Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 185 Huo Tianxiao dies, Lian Shizong

Huo Tianxiao is in a bad mood now.

First of all, it is naturally due to the recent great changes on the mountain.

The leader of the stronghold who used to be clear about rewards and punishments and had great ambitions now listened to others for his own selfish interests. This caused the original group of brothers to become alienated, and they were so suppressed by the later groups that they could not even lift their heads.

How could this not make him angry?

There is also Zhan Feng’s attitude today.

Once upon a time, Zhan Feng's name was so resounding that no one in the whole mountain could respectfully address him as the second village leader.

But now he was reduced to patrolling mountains and protecting villages, and he still refused to come forward to resist, which made Huo Tianxiao feel deeply disappointed.

"Damn, they're all a bunch of trash."

Huo Tianxiao spat fiercely and decided that after returning, he would secretly join forces and find a way to overthrow the domineering gang.

Just when he was furious, a black shadow silently appeared behind him.

Huo Tianxiao didn't realize it and strode forward.

But as soon as he turned a corner, this figure suddenly stepped forward, grabbed his neck with lightning speed, and then dragged him to the grass next to him.

Caught off guard, Huo Tianxiao was dragged into the grass by Zhao Ya before he even had time to shout.

"If you don't want to die, don't move."

Zhao Ya strangled Huo Tianxiao's neck with his arms and warned in a low voice.

Huo Tianxiao was so strangled that he rolled his eyes, and his vision went black. However, his survival instinct prompted him to continuously slap Zhao Ya's elbow to signal his surrender.

Only then did Zhao Ya relax slightly.

The air rushed into his throat and then into his shriveled lungs. Huo Tianxiao felt as if he had died once, and his whole body was wet with sweat.

At this time, through the light in the distance, he finally saw the person who caught him clearly, and then a look of horror appeared on his face.


"It's me!" Zhao Ya smiled slightly, "Master of the Fifth Village, long time no see."

Huo Tianxiao couldn't stop trembling.

Of course he knew Zhao Ya.

And it was precisely because of the knowledge that he felt fear.

All this is because the impression Zhao Ya left on him was so profound.

At that time, Zhao Ya almost killed Zhan Feng from the Fourth Realm with his mere strength from the Third Realm.

Although Zhan Feng managed to escape in the end thanks to his profound skills, he was still blind in one eye and was infected with a strange poison. From then on, he could no longer use excessive force and became like a disabled person.

In comparison, Maling, the leader of the Sixth Village who also died in the hands of Zhao Ya, is not even worth mentioning.

He was so powerful back then, but now that he dares to return alone, he obviously has greater support.

Especially since he had been captured by him without even realizing it. If he hadn't been merciful, he would have become a dead body now.

This shows how strong it is.

These thoughts flashed through Huo Tianxiao's mind, and then he said with a humble face.

"It turns out to be Young Master Zhao. It's been a long time indeed."

"Stop talking nonsense, what is the situation in Qingzhu Ridge now, and what are the origins of those people who came after us? To be honest, if you lie half a word, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Time was running out, and Zhao Ya was not in the mood to be pretentious with Huo Tianxiao, so he pressed directly.

"Okay, okay, I'll say it!"

Huo Tianxiao didn't dare to hide it, because he didn't know what Zhao Ya knew, so he simply told everything.

And through his narration, Zhao Ya finally knew what happened in Qingzhu Ridge.

It turned out that after the battle between the Hongyang family and Qingzhuling to besiege the Song family, the three parties entered a brief period of calm.

But soon, with the failure of all the meat fields obtained from the Song family, and even a few unlucky ones were backfired by the meat fields and ended up like Zhan Feng, the conflicts between the three parties increased sharply, and everyone believed that It's the other party's fault.

Especially because the Hongyang family suffered the most heavy losses, a rift gradually developed between them and Qingzhuling.

But if that's all, that's it. At most, it's just a situation of suppressing and exploiting each other.

But later, as a group of people joined Qingzhuling, things took a new turn.

The newly joined group claimed to be from the Lianshi Sect and had weird and unspeakable poisoning methods.

As soon as they arrived, they first donated an iron mine to Fu Tingyuan, the owner of Qingzhuling's Dazhai, thus gaining Fu Tingyuan's trust.

