Longevity starts with strengthening the internal organs

Chapter 201 Yingtai County, ambushed on the road

Not long after Yunyuan and the others left, Zhao Ya and his party also set off on the road.

The two convoys went in the same direction, one behind the other.

Because the speeds of the convoys were basically the same, the distance between the two sides was only about three to five miles.

Yun Yuan was a little nervous for the first two days, thinking that Zhao Ya and the others were deliberately following him. It was not until later that he saw that Zhao Ya and the others did not make any move at all, and kept walking quietly, that he felt relieved.

In this way, four days later, they left Fengwei County and entered the jurisdiction of Yingtai County.

It is said that in ancient times, an emperor built Yingtai here to welcome the immortals to the lower world.

Although the legend has long been unverifiable, this place name has been passed down and has been followed to this day.

When Dayan was strong and powerful, the royal family would send special personnel to worship at the Yingtai site every year.

But as the imperial power fell and the world situation gradually collapsed, this kind of sacrifice naturally ended long ago.

The once lively Yingtai site also became desolate and eventually was covered by weeds.

So when Zhao Ya and the others came to the world-famous Yingtai site, Zui'er, who had always longed for this place, couldn't help but be disappointed.

"What? Didn't you say that Yingtai is so high that it reaches the sky? It turns out to be a big earthen platform?" Zui'er muttered.

Shang Luoluo smiled when he heard this, "Who told you that Yingtai is so high that it reaches the sky? In fact, according to ancient records, when it was first built, that is, when it was the highest, it was only a hundred feet tall."

"Ah? He's so short, how can he welcome the legendary immortal?" Zui'er said with a disappointed face.

"Think about it, since he is an immortal, he must be able to fly. In that case, wouldn't the height and height of the Yingtai be the same?" Shang Luoluo explained with a smile.

Zui'er tilted his head, thought seriously for a moment and then said with a sudden look on his face: "That makes sense!"

Then she looked at Zhao Ya who was standing aside, "Brother Xiao Ya, do you think this is the case?"

Zhao Ya looked helpless.

This silly girl can be really stupid sometimes.

The key point is that Shang Luoluo is particularly willing to tease her, often telling her specious words to deceive her, but Zui'er just does this.

"I think this may not be an altar to welcome the immortals at all, but a trap." Zhao Ya said simply.

"Trap?" Zui'er became even more confused.

Shang Luoluo was also a little surprised, "Why do you say that?"

"Think about it, who were the ancient human emperors? If according to the legend, the strongest person is a being who can master the world, how could such a character build an altar to cater to the immortals?"

"So I think this is more like a beast trap than an altar. If there are immortals who dare to land here, they will not be greeted by incense offerings and people's worship, but by the sharp edges of swords. With bloody killings.”

Zhao Ya's words were not just nonsense, because this world did have a legend about the last ancient human emperor who had the power to master the world.

So in Zhao Ya's opinion, how could a being who could accomplish such great deeds build an altar to cater to the immortals?

After hearing what Zhao Ya said, Zui'er was feeling fine. This was also because she didn't quite understand.

Shang Luoluo's expression changed, and then he lowered his head and began to think deeply. He was obviously touched by Zhao Ya's words.

After a moment, she raised her head and looked at Zhao Ya with admiration.

"Your idea is really novel. It may sound absurd at first, but if you think about it carefully, it makes a lot of sense. Luoluo can learn from it."

Shang Luoluo thanked Zhao Ya very solemnly.

Zhao Ya smiled and said, "I just said that casually, and these are all legends from ancient times and cannot be taken as true."

"Even so, this is a rather novel perspective. It's a pity that the world is in chaos now. If this had been left in the past peaceful years, the idea you proposed would have been enough to occupy a place in the exegetical world."

"Forget it then. I don't want to be an old man who spends all his time digging into old stories."

"Then what does it mean that I also like to study ancient books? Old woman?" Shang Luoluo said with a smile.

She regretted saying these words again.

Because it's too explicit.

Zhao Ya just said that he was an old man in the previous sentence, and then he said that he was an old woman.

Isn't this obvious that they are getting together?

Just as Shang Luo's face turned red, Zhao Ya didn't pay attention at all.

His expression suddenly became solemn, and he immediately jumped up to a big tree by the roadside, looking into the distance.

His sudden move also shocked everyone.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

While people were in shock, the sharp-eyed guards also noticed the clues and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's the caravan in front!"

"There are strong men robbing the caravan in front!"


When everyone looked around, they saw that three or four miles ahead, the caravan that had been walking in front was surrounded by a group of strong men in green clothes, and they were already fighting.

At this time, the guards couldn't help but change their expressions, and many of their hands trembled slightly.

Many of them had never seen such a scene before, so they were naturally frightened.

Fortunately, the previous guard commander was a man who had seen the world and quickly calmed down. He first sternly restrained his men and told them not to get into trouble, and then asked Zhao Ya who had already landed on the ground.

"Master Zhao, what should we do now?"

"Form up a formation to protect yourself!" Zhao Ya said without hesitation.

