and deeds meant.

If there was no intention, there was no need to say so much, just maintain the previous simple interest relationship.

But the fact is that he repeatedly unveiled his secrets, but he didn't say anything, as if he was deliberately being mysterious.

Chu Mu didn't think too much about it.

No matter what, there must be a purpose.

Since there is a purpose, it will be exposed to him sooner or later.

He... just stay the same and respond to all changes.

Chu Mu remained silent and followed behind Mr. Li silently.

Although he didn't know who Mr. Li's target was today, Chu Mu could probably guess that the workload today was probably not light.

After all, it was impossible not to kill or injure a large number of inspectors in such a big turmoil last night.

Those who died could be buried directly, and in the end it was just a pension.

But those who were injured needed treatment.

And in Nanshan Town, there was no other doctor except Mr. Li.

The fact was just as Chu Mu guessed.

The first day of his "paid vacation" was a day of walking around the streets.

Although Chu Mu had a deep understanding of the medical skills of this era after studying medicine for more than half a month.

But walking through the streets and alleys on this day and witnessing Li Lao's treatments, Chu Mu realized that his understanding was still too shallow.

In an era where the magical concept of Qi and blood really exists, the seemingly backward medical system is combined with the magical Qi and blood constitution.

Its treatment effect and scope seem to be much stronger than the era of technological soaring in his previous life, and it is also... much more magical.

If it weren't for a certain understanding of the medical skills of this era, I'm afraid I would feel like I was watching... witchcraft.

Perhaps there are only a few doctors like Li Lao who have both excellent medical skills and extraordinary martial arts, but in a sense, it seems that the upper limit of this era is indeed very high.

After all, this is only in the secular world, and the Qi and blood system and the medical system seem to be part of the secular system.

And above it, there is the higher level of transcendence, and there must be more unimaginable things.

Chu Mu studied very seriously. There were dozens of wounded people with different injuries, including burns, missing arms and legs, and disemboweled people. All of them showed the fierceness of the battle last night.

Although most of the injuries were treated by Mr. Li last night, the follow-up visit, Mr. Li's words and deeds, and Chu Mu's accumulated knowledge combined with reality undoubtedly benefited Chu Mu a lot.

Especially Mr. Li's combination of medicinal materials made Chu Mu almost amazed.

There are 238 kinds of medicinal materials on hand in Mingxin Hall, and Chu Mu has read a book on detailed explanations of medicinal materials in recent days, which contains nearly 600 kinds of medicinal materials.

Each kind of medicinal material has different medicinal properties. Even the same medicinal material, used at different time points or processed with different methods, will produce different medicinal properties.

This is like a math problem with countless answers. Chu Mu is still confused about all this, and most of the time he just recites from the book.

But in the hands of Mr. Li, it seemed that all the answers were familiar to him.

Of course, Chu Mu knew that this must be an illusion. No matter how superb Mr. Li's medical skills were, he could not know all the answers.

After all, there were countless answers.

But this illusion undoubtedly also clearly showed that Mr. Li's medical skills, knowledge of people and medicine, had reached a level that Chu Mu could not understand.

There was no doubt that what Chu Mu wanted to pursue was what Mr. Li had already mastered.

His goal was undoubtedly clearer than ever before.

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