Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 446: War of the Roses and the Blue Cross 6

While the great sage Conrad was making small calculations, Duke Baldwin still asked: "I just heard you mention Marlowe Weekly, right?"

Since Ethan's speeches have always been in "Maro Weekly", anyone with a slightly normal political sense can understand the political will of Maro City from the newspaper.

Duke Baldwin mentioned Marlowe Weekly to tell Paul, I know you already have a strategy.

So, please speak it out in public and don’t play with those little tricks of advance and retreat in front of me.

Conred frowned when he saw that the Duke was so insistent on letting Paul speak.

This was obviously intended to make Paul a target of public criticism.

Thinking of bringing Paul into the Holy Rose family, when others were not paying attention, he gently touched the Duke's back and signaled not to embarrass Paul anymore.

But Duke Baldwin paid no attention.

He also wanted to bring Paul into the Holy Rose family, otherwise it would be impossible to appoint him as garrison governor.

This position has always been held only by the Holy Rose family or the Constantine family, and it is absolutely impossible for other families to interfere.

But now the family's situation has reached a very bad, or rather corrupt, point.

Everyone has also seen that whenever something goes wrong in the family nowadays, no one will think about how to solve the problem.

Everyone only does one thing, and that is to pass the buck to each other.

If this trend continues, the family is only one step away from extinction.

The family had reached a point where changes had to be made.

The person who changed this situation was Paul in front of him.

He wants everyone to see that as long as you have the courage to take responsibility and the ability to solve problems, you will get everything you want.

When Paul saw the Duke suddenly mentioning "Marlo Weekly", he secretly screamed, "Oh, bad." At that time, he understood the Duke's intentions.

After hesitating for a moment, he replied: "Yes, Your Majesty the Duke! That is a very interesting and innovative... um... newspaper!"

A lot can be learned from the above, and if combined with the deeds of the rulers' lives.

You can find that the ruling level of the ruler in Maruo City... is getting more and more sophisticated.

It is also because of this that I said before that if we ask His Majesty the Emperor to put pressure, they will definitely have ways to deal with it. "

As soon as Duke Baldwin heard Paul bring the topic back to the topic, he knew that Paul was ready to do things according to his own wishes.

While feeling relieved, he glanced at the staff officer beside him.

When the Duke stared at him, the staff officer immediately understood and asked: "Sir Paul, I noticed that the methods you just mentioned are all relying on external forces, but you have never considered solving the problem ourselves.

For example, if we directly block the river and prevent the cargo ships from Maro City from passing through, it will not solve the problem.

What do you think? "

Paul shook his head: "I strongly do not recommend a direct conflict with Maro City. We are currently at war with the Red Rose. If we conflict with them again, it will only push them completely towards the Red Rose.

Even if there is no war, I do not recommend starting a conflict with them.

And to be honest, I don’t think we have the ability to block the river.

Before, I saw with my own eyes that there was an extremely strange ship at the front of that fleet.

It has a very streamlined shape and a giant bump on the deck covered with a thick blanket.

At first, I didn't know what it was.

Later, I got some news from some of my old friends in Maruo City.

Only then did I realize that it was a frigate belonging to the Maro City Council.

Perhaps many people have never heard of the term frigate.

In fact, it was the first time I heard it.

But from this term, everyone can understand the purpose of this ship.

That's right, as the name suggests, it is used for protection.

It is rumored that it is equipped with powerful magic weapons, and in the naval battle a year ago, it sank four warships without any hand-to-hand contact.

Of course, this is just a rumor, and I don’t know if it’s true or not.

But I know that the frigate that passed through the Seine that day was named [Nicole]!

And [Nicole] is the name of the favorite little daughter of the great swordsman in Maro City.

He named this frigate after his daughter. From this, we can guess that this ship must be extraordinary!

At this point, I would like to explain something special to everyone present.

The ships of the Lawson family are not just ordinary, this frigate is extraordinary, every one of their ships is extraordinary.

Because each of their ships is equipped with a magic system called [Windbreaker].

With the blessing of this system, their ships can travel in a straight line and move extremely fast regardless of whether they are going with the wind or against the wind.

It is rumored that the theoretical speed can reach 20 knots, and the actual top speed has reached 18 knots.

Many people may not understand what this speed means because they have never been exposed to shipping.

Let me explain to you here that the speed of 20 knots is approximately the same as the speed of a heavy cavalry charge.

Some people may think that this is not very fast, but I can clearly tell you that this speed is the same as flying in shipping.

This was also the main reason why their cargo ship was able to reach Daybreak City in only two days despite traveling in reverse direction. "


When everyone heard this, they were amazed.

The people present may not understand the specific speed, but they know that it will take two days to go to Dawn City even if they ride horses.

You know, when horses run on the ground, the ground will not move backwards, so it will take about two days.

But the boat only took two days to reach Dawn City in the case of upstream, which is incredible.

It was only at this time that they noticed the detail that the boat only took two days to reach Dawn City.

For a time, everyone was full of curiosity about the Lawson family's ship.

Even Duke Baldwin was the same.

At this time, he also wanted to see the magical ship of the Lawson family with his own eyes.

However, he knew that it was not the right time, so he stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

After the meeting room was quiet, the staff officer stood up again to ask questions for the Duke.

"Okay! We have understood the strength of the Lawson family, and now let's get back to the topic.

Mr. Paul, how do you think we should solve the problem now!"

Since Paul has decided to express his opinion in accordance with the Duke's wishes, he will naturally not hold back.

But what he is going to say next involves major secrets and political exchanges.

Although the people present were all important personnel in the Duke's Mansion, not everyone was suitable to listen, so he looked at the Duke with a difficult expression, then looked around and turned back to the Duke.

Duke Baldwin certainly understood what Paul meant, and felt that he was doing the right thing.

So he said: "All irrelevant people should leave."

Hearing this, the people present certainly understood that the next thing to be discussed must be a major secret.

And the irrelevant people the Duke mentioned refer to those who are not members of the Saint Rose Family.

Although many people were unwilling to not be able to stay and listen, they could only leave helplessly.

When those "irrelevant people" left, Duke Baldwin smiled slightly: "Okay, now you can talk!"


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