Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 115 Night Watch at Xiushui Square

At night.

Zhao Ya put on his night patrol clothes, took away his application tools, said something to Zui'er, and then went out.

The streets were brightly lit, but there were very few pedestrians.

Zhao Ya knew that most of the neighbors around him should have gone to work at this time.

When Zhao Ya first came here, he was a little surprised as to why most of the residents in this area were women.

Later he found out that because it was relatively close to the Yudai River, many of the girls on the flower boats lived here.

Of course, the short distance is one thing, but the more important reason is that due to the presence of Dingtai Martial Arts School, the security in this area is very good, and ordinary bandits simply don't dare to come here to cause trouble.

In addition, Lu Dingtai does not discriminate against these women who make a living by selling jokes. In his words, who would be willing to do this kind of flesh and blood business unless they are desperate.

It is precisely because of this compassion that the area near Dingtai Martial Arts School has gradually become the preferred residence for flower boat girls.

Lu Dingtai has also become the patron saint of these girls and respects them very much.

Even Zhao Ya, the disciples of Dingtai Martial Arts School, are valued by these girls.

In Miao Shaocheng's words, anyone from the Dingtai Martial Arts School can go drinking on the flower boat for free. If you look better, the girls will take the initiative to pay you.

So he encouraged Zhao Ya to go drinking on the flower boat more than once, but Zhao Ya refused.

He doesn't like going to that kind of place.

Rather than living in debauchery, he would rather practice at home.

But tonight is different. Tonight Zhao Ya is going to watch the night at Xiushifang nearby.

This is the first bounty mission Zhao Ya has received.

Zhao Ya has carefully studied the reward briefing several times in the past few days.

Although the number one task of capturing the Jade Butterfly made Zhao Ya envious.

But Zhao Ya also understood that since no one has completed the reward list for three years, it means that this jade butterfly must be extremely difficult to catch.

Instead of being too ambitious, think about something practical.

This night patrol task was taken over by Zhao Ya after careful selection.

It turns out that the Xiushui Fang next to it was very unstable during this period. House thefts and even robberies often occurred at night, and once there was a fatal incident.

Although the government also sent people to investigate, there was no success.

For their own safety, the people of Xiushifang raised funds and issued a bounty mission.

The task is simple, that is, patrol the ground to ensure the safety of Xiushifang residents.

Although the bounty was not comparable to that of Jade Butterfly, it was still pretty good, so Zhao Ya accepted it.

Xiushui Fang is not far away. With Zhao Ya's walking distance, it is only a few miles away in a blink of an eye. When he arrived, several people were waiting for him.

"Master Zhao, I'm going to have to work hard for you tonight!" The speaker was a chubby man.

His name is Kong Cun, he is the initiator of this reward fund raising, he runs several drug stores, so he has quite a bit of savings.

"Shopkeeper Kong is too polite to use money to eliminate disasters for others. Since I have accepted this task, I will naturally do my best to do it well." Zhao Ya said.

"Okay!" Kong Cun was very happy.

When Zhao Ya approached him to take over this task, he was still a little hesitant because Zhao Ya was too young.

Kong Cun felt at that time how capable he could be at this age.

Zhao Ya naturally saw this, so he showed his hands a little and told Kong Cun that he was a disciple of Dingtai Martial Arts School.

Kong Cun was first shocked by Zhao Ya's strength, and then he was overjoyed.

Dingtai Martial Arts School is famous, and Zhao Ya's ability to become its disciple proves his strength.

It's a real bargain to be able to hire such a master at this price.

Kong Cun took out a small bag and handed it to Zhao Ya.

"This is a reward."

Zhao Ya opened it and found that there was more than promised.

"The extra money is a red envelope for Master Zhao, after all, it's the first day!" Kong Cun said with a smile.

Zhao Ya didn't refuse, thanked him profusely and put it in his pocket.

"This is Chen Ada, our watchman from Xiushui Fang. He will lead the way for you later. This young man's name is Chen Sanhu. He is your little follower. You can give him orders for any errands."

An old man in his sixties with a wrinkled face nodded and smiled at Zhao Ya.

The young man named Chen Sanhu next to him looked at Zhao Ya with curiosity and reverence.

Zhao Ya nodded upon seeing this, "Okay!"

After a few more words, Kong Cun left.

"Master Zhao, should we leave now or wait?" Chen A asked with a laugh.

"Let's go now, I'll familiarize myself with the road first."


Xiushui Fang is relatively wealthy among the surrounding cities. Most of the people living here are businessmen. Therefore, the roads are much wider than Ankang Fang where Dingtai Martial Arts School is located. However, this also attracts the covetousness of bandits. .