The guard commander was stunned.

He thought that after seeing this, Zhao Ya would definitely lead everyone to rush forward to help the caravan.

Because this is actually self-protection.

If this group of green-clothed strongmen appeared out of nowhere and eliminated the caravan's guards before turning against their own side, then they would be too alone.

Zhao Ya also saw his doubts, but did not explain. Instead, he immediately ordered the guards to surround the carriage in a circle.

These carriages have been modified, with a layer of iron on the body, which can withstand arrow attacks and serve as the best cover at critical moments.

Shang Luo Luo Zui'er, Shang Jingchuan and others were protected at the core of the circle.

The guards were on guard outside.

After finishing all this, Zhao Ya explained to the guard commander and these guards.

"This group of strongmen are not ordinary bandits. According to my observation, they should be heading straight for the caravan."

Zhao Ya's inference is not without basis.

As the first person to discover the abnormality, he immediately noticed the abnormality of this group of strong men in green.

The first is that the clothes they wear are too new and too uniform.

This alone shows that they are no ordinary bandits.

Because even if it is as strong as Qingzhuling, its minions cannot reach the point where each person has a uniform.

Only important people have this qualification.

Secondly, this group of people was extremely powerful. With just a glance, Zhao Ya discovered that there were several Fourth Realm warriors among them, and the rest also had the strength of the Third Realm.

If any group of bandits had this kind of strength, they wouldn't be afraid of changing dynasties, but at least they would be able to conquer a city.

So Zhao Ya realized immediately that these people should be coming for this caravan, or even for that man.

Of course, Zhao Ya was not willing to wade into such muddy water.

After listening to Zhao Ya's analysis, the guards, including the guard commander, all looked astonished.

The guard commander gave a thumbs up and said: "Master Zhao, you are so awesome. You found so many problems after just a few glances. If you had rushed up to us just now, wouldn't we have been taken advantage of?"

Zhao Ya did not say a word, but kept observing the situation ahead with concentration.

If other caravans were really attacked by bandits, Zhao Ya would help them without hesitation.

But this kind of thing is different. If you don't know the details and take action rashly, you will really become what the guard commander said.

Just when Zhao Ya was standing still and watching the changes.

Yunyuan has been forced into a desperate situation.

Especially when he saw with his own eyes that the Four Realm warriors given to him by his grandfather were surrounded and killed, his psychological defense completely collapsed.

"Er Yun, I am your brother after all, but do you really dare to be so cruel?" Yun Yuan yelled.

Unfortunately no one responded at all.

Yunyuan also knew that his half-brother would definitely not show up.

After all, this kind of thing can be done secretly, but if it is brought to the surface, Mr. Yun will kill him with his own hands no matter how little he does.

But the more this happened, the more Yunyuan's heart sank.

The moment he saw that they dared to kill his guards, Yun Yuan knew that he would probably not be spared today.

Because his brother Yun Hao clearly came here to kill people and silence them.

Otherwise, they would not spend so much money to use so many martial arts masters.

"Master, leave quickly!"

This seemingly inconspicuous old Ding was actually a Four Realm warrior. With his hard fighting, he actually cut a bloody path and then dragged Yun Yuan away.

Because of his completely lifeless fighting style just now, this group of strong men were so frightened by his power that none of them dared to step forward.

Relying on this rare opportunity, Lao Ding dragged Yunyuan and stumbled out.

But just when they were about to break out of the encirclement, a figure suddenly rushed towards him and waved a palm towards Old Ding.

Although Old Ding was covered in injuries, he still roared angrily when faced with the blow, and then threw his fist desperately to meet it.


The fists and palms hit each other, causing a huge noise.

Looking at this old man again, he was blasted out without even a groan, and fell to the ground with a plop, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Then he saw a person falling lightly in front of Yunyuan.

This man was tall and as strong as an ox. Even in this cold early spring, he was still naked from the waist up, revealing his knotted tendons and bulging muscles.

Not only that, there were tattoos all over his body, most of which were pictures of demons from hell. There were even many tattoos on his neck and face, which was daunting.

When he saw the dull-looking Yun Yuan, the tattooed man smiled solemnly.

"Young Master Yun, why are you so anxious to leave?"

Looking at this strong man, Yun Yuan couldn't help but take a breath, and his scalp felt a little numb.

Because he recognized this strong man.

This strong man is the deputy gang leader of the Sihai Gang in the capital. His name is He Zhen. He is a solid half-step master of the five realms.

Moreover, the Sihai Gang is very powerful in the capital, and there are even rumors that it has connections with Xuanyang Sect, one of the three sects. It can be said that it is a big tree with deep roots.

As the deputy leader of the Sihai Gang, He Zhen has half-step strength in the Five Realms, and is a well-known figure in the underground world of the capital.

Unexpectedly, this time Yun Hao actually spent a lot of money to move this great god out.

Yun Yuan's heart suddenly went cold, but he still managed to stay calm.

"He Gang Leader, no matter what conditions Yun Hao promised you, I am willing to pay double. What do you think?"

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