Half a day later, an old fox man with gray beard and hair came over, leaning on a dragon-headed crutch, his eyes narrowed into slits.

After taking a look at a few people, the old fox man smiled and said, “That’s right, everyone is here. In that case, let’s go in!”

As he spoke, he took out a jade pendant and activated it, and immediately a dark red light shot straight towards the altar.

Seeing this, the four mysterious caves around the altar didn’t waste any time, and directly shot out a series of spells to merge into the red light.

Then, in Li Yuan’s surprised eyes, he saw a dark red door that was ninety-nine meters above the altar appearing out of thin air and slowly opening.

He had long heard that the birth worship ceremony was not performed in this world, but in a cave world.

This is a small world that can only be opened up by fusion monks, and it is very secretive.

“Let’s go, don’t look too much after entering, don’t ask too many questions, just do what you should do!”

“I obey Elder Fox’s instructions!”

Several people spoke quickly and followed the old fox man into the cave world.

Li Yuan observed calmly, secretly amazed in his heart.

Once this kind of cave world is closed, ordinary people can’t even enter.

As soon as he entered the cave world, a terrifying divine thought swept over him.

Li Yuan was so frightened that he almost ran away, because this spiritual thought was far more terrifying than Dongxu, and it also paused on him for a moment.



Doesn’t it mean that there are no integrated monks here?

Butterfly spirit mistook me!

His heart felt cold, this old fusion monster had probably seen through his identity.

Run now, is it still too late?

He is not afraid of death, he is afraid of leaving his treasured weapon, the Sky Breaking Bracelet, here.

However, for a long time, the fused old monster did not appear, which made Li Yuan feel uneasy.

Could it be that the combined old monster had bad eyesight and hid it?

The cave world is not big, only about a few thousand miles in radius, which is equivalent to the country where it was in the previous life.

Surrounded by mysterious cities, they are wrapped in mysterious restrictions.

However, neither Li Yuan nor the other ceremony masters dared to scan with their spiritual thoughts.

The elder fox man led everyone along the way, spanning tens of thousands of miles, to the center of the cave world, in front of an altar that was ten thousand feet high.

He looked respectful, bowed to the altar again and again, and muttered something.

Mysterious spells appeared from Elder Fox’s mouth, turned into runes, and blended into the altar.

In an instant, a strange mist appeared on the altar, and a strange whisper seemed to be whispering in everyone’s ears, making people’s hair stand on end.

Although Li Yuan was prepared, his scalp was numb at this time.

There seemed to be a great terror dormant on the altar.

“The first ceremony has begun. Who is going up?”

As soon as he said this, a bear man’s face trembled and he stood up cautiously.

He looked at the strange and unpredictable altar and flew to the highest point cautiously.

Suddenly, a cry of surprise rang out.

It was obvious that he had seen something horrific.

Seeing this, Elder Fox shook his head slightly and whispered: “After you go up, no matter what you see, don’t show any abnormality. Just follow the procedure.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded quickly, feeling uneasy in their hearts.

None of them are real worshipers, and this is their first time hosting this ceremony.

As time passed, the strange atmosphere on the altar became stronger and stronger, and the bear man had already started the ceremony.

You can vaguely see terrifying figures wandering on the altar.

Suddenly, the bear man gave an order.

A black stone platform flew from the distance and landed on the altar.

Another order was given, and another coffin flew over.

Immediately afterwards, there was creepy chanting, the situation above the altar changed, and the atmosphere was suppressed.

Finally, a scarlet lantern lit up, and two red lights rose up, catching people’s attention.

However, the next moment, the bear man screamed, and thunder appeared out of thin air and struck down instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the bear man was thrown away from the altar by a mysterious force.

His body fell in front of everyone, and he seemed to have fainted.

The stone platform and coffin from before also returned to the distance.

Elder Fox saw this and shook his head.

Obviously, the ceremony conducted by the bear man failed.

Li Yuan frowned slightly, and saw that the bear man’s face had changed, as if he had aged for hundreds of years.

Moreover, he was dying and had obviously suffered severe injuries.

His heart was deep, what happened above the altar just now?

It was shrouded in fog, and he couldn’t mobilize his mental power, so he could only barely get a rough idea.

Soon, Elder Fox bowed to the altar again and again, chanting the incantation.

Everything seems to be back to the starting point.

“The second ceremony begins!”

As soon as he said this, a pale-faced snake girl stood up reluctantly.

Where is this?What a good job, it’s obviously a big trap.

But now, she had to play.

Otherwise, the seemingly kind-hearted Elder Fox would definitely kill him.

Li Yuan concentrated his attention and tried hard to observe.

However, not long after, the snake girl also heard a scream.

The ceremony she performed also failed.

The snake girl who fell from the altar is still as charming as before.

Li Yuan had some doubts. After the ritual failed, was this really just a loss of a hundred years of life?

The third one was an old human, but he also failed. His lifespan was exhausted and he died on the spot.

This person obviously came to fight for his life, but unfortunately there was no surprise.

The hearts of the remaining people suddenly sank to the bottom.

Elder Fox seemed to sense everyone’s emotions and said calmly: “The further you go to the back, the better the sacrifices will be. As long as you don’t make mistakes, you will fail easily.”

After hearing this, several people felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, the fourth centaur finally succeeded.

After falling from the altar, you can still see the surprised faces of the centaurs.

She has the upper body of a human and the lower half of a horse.

Elder Fox also became energetic and said with a smile: “Yes, from now on you will be a real worshiper of life, and you will need to host a birth worship ceremony every ten years.”

When the man heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and he quickly asked: “Elder, I wonder if I can stop presiding?”

Elder Fox took a deep look at the centaur and said calmly: “Yes, if you hand over the resources of one million spirit stones every ten years, you will be exempted from the ceremony.”

The resource of one million spirit stones is not a small amount.

Qiu Mingzi has a close relationship with Butterfly Girl. He is also a protector and only has five million spiritual stones in his body.

The Shengsheng Cult is far less kind to those who worship Shensheng than it appears on the surface.

Seemingly noticing that several people’s faces were not good-looking, Elder Fox comforted him: “Of course, when you become the worshipers, the success rate of the ceremony will be much higher than that of others.”

After hearing this, several people’s expressions softened.

Someone asked: “Elder Fox, if we break through the transformation of gods and advance to Dongxu, can we be exempted from the ritual?”

Elder Fox didn’t hide it and said with a smile: “Yes, of course you have to find a good home.”

After everyone heard this, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Yuan also pretended to look like this, but he was sneering in his heart.

No matter how high the success rate is, once every ten years, there are probably not many people who can survive a hundred years.

Who among the people present can break through the cave within a hundred years?

The person with the highest level of cultivation is the old human race man who is in third place. He has attained the Great Perfection of God Transformation, but he is also already cold.

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