Later, in order to mine this iron ore, Qingzhuling began to arrest people on a large scale. Naturally, the people of Wuxiang City bore the brunt and became the target of being killed.

And this also became the trigger for the conflict between the two parties to break out.

Because no matter how stupid the Hongyang family is, they understand that governing the people is the foundation of their wealth, so they lodged a solemn protest against Qingzhuling's actions.

Unexpectedly, these people from the Lianshi Sect would make another big move right after.

They openly spread the newly developed poison in Dancing Elephant City. According to Fu Tingyuan's intention, they wanted to use this to warn the Hong Yang family.

But who would have thought that the poison produced by this group of Lian Shizong people was so strong that it poisoned half the people in the city at once.

This time the basket is really big.

For this reason, the Hongyang family fought against Qingzhuling, but even if the two families joined forces, they were no match for Qingzhuling with the addition of Lian Shizong.

After a big battle, the two families were defeated, and everyone in the family was captured and taken into Qingzhu Ridge.

Also arrested were all the strong men in Dancing Elephant City.

They were all thrown into the mines and became mine slaves.

This is the reason why the Wuxiang City that Zhao Ya saw was so shabby.

"Refining World Sect..."

Zhao Ya's eyes moved slightly.

Because this way of naming gave him a strong sense of déjà vu.

Reminiscent of the Paradise Sect he had met before, Zhao Ya already had some guesses in his mind.

"I just heard Zhan Feng say that your village master is breaking through the five realms with the help of this group of people, but is it true?"

Huo Tianxiao's heart trembled when he heard this, and he was secretly glad that he had not lied just now, otherwise he would definitely be dead now.

Because Zhao Ya had obviously been hiding in the dark and overheard the conversation between himself and Zhan Feng, otherwise he would not have understood it so clearly.

"Yes, the people from the Lianshi Sect said they could help break through the pass, so the leader of the stronghold believed their words and is now in seclusion."

"Where is the retreat?" Zhao Ya immediately asked.

Huo Tianxiao hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's under the Dishui Cliff behind Zhongting Dazhai."

Zhao Ya then asked some more questions, and Huo Tianxiao answered them one by one.

After asking, Zhao Ya nodded.

"very good!"

Huo Tianxiao realized something and immediately began to beg for mercy.

"Young hero, have mercy on me. I was just following orders before, and I didn't mean to go against you. Now I know I was wrong. So as long as young hero can spare my life, I promise to leave Qingzhuling immediately and never do evil again."

"Are you sure you can do it?" Zhao Ya asked.

Huo Tianxiao nodded like he was pounding garlic, "Yeah, I can swear to God that from now on I will retire to the mountains and forests and never do evil again."

"Okay, then I'll spare you this time!"

Zhao Ya let go of his hand.

Huo Tianxiao secretly let out a sigh of relief, pretended to cry with gratitude, and thanked Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya waved his hand, then turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

The big stone in Huo Tianxiao's heart finally fell to the ground. He sat silently in the grass for a moment, and then planned to get up and report the matter to others.

But as soon as he got up, his eyes suddenly blurred, and then all the muscles in his body became stiff and inoperable.

Plop it.

He fell to the ground, terrified in his heart.

He wanted to make a sound to attract the attention of the mountain patrol, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even open his mouth, let alone shout.

Not only that, Huo Tianxiao felt that he couldn't even breathe, and the muscles in charge of breathing seemed to be paralyzed.

At this time a voice came from above his head.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Are you planning to spread the word?"

It was Zhao Ya who had gone and returned.

He also knew that Huo Tianxiao was speechless at this time.

Because just now, he had planted several poisons on Huo Tianxiao.

Some are hallucinogenic, and some are muscle-paralyzing.

With the combination of these poisons, even a warrior at the top of the Four Realms, let alone Huo Tianxiao, would have to die obediently.

Three full minutes later, Zhao Ya suddenly heard Huo Tianxiao lying on the ground. There was a soft sound in his throat, and he knew that he had died.

The properties of these poisons administered by Zhao Ya can be said to be overbearing.

Even after death, the originally tense and paralyzed muscles will relax.