While walking, Chen Ada introduced to Zhao Ya.

"This is the home of Liu Yuan's wife. A few days ago, there were robbers in his house, and Liu Yuan's wife was killed because of it. I came over to see it at that time. Blood was flowing all over the floor, and even my head was smashed. I was miserable. "

Chen Ada was filled with emotion.

Zhao Ya didn't speak, but Chen Sanhu, who was following behind, was a little impatient.

"Okay, why are you talking so much nonsense? Mr. Zhao is here to watch the night, not to listen to your chatter."

Chen Ada smiled awkwardly, closed his mouth and led Zhao Ya around Xiushui Fang.

"Master Zhao, this is the watch room. If you are tired at night, you can rest here. Shopkeeper Kong has already ordered people to tidy up the room. It is very clean."

After explaining this, Chen Ada said goodbye and went home.

Now that the ground is not level, he, the watchman, is temporarily unemployed.

It was still early at this time, so Zhao Ya went into the dressing room and planned to take a rest.

Chen Sanhu was so excited that he couldn't hold it back any longer.

For a young man who has loved martial arts since childhood, Zhao Ya, a disciple of Dingtai Martial Arts School, appears to be very mysterious and powerful.

"Master Zhao, what state are you in now?" Chen Sanhu asked cautiously.

Zhao Ya raised his eyes and glanced at him, and Chen Sanhu hurriedly explained.

"Uh... I'm just asking out of curiosity. Mr. Zhao, if it's not convenient for you to tell me, just think I'm farting."

"Three Realms." Zhao Ya said.


"I am in the third realm now." Zhao Ya said calmly.

Although Zhao Ya's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in the past few months, those who have not yet reached the level of skin polishing are considered to be in the third level.

Chen Sanhu's eyes shone with excitement.

In his eyes, the three realms are already unattainable.

And Zhao Ya, who has the strength of the third realm, is no different from a god.

"Master Zhao is so...so amazing!"

After holding it in for a long time, Chen Sanhu stammered out this sentence.

Zhao Ya just smiled when he heard this, then stood up and said, "Let's go, it's time to go outside for a walk."

"Okay!" Chen Sanhu responded happily.

After arriving on the street, everything was business as usual.

Not to mention the bandits, not even a single figure could be seen.

Zhao Ya did not take it lightly. This group of thieves dared to break into houses, rob and kill people. They were obviously not ordinary thieves.

Now that you have received this errand, you must do it well.

The bounty mission released by Xiushifang made it very clear that night patrol was the price of night patrol, and if you encountered bandits and eliminated them, there would be a very generous bounty.

So Zhao Ya even looked forward to the bandits appearing as soon as possible.

But I don’t know if it was good luck or bad luck. It was a peaceful night and nothing happened.

When it got light, Kong Cun came again.

"It's been a hard night. I've ordered someone to prepare breakfast for you, Master Zhao. You can go back and rest after eating."

Kong Cun was very thoughtful, so Zhao Ya had breakfast at Xiushifang before returning home.

Zui'er had already gotten up when he got home, and he hurriedly said when Zhao Ya came back.

"Brother Xiaoya, you must be very tired after staying up all night. I'll make you whatever you want to eat."

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "Don't bother, I've already eaten."

"Then go and take a rest."

Zhao Ya entered the house and lay down on the bed to get some sleep.

But after only sleeping for more than an hour, Zhao Ya woke up,

Although he slept for a short time, Zhao Ya felt that his whole body was refreshed and he did not feel tired at all.

This phenomenon becomes more and more obvious as the progress of liver unlocking increases.

Could it be that after being fully unlocked, I don’t even have to sleep? Zhao Ya secretly said.

But no matter what, this is a good thing, at least I have more time than others.

After a brief wash, Zhao Ya went to the martial arts gym to continue practicing martial arts.

Just like this, I practiced martial arts during the day and went to Xiushui Square to patrol the night at night. It took more than ten days. Not to mention bandits, I didn't even see a thief in Xiushui Square.

Kong Cun naturally praised this a lot, but Zhao Ya was a little depressed.

He wanted to deal with this group of thieves as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to know that he was coming, and actually didn't show up again.

Although night patrol can also make money, it is a bit boring.

That night, Zhao Ya took Chen Sanhu to patrol the streets as usual.

After getting along with each other for more than ten days, Chen Sanhu also became familiar with Zhao Ya.

He found that Zhao Ya was not as arrogant as other warriors, and was instead very approachable.

