Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 691: Great conflict

Ziwei Emperor Star!

Zhou Tian's stars circled around, slowly rotating around the Ziwei Emperor star.

The endless power of the stars is constantly falling on the Ziwei Emperor star, and the power of the stars that slowly gathers is sticky like a paste.

Turning Ziwei Emperor into a sea of ​​star power, not only did it not weaken with the passage of time, on the contrary, it was continuously strengthening, and the stars were continuously drawn over, and the power of the stars was hanging down on the Ziwei Emperor.

Yang Qifeng sat on the emperor's seat, standing in front of him in two groups.

Every new star is full of smiles, and a festive atmosphere fills the hall, which cannot be concealed anyway.

Yang Qifeng didn't know what politeness was. In order to quickly increase his strength, he entrusted the officials and promoted all the best among the evil evil spirits.

What Nandou and Beidou, as well as Tiangang and Earthsha, are all taken care of by them.

This is a good thing for the great vassals. Naturally, everyone responds with a beaming appearance, but if they know that Emperor Ziwei is not dead and Zhou Tianxing is still alive, then they will not be so happy.

They have just taken office, and they have insufficient grasp of the powers and powers, and they can't tell them for a while, but they will definitely notice them soon, but it will be too late.

The battle of the great road, since ancient times, has there been no one who has turned warriors into jade and silk.

The authority is not to be shared with others.

The two are destined not to coexist. No matter whose confidant they are, when they are in power, they will have to clash with the old boss, unless they are willing to die, but there are a few such characters, at most one or two.

But this week there are hundreds of stars in the stars, and with the addition of their upper positions and free positions, this can be divided.

"Your Majesty, the thirty-six thunder generals of the Lei Department, the twenty-four fire princes of the fire department, and the three mountains and five mountains and the land, all have gathered outside the imperial palace, wanting to see your majesty!" Wang Liangwu went out of class and preached.


"The general will see your Majesty!" Everyone came to the hall and bowed down one after another.

"If the fairy gods are left with you today?" Yang Qifeng looked around everyone, most of them were in the middle and lower classes, like Lei Jun in the middle and upper classes of Lei Bu, and then there was General Thirty-five Iron-faced Train Generals, Tai Sui General. Five Shaoyang coach general, Liujin Huojing general,

A series of Pili classics Gong Cao, Pili Fu Kan Gong Cao, Pili Ji Shu Gong Cao, and a series of Evil Book Gong Cao.

This is the case for Leibu, and the same for the Fire Department. Basically, all the high-level officials were swept away, and they were all imprisoned in the Asura world.

"Return to your Majesty, there is still a part of the heavenly immortals. They are now lurking in the lower realm. As long as your majesty sends a decree, they will obey your majesty's order," a thunder general said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

"I originally converted to Buddhism, I am a quiet person, enjoy the world's worship every day, and travel around the three mountains and five mountains at ease,"

"But the devil is so rampant that the Three Realms of Cholera, the Jade Emperor, unfortunately, was killed, and the emperor was also murdered. I had to temporarily take the place of Emperor Ziwei, command the remaining gods, and fight against the demons, and restore peace in the world!"

"The Tribulation of the Three Realms, all beings are suffering. Your Majesty came out in time to save the Three Realms from fire and water. It is a blessing for the common people and also for the ministers." The ministers bowed to the ground, as if they had rehearsed in advance, and preached in unison.

"I set up a banner to calm the chaos. The demon will definitely not give up and will take the initiative to attack the Ziwei Emperor. The officials will immediately prepare for the battle and recruit all the gods to heaven."

"This battle is about the world, victory means peace in the Three Realms, and defeat means chaos in the world,"

"Certain meritorious service, I am not stingy with rewards. There are four vacancies in the heavenly court. Those who have meritorious services can be in the position," Yang Qifeng said here, deliberately pausing his own words, and he aggravated the voice behind him.

Prince Jiangning is kind!

There is no shortage of immortal gods who are high in ability and low in rank. The structure of immortal gods has long been solidified. For example, when the monkey went to heaven, it was only Bi Ma Wen.

As far as the fairy is concerned, what can you do with great magical powers?

Unless you are sweeping the heavens alone, otherwise they can't beat you, but there are great immortals who can beat you. Under the huge heaven system, you must yield, otherwise it is not orthodox, the demons are first-rate and rejected by the world. .

The heavenly fairy gods were wiped out, but the three mountains and five sacred mountains and the overseas Penglai fairy island, but there are many supernatural powers in it.

It's not that they don't want to go to heaven, but that the places in the sky are full, and there is no matching place when they come.

Arranging things properly, recruiting the gods of the world and the gods of the world, Yang Qifeng walked back to the apse.

"Bajie, are you too courageous?" Tang Seng saw Yang Qifeng walking slowly, he couldn't help but yelled at him, and said sharply:

"If the gods of the court are all imprisoned in the realm of Ashura today and have not died, how can you canonize them, where are the gods placed, and this action violates the authority of the Jade Emperor. I must blame you,"

"And your position as the Great Emperor Ziwei,"

"The gods of the Asura world,"

"They can't live a few!" Yang Qifeng sneered, his eyes were full of coldness, and the prince and general Xiangning was kind. Not only did he understand this, but how many gods could not understand.

At this moment, the general trend has been set off, even if they knew that the gods were imprisoned in the Asura realm, they would not be able to give in.

The gods lost their position and the disputes started. All he had to do was to transform the post-mortem world of Journey to the West into a world of great disputes.

Qin lost his deer, the world is chasing, and the world's ambitious people are one after another. They are able to survive because the heaven is alive, and all thoughts that shouldn't have been suppressed by the heaven.

The situation evolved, even if the immortal **** imprisoned in Heavenly Court reappeared.

The fairy gods at the bottom have different minds, and the foundation will collapse, and the building will fall. Whoever can turn the tide will rely on those fairy gods to get out of trouble, it is impossible.

Seeing the current situation like this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, they will certainly be ambitious and have some ideas they shouldn't have.

We must know that the current situation is stable. For example, the monkeys are only first-rate, but the world is in chaos. With the ability of monkeys, how can it be limited to the first-rate Monkey King and the emperor through the cracking of the earth, but wait for a while.

The general trend is like the water of the river, the waves flow, those who follow it prosper, and those who go against it die, even if he is the initiator and wants to drown, he will be crushed by the waves.

In the Three Realms Great Tribulation, a few great emperors and great gods do not die, is that a Great Tribulation?

When they reset easily, it is a play house.

"You are not Bajie,"

"Although Ba Jie is sly and slippery, he is kind-hearted,"

"Don't talk nonsense, what 17 relics, the world is not your Buddhism family, I will let you whether you can stop the world's immortals and me!"

"What about Wukong?"

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