Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 337: News from William

As soon as Ethan got out of the prison, he saw William from the Iris Society, leading a few people, standing by the carriage waiting for him.

To be honest, Ethan was surprised to see William here.

The fact that the other party comes here means that he already knows about Joseph's assassination and also knows about the relationship between Joseph and himself.

In other words, either the informants they have placed in various important departments can get the news as soon as possible.

Either they killed the person.

So, you show up now to declare war?

With doubts, Ethan walked slowly towards the other party with a smile.

When William saw Ethan, he immediately ran forward and the first thing he said was: "Sir Ethan, this matter has nothing to do with our Iris Society."

"He didn't lie." Catherine immediately identified Ethan.

Ethan suddenly had a headache.

Just before, he had characterized this matter as something Iris would do, but it was immediately rejected.

What's going on in the world lately?

Why did everyone suddenly start telling the truth?

What about nine out of ten deceivers?

Could it be that I, Ethan, am the only one in the whole world who is lying?

Ethan looked around and saw that this was not the place to talk, so he said: "Follow me!"

Then he walked towards the carriage on his own.

William couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Because this thing looks like something Iris would do. If my guess is correct, the great sword master will definitely launch revenge soon.

However, since the other party was willing to talk, it meant that there was still room for maneuver, so he followed Ethan closely into the carriage.

As the two people got on the carriage, the carriage started slowly.

In the carriage, Ethan stared at William again and again, and saw that the other person had been protecting his chest with his hands, looking a little nervous.

So he said: "Don't be nervous, I believe what you say.

In fact, I also have something to say to you. "

Speaking of this, Ethan paused for a moment, and then said slowly: "Before I tell you, I want to confirm one thing first.

You said this was not done by Iris, is it possible that it was done by the Arthur family? "

“Sir Ethan, you are worrying too much.

The Iris Society is not the Iris Society of the Arthur family.

We will indeed protect the members of the association, but we will never let a certain family do whatever they want.

Without our support, they would not have this strength.

So, Sir Ethan, please tell me what you want to say! "

"I didn't kill Yellen either!" Ethan smiled slightly: "Of course, I know you don't believe it.

I am telling you this not to explain anything, but to tell you.

Someone wants to provoke a conflict between me and Iris.

And the worst part is, I still don’t know who this guy is? "

"We believe it was not you." William pursed his lips and said with a wry smile: "If you want to kill Yellen, you will have countless ways, and every method is fair and aboveboard.

There is no need for you to use this kind of assassination method.


At this point, I want to say sorry to you, the Great Sword Master, out of respect for you, so as not to accidentally offend you and make the same mistake Yellen made before.

So, we hope you don’t mind, as we take a little peek into your past.

We know that you are not a person who is willing to kill. In everything you do, you are polite before fighting.

So we totally agree with what you said.

Someone wants to provoke a conflict between us.

And, we know who it is.

This is also the reason why I rushed here as soon as I heard the news. "

"Who?" Ethan was a little surprised that the other party actually knew who it was, so he asked.

William hesitated for a moment, his expression looking extremely difficult, but finally said: "Duke Lyon!"

"Leon?" Ethan muttered in a low voice, and then continued:

"Do you know what you are talking about?

The Duke of Lyon is the master of Maro City and the supreme ruler of Maro City. "

Ethan's respectful words were not without purpose.

Although Maro City is now run by a parliament, the full name of the parliament is: the United Ruling Council of the Territory of Duke Stann of the Aslan Empire.

From this name, we can know that the Parliament actually belongs to the Stein family in name.

It was for this reason that the Empire ignored the establishment of the Parliament.

Otherwise, if we oust the Duke's Palace, we will be fighting for independence, and we will have to fight each other long ago.

As the leader of the Stein family, the Duke of Lyon is undoubtedly the master of Maro City.

Even if it's only in name.

Many people might find this artificial reverence unnecessary, but Ethan felt it was.

After all, you don't have to be disrespectful when speaking to your own people, because it is an internal matter of your own people.

But in front of outsiders, you must maintain enough respect, because the Duke of Lyon is the face of Maro City.

It's like people won't criticize their family members in front of outsiders, even if they complain a little.

Because what you said will not gain anything except making outsiders look down on you and your family.

However, William couldn’t tell how respectful he was to Leon in Ethan’s words, so he smiled and replied: “Whoever benefits in this world is the mastermind behind the scenes.

This is the law of nature and will never change.

And if we fight, the Duke of Lyon will definitely gain. "

Ethan thought the other party had some evidence, but it turned out to be just guesswork.

Guess, who wouldn’t?

Do you still need to guess?

And can this kind of thing be guessed at?

Ethan felt that he had warned the other party, but the other party didn't seem to be very polite.

"If you dare to slander the Duke's reputation again, don't blame me for being rude."

William certainly understood what Ethan meant. He just said the general outline first, so he was not panicked by Ethan's threat.

"After Yellen's death, we sent people to investigate the people related to him.

It turned out that all the relevant people were missing.

Of course, we know that you may be worried about misunderstandings, so most of the people were protected by you.

However, one of the jailers named Alan died with his entire family.

We originally thought that it was the Lawson family who did it, but we carefully investigated his past and found some interesting things."

As he said, William took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Ethan.

Then he continued, "This is the information we investigated, which records Alan's situation in the past few years.

I will only pick out a few strange things to talk about.

Alan, 30 years old this year, has never had the habit of drinking since he was a child, and can even be said to be a teetotaler.

But from one day three years ago, he suddenly started going to bars, and often went there alone late at night.

And he only went to a bar called "Supernormal".

Every time he asked for a fixed private room alone, and then stayed in it for a while before leaving.

Just the night before Yellen's accident, he went there once."

Ethan heard something: "So, did you find out that the person who met him privately was someone from the Duke's Mansion?"

"No!" William laughed: "Including the maids and guests, no one saw outsiders entering and leaving his private room.

We went to check the private room, and there was no secret passage or anything like that.

However, we found something special in the private room."

"What is it?"

"I don't know what it is!" William smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked again.

"Literally!" William said with a sad face: "I just don't know what it is. I just know that there should be something, but I don't know what it is, and I can't remember it."

"You think it's fun to play tricks on me, right?" Ethan's expression suddenly turned cold when he heard this.

"Sir Great Sword Saint, I'm not playing tricks on you, but I really don't know what it is.

However, there is indeed something strange there.

At that time, three investigators entered the private room. They can remember exactly what they found, but they just can't remember what it was specifically?

That feeling is like losing a certain memory."

When Ethan heard this, his mind suddenly "buzzed".

Isn't this exactly the same as the situation of that mistress?


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