Zhao Ya leaned over and confirmed again. After confirming that Huo Tianxiao was dead, he began to search the body.

Zhao Ya's current corpse-touching skills are superb.

Even though Huo Tianxiao was lying on the ground, Zhao Ya still touched everything from his body.

Without having time to take a closer look, Zhao Ya first put all these things into the deerskin bag, and then Zhao Ya dodged and ran towards the Dazhai in Qingzhuling.

Zhao Ya knew that if he wanted to completely solve the Qingzhu Ridge, killing a few Huo Tianxiao or Zhan Feng would not help at all.

Only by killing Fu Tingyuan, the leader of the big village, can the problem be fundamentally solved.

And this matter should be done sooner rather than later, especially after hearing that Fu Tingyuan was attacking the Five Realms, Zhao Ya also felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Although he didn't think that Fu Tingyuan could break through the barrier with the help of the Lianshi Sect, it was not a bad thing to be cautious.

This is one of them.

The second is to get rid of the Lian Shizong group as soon as possible.

Because this group of people is very likely to belong to the Demon Sect, just like the Paradise Sect.

And unlike the Paradise Sect, which specializes in illusions, this Lianshi Sect obviously follows the poison stream.

Zhao Ya, who is also deeply involved in the poison path, knows that this Lianshi Sect is much more dangerous than the Paradise Sect.

The death of half of the people in Wuxiang City this time is a clear proof. If these people are allowed to go unpunished, it will cause great harm.

So Zhao Ya quickly changed his strategy, from the initial spying for intelligence to a tentative attack.

It would be better if we could destroy Qingzhu Ridge.

If not, you have to find a way to create some chaos.

As he went deeper, Zhao Ya's speed inevitably slowed down, even with the blessings of the breath-containing technique and the two martial arts skills of being as light as a swallow.

Because the further you go in, the tighter the guards become.

Zhao Ya understands.

These guards are not only for enemies coming from outside, but more importantly, they are to prevent people in the mine from escaping.

Because according to Huo Tianxiao, this newly discovered iron mine is located in the back mountain of Qingzhuling, very close to it.

In today's world, iron ore is more valuable than copper ore or even silver ore.

Because iron ore can forge weapons and armor, this is the foundation for establishing oneself in troubled times.

The fact that Fu Tingyuan attaches so much importance to this iron ore shows that his plans are not small.

Relying on his superb body skills, Zhao Ya sometimes bent over the grass and crawled, and sometimes climbed up the hills and walked through the rocks.

Finally, he climbed to the main peak of Qingzhuling.

After getting into the bamboo forest, the pressure suddenly eased.

After all, no one would have thought that someone would avoid the heavy defenses and sneak into the main peak silently, so the defense here is extremely weak.

Zhao Ya walked through the bamboo forest, stopping from time to time to avoid the crowds walking on the mountain road in the distance.

Even though it was already late at night, the main peak of Qingzhu Ridge was still very busy.

People were walking back and forth on the mountain path, pushing carts or carrying backpacks on their shoulders, carrying various things toward the back of the mountain.

Zhao Ya knew that this was probably transporting supplies to the mine, so he ignored it. Instead, he avoided crowded places and soon reached the heights of Qingzhu Ridge.

It's much cleaner here.

Except for some guards, only the lights in the atrium stronghold were shining.

But there is no one here.

Because Huo Tianxiao made it clear that the Zhongting Dazhai will only be used when large gatherings are held, and it is usually idle.

Therefore, Zhao Ya bypassed the guards and sneaked into the Zhongting Dazhai.

He planned to go directly from Tingting Dazhai to the back mountain. This would not only take the shortest route, but also avoid a lot of trouble.

But when he walked through the front hall and came to the door of the atrium, a figure inside made him stop immediately, and then ducked and hid.

In this brightly lit but empty hall, there was a person with his back to the door, seemingly deep in thought.

Looking from behind, this figure is graceful and charming. She is actually a woman.

Zhao Ya was stunned for a moment, then recognized this person.

Fu Tingfang.

The biological sister of Fu Tingyuan, the leader of Qingzhuling Dazhai, was also one of the people who chased him all the way.

