Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 415: Maro's Declaration

Duke Richard became even more angry after learning of Carter's true purpose.

He slammed the table heavily and said with gritted teeth: "So, he wants to do his business and let me take the blame for him, right?"

The staff officer didn't know how to respond when he heard this.

After thinking about it, he decided to tell the truth.

"He launched an attack on our territory, which was actually a helpless move.

The waters near the coast of the Osho Empire are as complex and full of reefs as the terrain of their country.

If you take the route that has been explored, there will naturally be no problem.

But if it is used as an attack site, it is the attacker who is in danger.

Therefore, he chose to launch an attack in our territorial waters."

Hearing this, Duke Richard's face eased slightly.

After a round of accountability, he remembered that accountability was useless and he still had to solve the problem.

So he said: "You should know that the northbound route is very important to us, and the several areas to the north are our main trading places.

And the city of Maro is blocking my way. If they really want to do something, it will be very easy.

Now that the city of Maro has sent a threatening letter, we can't just ignore it, otherwise they might really do something.

So, tell me, what should we do now?"

The staff officer thought for a while and said: "First of all, compensation is absolutely impossible, but this responsibility must be taken, otherwise it means that we have lost our territorial rights.

I think we can only inform them now. We will do our best to capture the pirates and give them justice."

Duke Richard's face turned black when he heard it.

"Are you kidding me?

The meaning of this letter is very clear, that is, they believe that we did it.

If our ships dare to pass through their waters in the future, they will retaliate.

You play this trick on them, don't they know how to play it?

They also attack our ships, and then tell us that they will do their best to catch pirates.

What should we do then?"

"This is exactly the second point I want to talk about." The staff officer said calmly: "First of all, Your Excellency the Duke, you must know that due to the limitations of navigation technology and geographical conditions, generally speaking, cargo ships will sail in waters close to the shore.

Usually within a few to twenty nautical miles, it is easier to get close to land in order to enter the port or take shelter.

Therefore, we only need to unite with the other sixteen regions to force the city of Maro to clarify the scope of maritime rights with us.

And clearly stipulate a protected public route from south to north, which can not only cover this matter, but also protect the safety of our routes."

Richard was a little confused after hearing this, and his mind was a little confused for a while.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Clearing the responsible party and planning a public route can indeed protect us.

But if we are protected, it also means that the route of Maro City is protected.

What's the point of this?"

"No, Duke!" said the staff officer: "This public route seems to be protected, but it also depends on who is protecting it.

Isn't it us?

We are a union of 16 regions. With this strength, how can Maro City be our opponent?

If this agreement is really reached, from now on, when we see the cargo ships of the Lawson family, we will no longer have to pretend to be pirates, but will stop them legally and reasonably.

As long as we stop them, we can seal their goods or do anything else.

It's so fair and aboveboard, isn't it better!"

Hearing this, Duke Richard showed an intriguing smile on his face.

He has fully understood the intention of the staff officer.

The key point of this strategy is the legal and reasonable right to enforce the law at sea.

As long as this agreement is passed, then we can send ships to stop cargo ships on the route at will in the future.

Although no one can be moved, it is reasonable to suspect that there are dangerous goods on the ship and suspect that the ship is colluding with the enemy and selling out the country, and then detain it!

If the cargo ships of Maro City do not want to be checked, they can only take the unknown route 20 nautical miles away.

Then if something happens, you certainly cannot blame others.

After all, there is a safe route for you to take, but you don’t take it, and you insist on taking an unsafe route, and then you are attacked by pirates. Who can you blame?

As for Maro City following suit and playing the interception and seizure set, it does not exist at all.

The leaders of the sixteen regions can each send a ship to protect the small route of Maro City, so how can they give you the opportunity to enforce the law.

And the ships sent to protect the route can also play a reconnaissance role by the way. If their cargo ships do not take the normal route, they can report it in time.

Then... hehe!

Even if necessary, the ships of Maro City can be blocked in the port of Vilen and prevent them from coming out.

The reasons are all thought of. Due to the rampant pirates outside, in order to protect the safety of Maro City’s shipping ships and personnel, you are prohibited from leaving the port.

In addition to the above, there is another most important and most poisonous one.

This strategy looks so good. For the sake of public safety, everyone plans a route together and jointly protects the safety of the route.

Everything looks like a compromise that everyone has to make because they are worried about their own interests being damaged.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about arousing the suspicion of Maro City, because they need this safe route more than anyone else.

When they really agree to this agreement, that is the beginning of their nightmare.

The more Duke Richard thought about it, the more he believed this, so he arranged for the secretary to write letters to the dukes of the other fifteen coastal areas overnight.

Of course, in order to keep it secret, the letter did not mention any real content, but only arranged a meeting.

Seven days later, the agents of the sixteen regional dukes held a secret meeting in Guangming City, the territory of the Duke of Feren.

The meeting unanimously agreed to establish a safe route from south to north, and on this route, everyone will be responsible for the safety of the route.

If something happens, everyone will be responsible together.

Of course, there will be no protection outside the route.

No matter whose sea area the accident happens in, you will be responsible for it yourself.

And on the day the resolution was passed, they sent an invitation letter to the Maro City Council, advocating Maro City to participate in this plan.

The next day, Ethan got the resolution.

When he saw the agreement, Ethan's mouth was almost crooked with laughter. He didn't expect things to be so easy.

So he asked Paparia to take the resolution to the Maro City Council for discussion.

And everyone in the council had some maritime trade, and when they heard that a safe route was to be established, everyone agreed.

However, the Casillas family clearly stood up to oppose it.

As for the reason?

Because they clearly felt that there was a conspiracy here.

However, under the general trend, their opposition seemed so pale.

For this reason, their patriarch Charlton personally found Ethan.

Persuaded Ethan to oppose this matter.

Ethan only replied him one sentence: "The best hunter is to disguise himself as prey!"

This sentence completely dispelled Charlton's doubts, and he agreed to join the plan.

In this way, the Maro City Council also unanimously agreed to join the safe route plan.

And on March 24, together with the agents of the dukes of the other sixteen regions, signed the most important agreement since the development of shipping.

It is the first time in human history that the scope and responsibilities of territorial waters have been clarified, which has important guiding significance for future generations.

Because this agreement was signed in Maro City, it is called the "Maro Declaration".

And with the birth of this declaration, a brand new type of soldiers was born!

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