Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 484: Something happened

After Ethan listened to Evelyn's explanation, all the previously inexplicable phenomena suddenly became clear.

Evelyn's explanation was very clear. If you believe in God, you can control the power of objective rules. If you believe in yourself, you can get rid of God's control.

And she said so much, and what about the invisible big hand, in fact, she questioned her own faith.

This is actually an extremely treasonous statement for a magician, because she is questioning the God who gave her power, and there is a tendency to define God as evil.

However, her conjecture objectively proves the existence of God, otherwise how can there be two systems?

Ethan wanted to listen to Evelyn's explanation of God, but the other party said that she had no time, which made Ethan feel very strange.

"Didn't you say that the condition has been controlled?"

"It was originally under control!" Evelyn smiled bitterly: "But there was an earthquake last night, which triggered the magic tide, and the mental degradation began again..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Ethan and Sophia showed surprised expressions and said in unison: "There was an earthquake here too?"

Evelin saw the two surprised expressions and frowned: "From what you said, there was an earthquake in Maro City too?"

"Yes, teacher!" Sophia nodded: "If it happened in the imperial capital, wouldn't the whole world be shaking last night! Doesn't that mean..."

After hearing this, Evelyn's expression suddenly became solemn, and then she said faintly: "Your guess is It is entirely possible to test. "

Ethan, who was standing by, was confused after hearing what the two said: "What are you talking about?"

Sophia explained: "I told you before that earthquakes will not trigger magic fluctuations, and similarly, magic fluctuations will not trigger earthquakes.

There is a record in human history that large-scale earthquakes and magic fluctuations can be triggered at the same time only once, and that was the catastrophe in the Dark Moon Wasteland 5,000 years ago.

Now that this situation has happened again, it is very likely that a catastrophe has occurred somewhere.

Of course, the premise is to first confirm whether it is a large-scale earthquake and magic fluctuations. "

After hearing this, Ethan's expression also became solemn, because if this is true, it means that there is a high probability that another forbidden land of God will appear, which is terrible.

Thinking about it, Ethan has decided to ask someone to inquire about the situation when he returns.

But before he could take action, a middle-aged woman ran into the yard in a hurry.

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Teacher, it's not good, something big has happened!"

"What happened?" Evelyn asked lightly.

"I just got the news that a huge explosion occurred in the elf homeland last night, and the pillar of fire could be seen thousands of miles away.

The explosion also caused a super earthquake. Shelby Port, which is closest to the elves, was completely engulfed by the tsunami caused by the earthquake.

As for what happened in the elf homeland, it is still unclear."

Everyone present was stunned when they heard it.

Ethan's first reaction was that the earthquake last night was not caused by the explosion in the elf homeland!

You know, Maro City is tens of thousands of miles away from the elf homeland. If it was really caused by it, then you can imagine how terrible the power of the explosion was.

The second reaction was to be glad that he didn't go to the elf homeland. Calculating the time, these few days should be the 5000th birthday of the Elf Queen.

If he went, I guess the lives of the whole family would be in danger.

After Evelyn realized what was happening, she simply replied, "I know! Go ahead and get some information to see if there's any news about our college.

The team leader this time is Mina, she's very good at defensive magic, so she shouldn't be in trouble.

So, you arrange for some people to go to the Republic of Helingard to pick them up."

"Okay! Teacher, I'll do it right away!" After saying that, the middle-aged woman left in a hurry again.

After the middle-aged woman left, Evelyn asked Sophia to go to her room to get a notebook.

Sophia responded and went into the room, and soon came out with a notebook.

She wanted to give the notebook to Evelyn, but Evelyn pushed her hand and said, "This is for you.

This notebook is the result of my life's work. In addition to medical research, it also contains magic research, including the self-rule cultivation method that I have realized in the past two years.

Sophia, although I have only accepted 7 disciples in my life, each of them is extremely talented.

You are not the most talented among them, but you are the most thoughtful and stable among all of them.

When you were still in Merlin College, I found that although you were the youngest, you were very good at both being a person and doing things. Leak, it feels like an old monster that has lived for hundreds of years.

I don't know why you are so cautious, but I know that I can safely give this diary to you.

Only by giving it to you, others will not fight for it after I die.

So, I hope you will keep this notebook.

In addition, please copy a copy to Merlin College after I die, but don't include the content of practicing self-rules, which will cause chaos in the magic world, and may also bring you endless troubles, and may even cost you your life.

Remember it? "

"I remember it, teacher!" Sophia replied with red eyes.

Evelyn nodded gently: "In addition, you copy another complete copy to Senior Sister Mina, remember to give it to her privately.

Now she has gone to the elf hometown, when she comes back, remember to tell her and let her continue my research.

As for the others, don't give them any more, they probably can't accept the change of faith.

At this point, Evelyn sighed and continued: "Sophia, I know you are a more utilitarian person, which is not a good thing for a magician.

But for now, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

Because you can change your faith at any time, I hope you can pick up magic again and transform yourself.

If possible, I hope you can study the magic of the self-rule system, maybe this system will be the protagonist of the next era.

Of course, I also hope you can inherit my mantle and spend more time on medical magic, so that we will not be in vain as master and apprentice."

Sophia's eyes became redder when she heard these last words.

But she didn't cry like other women, but tried to squeeze out a smile.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will do what you told me.

Also, I will pick up magic again, and I will focus on medical magic in the future. I will spend the rest of my life curing diseases and saving lives like you!"

Evelyn smiled with relief: "I am very happy to hear you say that, and I believe you will definitely do it.

Well, thank you very much for visiting me, let's stop here today!

In addition, a special reminder, don't attend my funeral, you know the reason."

Sophia was choked up and couldn't speak after hearing this. She wanted to say something else, but the teacher had already said to send her away. She knew that the teacher was asking her to leave quickly, so she had to do it.

Just when she and Ethan stood up and prepared to say goodbye to Evelyn, there was a sudden "boom" sound.

The three of them were attracted by the huge sound. Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw that the palace opposite Merlin College suddenly burst into flames.

Evelyn saw this scene, her face immediately sank, and then she sighed: "Just got the news that the elves had an accident, and here they killed each other, this person..."

At first, Ethan was still confused about what happened, but after hearing Evelyn's sigh, he instantly understood what she meant.

If I guessed correctly, it was probably that His Majesty the Emperor had also gone to the elves' hometown, and when he heard that something happened there, the heir to the throne started fighting among themselves, and they even took action directly.

"Okay! You guys go quickly! I guess the imperial capital will be under martial law soon!" Evelyn reminded.

After hearing this, Suo and Yi formally said goodbye to Evelyn, and then left in a hurry.

When passing by the gate of the courtyard, Ulysses stopped Ethan.

"Sir Ethan, do you remember that I took your sword that year?"

"Of course!" Ethan smiled.

"In return, can you take my sword?" Ulysses said with a serious face.

"Of course! But can I ask why?"

"Just like you did at the beginning, I was afraid when I saw you.

Although I am old now, I also want to surpass myself and see the strength of the ascenders."

"As you wish!"

After receiving Ethan's affirmative answer, Ulysses's aura changed, and then he took a stance with the broom as a sword.

After accumulating strength for a while, he disappeared from the spot in a flash.

When he appeared again, the "sword" was already in front of Ethan.

The next moment, a palm caught the "sword"!

With a "snap", the broom broke into pieces.

And Ulysses' competitive heart was broken together...

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