Zhao Ya narrowed his eyes slightly.

This Fu Tingfang stayed up most of the night, why did she come to the Zhongting Dazhai?

Could something be wrong?

Therefore, Zhao Ya did not act rashly, but hid in the distance and waited quietly.

a long time.

I heard Fu Tingfang sigh quietly.

"Come out, I knew you were coming!"

Zhao Ya was shocked.

When did Fu Tingfang become so powerful?

She was holding her breath and concentrating all the way, how could she notice?

However, Zhao Ya quickly calmed down and did not make any move.


At this moment, a man's laughter came from the window of the atrium.

"Miss Third is indeed a trustworthy person, she actually came."

Following the voice, a man was seen walking into the atrium.

This man is young, only about 27 or 28 years old, and he is very good-looking, but somehow he always gives people a sense of arrogance and evil.

Especially those eyes, which have been looking at Fu Tingfang unscrupulously since she came in.

Fu Tingfang's pretty face turned cold, "Guan Lun, why did you invite me here late at night?"

The man named Guan Lun laughed and said, "Miss Third, it's a long night, don't you find it hard to sleep alone? I was just afraid that you would be unbearably lonely, so I deliberately invited you out to chat for a while."

"Presumptuous!" Fu Tingfang turned pale with anger and scolded angrily, then raised her finger and pointed at Guan Lun.

"I am the third young lady of Qingzhuling. Who do you think you are? How dare you tease me? Aren't you afraid that my brother will find out and cut you into pieces?"

Unexpectedly, Guan Lun didn't panic at all. Instead, he smiled and said: "Third Miss, what you said, what if the leader of the village knew about it? You must know that you are not married and I am not married, and my age is just right. Otherwise, Let’s give it a try, and I promise you will be in bliss and never be able to leave me again!”

"Shut up!" Fu Tingfang was almost going crazy.

"In your letter to me, you said that we had important matters to discuss, and also said that it was related to my brother's breakthrough, so I came here to wait for you, but you said so many obscene words, you really deceived me Qingzhuling No one else?"

Guan Lun looked at it with a smile, "Third Miss, this is wrong. I also belong to Qingzhuling now, so how can we say that there is no one in Qingzhuling?"

"I'm just a young man, Mu Ai. I saw the third lady is beautiful, so I just want to beg for sex. What's wrong with that?"

Fu Tingfang didn't say anything anymore and turned to leave.

Guan Lun didn't stop him, but looked on with a smile and counted softly.

"one two three……."

After walking no more than ten steps, Fu Tingfang suddenly groaned and almost fell to the ground. Then she looked at Guan Lun in disbelief.

"You actually drugged me?"

"Hahaha, how can this be said to be drugging? It's just to add excitement to the meeting later. But don't tell me, the drug refined by these girls from the Paradise Sect is very effective. It can be done in ten steps. Just ten steps to fall." Guan Lun said with excitement.

At this time, Fu Tingfang was shaking all over and could hardly stand.

But looking at Guan Lun walking towards her, she gritted her teeth, then reached out and pulled out the sword, placing it directly across her neck.

"If you take even half a step forward, I will kill myself on the spot. I don't believe that my brother will spare you if he finds out!"

This move worked as expected. Guan Lun stopped and looked at Fu Tingfang with a half-smile.

"Oh, why are you doing this? You have never tasted the joy of men and women, so naturally you don't know the secrets of it. After I take you to taste it, I believe you will never want to die again!"

"Get out!" Fu Tingfang's eyes began to turn black. She knew something was wrong, and she was determined to take action.

At this moment, Guan Lun suddenly rushed forward, reached out and knocked the sword out of Fu Tingfang's hand, and then held her in his arms.

"Hey, beauty, it's not that easy to want to die. Our brothers have been here in the mountains for so long, but they are all a little bit exhausted. Why don't you play with us tonight!"

As he spoke, he picked up Fu Tingfang, who was about to pass out, with a smile, and was about to walk out.

Suddenly, he felt his eyes blurred, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

It’s strange. Could it be that the Bliss Cult used too many intoxicating drugs and he himself was also infected?

As soon as he had this thought in his mind, he saw a figure appearing in front of him.

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