Lord: I have a skill talent tree

Chapter 595: Success is just around the corner

Looking at the minced meat on the ground, a slender tendril began to stretch out, extending like a vine, connecting with each other, and slowly began to merge.

Not only was Ethan not surprised, he felt it was normal.

In fact, I've seen this scene so many times that I've become used to it.

However, the other party still wanted to grow again, so Ethan naturally couldn't let it happen.

Several time clones began to divide the work and cooperate. Three of them were responsible for dragging away the tentacles and determined not to let them connect to the main body again.

Ethan calls this a guarantee!

Regardless of whether Telgamesh can be killed in the end, the lack of tentacles will at least allow it to sleep.

The other three people kept shooting the main body with [World-Destroying Golden Light], preventing it from recovering.

Ethan calls this a lottery.

It's best if you can beat the opponent to death. If you can't beat him to death, the mission is completed.

As time goes by, several tentacles have been scattered and dragged away from the main body. Without the transmission of the main body's energy, it didn't take long for them to begin to wither.

Then it kept shrinking, shrinking, shrinking again, and finally turned into a ball of black gas the size of a fist.

I thought this was the end, but I didn't expect that the black gas suddenly started to roll continuously, and then continued to collapse inward, collapse, collapse again, and finally squeezed into a black prism-shaped crystal the size of a fingernail, and then quietly Suspended in the air at half a person's height.

Ethan reached out and took off the crystal, held it in front of his eyes and looked at it again and again.

"What is this?"

"Master! This seems to be the crystallization of some kind of rules. It is estimated that the Seven Sins Artifact was made from it." Kyle appeared in time and explained.

"I see!"

With that said, the clone collected several black crystals, then took a detour and handed them to Ethan's body.

Originally, even if the mission was completed at this point, there was no need to continue with the main body of Telgamesh.

There was really no need to continue, because Ethan found that there was no way to kill them all. The pieces of meat were cut longer and longer, and they grew endlessly and then connected together again.

However, after seeing these crystals, Ethan suddenly had an idea.

Since the tentacles will form crystals after being separated from the main body for a certain distance, does that prove that there is something core in the main body?

If other parts of the body are separated from it, will they turn into regular crystals?

The more Ethan thought about it, the more he realized this, and he immediately noticed the big, swirling eyeball in the middle of his body.

So a clone rushed in without hesitation and dug out the big eyeball, which was dozens of meters in diameter.

The big eyeball seemed to be aware of the danger, and its body began to glow with light, and ripples visible to the naked eye emanated from the sphere.

Suddenly, the minced meat went crazy, and the tendrils began to grow wildly and roll towards the big eyeball, as if trying to snatch the eyeball back.

But how could they possibly defeat the time clones? Several clones had already held up their eyeballs and gone away.

However, the golden light on Ethan's body was affected by the ripples, and dark red rust spots appeared like steel rusting.

"Master! The power of pollution has increased hundreds of times. If this continues, the time clone may not be able to survive for three minutes."

Hearing Kyle's words, Ethan was not worried but overjoyed. The three clones moved the big eyeball far away like a relay.

The other three clones, after dragging the tentacles, also returned to help.

Seeing this, the big eyeball began to emit light waves desperately. The rust spots on several time clones became heavier and heavier, and some even had tentacles growing on their bodies.

The time clone that was first lifted inside finally couldn't withstand the corrosion of pollution. It shattered with a "bang" and disappeared.

With the first one, several other time clones also burst like bubbles soon after.

The big eyeball lost its support, fell from the air, and hit the ground heavily.

However, it was already far away from the minced meat at this time.

Ethan's guess was correct. Without the nourishment of the eyeballs, the pieces of flesh began to wither gradually, and finally condensed into a large piece of black crystal.

Seeing this scene, Ethan finally understood that this big eyeball was indeed the core of the pollution.

It is like a cancerous gene that causes cells to grow wildly. As long as it is removed, everything will be solved.

So Ethan sent two more time clones to chase the big eyeball.

The big eyeball seemed to sense the danger. After landing, it began to spin rapidly, like a drill trying to drill into the ground.

But Ethan never gave it a chance. He rushed to the battlefield in just a few dozen seconds and raised his hand to hit two [World-Destroying Golden Lights] first.

This golden light seemed to be unable to cause any harm to it. It passed through it as if it were hitting the air, but it made it stop spinning.

Ethan had actually discovered this a long time ago. This eyeball was between nothingness and reality.

If you don't attack it, it is an entity, but once it is attacked, it will turn into nothingness.

Judging from the current situation, it is not like a living body, but more like an energy body. It can release the power of pollution, but it also requires constant replenishment of energy.

And its energy source can be thunder and lightning, the lives of other individuals, or the power of original sin.

In addition, it is unclear whether there are other sources.

But it is enough to know this, because it means that as long as it can deplete its energy, or prevent it from replenishing its energy, it can be completely solved.

But what to do?

Ethan is having trouble again!

The only way that can be thought of at present is to put the eyeball in a lead box, because the lead box can prevent radiation, prevent it from escaping and absorbing other energy.

But this eyeball is too big, with a light diameter of dozens of meters. If we want to make a lead box that can hold it, how big would it be?

If it were in the previous life, with super productivity, it might have been possible, but with today's productivity, this is simply an impossible task.

“If only it could be smaller!”

As soon as Ethan's idea came to him, he discovered that as long as the clone tried to lift the eyeball off the ground, the eyeball would continue to release light waves.

And when he releases the light waves, his size will also become smaller.

Seeing this, Ethan suddenly had an idea.

"Catherine, ask the extraordinary eagle to inform Amy and ask her to bring the elf Pixar to me. Also inform Leon and tell him that no matter what method he uses, he will immediately make a lead box and send it over. The bigger the better, the better. , at least not less than 27 cubic meters.”

"Oh!" Catherine responded and immediately did what Ethan wanted.

Ethan is going to fight that eyeball right here, that is, he will keep using time clones to consume its radiation power.

However, there is obviously a problem here, that is, it takes a long time to make a lead box. During this time, one's own Force must be continuously consumed, and the Force replenished by Pixar alone will definitely not be able to keep up.

Once the time clone cannot keep up, the opponent will escape, so there must be more sources of supplementary force.

Thinking of this, Ethan flashed golden light in his hand, summoned his thunder sword, and then waved his hand casually, and a portal appeared in front of him.

Ethan shouted to the inside: "Hermosis, the opportunity to deal with Telgamesh is right in front of you, I need your help! If you don't come, I will let some orcs into your space!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds...

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