Facing Shi Feipeng’s question, everyone looked at each other and didn’t know whether they should answer or not.

A strong man who had supported Shi Feipeng before stood up and sighed: “Brother, Ma Yanrong is on the mountain, but she is already Tai Shao’s concubine, so just give up on this idea!”

In his opinion, he thought that Shi Feipeng was still evil and still wanted to practice dual cultivation with Ma Yanrong.

Mr. Tai is the grandson of the ancestor of the Huaxian Sect, the giant Immortal King.

This is a true second-generation ancestor with extraordinary qualifications.

Shi Feipeng was not really stupid. He thought that he had accidentally encountered Mr. Tai’s evil deeds before, and his heart suddenly sank.

He had sworn a poisonous oath, but he didn’t expect to be recorded.

In this way, he had been attacked and killed several times, and it was related to Mr. Tai.

Li Yuan understood a little after hearing this, and could only shake his head helplessly.

Right and wrong, a careless move can lead to disaster.

He stretched out his hand and pinched her, already deducing the direction of Ma Yanrong, and grabbed her directly from the void.

The next moment, Ma Yanrong was captured directly and fell to the spot.

She was shocked and angry, and still didn’t understand the situation.

Shi Feipeng looked at Ma Yanrong with a complicated expression.

This woman, whom he once regarded as a Taoist friend and junior sister, never expected that she would frame him at a critical moment.

He stared at Ma Yanrong coldly and said in a cold voice: “Ma Yanrong, why do you want to frame me?”


Ma Yanrong turned around and saw Shi Feipeng.

There was a flash of panic in her eyes.

What happened?

Why did the sect’s senior leaders shed blood on the spot?

Ma Yanrong’s cultivation level was not strong, and in the early stage of Dongxu, she was unable to resist Shi Feipeng’s momentum.

But she wasn’t scared stupid yet, so she naturally knew what she could and couldn’t say.

She pretended to be weak and begged: “Shi Protector, I am already Tai Shao’s person, please don’t force me!”

She looked pitiful, and anyone who looked at her would feel that Shi Feipeng was forcing things on others.

Shi Feipeng said angrily: “When have I ever persecuted you? I usually discuss Taoism with you and teach you scriptures. When have I ever done anything to go beyond my limits?”

Ma Yanrong seemed frightened and quickly looked at the other senior sect leaders.

“Several guardians, uncles and uncles, the great demon Shi is back again. Please save me!”

The senior leaders of the sect who had been severely injured by Li Yuan were immediately shocked and angry when they heard this.

We can’t save ourselves, how can we save you?

Li Yuan shook his head and said calmly: “Actually, it’s very simple. As long as I give her a little bit of confusion, she will naturally be able to tell the truth. Your Huanxian Sect doesn’t even have such a small spell, right?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

At first, some elders proposed this, but other elders opposed it.

According to them, this kind of behavior will touch the secrets of the disciples and hurt the soul, so it should be avoided as much as possible.

Anyway, the treasure is in Shi Feipeng’s cave, can he still be wronged?

Now that Li Yuan mentioned it again, how dare these people object?

Finally, a fusion monk who did not believe that Shi Feipeng was the big devil stood up.

He is at the pinnacle of integration and is proficient in soul magic. It is too easy to confuse a monk in the early stage of Dongxu.

When Ma Yanrong saw this, she looked shocked and quickly asked other strong men for help.

But everyone else is already in trouble, so how can they dare to save him?

What’s more, they also have some doubts. Could it be that Shi Feipeng was really framed?

Although Ma Yanrong was unwilling, how could she resist the spell cast by a strong man at the peak of his integration?

In just a few breaths, she was completely lost, her eyes blurred.

When the fusion monk saw this, he immediately asked: “Ma Yanrong, did Shi Feipeng really force you to practice dual cultivation?”


Ma Yanrong spoke, looking dazed.

When everyone heard this, they were suddenly shocked. Shi Feipeng was really wronged.

Shi Feipeng took a step forward and asked in a cold voice: “Then why did you frame me?”

“Because… Mr. Tai said that this is your true face. As long as I say so, I will become a Taoist partner with him and help me break through to the Immortal Lord in the future.”


Shi Feipeng was furious.

Even with his temper, he wanted to kill this woman directly.

The other Huanxian Sect monks also looked at each other in disbelief. Most of the treasures were put into Shi Feipeng’s cave by Master Tai.

But after all, Master Tai is the direct grandson of his ancestor and has always been kind to others. How could he frame Shi Feipeng?

Seeing this, Shi Feipeng could only say that you know people, faces but not hearts.

He was furious and said directly: “Tai Hao, sixty years ago, I went out to look for opportunities, and accidentally discovered that he practiced trickery and massacred a town!”

Trickery is a kind of magic that combines weirdness and often has great side effects. For example, it needs to be suppressed by killing people, taking hearts, devouring souls, etc.side effect.

This kind of magic has always been a taboo technique and is not allowed to be practiced.

As soon as Shi Feipeng finished speaking, a mysterious force came over him. He looked sluggish, suffered heavy injuries, and lost 90% of his cultivation. This was due to the backlash from his oath.

He had sworn that he would never reveal anything about Tai Hao.

Everyone in the Huaxian Sect was shocked that the grandson of their ancestor actually practiced this weird spell.

No wonder Shi Feipeng was demoted to the human world.

If it hadn’t been for the sect elders’ intercession, he would have died on the spot.

Li Yuan was very interested in the trick and asked, “How is trick practiced?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

Shi Feipeng didn’t hide anything, and said in a deep voice: “To practice trickery, you need to have a weird thing, and then use special means to fuse it with yourself, so that you can use that weird ability.

But this move will also have side effects, and it may even turn into something weird. For example, Tai Hao would have to devour his soul to suppress this side effect.

And this suppression will become weaker and weaker, and eventually the whole person will be assimilated into weirdness. ”

When Li Yuan heard this, he immediately understood.

In this case, some people will indeed take risks.

His strange strength is unpredictable. If he can really integrate with it, even if he faces a monk who is stronger than him, he will still have a chance to fight back.

Then Tai Hao’s strength should not be strong, otherwise Shi Feipeng would have been silenced.

There was some interest in his heart, and he wanted to see what the strange monk was like.

Li Yuan asked everyone: “Then where did Taihao go?”

A protector quickly responded: “Reporting to the Great Immortal, Mr. Tai and Ancestor went to Wuliang Immortal Sect to attend the Yuanling Festival.”

Is that so?

Li Yuan glanced at Shi Feipeng and said with a smile: “Don’t you always want to see the Yuanling Festival? Do you want to go and see it with me?”

Shi Feipeng sighed and nodded.

Anyway, he couldn’t stay in Huaxian Sect any longer.

Zhu Ming’s death was the next best thing, but Tai Hao was the direct grandson of his ancestor.

But before going, he decided to destroy Ma Yanrong, the person who framed him.

But his cultivation backfired, so he had to ask Li Yuan to do it for him.

Naturally, Li Yuan would not refuse, it was just a matter of effort.

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