If reaching the pinnacle is to understand a martial arts to the extreme, then returning to one's original nature is to take a step further on this basis.

Summarize and absorb everything you understand, then evolve and improve it, and finally fully integrate it into yourself, reaching a state where the technique is close to the Tao.

Now Zhao Ya could vaguely feel a hint of this mysterious feeling.

The knife in his hand was swung gently, and every move was so light and effortless, seemingly without any effort.

But when the light of the sword passed by, the wind of the sword was like a wave, rushing towards any creature that dared to enter the attack range.

There was a soft sound, and a giant tiger intending to sneak attack from behind just jumped up, and its head fell lightly like a broken ear of wheat.

It wasn't until after it landed that blood spurted out from the giant tiger's cavity.

The huge tiger corpse fell to the ground, and a look of fear appeared in the eyes of a giant ape next to it.

As a primate, the giant ape's IQ is far higher than those of the same level.

So when he saw this giant tiger being killed by Zhao Ya so easily, the giant ape was frightened and couldn't help but retreat.

But as soon as he took two steps back, the giant ape suddenly slid to sit on the ground, and his figure became half shorter.

Two legs covered with black hair stood in front of it, the cuts were extremely smooth.

The giant ape was shocked to realize that his legs had been cut off, and he couldn't help but scream in pain.

However, its pain did not last long, because soon, a blade of light passed through its neck very gently.

The head immediately flew up, bringing with it a line of blood.

The whole process seemed slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, but in a moment, two strange beasts at the peak of the third realm became Zhao Ya's dead souls.

The other beasts were so frightened that they backed away.

At the same time, Zhao Ya touched the ground with his toes and flew into the air. He started to use the strong wind sword technique in mid-air.

The sword borrowed the power of the person, and the person borrowed the wind from the sword, turning into a terrifying tornado, directly attacking the ghost-faced giant ape.

A hint of shrinking flashed across the eyes of the giant ghost-faced ape.

As a strange beast from all four realms, its IQ is already the same as that of ordinary people, so it is natural to see how powerful Zhao Ya's move is.

Especially since he had been burned by fire oil just now. Although his vital parts were not injured, he was still injured after all.

With the two superimposed, it couldn't help but want to retreat.

But at this moment, a faint beast roar came into his ears, and the ghost-faced giant ape trembled all over. He no longer dared to flinch, and instead roared towards Zhao Ya.

This battle can be described as extremely brutal.

Although Zhao Ya is also a warrior of the Four Realms, and he has just broken through the Wild Wind Sword Technique, his sword skills have greatly improved.

But this ghost-faced giant ape was extremely talented. It couldn't be said to have copper skin and iron bones, but it was also rough-skinned and thick-flesh, so Zhao Ya couldn't do anything about it for the time being. He could only choose the art of wandering and fighting to chip away at its HP bit by bit.

A full quarter of an hour later, the giant ape, whose whole body was covered with scars, roared one last time and fiercely slapped Zhao Ya with both palms.

Zhao Ya did not dodge like before, but rushed forward, pointing the meteorite knife directly at the giant ape's head.


The sword flashed, and a line of blood appeared between the eyebrows of the giant ghost-faced ape, and a trace of confusion appeared in its eyes.

Then the blood line quickly extended upward. From the center of the eyebrow upward, the giant ape's skull was divided into several halves, revealing the brain matter inside that had been shattered by the wind of the knife.

With a plop, the giant ghost-faced ape fell to the ground, and the thousands of kilograms of corpses scattered large amounts of smoke and dust.

Zhao Ya slowly stood up from a nearby tree that had been smashed into two pieces, his face a little pale.

The battle with this giant ape consumed a lot of his energy.

Especially in the last blow, Zhao Ya could be said to have reached the peak of his energy and spirit, and then he successfully split the giant ape's head.

This is Zhao Ya, who possesses several internal organs talents. If it had been anyone else, there would be no way he could have lasted until now. He would have even died of exhaustion while fighting this giant ape.

Zhao Ya took out a piece of dried meat from his arms with trembling fingers, threw it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and then swallowed it.

This is the seven-star dried eel that Zhao Ya specially prepared for this battle.

After swallowing it, the surging Qi and blood quickly replenished Zhao Ya's physical strength.

My heart, which was beating like a war drum, gradually calmed down.

Zhao Ya exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then he no longer felt so exhausted.

After the big battle just now, the strange beasts in the woods had long since disappeared.

Zhao Ya walked up to the giant ape's body and looked at its ferocious face, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

Just before the battle, he clearly saw the flinching flash in the eyes of the giant ghost-faced ape.

But why did he go out of his way again and rush toward him with such animality?

Could it be that something is secretly directing it?

Zhao Ya thought for a long time but couldn't think of a reason.

At this moment, Shen Dao, Nie Jingnian and others rushed into the woods with the martial arts disciples.

When they saw that the nearly four-meter-tall ghost-faced giant ape was lying on the ground, they couldn't help but look shocked.

Shen Dao was originally worried, fearing that something might happen to his junior brother again.

So after fighting hard and repelling the herd, he immediately rushed in.

But after seeing the scene in front of him, Shen Dao was silent for a moment, and then patted Zhao Ya on the shoulder.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

He no longer knew what to say to his incredibly powerful junior brother.

Going into the mountains and forests alone and killing a four-realm giant ape by himself, Shen Dao thought to himself that even he couldn't do it.

As for the others, they were even more amazed and in awe.

Someone got several flatbed trucks for transporting food, put them together, put the giant ape's body on them, and then pushed them into the city.

When they heard that a strange beast from the four realms had died, the whole city was in a state of shock.

Although it was just dawn, the streets were still full of people.

