Lord: More Children, More Blessings, Build A Family Of Gods

Chapter 95: Super Magic Aptitude Approaching Epic Level

"Have you heard? Lord Duke Rennes is going to test everyone's cultivation aptitude for the Habus family!"

"That's right! I heard that as long as you test with excellent cultivation aptitude, Lord Rennes will impart powerful techniques and provide cultivation resources."

"Is this too good to be true? It can't be a scam, right?"

"How is that possible? Lord Duke Rennes is not like those minor nobles, he is a person of great importance and his words carry weight! As long as you pass the test, you will definitely receive strong support from the Habus family."

"If only I could test with excellent Qi aptitude, be chosen by the Habus family, and soar directly without having to toil in the fields. Not to mention becoming a knight, there might even be a chance to become a lord in the future!"

"After saying so much, what is the process for this aptitude test? I can't wait any longer!"

"The announcement says that in two days, the city lord's mansion will notify each household to come to the designated location for the test. Everyone can participate."

Eagle City.

On the streets, discussions about the upcoming nationwide aptitude test could be heard everywhere.

Listening to the discussions of the people around.

A young strong man holding a hoe also had a flicker of excitement in his eyes.


He did not intend to stay for long.

After understanding, he immediately headed towards his home.

As if there was something important to do.

After walking for more than ten minutes.

He arrived in front of a low, undecorated stone house.

He opened the door and walked in.

The young man saw a pale and beautiful girl cooking in the kitchen.

"Anna, didn't I tell you to rest well and take care of your health?"

"Why don't you listen!"

Seeing this scene, Jack's face immediately turned unpleasant.

"Sis, I'm just helping you out and getting some exercise."

Like a little girl who had done something wrong, Anna lowered her head and timidly said.

"I didn't mean to blame you!"

"I just hope you can take care of your health, and I can handle these small things."

After confirming that his sister's condition had not worsened, Jack finally felt relieved.

Immediately, he spoke with deep concern.

But Anna, who seemed fragile, was extremely stubborn and insisted on finishing this meal.

There was no other way.

Jack could only choose to compromise.

Assisting his sister on the side.

With the efforts of the siblings.

Ten minutes later, all the dishes were cooked.

The two sat at the dining table and began to eat dinner.

During the meal.

Jack always put meat on his sister's plate.

But Anna always declined, saying she didn't like to eat.

Hoping her brother would eat a little more.

But she could never resist her brother Jack.

Under her brother's supervision.

Anna ate the last piece of meat on her plate.

Immediately, she spoke up, "Brother, I noticed that you seemed distracted during dinner today. Did something difficult happen to you?"

"I didn't encounter anything difficult!"

Hearing her sister's concern, Jack revealed his thoughts, "Recently, Lord Duke Rennes wants to test and select talents for cultivation on the territory."

"I was thinking, if we can demonstrate excellent aptitude, maybe we can ask Lord Rennes for help and cure your strange illness."


Upon hearing this, a glimmer of hope appeared on Anna's face.

"It's definitely possible."

"Lord Duke Rennes is a legendary Sky Knight who can easily fly."

"As long as our aptitude can catch Lord Rennes's attention."

"Anna, there is hope for your strange illness."

Jack said earnestly.

"Mm! Brother, I believe in you!"

Anna said with anticipation.

Two days later.

Under Rennes's instructions.

The nationwide aptitude test began in the Habsburg territory in full swing.

The testing locations were in various towns, inside the city guard camps behind the city palaces.

As soon as they received the news.

Jack took his sister Anna to the city guard camp in Eagle City.


Because Anna was weak due to her illness, she couldn't walk fast.

By the time the two arrived at the testing location, it was already crowded with people.

There were tens of thousands of people just in line.

And the number was still increasing.

Seeing so many people gathered, Rennes was also surprised.

Immediately arrange manpower to maintain order, to prevent large-scale trampling and deaths from occurring.

Wait until everyone is in line.

Only then did Rennes allow the qualification testing to begin.

Speaking of which,

For this nationwide qualification testing, he also paid a considerable price.

Spending 500,000 gold coins to purchase more than 30 qualification testing magic arrays from the Mage Association.

He also prepared magic crystals worth millions of gold coins to charge the magic arrays.

And the usage of these qualification testing magic arrays is very simple.

Just stand on it, and the magic array will emit corresponding light based on the person's qualification.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black.

Red represents low qualification, orange represents medium qualification, yellow represents high qualification, and so on.

In addition,

When each person is being tested, the magic array will flash twice.

The color of the first flash represents the martial qi qualification, while the color of the second flash represents the magic qualification.

Under Rennes' gaze,

One by one, the people lined up and walked onto the testing magic array.

"Low martial qi qualification! No magic qualification!"

...Seeking applause...

"No martial qi qualification! No magic qualification."

"Low martial qi qualification! No magic qualification."

Due to the fact that results can be obtained simply by standing on it, the testing speed is quite fast.

Soon enough,

The qualification testing for hundreds of people was completed.


The qualifications of these people were uniformly poor.

Even if most of them stepped onto the path of transcendence, they would only be stuck at the apprentice stage.

It is completely unnecessary to waste resources on their cultivation.

Seeing this scene, Rennes' expression remained unchanged.

He had already prepared himself mentally before it started.


He believed that it couldn't continue like this forever.

As long as the sample size is large enough, there will always be exceptions.

Sure enough.

When the 563rd person was detected.

"Average martial qi aptitude! Low-level magic aptitude!"

The first person to pass the screening and enter the Habs family's training sequence appeared.

He was a tall and thin young man.

Upon hearing that he had passed, the young man immediately jumped up in joy.

His face lit up with delight.

Seeing this scene, the people in the queue around him also looked at him with envy.

In their hearts, they all prayed that they could also have a cultivation aptitude above average like this young man.

Jack and Anna were the same.

Both of them had reasons to pass the aptitude test.

As the crowd surged forward.

Soon, it was the turn of this brother and sister.

"Hurry up and step up."

The examiner spoke.

"Oh, oh!"

Jack quickly agreed and, with a nervous yet hopeful mood, stepped onto the magic array.

The next second.

The magic array immediately emitted a bright yellow light.

Then, it lit up with an orange light.

High-level martial qi aptitude, average magic aptitude.

Seeing this scene.

Rennes, who was standing aside, immediately smiled.

Finally, someone with a high-level aptitude was detected.

Upon hearing the news of his successful passage, Jack's mood was also filled with excitement.


He helped his frail sister, who was standing behind him, onto the magic array.

The next second.

The detection magic array emitted a bright light.

That light was unexpectedly the lowest-level red.


The color of the second light surprised everyone.

A dazzling light, green with a hint of blue, lit up on the magic array.

This meant that this frail girl had an almost epic-level super magic aptitude.

PS: Aptitude classification: low-level, average, high-level, super, epic, legendary, divine...

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