Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 541: Lanchester

As soon as Nolan took office as the Grand Duke of the North, the first thing he did was to issue a statement, demanding that all countries and independent regions pay the materials and money owed to the North for these years.

And he solemnly warned that everyone would be given three months. If they did not make up the list and number within three months, they would bear the consequences.

And this list includes almost all countries and regions, subdivided into the dukes of each region, and even the dwarves have a share.

However, there is only one city, Maro, that is not included.

Ethan didn't know what Nolan was thinking, nor what he wanted to do.

But he knew that Nolan was in the same group as the bastards who wanted to summon the gods, and this list also pushed Maro to the forefront.

Now, the whole world is uneasy because of this list, and because of this list, they look at Maro differently.

Of course, the different eyes here do not mean envy, but ill intentions.

In fact, these are still secondary. The most terrible thing is that the North is serious, if they really give up the seventeen fortresses.

At that time, humans not only had to face the threat of orcs, but also had to deal with attacks from the North.

With the strong strength of the people in the North, who could stop them from occupying a piece of land?

And Ethan believed that if he were Nolan, he would have to pick a piece of land on the continent, and the southern part of Solan Mountain would be the best choice.

Not only is the land here fertile, the resources are rich, the population is large, but there are also natural barriers. Guarding the Solan Mountain Pass can basically stop the attack of the orcs.

The advantage of the orcs lies in large-scale actions. Once there are enough people, even super strong people dare not stop them in the wild. If they are accidentally hit by a little blood on their bodies, they will definitely die.

In fact, there is no such thing as being careless. Once there are too many people, it is impossible to defend against them. No matter how powerful you are, death is inevitable!

As for the small group of orcs coming in through the small roads, humans are really not afraid. In terms of strong combat power, humans have an advantage.

In other words, if the North occupies the southern region, they will no longer have to disperse their forces like before, stretching on a battle line of thousands of miles.

This is not too comfortable for a powerful military group like them.

But if they are comfortable, other regions will be miserable. If the North opens the checkpoints and the orcs march in, how can those people outside Solan Mountain survive?

The rich and powerful may be able to run away, but how can the tens of millions of civilians have the qualifications to leave their homes? Even if they are not regarded as food by the orcs, they will starve to death.

The southern region may not be as miserable as other regions, but no one wants to have a group of fathers who suddenly sell people for glory.

Anyway, Ethan was the first to disagree. This was not because he was worried about being seized, but a matter of principle.

If the North dared to let the orcs in, he would fight the South and the humans, and he would drag the North to hell together.

Of course, if you want to fight, you must have the strength to fight. Although the first phase of the reinforcement project of the Solan Mountain Pass is nearing completion, the army is not good! Only natural barriers without people are a decoration.

Although there is a military organization called NATO in the south, everyone's connection depends entirely on economic interests.

This kind of army has a hard time fighting a goblin, and you ask them to fight against the North and the orcs, isn't that a joke!

Fortunately, at this critical juncture, Paul was born.

Now he is the only one who has the prestige to command the entire Southern Alliance, and he also has the means to protect the safety of the southern region. Now he has become the only hope for the whole village.

Therefore, Ethan must take him down this time no matter what.

Just when Ethan was lost in thought, Lanchester, who came with him, gently touched Ethan and said, "Master, the ceremony is over, and we should leave too."

Lanchester is the "King of Mercenaries". Since he was taken in as a coachman by Ethan, he has worked diligently in Bertner Manor for several years.

In these years, he only had free food and accommodation, and no salary.

However, I don't know if this man has become a fool because of the previous family upheaval. He has been exploited so much, but he has no complaints and is even satisfied.

Two days ago, because he stepped into the manor with his left foot first, he was awarded the title of knight by Ethan. From then on, he became a free contract worker and officially established, and also completed the class leap.

Ethan knighted him so that he could take over Embiid's job.

Embiid was inserted into the South Alliance by Ethan to replace the commander of the Stein family who was a figurehead. Now he should be called General Embiid. He will be responsible for all military affairs in Maro City in the future.

Originally, after sending Embiid away, Ethan also considered letting Kemp take his place.

However, after so many years, Kemp still has the same old problem. He always thinks that you should get benefits first and then do things, rather than doing things first and then getting benefits.

For the boss, this idea is nothing more than a matter of sequence, but for the employees, it is an attitude problem.

In essence, getting benefits first means not recognizing the boss. How could Ethan let someone who doesn't recognize him work closely?

On the other hand, although Lanchester is taciturn and not as smart as Embiid, he has been doing things in a proper manner over the years and has not made any mistakes.

Moreover, Lanchester had already reached the level of a gold-level knight before he came in. After Ethan's lending and personal guidance over the past few years, he had already broken through the gold level and even approached the master level.

In terms of combat power, he is the strongest among Ethan's knights.

It stands to reason that such a powerful and obedient person should have been reused long ago, but in fact Ethan has his own concerns, because Lanchester is a bachelor.

To put it more plainly, the bachelor can eat enough for himself and the whole family will not be hungry. He acts without any worries. If he wants to listen to you, he will listen to you. If he doesn’t want to listen to you, he will leave. Ethan has nothing to blackmail him.

It is obviously impossible for someone who is uncontrolled and unmotivated to do things around him.

However, this situation has recently changed.

A while ago, Angelina came forward to transfer Embiid's daughter Vanessa back to Turing Manor, where Lanchester usually trains.

The two of them got along relatively well, perhaps because they both had changes in their families, and fell in love with each other as soon as they went back and forth.

It is said that Lanchester has a strong ability in this area. He had four children before, one a year, and the children were seamlessly connected without a minute's break in between.

Vanessa confirmed this fact and won the prize in one go, and it was the third prize.

Embiid almost went crazy when he found out that his daughter was pregnant out of wedlock.

He originally planned to marry his daughter to a big noble, but he didn't expect that he would be harmed by a second-married old man.

To be precise, he is an old Huang Mao who has been married for one and a half years, because he has not yet married for the second time!

So he angrily went to Lanchester for a duel, but was beaten to pieces by Lanchester. Fortunately, Lanchester took into account that he was Vanessa's father, otherwise he would probably have been beaten to death.

Because Embiid's skills were inferior to others, he didn't dare to talk to Ethan after being beaten. He could only break his teeth and swallow them in his stomach. He was even afraid that Ethan would find out, so he took a few days off to recuperate.

The result was that two days ago, Lanchester asked Ethan for a leave for the first time in several years.

When Ethan saw that the other party had taken an unprecedented leave, he asked him out of curiosity what he was going to do.

He said he would take time to get married.

It was also at this time that Ethan learned about them.

Ethan didn't know if all this was a play directed and acted by Embiid, but it didn't matter, as long as the result was good.

At this moment, Embiid, who is far away in Maro City, is standing in front of his office window at the Nanyue headquarters, drinking coffee and admiring the beautiful sea view, with an imperceptible smile hanging on the corner of his mouth...

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