Li Yuan’s incarnation returned to Qingxiu Mountain and baptized Li Junzhu’s body with dragon blood.

Soon after, Li Junzhu easily broke through the martial arts golden elixir.

Li Luo was filled with envy, but with the large amount of resources left by the historian, Dui was able to pile him up to the stage of pill formation.

Seeing that everything was almost on track, Li Yuan told the two of them: “I will be away for a while, so be careful. As long as you don’t leave this ten thousand miles radius, Yuanying will not be able to get in.”

When the two heard this, they nodded quickly.

In fact, the destruction of Qingxiu Mountain Historians has already spread throughout Nanshan District.

Many people speculate that there is a god in Qingxiu Mountain.

The dramatic changes in the terrain of the Qingxiu Mountains clearly prove this point.

Except for some immortal cultivators who did not know the situation, no one dared to trespass into the Qingxiu Mountains.

Li Yuan’s incarnation left the Human King Realm and headed straight to the Demonic Abyss.

He wants to pass on the information he knows to his true form.

Relying on the mysterious induction, the incarnation found the place where Li Yuan was retreating.

When Li Yuanzhen knew the origin of that great terror, his heart sank and he wanted to move to the edge of the space crack.

A blood shadow can destroy the Human King Realm, so wouldn’t it be stronger in its heyday?

In addition, the incarnation also brought a copy of the secret method of communication “Tongxuan Induction Method”.

The secret method of ordinary message transmission can spread up to 100,000 miles.

Once this secret technique is mastered, one can sense it even if they are hundreds of millions of miles apart.

However, there is a prerequisite for using this method, that is, they must be of the same bloodline or origin, and the closer the distance, the stronger the induction.

According to the great elder of the Dragon Clan, this method can generally only be performed between bloodlines or clones within three generations.

Li Yuan really wanted to laugh, this secret technique seemed to be tailor-made for him.

After spending thirty years, Li Yuan directly perfected this secret technique and once again divided into several incarnations.

When several incarnations returned to Nanshan District, they were more than a billion miles away from Li Yuan’s true body, but the feeling was still strong.

Not long after, another incarnation sneaked into the black cloud forbidden area.

Not knowing what the great terror in the Black Cloud Forbidden Land was, Li Yuan felt uneasy.

Soon, the avatar saw the heart deep underground.

Without any hesitation, he immediately used the Tongxuan induction method.

Li Yuan’s real body, which was a billion miles away, immediately sensed it and was surprised.

It turned out to be a huge bloody heart.

The heart was still beating slowly, obviously not dead.

The next moment, the feeling of the incarnation’s death came.

Li Yuan’s true body did not hesitate at all and flew directly to the depths of the Demonic Abyss, the space crack leading to the ancient underworld.

Of course, he didn’t want to escape from the Tianhuang Realm directly.

After so many years, the heart has not become a monster, and it may not move easily.

And with his current strength, he is not completely sure of reaching the ancient underworld through the space cracks.

After all, he is not a son of destiny. Once he encounters a space storm, he will die.

As Li Yuan expected, there was no abnormal movement of the heart in the following time.

Li Yuanzhu is cultivating deep in the Demonic Abyss, while his incarnations go to the Tianhuang Continent to open up medicine gardens and look for opportunities.

Two parts of the Puppet Immortal’s inheritance have been discovered, but the last one still fell on Li Yuan.

Although it was only inherited from the Nascent Soul, even Li Yuan was amazed by some of the secret law books.

This Puppet Immortal is really a genius of a generation, but it is a pity that he has not achieved the breakthrough of becoming a god.

After receiving the inheritance of the Puppet Immortal, he finally understood where the Nascent Soul Puppet in Wang Li’s hand came from.

That was clearly left by the Puppet Immortal, and he was worthy of being the son of destiny.

Three hundred years have passed by in a flash. Although Li Yuan has lived in the Demonic Abyss for a long time, he has not lost contact with the Tianhuang Continent.

There are talented people in the country, and Li Yuan is dormant. Naturally, there are other strong people who write legends.

Ziyangshan even found a heavenly spiritual root and cultivated it carefully.

In three hundred years, Li Junzhu, under the guidance of Li Yuan, had already cultivated the Yuan Fei, realized the magical power, and was reborn in Nirvana.

With this magical power, even if the soul is scattered, there is a certain chance that it will be resurrected.

After Li Yuan found out, he was immediately envious. If he gave it to him, wouldn’t he become immortal?

But if he really had to choose, he felt that incarnation was more useful.

After Li Junzhu broke through the Yuan Fei, he came to the Eastern World and joined Ziyang Mountain.

Her goal is to become a martial arts soul like her ancestor.

As for Li Luo, he practiced immortality. Although he was lucky enough to cultivate the elixir, he had little hope of conceiving a baby.

West Sea.

Crystal Dragon Palace.

A vast breath connects the heaven and the earth, continuously.

“I have finally achieved a breakthrough in becoming a god!”

A dragon roar resounded throughout the world.

When Ao Dahai came out of seclusion, the dragon clan was shocked, and countless sea clansmen kowtowed in surprise.

After thousands of years, their dragon clan finally had another great monk in the god transformation stage born.

these thousandsOver the past few years, the Dragon Clan has not had a god to take charge, and has been dependent on others. It has been repeatedly robbed by powerful gods, which is unbearable.

Ao Dahai looked arrogant. He still remembered the mysterious man from three hundred years ago. It would be a dragon if he didn’t take revenge.

With his dragon bloodline, even if he just broke through, it would be extraordinary.

But soon, his expression became a little ugly.

An elder of the Dragon Clan reported back: “In the past three hundred years, I haven’t seen any trace of the Fa Yuan at all. It is very likely that it has escaped from the Tianhuang Realm.”

When Ao Dahai heard this, he was so angry that his liver ached, and he felt that he had nowhere to use his strength.

But it was right to think about it. If there was really a big terror in Nanshan District, he would not dare to stay too long.

For a long time, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

If this is the case, then he is the new bonding maniac.

Ao Dahai announced that the Familiarity Madness does not refer to a person or an organization, but a inheritance!

He wants to carry forward this heritage.

Looking at the dragon clan elders, Ao Dahai smiled and said: “Don’t leak the news about my breakthrough yet, wait until I come back!”


When several dragon clan elders heard this, they naturally would not refute.

Ao Dahai broke through and was now the number one dragon in the dragon clan. Even the great elder had to obey his orders.

He took one step out of the Dragon Palace, and then transformed into the appearance of the mysterious man back then.

The Dragon Clan had suffered heavy losses over the years, and he had to make up for it.

In today’s world of heaven and earth, he should be the only one transformed into a god. He, Ao Dahai, is invincible in the world.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to start with the Phoenix clan.

Although the Phoenix Lord also protected the Dragon Clan back then, it was firstly because of the agreement between the two clans, and secondly, the Dragon Clan also paid a lot of price.

When Li Yuan did not take action, Ao Dahai could be said to be unscrupulous.

Wherever he went, we couldn’t say that a goose was plucking its feathers, it could only be said that he was digging three feet into the ground.

Soon after, Ao Dahai went ashore with satisfaction and left the West Sea.

There are four major areas in Tianhuang: Dongfang, Northern Xinjiang, Nanshan, and Xihai. Among them, Dongfang is the most prosperous, followed by Xihai.

Ao Dahai has made up his mind to go to Northern Xinjiang first, then to Nanshan, and finally to harvest the Eastern World.

After this trip, it shouldn’t be difficult to get hundreds of millions of spirit stones.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ao Dahai’s mouth almost turned upward, applauding his wit.

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