Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 568: Do you believe it?

Ethan was in a dilemma at the moment because Catherine said Nolan didn't lie, but Catherine also said before that the Dragon Clan didn't lie either!

Since neither of them lied, there are many things that are contradictory.

For example, the Dragon Clan said that the Seven Sins Artifact absorbs the power of original sin, but Nolan said that the Seven Sins Artifact releases the power of radiation.

Another example is that the Dragon Clan said that the disaster was caused by humans trying to extract Telgamesh's power, but Nolan said that the Dragon Clan had been deliberately sabotaging it.

But since everything is caused by the Dragon Clan, then they should only wish for mankind to suffer. Why do they have to send the Seven Sins Artifact back again and again?

Even if they don't want it themselves, they can just find a place to throw it away, such as the depths of the sea. If others can't find it, nothing will happen.

"I want to ask, if I randomly throw the Seven Sins Artifact into someone's deserted corner, can you find it?"

"Of course!" Nolan said: "The Seven Sins artifacts sense each other. As long as you own one of them, you can easily find the others. If you don't have one, you can even summon them remotely. This is also a convergence feature."

"I understand!" Ethan pursed his lips: "Last question, you yourself said that the truth will disappear over time. Then I would like to ask, how does the [Eye of the Ancients] preserve information that has been passed down for tens of millions of years?

How do you ensure the accuracy of the information? "

Nolan suddenly fell into silence, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing this, Ethan asked: "What? You can't say it? Or you yourself are not sure about the authenticity?"

"There's nothing I can't say!" Nolan took a deep breath: "It's just that I'm afraid you won't believe it if I say it!"

"You might as well talk about it first!"

"Okay!" Nolan spread his hands and said calmly: "We have not saved any resources at all, we tell ourselves everything!"

"Huh..." Ethan opened his eyes wide: "I've been here listening to you for a long time, but you told me that you made everything up yourself, so... you think it's fun to play tricks on me?"

Nolan lowered his head and sighed: “I knew it would be like this, but I really didn’t play tricks on you.

Maybe you have heard that dragons have inheritance rules, but in fact we humans also have them, and even all animals have them.

If you don’t believe it, look at the animals in the wild. They may have never seen a human, but as long as you throw a javelin, they will run for their lives like crazy.

Don't you think it's strange? They have never seen humans, but they know that human javelins are dangerous to them?

Do you know why?

Because it may not have seen it, but its ancestors have. Its ancestors knew that human javelins are dangerous, they remembered it, and then passed it down silently from generation to generation in an invisible way.

The same is true for us humans, and you see, our teeth illustrate this.

We humans are born with two sets of teeth, one set of deciduous teeth and one set of permanent teeth.

But obviously we only need one set of teeth for a lifetime, so why do we need two sets of teeth?

Because it takes a long time for a set of teeth to last a lifetime, but we also have to eat when we are young, so we let ourselves grow a set of deciduous teeth first to cope with it.

Once the other set of teeth has fully grown, the deciduous teeth will be replaced.

There are also many benefits involved. For example, when deciduous teeth grow, it is when we are naughty. If we grow a set of deciduous teeth first, it will be fine even if they are broken.

You see, everything is so reasonable, clever and natural.

We adapt ourselves to the environment, and we start designing everything in the future when we are born. All this seems simple, but it is also passed down from generation to generation.

We also have our own inheritance. Although I can't tell you what is being passed down, there is no doubt about its existence.

Moreover, the inheritance of our human race is a passive inheritance, and there is absolutely no possibility of being tampered with, because it is based on the rules of survival.

But the dragon clan's inheritance is an active inheritance. They are just like our history books. Whatever the previous generation changes, the next generation will hear it.

And when I say that I told myself, I don’t mean that I made it up, but that the inheritance of our human race told me.

It is real and inside each of us.

If you can find it, it will tell you the truth, a truth that can never be tampered with. "

Ethan felt a little convinced, because wasn't what Nolan was talking about human genes!

In modern research, humans have countless genetic codes that cannot be explained. They seem useful and redundant, but they are passed down from generation to generation.

Just imagine, is there a possibility that those redundant genes are recording various historical events. When encountering the same or similar events, they will be stimulated to either mutate or stimulate human potential to make humans more adaptable. environment.

I remember once seeing a report that there was an ancient marine creature called a horseshoe crab (hòu).

Because its blue blood has high medicinal value, it was caught and raised regularly. They were fed and their blood was drawn every day. After a period of time, they all began to be sterilized, physiologically sterilized.

Apparently their genes have realized that their destiny is to eat and bleed to reproduce the next generation, which no longer makes any sense.

Because life has never existed to please others!

"I understand!" Ethan took a deep breath: "It seems that you have a way to access the deepest memories of human beings!"

"These are all my teacher's methods! I think you know who my teacher is and his methods. In fact, you have seen the methods he used because you have been there!"

Ethan reacted as soon as he heard it: "The Gate of Truth?"

"That's right!" Nolan nodded: "There is a heart eye belonging to our human race there, and the name of [Ancient Eye] also comes from this.

It has been silently watching everything and recording everything. As long as you are a human and can stand in front of it, it will tell you the truth about the human race.

If you are lucky, it can even teach you the skills to destroy the world."

"Uh..." Ethan was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He frowned and said: "I have been to the Gate of Truth, but why didn't I get the truth about the human race?"

"Not sure!" Nolan smiled bitterly: "My teacher is also puzzled about this. However, he thinks there are only two possibilities, either you are not a human at all, or... you don't belong to this era.

What is the truth, I think you know it best in your heart!"

Hearing this, Ethan's face changed drastically.

Seeing this scene, Nolan's eyes lit up: "Aha! So you are not a human!"

"You are not a human!"

"Then you don't belong to this era?

Ah! So that's it! No wonder you can jump from a nobody to a sword master in a few months, no wonder you can be promoted to an ascender so quickly, no wonder you have so many strange inventions. It turns out that you don't belong to this era at all!

So... which era are you from?"

Ethan was really impressed by these people, and smiled bitterly: "If I tell you that I only vaguely remember that my name is... Anubis, do you believe it?"

"Believe it! Your Excellency the God of War!"


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