Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 311: It has nothing to do with him

The person who spoke was Ethan's coachman, the mercenary king Lanchester.

Ethan had not taught him much since he took him on as a coachman on a whim.

I didn't have time to teach him. Since I could control the loan duration of [Loan Usury], I didn't want to bother, so I just loaned [Gun Specialization] to him.

After this person obtained [Gun Specialization], his attitude became much more respectful.

Normally, he would stay silent and silent, but today he was uncharacteristically speaking.

Ethan was quite curious when he saw it and asked: "What do you mean when you say no?"

Lanchester walked up to Ethan, pointed to the horse's footprints on the ground and said, "These are the paw prints of the Perch horse.

This kind of draft horse originated from the Nehe River Valley in the central region. It is generally gray or black in color, with well-muscled muscles and a docile temperament.

Looking at the footprints, there is only one person on the other side. It’s hard to say his height, but he weighs about 180 to 185 pounds.

Assuming that he is a well-proportioned person, his height should be about 1.95 meters. "

When Ethan heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Do you still understand this?"

"The more you see, the more you understand!"

"Then look again, where did the murderer come from?"

Lanchester nodded, and then walked south along the road in front of him, and the others naturally followed.

Everyone walked along this dirt road to the official road.

This section of the official road is paved with stone bricks and is in excellent condition. Once here, the footprints disappear.

Lanchester knelt down and frowned to carefully check the direction in which the footprints disappeared.

Finally he stood up, shook his head and said: "Judging from the footprints, the opponent came from the territory in the west direction, and also escaped to the west direction.

However, this doesn't explain anything.

Because he is also likely to come from Maruo City, and then deliberately set up a misleading here. "

Ethan couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this.

Lanchester's words have made it very clear. The clues have been cut off at this point.

However, Ethan still did not give up. He released two extraordinary eagles and searched westward along the official road to see if he could find any clues.

Originally, he planned to check the records of leaving the city last night.

But if I think about it carefully, I might as well forget it.

Because Ethan substituted himself as the murderer, if he was from Maruo City, he must have left the city gate during the day. How could he wait for the city gate to close at night and take the special passage?

Therefore, there will definitely be no results found.

Since there was no point in being here anymore, he decided to separate from the people of the Holy Light Sect and took them away first.

Then Ethan went to the Holy Light Church to visit the sage.

But the people from the Holy Light Sect wouldn't let him visit at all.

This made Ethan once think that it was a play directed and performed by the Holy Light Sect, with the purpose of framing him.

After all, the only person in Maro City who can defeat Ilysis is himself.

If something happens to him, everyone will suspect that it was him.

However, Bishop Doromile met with Ethan in person and told Elisis that he was seriously injured and could not meet him.

Catherine was sure that he was telling the truth, and Ethan felt relieved.

However, Ethan did not give up. He had to see Elixis.

Because now he is the only one who knows about the murderer.

This master suddenly appeared in Maruo City and launched an attack on the Holy Light Religion at this juncture, which had to make Ethan think more about his purpose.

He smelled a strong smell of conspiracy.

"Your Majesty Bishop, it is best for me to see Your Excellency the Sage. This murderer must be brought to justice."

"I'm afraid not!" Doromile sighed: "Now he is too seriously injured and is receiving treatment from the Holy Light."

"Maybe I can help!" Ethan decided to ask Kyle to help.

Although this matter had nothing to do with him, he couldn't let Ilysses die here, otherwise he wouldn't be able to clean himself up by jumping into the Yellow River.

After Doromile heard that Ethan could help, he looked at the other party suspiciously, hesitated for a while, then nodded, and took Ethan to see Ilysses.

When Ethan saw Elisis in an empty room, he saw that his face was pale and his figure was thin, as if he had shrunk.

The right shoulder was wrapped in thick gauze with blood stains all over it, and the entire right hand was chopped off at shoulder level.

The severed right hand was placed not far away. It looked like the corpses in the Holy Light Sect's territory, yellow and thin.

However, it seems that it was not cut off during the battle, but probably taken off by himself because he was worried that the whole body would die from necrosis.

Ethan stepped forward to ask about the situation, but the other person closed his eyes tightly, his lips turned white, and he looked like he was dying, and he couldn't speak at all.

"Kyle, what's going on with him?" Ethan asked secretly in his heart.

“Like those who died, there was too much water loss from the body.

However, his life is not in danger. He can recover as long as he replenishes some water and waits for the hematopoiesis to recover!

Master, I can relieve his pain. Do you need me to wake him up? "


As soon as Ethan thought, a red string flew out of the pocket on his chest and turned into a slender figure in an instant.

As soon as Kyle appeared, without saying a word, he pulled out the soul-reviving sword and stabbed Ilysses in the head.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was frightened.

Bishop Doromile shouted: "It turns out it's really you! Someone is here! Someone is here!"

Hearing the Bishop's call, a group of knights rushed into the room.

But before they could draw their swords, Elisis's voice sounded: "Your Excellency, Bishop, don't be nervous, Your Excellency Ethan has no ill intentions!"

Only then did everyone present see clearly that although the long sword with white light pierced the sage's head, there was no wound.

The wise man also regained his energy and sat up from the bed.

Dolomilei was shocked when he saw this scene. He quickly ran to Ilysses and asked with concern: "Is everything okay?"

Elisis nodded slightly and replied feebly: "It's okay!"

Then he turned to look at Ethan and said, "Thank you! I feel much better!"

Ethan smiled slightly, took back Kyle, and then asked: "Who is the murderer?"

"I don't know!" Yilicili covered his forehead with one hand and shook his head slightly, "The man appeared instantly, and his trajectory was unpredictable.

One second you can move forward, and the next second you can move backward at an acute angle.

Every change in position seems to be flashing, but an obvious movement trajectory can be seen.

He only changed his position beside me a few times and didn't use any skills. It was like my magic shield was caught by invisible clues and was instantly torn to pieces.

I just wanted to fight back, but my whole body was suddenly out of control, as if something was constantly sucking out my life.

The right hand that cast the spell did not know what kind of magic it was, and it instantly lost consciousness.

I have never encountered such weird magic, and I have never heard of such magic.

Fortunately, when I realized something was wrong, I retreated in time to save my life.

But the right hand could not be saved. "

Ethan’s scalp felt numb after hearing this.

Where did this super master come from?

Thinking about it, Ethan asked for some more details, but still found nothing.

In the end, since Ilysses still needed to rest, Ethan had no choice but to leave first.

After Ethan left, Doromile asked: "Do you think this matter has something to do with him?"

Elisis shook his head: "I'm sure it wasn't him.

And I think this matter has nothing to do with him. Maybe he is also a victim, and someone wants to provoke a conflict between us and him. "

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