Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 693: Go together

The second day!

The cyan demon aura is like a canopy, shrouded in the sky above the demon, and the demon aura hangs down to form a curtain.

Behind the curtain was a demon, who looked at it roughly, no less than hundreds of thousands, they were entrenched in the starry sky, and dense figures had blocked a piece of the sky.

In front of the demon are stars bursting with light, Zhoutian stars surround the Ziwei Emperor star.

The starlight was vast, turned into armor, and draped on a star official and a star king. They occupied their respective positions and mobilized the power of the stars to bless their bodies, followed by many fairy gods, each of them lined up.

Standing in front of the Three Mountains, Five Sacred Mountains and many scattered immortals, Yang Qifeng stared quietly at Wutian.

The opponent and dealing with the smart monkey are two extremes, and their reaction speed is like the comparison between a bicycle and a car.

Wutian sat cross-legged on a black lotus platform that was as dark as ink but appeared coquettishly.

The loose black robe hangs on the lotus platform, the black lotus platform is pure and demon, Wutian's eyes are piercing forward, and he preaches with admiration: "Bajie!"

"I also admire you very much,"

"Originally, there is only one and a half people I admire in the world, you are this half, and Wukong is the only one,"

"But at this moment what you have done has exceeded Wukong, you are the person I admire most,"

"Unfortunately, you are dying, I have to kill you,"


"Don't leave one!" Wutian looked regretful, but his words were cold and merciless, and finally reflected the cruelty of the peerless demon. Unfortunately, this cruelty can never be aimed at certain people.

"The advantage of tongues," Yang Qifeng looked at Wutian, his opponent's strength was not small. The last time he saw Wutian, the other party gave him unpredictable, even if he knew that the Buddha was changed by Wutian, Yang Qifeng still did not dare to change anything. .

The Wutian at that time killed him like killing a bird.

In his eyes, Wutian nowadays does not have that unpredictable. He can't even maintain the earth immortal, but his strength is higher than that of the true immortal. This realm describes Yang Qifeng as a pseudo earth immortal. describe.

This was the realm he had in the world of Zhuxian at the beginning, a realm that surpassed the soul and approached immortal Dao infinitely, but did not reach the realm of immortal Dao.

"I am the lord of the stars, edict! Blessing!"

Zhou Tian's stars shone radiantly, and the endless star power diffused, and they continued to bless their body. Battle formations emerged and rushed towards the monster.

It's a pity that there is no Zhou Tianxing star formation, otherwise he will use Zhou Tianxingjun to set up this formation, this Wutian will definitely die, and all the definite numbers are just nonsense.

The reincarnated soul boy is not enough to kill him.

As long as the strength is strong enough to destroy all sentient beings in the Three Realms, there will be no definite numbers.

Yang Qifeng strode forward, his body increased by ten feet after one step, and he was already over one hundred feet tall after ten steps.

Stepping on the vast starry sky with his feet, the endless star power turned into star armor, and the nine-tooth nail rake in his hand was shining brightly, and he swung the nine-tooth nail rake to fall.

Endless sunlight blooms, and bursts of aura burst out.

In an instant, the monsters swept through thousands of troops, and the monsters can follow the sky. Naturally, they are not weak, but under the brilliant burst of terrifying energy, they have no resistance.

The swords in their hands were broken one after another, and their bodies were crushed inch by inch, as if they were crushed by a millstone, and their flesh and blood flowed out along the broken armor.

In a blink of an eye, the demon was dead and wounded, with blood falling everywhere, and the demon was a mess.

Seeing this, he sat down on the black lotus, exuding light.

The illusory black lotus blooms out of thin air, and the black lotus is linked to each other to form a barrier. The horrible energy that overwhelms the mountains is constantly being consumed under the black lotus, slowly dissipating into the air.

"Wu Tian, ​​your strength is weak," Yang Qifeng hit to no avail, all attacks were blocked by Black Lotus, but instead of being angry, he showed a shallow smile.

Wutian is stronger than him, but his strength is limited. He has amazing supernatural powers. If he is not restricted by his weak strength, he is not a true immortal at the moment, and it is extremely easy to win this Wutian.

"Bajie I admire your approach, but it's a pity that you are going to die," the black lotus platform floated out below him, and a force of destruction spread.

Pure power of destruction, this is death, destruction, killing, perishing, all kinds of power converge.

All the tyrannical forces in the world are all in this black lotus.

The blooming light stirred the starry sky in all directions. At this moment, whether it was a demon or a fairy, their eyes glowed with blood red, and they became violent one by one. They lost their minds and fought together like wild beasts.

At this moment, they were only affected by the aftermath of Black Lotus, whose real goal was Yang Qifeng.

Hei Lian arrived in an instant and came to the sky above Yang Qifeng, hanging down the power of extinction, covering him in all directions, like a cage, slowly rotating and destroying everything.

Yang Qifeng's handsome and compelling drape had not lasted for a breath at all, but it was already tattered and hung on him like a cloth strip.

The power of destruction is like a steel knife, constantly cutting Yang Qifeng's flesh and blood.

A tingling pain spread across the body, wounds continued to appear on the skin, but the next moment it returned to the original state.

Even if it is a Peerless Taoist tool, it can't help his body, but now under this destructive force, his body is constantly showing scars.

It is conceivable that if he did not possess the ability of King Kong to be indestructible, he would have died under this black lotus at this moment.

The space is constantly twisting, and black holes appear one after another, which is like the cracked mouth of a wild beast, swallowing everything that can be swallowed.

The power of the stars and the blood qi are entangled, twisting and winding, like blood vessels and nerves, filling Yang Qifeng's huge body, and his body swells again.

Extremely violent fluctuations faintly exudes from the body, and the nine-tooth nail rake in Yang Qifeng's hand is fiercely danced by him, and it is aimed at the black lotus above.

There was a loud bang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Heilian skewed and flew out.

The nine-tooth nail rake is bright and pure, like crystal clear glass. The black lotus's power of destroying the world is smashed into the sky by the nine-tooth nail rake, and Yang Qifeng rises.

The water above the nine-tooth rake is turbulent, and the water of the Tianhe surrounds the nine-tooth rake, like a surging river from the sky, flooding everything in front of you and twisting it to the point!

A pitch-black palm fell from the sky, the palm of the hand covered the sky and the sun, and it was full of lines, like an interwoven net of heaven and earth, crashing down and patted Yang Qifeng.

The nine-tooth nail rake did not stop, and hit Wutian's forehead indefinitely. Tianhe waves rushed towards Wutian, constantly scrolling Wutian, and the endless force of catharsis was enough to pull the mountain and break the moon.

Wutian's body collapsed every inch, and all his flesh and blood was destroyed.

And Yang Qifeng was also slapped by the giant palm. His flesh and blood were crushed together, and his vitality was constantly being wiped out. This is a game that hurts both sides, and the two seem to die together.

But at the last moment, a flag jumped out and began to shake.

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