Li Yuan’s avatar’s eyes flickered and he said with a smile: “Your escape ability is pretty good, and my ancestor has taken a liking to it.”

When Gu Minghun heard this, his face suddenly darkened. This was the skill he relied on to escape.

But at this moment, life is more important.

Looking at Li Yuan’s incarnation, Gu Minghun said in a deep voice: “This is a magical power. I can give it to you, but you must swear by the oath of heaven to let me leave and stop pursuing him!”

When Li Yuan heard this, he frowned slightly: “You have no room for bargaining.”

It is impossible for him to make an oath of heaven.

When Gu Minghun heard this, his face suddenly turned pale. So, these people have no intention of letting them go?

Seeing Li Yuan take out a secret treasure, he planned to activate it.

Gu Minghun was frightened and angry, and said quickly: “Wait! I give you my magical powers, but tell me why you are chasing me!”

He was really unwilling to give in, so he was found out of nowhere and pursued relentlessly, insisting on killing him.

In the Age of Dharma Ending, spiritual energy is equivalent to life span. Who can squander it like this?

Whether it is the previous secret treasure or the poison that can kill Mahayana, the price is absolutely unimaginable.

To put it bluntly, selling him may not be worth so much money.

Li Yuan took a deep look at Gu Minghun and said in a deep voice: “This is fine!”

Gu Minghun stretched out his hand and an ancient animal skin was thrown out.

Li Yuan took it, scanned his mental energy, and found that it was indeed a magical power, then nodded slightly.

Looking at Gu Minghun, he said quietly: “You still remember the virtues of cattle in the Cambrian world, right?”

“Niu Youde? Is it that King Wu?”


At this moment, Gu Minghun was numb.

He thought about many possibilities, but he never thought it would be this little King Wu!

After all, the great catastrophe of the era is coming, and even if he has peerless talent, it is impossible for him to achieve great power.

Knowing the reason, Gu Minghun would naturally not accept his fate directly.

He resisted desperately, but in the end he was slowly consumed to death, and the dark poison completely broke out.

At the last moment, he knew he was going to die, so he faked his own death and tried to defeat him to the death. Unfortunately, he only killed one incarnation in the end.

Well, it seems to be the incarnation of the peak level of power.

After completely consuming the ancient soul, Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Gu Minghun destroyed all his treasures before his death, and the only reward from this battle was the magical power on the mysterious animal skin.

Li Yuan looked regretful. It seemed that in the future, he would have to kill with one strike to avoid wasting his work.

Several decades later, Li Yuan came to the Green Luo Realm.

He learned from an old demon that the Yuan Yin girl never fell into a deep sleep.

Every ten years, she would leave seclusion and absorb the essence of men.

Soon, Li Yuan’s incarnation blended into a huge basin.

In this basin, there are clearly mortal kingdoms, with hundreds of billions of mortals living in them.

Here, women are inferior to men, and there are almost no handsome men over twenty years old on the street.

They don’t know the vastness of the outside world and the dangers in the world.

Yuanyin Nu became the only god in this area, the supreme god.

Every adult man hopes to be selected by the gods and enter the so-called divine realm.

Li Yuan’s incarnation turned into a mortal and walked in this mortal realm.

His eyes flickered, which made it easier for him to kill Yuanyin Nu.

If she had been hiding in some alliance, it would be difficult for him to take action.

At this time, he was an extremely handsome young man.

Soon, Li Yuan was targeted.

A burly female man kidnapped him and presented him to a queen.

However, under the influence of Li Yuan’s spirit, he was soon served delicious food and drinks by the queen, and planned to dedicate it to the gods in three years.

Such a handsome man can be said to be rare in a thousand years.

In the palace, the queen touched her aging skin with some expectation in her eyes.

She is fifty-eight years old. This time, she hopes to be blessed by the gods and regain her youth.

Time is the least valuable thing, and three years go by in a blink of an eye.

Throughout the basin, major kingdoms have prepared countless young men to be sent to the God Realm.

Li Yuan’s incarnation was naturally no exception, standing at the front with nine handsome young people.

Some people look expectant, some people feel frustrated, and some people feel desperate.

Although in this world, every ten years, the door to the divine realm opens, and only men can enter and become divine.

But there are still some people who have guessed that this so-called divine being is actually a scam.

In this situation, in this world, women have always been superior to men, and no man has ever returned to the world.

Obviously someone among the nine young people with Li Yuan knew this information.

There was determination in his eyes, and there was even a sharp dagger hidden in his robe, butCut iron like clay.

Li Yuan shook his head and laughed, naturally he could see what this young man was thinking.

Killing gods with a mortal body is completely overthinking.

Finally, a huge door to space opened, and mysterious light rose, as if a door to the divine world had really opened.

Inside the gate of the God Realm, there are strange flowers and plants, fairy mountains and great swamps, and all kinds of visions rising up, making people yearn for it.

The kingdom’s army immediately maintained order and ordered these young men to enter in order.

Li Yuan’s incarnation is naturally no exception. He enters this mist-shrouded cave world with a hint of expectation and frustration.

He did not dare to investigate at will, as if he were a real mortal with no aura.

Finally, the door to space on this side closed.

There was a strange aura rising up, which immediately made everyone present feel in a trance, with endless desire rising in their eyes.

Even the young man with resolute eyes before was no exception, his eyes were full of endless desire.

Soon, there were already young men taking off their clothes and starting to do some craft work.

There are also men touching each other. That kind of scene is a bit eye-catching.

This is not one person, but tens of millions of people.

This scene made Li Yuan’s scalp explode. This Yin girl was playing with real flowers.

He was so disgusted that he was about to take action when he saw clouds and mist rising, and a series of spiritual lights were used to arrest him and the other nine young people.

When Li Yuan saw this, he immediately became alert and planned to wait and see what would happen.

Soon, he was taken to a spacious palace.

This palace is very huge, with thousands of handsome men gathered here.

And at the highest point of the palace, a middle-aged lady with flowing white hair walked slowly, half-dressed, and her eyes were full of lust.

It was obvious that she planned to enjoy these thousands of handsome men herself.

However, the handsome young men present were not only not afraid, but looked at the beautiful middle-aged woman with eyes full of desire.

Their minds had already been taken away, and now their eyes were red with desire rising.

Some people couldn’t stand it anymore, and with a low roar, they were about to pounce on the old lady.

In response to this, the middle-aged lady naturally flirted and giggled: “Don’t be anxious, everyone, take your time!”

As she spoke, she took out a special chair and lay down on it.

Li Yuan was also rushing towards the beautiful middle-aged woman, but when he got closer, a pool of black water suddenly appeared in his hand.

Yuanyin Nu didn’t notice it at all at first. It wasn’t until the puddle of black water completely stained her skin and turned her flesh and blood into black ash that she realized something was wrong.

However, it was already too late now. The black poison was so overbearing that it penetrated into his soul in an instant.

It would be difficult to suppress even the slightest trace of the ancient soul being contaminated, let alone someone like her who was directly contaminated in full?

The girl Yuan Yin screamed horribly, with fear and horror in her eyes.

What the hell is this?

Li Yuan ignored it, and the aura on his body exploded, directly blocked by the Yin female prisoner.

Under normal circumstances, Yuanyin Nu could easily break this blockade, but how can she care about this now?

It’s a long story, but it actually happened in an instant.

Even though Yuanyin Nu was a Mahayana, she still turned into a puddle of black scum and could no longer die.

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