Li Yuan asked, “Junior sister, do you know what cards Crocodile Tongtian has?”

Knowing yourself and your enemy will ensure victory in every battle, so he naturally wanted to find out.

Hu Shanshan confirmed that no one was eavesdropping around, and then whispered, “Brother, don’t say it was me who said it!”

“Of course!”

“The two powerful magical powers that Biyun Shuang had that day were actually passed down by Crocodile Tongtian. These are two peerless magical powers, and it is said that they were inherited from a demon emperor.”

“The inheritance of the demon emperor?”

Li Yuan was also shocked when he heard this.

The demon emperor is the Golden Immortal, and there are only six of them in the Six Desires Demon Sect.

Hu Shanshan nodded and said, “I still heard this from my great grandfather, but it is said that these two magical powers have problems. The more times they are used, the easier it is to fall into a place of no return.”

Li Yuan couldn’t help but think of the demon phantom that appeared behind Biyun Shuang when he used it before.

He was a little surprised. Wouldn’t he summon the demon’s will at that time?

After reaching the Golden Immortal stage, the virtual becomes real, the will is indestructible, and it is almost impossible to be completely killed.

However, this is a hidden danger in Crocodile Tongtian, and it has little to do with him.

“What other trump cards does he have?”

He continued to ask.

Hu Shanshan did not hide it, saying: “It is said that he has also practiced the Supreme Scripture, but no one knows the specific effect, and those who know it have probably died.”

Li Yuan was thoughtful when he heard it.

I don’t know how far Crocodile Tongtian has practiced the Six Desires Heart Sutra.

This is the Supreme Scripture, who knows how powerful it is.

Hu Shanshan said with some regret: “If senior brother can defeat senior brother Crocodile Tongtian at the True Immortal stage, maybe he will have the opportunity to ascend to the Origin Heavenly Monument like the two saints in the future.”

“Origin Heavenly Monument? What is that?”

Li Yuan asked with some curiosity.

“That is a list of peerless monsters born in the endless time and space of the universe. As long as you are above the True Immortal and below the Celestial Immortal, you have a chance to be on the list.

There are 10,000 places on this monument. Those who can be on the list must be peerless geniuses. The weakest on the list has the strength to kill ordinary Yuanxian.”

Li Yuan was surprised when he heard this. There is such a list.

Only Luotian Immortal can surpass the Celestial Immortal and kill the Yuanxian.

The gap between Luotian Immortal and Celestial Immortal is greater than the gap between True Immortal and Luotian.

Not to mention that Yuanxian is one level higher than Celestial Immortal.

Even the Eight Heroes can only barely compete with Yuanxian when they are at the Luotian Immortal level, and cannot kill it.

He asked, “Did the two saints among the true disciples ascend to the Heavenly Monument that year?”

Hu Shanshan nodded, but quickly shook her head and said, “They did ascend for a while, but were later squeezed down.”

Li Yuan: “…”

But this also made him understand that being able to ascend to the Origin Heavenly Monument means that the two saints already had the strength to kill ordinary Yuanxian when they were Luotian Shangxian.

He asked, “What was the approximate strength of the two saints when they were True Immortals?”

“I heard that Kun Sheng was known to be invincible below the Heavenly Immortal, and he had fought with a real Heavenly Immortal without losing.”

Li Yuan couldn’t help showing surprise when he heard this.

Is it so outrageous?

But it seems that he can do it.

And he also killed a strong Heavenly Immortal-level wild beast.

For a while, Li Yuan was somewhat looking forward to it, wondering what level he could rank on the Origin Heavenly Monument when he was at the Ultimate Luotian.

He asked Hu Shanshan: “Junior sister, how can I climb the Origin Heavenly Monument?”

Hu Shanshan tilted her chin and hesitated: “I heard that as long as you are sensed by the heavenly secret, you can be on the list.”

“What is the origin of this Origin Heavenly Monument?”

“This… I heard that it is the manifestation of the heavenly way, and there are also rumors that it is something that surpasses the peerless treasure.”

Li Yuan heard this and thought about it.

He is more inclined to the former.

Isn’t there a fragment of the holy object on his body?

