Every time the long sword cuts down, it carries the cold light that destroys all methods and obliterates the origin.

Under the shroud of the law of time, the male beast king was defeated one after another.

On its body, the body was constantly being erased and turned into nothingness.

In the end, only an extremely tough skeleton was left.

This skeleton is very amazing. It has been baptized by special thunder and already contains some laws of thunder.

Without using spiritual treasures, completely wiping out this beast king will not happen overnight.

And Li Yuan’s immortal sword collided with the bones of the Beast King one after another, and was almost destroyed.

He secretly thought that it was a pity that this long sword was just a top-quality immortal weapon after all, and it was a bit inferior.

There are other spiritual treasures on him, but they are somewhat incompetent.

Li Yuan has almost understood his true strength. Without borrowing treasures and using various techniques, his strength is far beyond that of ordinary immortals.

“It’s over!”

Li Yuan whispered, holding a mottled ancient clock in his hand.

At this moment, time and space seemed to have stopped.

The Thunder Beast King also seemed to sense the danger and barked wildly.

The female beast king who had not taken action was also restless and rushed towards Li Yuan, trying to kill him.

However, it was too late. Although their speed was very fast, there were inexplicable ripples rippling along with a magnificent bell.


The bodies of the two beast kings stiffened, and the flesh and blood on their bodies instantly collapsed.

And their spiritual light hidden deep in the bones was forcibly erased and died directly.

Two true spirits emerged, cutting through the void, trying to escape quietly.

However, at the next moment, the eternal fragrance flashed and took it away.

The strength of the two thunder beasts is very strong, far beyond that of ordinary immortals, and they can be included in the spectrum.

In addition, these two sets of skeletons are good materials for refining spiritual treasures.

Li Yuan was thinking about finding an opportunity to refine a Lingbao sword suitable for him.

The Beast King is dead, and the other Thunder Beasts have become headless flies.

Li Yuan’s thoughts radiated out, and he hunted the thunder beasts while mining the thunder source ore.

One hundred and eighty years passed quickly, and Li Yuan left directly without staying.

However, when he arrived at the entrance, he discovered that the entrance was not open.

Although he had a way to open the seal of the entrance, he did not expose his trump card.

He was not in a hurry, and just meditated at the entrance, quietly meditating.

The laws of time flowed, making him seem to be in another time and space.

During this period, Miexin came again, and Li Yuanxiang went out and traded nearly two thousand drops of Tianxin Milk with him.

However, Mie Xin told him that Tianxin Milk was already difficult to replace.

And the people with less crocodile already have suspicions.

Li Yuan didn’t pay much attention and directly passed the remaining two articles to him.

These days, he has finally achieved his true immortal body.

Unknowingly, it has been more than seven hundred years since Li Yuan entered Mine No. 72.

During this period, he seemed to be forgotten by the outside world.

However, in the outside world, it has only been more than seven hundred years, and he has already realized the ninth basic origin.

In a hundred years at most, he will be able to realize the ninth basic source of consciousness to perfection.

But at this moment, the seal at the entrance suddenly shook.

Upon seeing this, Li Yuan immediately hid his true body, leaving only one incarnation to practice cross-legged.

As the seal was broken, an illusory figure disappeared into the place.

As the figure disappeared, the seal was quickly restored.

When Li Yuan looked, he saw an almost transparent figure, and he could vaguely tell that he was a middle-aged man.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked warily: “Who are you?”

The figure looked at Li Yuan who was guarding the entrance, and his eyes were fixed.

He was surprised that this kid was not dead yet.

Could it be that he has been here all along and never went in to mine at all?

Thinking of this, the figure immediately spoke: “You don’t have to worry about who I am. Where is the Leiyuan ore you have mined after all these years?”

Li Yuan remained calm and said with a slight smile: “The mine will naturally be dug, but if you don’t open the door, I won’t be able to get out!”

As he spoke, he threw a storage ring to the figure, which contained three hundred source ores.

With a quick glance at the human figure, I immediately knew that the quantity was good.

But how is this possible? This guy is staying here. Where did he get so many source ores?

He frowned a little and said: “The person in charge of the mining area died unexpectedly again, so no one knows that you are here.”

“I see!”

Li Yuan held a moment of silence for the person in charge of the new mining area.

Unexpectedly, before he could do anything, this person directly received the lunch box.

This is really a high-risk profession.

The middle-aged man asked: “Have you encountered no danger in these years?”

“Danger? There are some thunder beasts, but they are nothing to be afraid of. At most, they are equivalent to Luo Tianxian!”

Li Yuan spoke. He also left some thunder beasts, some of which were Luo Tianshang.Fairy.

The middle-aged man looked suspicious. Didn’t he say that there was a fairy beast king here?

“Come with me and take a look!”

The middle-aged man spoke with an unquestioning attitude, grabbed Li Yuan directly, and went deep into the mine.

Li Yuan did not resist and allowed him to catch him and sink him deep into the mine.

Xuanxian was very fast, and in just a few breaths, he had already gone deep into the mine.

But where is the shadow of the Celestial Beast King, not even Luo Celestial Immortal is there.

His expression was slightly gloomy, no wonder this kid was still alive.

Looking at Li Yuan, the middle-aged man finally made up his mind and said: “There is indeed enough ore in these years, but I am not the person in charge of the mining area. I have to go out and ask for instructions first. You can wait here for a moment!”

After saying that, regardless of whether Li Yuan agreed or not, he directly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

Li Yuan looked at the approaching thunder beasts around him and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

These thunder beasts are not very strong, but once they fight, they will inevitably attract the Luotian Immortal-level thunder beasts not far away.

One can imagine what the middle-aged man is thinking.

He was still not sure whether the middle-aged man had really left this place, but he was probably still watching in secret.

Li Yuan simply fulfilled his wish and went directly into the group of thunder beasts.

He suppressed his strength and only showed the level of Luo Tianxian.

But even so, these ordinary thunder beasts were still as weak as lambs to be slaughtered when facing Li Yuan.

The gap between each major realm is too great and difficult to overcome.

The battle here quickly attracted the attention of the Luotian Celestial Thunder Beast.

This thunder beast was so powerful that it rushed directly towards Li Yuan and wanted to swallow him whole.

Li Yuan pretended to barely resist and fought with the thunder beast.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, Li Yuan used a secret method and used the ‘Backlash’ curse to kill the thunder beast.

He fled in a hurry, and only breathed a sigh of relief when he was completely away from the area.

But at this moment, a bolt of lightning penetrated the void at an incredible speed and struck across the sky.

At the same time, there was a loud sound of thunder, shocking the soul.

This lightning, carrying the aura of destroying all laws, has far surpassed the immortals.

Li Yuan has no soul. Although he is affected by thunder, it is not serious.

However, although he reacted, he did not sacrifice the treasure.

Along with the rich thunder light, his body was directly blasted to pieces.

Everything was wiped out by this lightning.

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