Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 281: Controlling Living Beings

Sophia looked at the scene in front of her with disbelief, and her three views were about to collapse.

A sword spirit actually cast magic?

How could the same person possess both magic and the Force?

Wouldn't the spiritual world collapse due to conflict?

Although there are magic swordsmen in this world, they are not called magic swordsmen because they possess both magic and the Force, but simply because the mage uses a sword.

To put it bluntly, the so-called magic swordsman is actually a melee mage.

So, why is this the case?

At this time, Sophia's brain was almost unable to function.

However, after thinking about the details carefully, she found a clue.

"If I'm not mistaken, your sword spirit has the ability to copy other people's skills?"

Ethan raised his eyebrows at Sophia, indicating that his guess was correct.

However, the term "copy" is not very accurate, and it should be more correct to use "control".

Because the skill is called [Controlling Living Beings].

When Ethan created this soul weapon, he went into the talent tree to see it.

There were two more branches in the talent tree, and several fruits were also produced.

This means that the two soul weapons have been perfectly integrated with the talent tree, and new skills have been derived.

There are two fruits on the branch representing [Thunder Fury●Destroyer's Advanced Blade].

One is called [Dragon Characteristics]

Any soul weapon with the remains of a giant dragon as the carrier should have two dragon characteristics.

One is the appearance change. The soul weapon can be transformed into any weapon you want.

In other words, it can be a sword, a hammer, or other types of weapons.

However, only those who are soul compatible can use the transformation ability.

In other words, Sophia's staff cannot use the transformation ability.

The second is the skill change. The soul weapon will change the form of the skill according to the dragon's ability, but the effect remains unchanged.

For the advanced blade, no matter what skill you cast, it will eventually be displayed in the form of a golden thunder.

For example, when you swing a sword, it will not appear as a sword, but a golden thunder.

When the thunder hits the opponent, it means that the sword hits the opponent.

Although the final effect has not changed, this is not just a special effect, it still has practical uses.

For example, no matter sword energy or any other skill, after you cast it, it always takes time to fly, which gives others time to react.

It can be displayed in a thunderous way. When you just cast sword energy here, the sword energy there has already arrived, giving the enemy no time to react. It is a space skill.

In addition to [Dragon Characteristics], another skill of the Advanced Blade is [Control of Living Beings].

[Control of Living Beings] Growth Rule Skill

Everything I see is under control!

Its introduction is only these eight words.

It sounds powerful, but in fact it is not as powerful as described.

Ethan can now directly understand the specific information of this skill. To put it bluntly, this skill is to give the sword spirit the ability to learn.

As long as someone casts a skill within the range controlled by the sword spirit, the sword spirit can learn the opponent's skills, which is also the main reason why it is called the Advanced Blade.

If you learn magic, it will consume three times the original force when casting.

At the same time, there are restrictions on the skills learned.

Rule skills and some skills that require consumables cannot be learned by the sword spirit.

In addition, only the sword spirit that matches the advanced blade can learn and master it permanently.

In other words, if other sword masters use this sword, they can only copy and then use the opponent's skills for a short time, and cannot master the copied skills permanently.

This may also be the commonality of all soul weapons.

They can only play their greatest effect in the hands of the first owner.

In fact, for Ethan, [Controlling Living Beings] and his [The Way of the Other] are somewhat overlapping.

However, it is obvious that [Controlling Living Beings] is much better.

With this skill, the sword spirit will no longer be like before, only blocking and counterattacking stupidly.

Now it has learned all the skills of Ethan's body and can take the initiative to attack like a real clone.

And because of its invincible posture and learning ability, it will continue to grow, and it can be said to be a truly invincible existence.

The only pity is that it only appears within 40 meters of Ethan's body, which greatly limits its combat radius.

If you want to describe it, it is now like an invincible bodyguard.

Of course, Ethan didn't tell Sophia all of this, he just told her a rough outline.

The purpose of bringing Sophia here to practice was actually to learn Sophia's various magics.

After Sophia understood Ethan's skills, her eyes lit up, like two bright lights in the dark night, flashing green light that could eat people.

"You... you... are invincible! Ethan!"

After saying "you" for a long time, Sophia finally uttered a few words.

Ethan smiled slightly, not daring to agree.

"In fact, when I was promoted to the Great Sword Saint, I also felt so.

But reality slapped me in the face.

You may not know that the Knight King of the North can make time prohibit!

I have always regarded him as an imaginary enemy, but I have always felt that I am not his opponent, even now, it is still the same!"

Sophia smiled with relief when she heard this.

"You are becoming more and more like my teacher!

My teacher also often said that she was insignificant, and I always thought she was modest before.

But after listening to you, I think that may not be modesty.

Ignorant people are always arrogant, while knowledgeable people are modest and cautious!

Ethan, that's great!

You are becoming more and more like a super strong man! "

Ethan smiled awkwardly: "Okay! Stop praising me, I'm a little embarrassed.

While it's not dark yet, you should cast some more magic. "

Sophia nodded. Since she had a new staff, she was having a lot of fun playing with it, and she used almost all the magic she knew.

The only thing that made her feel sorry was that the [Watching] ability that the artifact should show did not work at all on Ethan's sword spirit.

For this reason, after the two of them finished practicing, she secretly went home to find some small animals for experiments.

After returning home, Ethan came to the roof.

Then the sword spirit suddenly appeared beside him, holding a longbow flashing with golden lightning arcs in his hand.

At this time, an eagle flew high and circled in the sky, its pale yellow eyes staring closely at 9000 A big tree meters away.

After the eagle spread its wings and flew high, the sword spirit slowly pulled the bowstring.

As the bowstring stretched, a light arrow with a golden arc gradually condensed on it.

When the bow was full, the sword spirit let go.



When the sword spirit let go, a golden thunder fell on the big tree.

The tree was not broken by the lightning, but left an extremely smooth round hole on the trunk.

Ethan looked at the round hole through the eagle's eyes and was silent for a long time.

Finally, he murmured to himself: "Although it is fast enough, there is still a little reaction time after all, and the power is not enough, it should not be able to kill that person."



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