He asked the black lens and soon got a response: “It is indeed the manifestation of the heavenly way, and climbing the Heavenly Monument will be blessed by the destiny in the dark, and it is easier to comprehend the origin of heaven and earth.”

Li Yuan heard this and his eyes suddenly condensed. This is the destiny blessing of the entire universe, which is far from comparable to the destiny blessing of a large world.

However, climbing the Heavenly Monument will inevitably attract the attention of more powerful people.

And he has comprehended all the nine origins.

He couldn’t help but ask: “Can you hide your identity and get on the list?”

Black Lens replied: “It’s actually similar to Skynet. If you can hide from Skynet, you can also hide from the Origin Heavenly Monument.”

Li Yuan nodded, this is perfect.

On the side, Hu Shanshan suddenly said: “Brother, you are able to surpass the Biyun Shuang. I think you are not a weakling among the half-step celestial immortals. In the future, when you reach the limit of Luotian when your true immortal body is perfect, you may be on the list.”

She looked at Li Yuan and couldn’t help but feelSome surprises.

The strength Li Yuan had shown before was definitely not weaker than that of the Eight Heroes.

Moreover, he has not yet reached the limit in the realm of true immortal, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

If you think about it this way, you may not be able to climb the Origin Monument like the Two Saints in the future.

She suddenly understood why her great-grandfather had to make her befriend this senior brother and give him a high-grade spiritual root.

It is very likely that there will be a third saint among the true disciples of the Demon Sect.

Li Yuan said modestly: “It’s not that easy. Junior sister, you think too much.”

He asked: “Junior sister, do you have the list on the Origin Monument?”

Hu Shanshan shook her head and said: “No, our place is not connected to the outside world. Few inner disciples even know about the Origin Sky Monument.”

In the Six Desire Demon Sect, the inner disciples are not qualified to leave Quan Yu Tian unless they become Golden Immortals.

When Li Yuan heard this, he felt a little regretful.

But Hu Shanshan said: “I heard my great-grandfather say that six Yuanhui ago, a monster appeared in the Origin Continent, and his hands were stained with the blood of the genius on the Origin Heaven Monument.”

Li Yuan was stunned when he heard this, and asked doubtfully: “What kind of monster, how strong is he?”

“It seems that he is called Old Demon Wang. It is said that more than one of the top ten beings in the Origin Sky Monument has been killed. However, he did not reach the top of the Origin Sky Monument and only ranked third.”

“Old Demon Wang?”

Some speculation suddenly emerged in his mind, but it felt a bit unbelievable.

He quickly asked: “What happened next? What happened to Mr. Wang?”

“It seems that he quickly left the Heavenly Monument of Origin, and when he reappeared, he had already boarded the Jade Book of Creation, and by the way, he also killed a genius who was listed in the Jade Book of Creation.

By the way, the Jade Book of Creation is similar to the Heavenly Stele of Origin, but it lists powerful people above Heavenly Immortal and below Golden Immortal. ”

Li Yuan’s heart skipped a beat and he asked, “What about now? How is this old devil Wang doing now?”

Hu Shanshan shook her head and said: “I heard that Da Luo was chasing him and he was removed from the Good Fortune Book. Four or five Yuan Hui people should have died.”


Li Yuan’s heart sank.

But soon he thought of another possibility, which was to be promoted to Golden Immortal.

He continued to ask, but it was a pity that Hu Shanshan had never left Quan Yutian, so she still heard Hu Yan say these things.

After thinking about it, he suppressed the idea of ​​asking Hu Yan.

If that person is really Wang Li, it goes without saying that he has offended more than one Da Luo.

There is probably a Supreme Being. Back then in the lower realm, the Qingyun Cave and Sky were all blown up.

How can those who can be found on the Jade Book of the Heavenly Monument be all alone?

After the little fox left, Li Yuan tried to call Wang Li’s real name.

Unfortunately, there was no response. In other words, Wang Li did not achieve supreme status.

I don’t know if he really died back then or if he was promoted to the Golden Immortal realm.

Li Yuan sighed, the Origin Continent is too big, even if there is Skynet, many news will not be spread and will be drowned.

He decided to wait until the next time he saw Honglian and make some insinuations.

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