People looked at this huge beast and talked in horror and excitement.

"Hiss, such a big one, I'm afraid it's not a legendary spirit!" said an old man.

"Bah, what do you know, you little brat? This is a beast from all four realms. It is extremely powerful. If it hadn't been killed, it could have been crushed to death with just one finger like yours." There was an older man next to him. scolded.

The old man who spoke first did not dare to say anything.

The people around me were already used to this.

Because these two old men are father and son. The younger one is sixty-eight years old and his name is Zhai Xiaobao.

The oldest one is eighty-nine this year. I don’t know his name, but people call him Old Man Zhai.

At this age, in this world, he is considered to be the oldest among the oldest. Even the officials have to show some respect, so no one dares to offend him.

At this time, old man Zhai looked at the warriors following the flatbed truck into the city and couldn't help but sigh.

"They are really a bunch of good guys. It's a pity that I, Old Man Zhai, are old. If I were a few years younger, I would definitely pick up a knife and a gun and go to fight with these beasts outside the city."

"Dad, you are older and I am still young. How about I go?" Zhai Xiaobao said.

"Get out of here, you just went out of the city to deliver food rations to these beasts." Old Man Zhai cursed fiercely.

At this moment, Zhao Ya also entered the city.

He originally wanted to go home directly, but was stopped by Shang Jingchuan who came after hearing the news.

In the words of Shang Jingchuan, it was hard to achieve such a great victory, and it was an inspiring moment. How could you, as the person who had made the greatest contribution, run away from the battlefield?

In desperation, Zhao Ya had no choice but to follow the team into the city.

At the sight of him, the crowd erupted in cheers.

"Well done, Young Master Zhao!" This was a simple compliment.

"Is Zhao Shaoxia married?" This is an ulterior motive.

"Young Master Zhao is so handsome!" This is stating the facts.

Zhao Ya smiled and said hello.

People also knew that he was very tired after a big battle, so they were too embarrassed to stop him and allowed him to leave quickly.

After he left, Old Man Zhai couldn't help but sigh.

"This is how you should give birth to a child!"

Zhai Xiaobao on the side frowned when he heard this.

"Dad, I can still practice my ability, but I can't compare to that person's face because he's born with it. It's my fault that you didn't grow up well, and I'm the one who got hurt..."

"You evildoer, do you really want to piss me off to death?" Old Man Zhai roared and waved the crutch in his hand.

But Zhai Xiaobao was "hardened in the battlefield" and knew that he would be beaten if he said these words, so he ran away long ago.

Old Man Zhai chased after him with flying steps. His pace was so vigorous that he didn't look like an old man in his eighties.

People sighed when they saw this.

"No wonder Old Man Zhai lives to such a long age. He can probably live to be a hundred years old if he keeps running around all day."

Zhao Ya naturally didn't know about this episode. At this time, he declined Shang Jingchuan's warm invitation and returned home.

Zui'er already knew what was going on outside the city and was waiting at the door.

When she saw Zhao Ya coming back, she greeted him with joy.

"Brother Xiaoya, you are so awesome."

Zhao Ya smiled.

When others praise him for being great, he doesn't feel much about it.

But Zuier is different.

This little girl often praises herself like this while out of breath.

Zhao Ya reached out and rubbed Zui'er's head.

"Go make me something to eat!"

"Yeah, brother Xiaoya, what do you want to eat?"


Zui'er went to cook happily.

Zhao Ya came to the box where the female worm was bred, opened it and saw that the female worm had woken up and had laid many swollen eggs behind her.

Zhao Ya picked one up and looked at it carefully.

He found that the eggs were larger than those usually produced by feeding them with purchased bait, and they were almost green in color, like a piece of jade.

The aroma of flesh and blood emanating from it made Zhao Ya's index finger move.

He tentatively ate one, and felt a smile on his face.

This insect egg is stronger than before in terms of the purity of its energy and blood and the quantity it contains.

It seems that the eggs laid by this female worm are closely related to the bait fed.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ya couldn't help but think of the strange beasts he killed today.

Most of these strange beasts are from the second realm, but the advantage is that there are many of them, so they will definitely give birth to meat fields.

What would happen if these meat fields were used to feed the female worm?

It's a pity that Zhao Ya didn't find anything valuable from the ghost-faced giant ape in the fourth realm.

Except for some parts that can be used as medicine, they have almost no value.

There is no way around it.

The higher the level of the beast, the lower the probability of breaking out of the meat field.

But after arriving at the Five Realms, the situation seemed to be different.

Zhao Ya thought again of the bead that the mysterious woman dug out of the giant-winged blood bat.

So what exactly is it?

At this moment, Zui'er's surprised voice came from the courtyard.

"Master...Master, why are you here?"

Zhao Ya was shocked and hurriedly turned around and came to the courtyard.

as expected.

They saw Lu Dingtai and Meng Shiwen standing in the courtyard.

Zhao Ya walked over quickly and said in surprise: "Master, why are you here?"

Lu Dingtai laughed when he heard this, "What? Can't I come to your house?"

"Of course not. If anything happens, just send someone to call me over. How can I get you to come over in person?"

"Okay, there are so many red tapes. You killed a four-realm giant ape this time, which is a great honor for our Dingtai Martial Arts School. I am happy in my heart, so I naturally want to come and take a look." Lu Dingtai said with a happy face. .

What he said was indeed the truth.

After hearing what happened outside the city, Lu Dingtai became very pregnant and brought Meng Shiwen here on a whim.

At this time Shen Dao, Miao Shaocheng and Xu De also arrived.

The small courtyard suddenly became lively.

"Come, go to Feixianju and book a banquet!" Lu Dingtai ordered with a smile.

"Today, our master and disciples will have a good drink!"

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