Lord God Xiaoyao

Vol 2 Chapter 739: Feng Yin


Shui Qilin shook his head, flicked his tail, slowly flicked his four hooves, and walked towards the gate of Pengcheng.

"Kirin appears, the real dragon is out!"

"It's really a blessing to see the great king Rongyan, Ma Junran, the criminal minister." Kneeling at the gate of Pengcheng, Ma Junran immediately shouted loudly when he saw Shui Qilin walking slowly.

"Qing's family is getting rid of the chaos, what a crime!" Yang Qifeng looked at the officials of Pengcheng who were kneeling on the ground. Pengcheng is the city of Xuzhou, and the officials here are all high-ranking officials of Xuzhou.

If according to Yang Qifeng's nature, people like Ma Junran would have been dismissed from their posts a long time ago, but this Xuzhou was acquired, and has never made a single shot, the local forces are mixed, especially Ma Junran.

When Ma Junran moved, a bad signal would come out, and then the Xuzhou family would definitely be in chaos. Although the world has been set, Yang Qifeng will not mess around.

Ma Junran had an accident. Who knows if the Lan Family in Qingzhou has any thoughts of harming him.

As a superior person, stability is better than everything, and you can deal with them slowly, without rushing. It is reality. It is impossible to do whatever you want. People have to learn to compromise.

But now that I am looking for a long time, the last thing I lack is time, and some are time to play with them, I am afraid that they will not be able to play with myself for long.

This can be regarded as an adjustment in a long life, otherwise Yang Qifeng would not be able to sit in the cave for thousands of years.

Turning over and getting off Shui Qilin, he reached out and stroked the azure scales. Yang Qifeng wrinkled his eyes slightly, and gently patted Shui Qilin's body and preached: "Lingzun, you eat less, and you are more diligent in your cultivation. Up!"

"If this continues, you will be a fat unicorn. Wherever there is a handsome person in front of you, ordinary people are not auspicious, but come to be funny."

Shui Qilin closed his eyes and squatted directly, his huge body lying on the ground, not wanting to pay attention to Yang Qifeng at all, Yang Qifeng shook his head when he saw this scene.

This water unicorn is a rare thing. Dragons are the most common in this world. Others, such as phoenix and unicorn, are rare.

Even if the unicorn in front of us had never become a fairy, it was still full of deterrence, because unicorns were rare to see. If they were like a dragon, found in the four seas and rivers, it would not become Yang Qifeng's last straw to crush Weihou.

"The Qing family can get rid of the chaos and cut off Li Ni's grain and grass. This is a great contribution to the Wei Dynasty. One of these lonely visits is to inspect Xuzhou, and the other is to reward the Qing family."

"We have made great efforts. This time, I will set up three males and nine princes. The Qing family has done a lot. It can be for the Jiuqing. I wonder if the Qing family is willing to return to Yecheng alone?"

Standing in the courtyard, Yang Qifeng carried his hands and stared at Ma Junran with piercing eyes.

"The minister surrendered to Li Ni, he was originally a criminal minister, but now he can be appointed by the king to the position of Jiuqing. Where is the minister unwilling to follow the king back to Yecheng."

"Not only the ministers, the ministers must also bring the whole family, regardless of whether they are young or old, to go to Yecheng with the ministers."

"It's not necessary. The Ma family is a big family in Xuzhou, and the move to Yecheng is too far away. It's good if you have this heart." Yang Qifeng stretched out his hand and patted Ma Junran on the shoulder. This is very interesting.

As long as he is interested, he is a good person. This is Yang Qifeng's current concept.

"Xuzhou has outstanding people and talents, and there are many people who are lonely even in Jizhou, such as Li Tianci, who was in the imperial examination with the loneliness, and Hao Shoujie, who will pass the next second class."

"This method of returning to Yecheng is also to bring a group of Xuzhou talents back, so as to rule the world for the lonely."

"This list is made up by the Qing family,"

"The king, the minister is from Xuzhou, the family is also in Xuzhou, and the human relations are in Xuzhou. The minister draws up the list, I am afraid that there will be human feelings in it, and I am afraid that I will fail the king's trust."

Ma Junran smiled the same way, but that stiff smile could deceive Yang Qifeng, which seemed to be a courtesy and kindness, but in fact it was a hostage.

Many of the aristocratic families of Xuzhou have been sent out as officials, but there are also many true Taoism species who will not enter official careers, but are devoted to the cultivation of the Tao and concentrate on polishing their body, Taoism and Karma.

In the future, as the cultivation base is sufficient, the family will gradually start arranging them to become famous, and eventually become a celebrity in a state, or a celebrity in the world.

Wei Wang's words, it is certainly not only for officials who really want to take away, but also for those who are dedicated to cultivating. The vernacular is to be swept away.

If only the former is taken away, this is definitely a good thing, but all have to be taken away. This is an offensive activity, not a good thing.

Yang Qifeng shook his snow-white palm slightly, and finally patted Ma Junran's shoulder to preach:

"Who is from the Qing family? They are selfless, upright, and believe in the conduct of the Qing family."

Yang Qifeng had a sincere expression and looked optimistic about Ma Junran. He didn't refuse the other party at all, and directly changed the subject and preached, "In fact, there is still something to come to Xuzhou alone."

"Pengchengzhou city gods are connected to Pingqiu city gods. The two use power for personal gain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are the gods. No matter what they do, it has nothing to do with loneliness. When gu and Li Ni fight, they act as Li Ni's scouts. All the falsehood and reality of the army were reported to Li Ni."

"This is Shinto infringes upon humanity. Not only does Tenjo do not allow it, but the reform of humanity does not allow Shinto to interfere."

"I came here alone to inquire about the Pengcheng Chenghuang. The lone has already played the Heavenly Court. Ask Zhenjun Tianpeng to preside over. Those who kill the Pengcheng Chenghuang can temporarily take the post of Pengcheng Chenghuang."

"I will not directly kill Pengcheng Chenghuang, but I will ask all the Pengcheng Chenghuang to betray their relatives, and beware every day until they die in fear."

The ruthless King Wei, this is killing chickens and monkeys, and has to rely on Pengcheng Chenghuang to build up the world.

After three days, when you look at it with admiration, this idiom ran through Ma Junran's mind.

This is not the first time Zhou Lang has met, but Ma Junran can't even imagine that Zhou Lang, who was insignificant to him at the beginning, has grown to this point.

A city **** who is in charge of a state, his personality is comparable to the immortal immortal, now that he kills, he can decide life and death with one word. Unknowingly, the king of Wei has this momentum, not the one he saw in the imperial capital. Dust rushed to test the scholar.

"The minister will arrange this matter well, and I believe that the city gods of all counties will raise troops to attack the city **** of Pengcheng."


"The banquet is about to begin. Celebrities and officials from all over Xuzhou are already waiting for the king to drive." Li Tieniu strode forward and preached.

"Let's go, I'll see Xuzhou Xianda!" Yang Qifeng first walked towards the banquet hall, Li Tieniu followed closely, and only Ma Junran fell a few steps.

Qingzhou, Qihou Mansion!

At this moment, a Taoist came to the front of the mansion, looked at Qihou Mansion with a bright smile, and flicked the dust in his hand.

A phoenix yin rushed into the night and spread throughout Qingzhou.

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