Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 512: Talent Tree

After talking to the man, Ethan buried Andy and then returned to Marlow City overnight.

As soon as he got home, he locked himself in the study.

When Sophia pushed the door open, she saw Ethan staring out the window dreamily, playing with a stone tablet in his hand.

"I have contacted thirteen regional leaders, as well as the Holy Light Cult and the Temple Cult. After they learned about the situation of the orcs, they all agreed to come to Maro City for negotiation.

It will arrive within about 7 days, and I have already asked someone to arrange the venue and reception. "

Sophia's words interrupted Ethan's thoughts.

Ethan came back to his senses and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work! I didn't want you to get involved in these troublesome things. However, my abilities are limited, and I can't do it without you."

Hearing the invisible compliment, Sophia smiled knowingly, walked behind Ethan, and patted his shoulders obediently.

"How was it going to Northland this time?"

"It's very bad!" Ethan sighed: "The internal fighting is so fierce that even the super strong people started to take sides.

This is so confusing to me, you know?

You said that it is normal for ordinary people to fight for power, but it is incredible that these super powerful people also join in the fun.

What's the point of them fighting over this? Does whoever comes to power have an impact on them?

Even if the worst happens, they just don't have to stay in the North. With their abilities, where can they go without being treated as honored guests? "

Sophia pursed her lips and said, “What you said is like standing and talking without pain in your back.

There is a saying that goes well: a weak mother becomes a businessman, a strong father becomes an official, the family hopes to stay in his place of origin, and the poor family leaves for another place.

Only those who have no choice will leave as far away as you said.

No matter how miserable and poor the Northland is, it is still their home. If they don't have to travel far away, why should they live under someone else's roof?

Do you think it's glorious to live under someone else's roof?

In other words, do you think that because you are a super strong person, others will obey your orders and provide you with food and drink unconditionally?

And do you think they are fighting for themselves?

Nowadays, no one is the breadwinner. You can see that only one person stands out, but you can’t see how many people are standing behind that person! "

"It makes sense!" Ethan nodded: "Before, I always thought they were competing for cultivation resources, but thinking about it, no matter who comes to power, they will not be short of these. So I have never been able to figure it out.

When I heard you say this, I immediately figured it out. "

Sophia smiled: "When it comes to practice, I'm very confused!"

"Huh? What are you wondering about?"

"As far as I know, whether it's magic or Force cultivation, it's like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

I myself am a good example. After I came back, I was busy dealing with various things every day and almost wasted my magic, so that my level continued to deteriorate.

But this doesn't seem to apply to you.

From what I have seen, even if there is nothing else to do, you would rather go shopping with Nicole in your arms than spend a minute practicing.

But for being so lazy, your strength is advancing instead of retreating. Even every once in a while, the breath will surge.

This is already unreasonable, and more importantly, I have never seen you consume any cultivation resources for so long, but you can always keep improving.

So...how did you do it? Um? "

After saying that, Sophia's eyes widened and she stared at Ethan expectantly.

When Ethan heard Sophia talk about this, he was speechless. After all, the talent tree involves his biggest secret.

Ethan didn't want to say it, but he knew that if he didn't give Sophia a reasonable answer, the other party would definitely not give up.

After thinking about it, Ethan said without blushing or heartbeat: "This is the superiority of self-regulation. As long as you understand it, you will develop yourself, like a tree!"

Hearing this, Sophia's eyes lit up.


"Yes, tree!"

After receiving a positive answer, Sophia's face became even more excited. She said "Wait a minute" to Ethan and hurried out the door.

After a while, he ran back with a diary.

As soon as Ethan saw the diary, he recognized it as the one Evelin gave her.

Sophia excitedly opened the diary to one of the pages and said: "I have been studying the teacher's self-regulation practice recently, but I really can't understand it. Please give me some guidance!"

When Ethan heard this, he was a little dumbfounded: "You are learning magic, and I am the Force. You want me to guide you? Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Sofia nodded repeatedly: "What you said is very similar to what the teacher said. See for yourself!"

With that said, Sophia handed the diary to Ethan.

Ethan took the diary hesitantly, just glanced at it, and his pupils immediately tightened.

"In that quiet and deep realm, there is a mysterious existence standing.

Like a tree, its roots extend into the unfathomable void, seemingly tightly connected to the source of all things.

Invisible branches extend outward from all directions, covering the boundless void, like a web woven with countless possibilities.

There is a shimmer of light flowing on the branches. The light is soft and deep, as if every beam of light carries the wisdom and secrets of the universe.

Light and shadow are intertwined in it, bearing fruits one after another, as if they are nurturing new life and power, which is impossible to capture, but within reach.

Countless tiny light spots float among them, like twinkling stars. They silently convey some ancient and mysterious power in the silence.

In this infinite silence, the invisible existence continues to stretch and breathe, as if the entire universe is growing in its embrace.

Every slight tremor is a call to the supreme wisdom, enlightening those hearts that yearn for transcendence.

Here, there is no time constraint, no space boundary, only endless extension and sublimation.

That existence is like a silent guardian, guiding all consciousnesses that touch it in a wordless way, gradually breaking away from the constraints of the mundane world and moving towards an incredible realm.

It is a gathering of energy, the embodiment of wisdom, transcending all forms and concepts.

Through its hidden brilliance, the essence of existence is gradually revealed, and extraordinary power is quietly nurtured on this tangible and invisible tree. "

After reading this description, Ethan was completely confused.

Isn't this describing the talent tree?

Is it possible that the manifestation of everyone's self-rule extraordinary power is a talent tree?

The most important thing is that my talent tree is just a small poke, but looking at this description, Evelyn's talent tree seems to cover the entire void.

What kind of scene is this?


"How about it? What does my teacher's description of the enlightenment of self-rules mean? "

Sophia's question interrupted Ethan's train of thought. When Ethan came back to his senses, his first words were: "Your teacher is really a genius!"

"Ah! So, you can understand what my teacher is saying?" Sophia asked eagerly.

Ethan smiled: "Reluctantly, probably, maybe, I can understand it!"

"What do you mean by reluctantly, probably?"

"Well..." Ethan licked his tongue: "Your teacher's description probably means that you have to dive into the depths of your soul to find your own... well... talent tree.

The opening sentence 'quiet and deep realm' refers to the deepest soul.

And that tree is the rules in the subconscious.

Those fruits refer to the skills derived from the rules.

That's probably what it means. "

"Ah!" Sophia was shocked: "So, you mean, there is a tree in the subconscious of people? That tree is the source of the power of self-rules?"

Ethan smiled slightly: "That's right! And... that's my situation! "

Hearing this, Sophia's mouth almost curled up to the sky...

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