Therefore, I boldly asked him for advice on martial arts.

Zhao Ya was also happy to have a way to chat and relieve his boredom, so he answered all his questions one by one.

"Master Zhao, when I was practicing according to the method you taught me during the day, I suddenly felt that the bones of both arms were ringing. Is this a sign of bone refining?"

"Well, the bones in your arms are the easiest to refine. When you can refine all the bones in your body, you will be considered a first-level warrior." Zhao Ya said.

"A first-level warrior!" Chen Sanhu sighed, with a look of fascination on his face.

Although there are first-level warriors everywhere in this county, and even second-level warriors are not rare, for a child from a poor family, being able to refine bones is already a great achievement.

Just as he was about to ask something more, Zhao Ya in front suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong, Mr. Zhao?"

"There is movement." Zhao Ya said in a deep voice.

Chen Sanhu was shocked when he heard this and felt his scalp was numb.

"Is...a bandit?"

"It's not clear yet. Just wait here and I'll go take a look!"

After saying that, Zhao Ya touched the ground with his toes, flew into the air, and disappeared into the darkness with a few leaps.

Chen Sanhu stood there, looked at the empty and deserted environment around him and couldn't help but shuddered, and then tightened his grip on the hatchet in his hand.

At the same time, Zhao Ya followed a group of people to an alley, then leaned on the wall of a house and watched intently.

This group of people were all dressed in black and had black scarves covering their faces.

They were discussing something in low voices at this time.

Nowadays, Zhao Ya's breath gathering technique has reached the pinnacle. Once it is used, not to mention ordinary people, even the warriors of the four realms will not be able to discover it unless they observe carefully.

At least this group of people didn't notice anything.

"Boss, the warrior on night watch is still there, do you want to take action?" one of the men in black asked.

The man in black at the head was very tall, his clothes were bulging with muscles, and he was quite imposing.

He pondered for a moment and then said.

"I have already inquired about it. Although that boy is a disciple of Dingtai Martial Arts School, he only joined this year. Plus he is so young, so he probably doesn't have much ability."

"If we are frightened by this guy, we will be laughed at by our colleagues in the Green Forest, so we must take action tonight no matter what."

"But we have to make a plan before we do it. Second brother, you take a few people to guard the Kong family's backyard to prevent anyone from escaping from there. The rest of the people will break down the door with me. Remember not to make a big fuss. Try to fight for it. Control everyone in the Kong family immediately."


"I heard that Kong Cun's daughter-in-law is pretty good-looking. Can we let the brothers have a taste of her this time?" someone laughed.

"It depends on the situation. If we can control everyone in the Kong family without making a big fuss, then you can do whatever you want."

"Hahaha I will be the first in line when the time comes!"

"I'm second!"

"I'm third!"

This group of people actually started to argue about the order. It was obviously not the first time they had done this.

It was at this moment that a cold voice came from above their heads.

"You're really looking for death."


This sudden sentence caused the group of men in black to explode.

The leader yelled loudly, pulled out the sword from his waist and tried to risk his life.

But the next moment, a flash of knife light suddenly flashed in the alley.

Then the leader's head flew out in the horrified eyes of his men.

With a plop, the dead body fell to the ground.

Zhao Ya held the meteorite knife in his hand, stood in front of the dead body, and smiled at the remaining people.

"Who will be the second one this time?"

These people were so frightened that they shook their clothes and fought.

They were a group of bandits who sneaked in from outside the city. They were not very strong themselves, so the person who had just died under Zhao Ya's sword had a second-level strength.

But even the strongest person couldn't catch Zhao Ya's sword, which shows the huge gap in strength.

Only then did they realize that their previous intelligence was wrong.

Although this young man joined Dingtai Martial Arts School not long ago, his strength is not weak at all.

"What? No one will fight this time?"

No one dared to speak.

Zhao Ya sighed, glanced at the knife in his hand, and said calmly: "Since no one is fighting, let it make the decision."


This was the only thought left in the minds of the bandits.

Not even struggling to resist, they all rushed out desperately.

But at this moment, in the alley, the light of the sword lit up again, and the head fell to the ground.

After a while, Zhao Ya slowly walked out of the alley, with no blood on his body. He just smiled at Chen Sanhu who came after hearing the sound.

"Go and call people. Just say that the group of bandits that ravaged Xiushui Fang before have been eliminated."

It seems I really can’t drink too much. I’m still dizzy and my typing speed is extremely slow. I’m about to cry! If I can't write it tonight, I will make up for the four thousand words I owe today in the next few days.

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