Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 283: Sneak Attack

After arranging the matters, Ethan said goodbye to Angelina and prepared to go to Neutral City.

But Angelina knew that Ethan was going to Neutral City and insisted on following him.

Considering the safety issue, Ethan did not agree.

In the end, it took a lot of words to make Angelina give up the idea.

Of course, there is a price to pay for making Angelina give up the idea.

And this price is physical exhaustion!

Ever since he came back from the plane, Ethan felt very strange, always feeling powerless.

Even Kyle's sword of evil was useless to help him recover, and he himself didn't know what the reason was.

Originally, he didn't want to leave because he was too tired.

But thinking that staying would be even worse, he insisted on leaving as planned.

Before leaving, considering that he didn't know how many days he would be away and worried about the safety of his family, he left Volibear at home.

Now Ethan has learned Volibear's flying skills with the sword spirit.

Even without Volibear, he can fly independently.

Flying alone consumes more force, and you have to rest for a while after flying for a while.

Therefore, the flight that was originally seven or eight hours took almost a day.

When we arrived at the neutral city, it was already early in the morning.

Under the moonlight, a large group of buildings were looming in the dark.

This is a city without walls.

It's a good thing there are no walls, otherwise it would be difficult to enter.

Ethan landed on the edge of the city, and the rest of the way can only be walked.

When he was about to enter the city along the wide and flat stone brick road, Ethan suddenly stopped.

Because just when he took a step just now, he felt something pulling him.

Ethan took a step back, and the feeling disappeared immediately.

"[Forbidden Law Barrier]?"

Ethan strengthened his perception of today's [Unique Vision], and then walked in again.

At this time, you can see a small silver chain quietly drilled out of the ground, and then pierced into the body like lightning.

It looks like it is connected to the spine.

Although the process is a bit scary, it doesn't feel painful and doesn't affect movement.

Ethan took another step back, and the silver chain immediately retracted into the ground.

"It's quite magical!"

Ethan repeated the test several times, of course not for fun, but to test the impact of the [Forbidden Law] barrier on himself.

After testing, it can be determined that general force skills are indeed unusable, such as sword energy, flight, lightning skills, violent posture, etc.

If a battle occurs, you can only rely on your own strength.

However, rule skills are not affected.

[Heroic Spirit Appearance] and the sword spirit changes brought by the advanced blade can be used normally.

Since the trump card is fine, Ethan has nothing to worry about, and immediately walked into the city.

Since it is now early in the morning, it is quiet all around, and there is no one on the street. Ethan wants to find someone to ask for directions.

After a difficult search, he finally encountered a bar that is still open.

Ethan looked up and saw the name-Houtinghua Club.

"What a weird name!" Ethan couldn't help but complain.

After entering, he found that this is a bar opened for men.

When Ethan saw the scene inside, his eyes were so hot that he couldn't open them.

He resisted the discomfort and grabbed a random person and asked:

"Excuse me, excuse me!"

The man's eyes glowed green when he saw Ethan, and he rushed over without saying a word.

Ethan was furious at the time, and knocked the man down with two punches.

This move immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the people in the field, and they immediately surrounded Ethan with their fists raised.

Ethan just wanted to ask for directions, but they didn't seem to be willing to talk.

There was no way, so he could only challenge them alone. After knocking down more than 20 people, the matter was finally settled.

Finally, he asked for directions from one person, and then he left without saying a word.

Before leaving, he spat heavily on the ground.

It took about half an hour to finally find the agreed address.

This is a stone building similar to a courtyard house, with two or three-story square stone houses on all four sides, surrounding a square courtyard in the middle.

It looks like a fortification!

In fact, the entire Neutral City is almost full of buildings of this shape, which is a compensation for the lack of city walls.

Ethan stood at the door, but did not knock on the door. Instead, he frowned and stared at the door for a long time.

Finally, he slowly walked forward and pushed the door open.

The door was not locked, and it made a "creak" sound and slowly opened.

The first thing that came into view was the two bodies lying in a pool of blood.

Although he didn't know these two people, Ethan was not surprised at all about the bodies. He felt it at the door.

However, there was also something that surprised him, that is, the death of the two people.

To be honest, it was really horrifying.

The bodies of the two were twisted into a twist, and the yard was full of blood and filth!

"It's really cruel!"

Ethan muttered to himself, and then covered his mouth and nose and walked towards one of the stone houses, because there seemed to be a living person there.

He went up to the second floor and pushed open one of the larger rooms.

When he saw the scene inside, Ethan frowned again.

There were more than a dozen naked bodies inside, and their causes of death were exactly the same as the two people in the yard, and there was also blood everywhere.

It was obviously done by the same person.

Ethan suddenly noticed that there was actually a living person inside.

It was a plump woman, but because of the distortion, she looked a little bit like a human.

After staring at the corpse for a while, Ethan said to the female corpse in a cold tone: "I advise you not to pretend. I can still tell whether it is dead or alive!"

Although Ethan had made it very clear, the woman still lay motionless on the ground.

Ethan smiled: "You like to pretend, right? Okay, then..."

Halfway through his words, Ethan suddenly stopped and cast [Heroic Spirit Appearance].

Suddenly, a faint golden shadow appeared behind Ethan.

As soon as it appeared, it stretched out its hand to grab the air in front.

"Duang" sound.

It seemed to have grabbed something invisible.

Although the thing could not be seen with the eyes, Ethan could see it clearly through enhanced perception.

Those were two black strips similar to octopus tentacles.

Ethan couldn't call it what it was, but it dared to sneak attack, so Ethan would naturally not let it go.

The sword spirit immediately twisted his hands and returned the force.

Suddenly, a silent golden thunder fell in a small courtyard 40 meters away.

Although the thunder could not be seen at this time, Ethan also knew where the attacker was.

And he was shocked by the opponent's method, because the sword spirit did not learn this skill, which meant that the opponent used the rule skill.

When he was about to go over to check who it was, a female voice suddenly came from behind him: "Finally saved!"

This made him stop again.

The voice came from the female corpse.

Ethan looked back, and his eyebrows were twisted into the word "chuan"...

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