Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 327: If I can’t get on the table, I’ll overturn it

Sophia saw Ethan suddenly in a daze. Normally, she would not disturb him at this time.

But she knew what Ethan wanted to do.

He was probably thinking about how to stop the Iris Society.

But this would offend many people, so she didn't want Ethan to do it.

"Ethan, are you thinking about how to stop the issuance of paper money?" Sophia finally spoke.

Ethan looked at Sophia and nodded gently.

"The issuance of paper money involves a lot, it is not as simple as simply replacing metal currency.

The basic principles and logic are extremely complicated, and ordinary people can't understand it at all.

I don't want to say it either.

But several possible problems must be clarified.

First, are the paper money they issue purely based on credit, or are they linked to gold coins?

How do they ensure the stability of the currency?

How do they ensure the balance between money supply and demand?

Finally, is the monetary policy transparent?

All of this concerns the interests of everyone in Maro City, so I must be cautious."

Sophia could understand every word in Ethan's words, but when she put them together, she couldn't understand what they meant.

This was the first time in such a long time that she didn't understand what Ethan said, which made her look at Ethan with new eyes.

I think Ethan should have considered it more long-term!

Although she couldn't understand what Ethan said, Sophia thought that paper money was nothing more than a substitute for gold coins.

The amount marked on the paper money was the amount of gold coins that could be exchanged.

It was just a change of form, but it would greatly facilitate daily life.

Overall, it was a good thing.

As for the risk?

Even if the credit of paper money collapsed, it would not have much impact on them.

Because the main function of money is to exchange materials, in fact, the gold itself is the same as those paper money, and it has no use at all, but people give them use.

Even if there is no gold, won't you live the same?

In other words, if the credit of paper money collapses, it will at most cause wealth shrinkage for those who own materials, and there is not much risk.

If you insist that there is a risk, then the risk is all on those civilians and merchants.

Thinking of this, Sophia understood why Ethan wanted to stop the Iris Society from issuing paper money.

"Ethan, those civilians have nothing to do with us, there is no need to offend anyone for them!"

Hearing this, Ethan frowned immediately.

"Offend someone?

Is this a question of offending someone?

Sophia, let me ask you, as one of the founding members of the Iris Club, did the Lawson family know that the Iris Club was going to issue paper money?"

Sophia's face turned cold when she talked about this.

Because beforehand, he had never heard of it.

In other words, the Iris Club kicked the Lawson family out.

This is also the reason why she had a cold expression before.

But later, she found that she could not stop this, so she let it go.

But Sophia let it go, but Ethan couldn't. He laughed at himself and said, "Look! As the founding members, our Lawson family can't even sit at the table.

Who are you going to offend?

Who are you going to defend?

What they think is none of our business?

Do you know what the consequences will be if paper money is really issued?

Let's not talk about anything else. I'll tell you one thing.

As long as they issue paper money and it goes smoothly, then all the gold in all regions will flow into the pockets of those who sit at the table.

And their price is just a few pieces of beautifully printed paper!

Maybe you think gold is useless.

But whether gold is useful or not is not what you think.

This thing has been used for thousands of years, and everyone agrees that it is money and can buy things.

If the credit of paper money collapses, paper money can't buy things, but gold coins can still.

In other words, as long as it doesn't sit at the table, , everyone has risks.

The only ones who benefit are those who sit at the table.

Why should we pay for them?

Moreover, financial risks are secondary.

The main risk comes from those civilians you look down on.

Once the credit of paper money collapses, they have no gold coins, which means they have no food to eat.

People are almost starving to death, so they can do anything.

Think about it, will they attack our territory?

What is the result?

We have not gained any benefits, but we have to bear the risk of shrinking wealth and the risk of our territory being destroyed.

If the worst happens, it means that we have to send a lot of manpower and material resources to clean up their asses.

So, what do we want?

Just for convenience? "

Ethan is not talking nonsense. During the Republic of China, Kong Xiangxi and Song Ailing controlled the currency.

