Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 171: Reasons for acting on one's own initiative

Ethan pursed his lips, a little angry.

"Why didn't you discuss this with me?"

"Because I know it's useless to discuss it with you! So, I can only kill first and ask for your permission later!" Sophia replied calmly.

Ethan stroked his forehead and sighed: "Rand made a mistake when he didn't kill me. I won't follow his old path."

Sophia smiled, knowing that she would have to give him a good lecture again, so she adjusted her position and leaned against the wall side by side with Ethan.

"Alas... Ethan... How should I put it?

In most people's minds, decisive killing and rooting out the evil are considered excellent qualities.

The essence of this idea is actually: enemies are not friends, black and white

For those civilians, this idea doesn't matter.

But you are a lord, you can't be like those civilians, everything is black and white.

You have to have the concept of coexistence.

You have to understand that everything in this world has two sides. If a thing has a good side, it must also have a bad side.

Every decision you make will inevitably trigger the good side and the bad side at the same time.

At this time, you must not act on impulse and make decisions based on your feelings, but should focus on weighing the pros and cons.

Take the Rand incident as an example. If you don't sit down and talk to him, I promise you that your territory will become a ruin.

He won't leave you a penny, nor a grain of food. Food.

There is no doubt about this!

And this is just the visible loss, the invisible loss is the most terrible.

I told you a long time ago that Rand is very capable and popular.

You killed him, not only hurt the hearts of your subjects, but most importantly, you also gave yourself a label of cutting the grass and eradicating the roots.

This doesn't matter much to ordinary people, most people may be proud of having this label.

They even openly shouted: Look, this is the end of offending me, who dares to provoke me in the future, I will kill your whole family!

Little did they know that while they were proud, the butcher's knife was quietly placed on their necks.

These idiots only see the good side, and they don't consider the bad side at all.

I think you should understand what I mean?

Do you have this idea?

Hmm? "

Ethan hugged Sophia in his arms and sighed.

"So, if I root out the grass, then others will root out the grass in the future, right!"

Sophia smiled slightly, kissed Ethan, and then said: "You are really smart, that's probably what you mean.

But let's go a step further.

When you root out the grass, you are actually telling others that if you are my enemy, you will fight to the death.

It can deter others, but it also lays a huge hidden danger.

As long as your opponent knows that you are like this, he will either not conflict with you and swallow his anger.

Or he will fight you to the death.

Once a conflict occurs, you don't have to doubt that the other party will attack Coming to destroy the whole family.

But you have to understand that you are now a lord, and if there is an opponent, it is basically at the lord level.

At this level, whether there will be a conflict is not determined by personal will, but by interests.

You may not know when you offended others.

And you should never underestimate opponents of this level.

They have connections, money, power, strength, and also backbone.

Most successful people have a common characteristic.

That is, they are not afraid of conflicts with others, because only in this way can they tell others where my bottom line is.

You If you dare to cross the bottom line, I will fight you to the death.

Of course, the premise of conflict is that everyone abides by the rules and will maintain a certain limit.

But this will not apply to you, because everyone knows that you are not negotiable.

In other words, either you never conflict with others in the future, or once any conflict occurs, no matter how big or small, you will have to gamble your life every time!

Who told you not to negotiate?

Do you want to be a lord who is either black or white?

You may think that you are a great swordsman, it doesn’t matter, you can’t die anyway.

But what about my sister?

What about your children in the future?

And what about our children?

Don't you care about them?

Or can you keep your eyes on the children every day?

Because of your stupid behavior, they live under the knife every day without knowing it.

Do you think it is necessary?

Ethan, you are no longer the homeless man who had nothing and was driven out of the house. Now you are a lord and have a large group of people following you.

People are willing to follow you and fight for you because they believe that you can bring them happiness.

If you bring only suffering, then who is willing to follow you?

You need to change your mindset. "

Ethan was silent!

Yes! After fighting alone for a long time, I almost forgot that I was a lord!

It turns out that my problem lies in the civilian mindset!


After a long while, Ethan smiled bitterly: "Thank you! I know what to do!"

Seeing that she had persuaded Ethan, Sophia was so happy that she kissed him again.

"I see you seem a little reluctant, I'll tell you a few more things, and you'll know why you have to change your civilian mindset.

The first thing is, in Maro City, you should have often heard that drinking milk will make you taller!"

Ethan was shocked: "What do you mean? Drinking milk won't make you taller?"

Sophia smiled: "Look, do you have the same idea?

I don’t actually know if drinking milk can make you taller, but I know that this news was released by the Casillas family, and their family is engaged in animal husbandry, nothing else, but plenty of milk.

And drinking red wine is good for health, this is released by the Carlos family, you should have seen their family’s vineyard!

Don’t you think it’s interesting!

There is something more interesting, aren’t my uncles going to be agents for the coffee business?

Although it hasn’t started yet, I can tell you now what they will do.

People in the imperial capital pay attention to health, so they will definitely spread the word that drinking coffee can prolong life.

And they will say it in a very serious way.

They may even find some magicians to do some random research and then produce a report to prove this.

After that, as long as there are one or two centenarians who drink coffee.

Then drinking coffee will prolong life, it will become a deeply rooted view in people’s minds.

They will even take the initiative to help you promote it.

This is how civilians think, they only see the side they want to see.

When the bards told heroic stories, the villains always let the heroes run away and were killed by the heroes in the end, so they felt that it was necessary to root out the evil.

When the bards saw that people were thinking this way, they would definitely agree!

Anyway, they could get money, and people liked it, and everyone was happy!

Therefore, the lord's people must not be bound by fixed thinking.

Otherwise, you are not worthy of the lord's table!

Okay! I'm sorry Ethan, I always preach to you, and I will never say it again in the future.

I will be like those excellent women in the future, just silently supporting and encouraging you behind your back every day, and I will never preach to you again! "

"Haha!" Ethan laughed, picked up Sophia and kissed her madly: "You are such a wonderful person.

But there is no need to do this!

Putting aside the strength of the Great Sword Saint, I am just an ordinary person, and I know this very well.

I have many shortcomings, which are determined by the environment I grew up in, and I can't stop it.

All I can do is keep changing it.

Of course, I also have advantages. As you said, I am not afraid of conflicts with others.

And I am not self-righteous. I can listen to others.

So, please give me advice.

But, don't act on your own!"


"Okay! Then continue!"

"No, no!" Sophia waved her hands repeatedly, trotted to the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and looked down.

At this time, a carriage with a giant bear logo was parked in the hotel courtyard.

Sophia immediately lowered the curtains and started to put on clothes.

She changed into an evening dress, high heels, and a pure white fur coat.

Ethan frowned when he saw Sophia going out: "Where are you going?"

Sophia changed her clothes and came to the bed and kissed Ethan: "Today is the coming-of-age ceremony of [Empire Flower]. I am going to attend the banquet. You should have a good rest here!"

After that, Sophia got up and was about to leave.

But Ethan stopped her: "[Empire Flower]? Wait for me, I'll go too."

Sophia knew Ethan wanted to protect her, so she nodded.

After the two changed their clothes, their faces returned to normal.

In a blink of an eye, they returned to their normal appearance, as if nothing had happened in the past few days.


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