Relying on over-issuing paper money, they took away a lot of real gold and silver from ordinary people, and then exchanged them for US dollars, and fled to the United States with the wealth of the people across the country.

The amount of wealth is so amazing that the bank deposits alone amount to 2 billion US dollars, and the total amount is as high as 11.5 billion francs.

This is the US dollar in the 1940s!

Look at the people of the Republic of China at that time. They took sacks of paper money to buy a pound of rice, and they couldn't buy it because people didn't accept it.

From this, you can imagine how miserable the people were at that time!

Kong Xiangxi and Song Ailing lived a luxurious life in the United States, but the people of the country were ignorant and paid for them with their own blood and sweat. Just thinking about it makes me angry.

Because of their operation, a large amount of real money flowed out, and the national economy could not recover for decades, affecting several generations.

And this kind of thing is likely to happen in Maro City.

Ethan recently understood a truth: if you don't go to the table, you can only go to the menu.

As for the issuance of low-value coins, when he knew that he didn't even have the qualifications to go to the table, he made up his mind not to play.

What rules or not?

Who the hell would tell you the rules if you treat us like idiots?

Since you don't have the qualifications to go to the table, I will overturn the table, and no one should eat.

After hearing Ethan's "table theory", Sophia's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

It turned out that she thought that paper money could facilitate transactions, and the general trend was already established.

And even if there were risks, it would not affect herself, so she was ready to go with the flow and do a favor.

But now her idea is the same as Ethan's. If she doesn't have a share, the table must be overturned.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Ethan didn't think about what to do specifically for a while.

Originally, he wanted to learn from modern finance to set up a reserve system, that is, the other party would have to deposit a certain proportion of gold in Maro City for the amount of paper money issued.

But after thinking about it carefully, this can only reduce risks, but cannot avoid risks.

And because the other party's specific monetary policy is not clear, this matter is out of the question.

The most important thing is that even if they initiate financial supervision on them with the reserve system, it is just a change of soup but not the medicine.

Because there is no dominance, everything is false.

So Ethan gave up.

Now there is only one thing that can be done, that is, to destroy their issuance of paper money.

Yes, it is destruction, not prevention.

Since the Iris Club has established credit and has a wide range of chamber of commerce supporters, it is impossible to stop it.

The only thing that can be done is destruction.

Let their credit collapse.

Once the credit collapses, paper money will naturally not be able to be issued.

The gold in Maro City will not be harvested.

In short, paper money must not be issued by private institutions, and must not be out of control.

Thinking of this, Ethan's thoughts suddenly became much clearer.

So he said slowly: "First, in the name of the parliament, we will ban the circulation of paper money in Maro City and protect ourselves first.

Second, we will issue a risk warning of paper money to all the people of Maro City.

However, this one is still open for discussion.

Because the parliament may also issue its own paper money in the future, if this risk warning is issued, it may affect the future issuance work.

Therefore, I think this one may need to be carefully considered.

The last point is to do everything possible to destroy the credit of paper money.

What I can think of now is to make counterfeit money.

They say that paper can buy things, so we make this kind of paper ourselves and go to other places to buy things.

They say that paper can be exchanged for gold, so we make this kind of paper ourselves to exchange for their gold.

Anyway, we are still on the gold standard here, and other places are the ones who suffer."

Sophia couldn't help laughing when she heard this insidious method.

"This trick is really powerful.

If it is really used, not only will the credit of Iris in issuing currency collapse instantly, but it can also make a lot of money.

There is only one problem. This banknote looks difficult to counterfeit!"

Ethan smiled and said, "Professional matters should be left to professionals.

You forgot that we just conquered the Tegru family recently.

They are professionals in this field. Let them do it.

As long as there is profit, I believe it won't take much time for them to make banknotes that are exactly the same as the real ones.

We can even send people to their mint to find out all the manufacturing processes of banknotes and directly skip the research stage.

When the time comes, real and fake banknotes will appear at the same time. Let's see how they deal with it."


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