“I have a god-level lord career advancement card in my hand! Do you need it now?”

Su Wen asked softly while eating the pastries made by the flower elf goddess Aqua.

This was the reward given to him by Heaven for climbing the tower.

Aqua’s eyes lit up and she said with a smile:”Can you tell me, you Which genre or direction do you want to follow?”

“so! I recommend three to you!”

“1. Sky Bow Jet, majoring in flying and bow shooting!”

“This genre saves money, but is easy to be restrained! Main physical attack”

“2. Hanazhan style, majoring in flying, archery and melee combat!”

“This genre is mediocre, capable of both melee and long-range combat. It mainly focuses on physical attacks, supplemented by magic spells! It costs a moderate amount of money and is also the favorite profession of most flower elf lords!”

“3. Guns and Guns stream, majoring in artillery fire, similar to the special forces of your civilization, the weapons need to be transformed into guns and cannons”

“This genre is the strongest, most expensive, and can be used both near and far. It is an all-round profession. Of course, it requires a lot of prerequisite knowledge, not only the knowledge of flower elves, but also the knowledge base of omnics and the knowledge base of the elemental family!”

“This concurrent study is not about learning one or two pieces of knowledge, but learning them all!”

“Similarly, occupations that cost more money will have stronger combat effectiveness. The more knowledge they have, the less external expenses they will have. Naturally, they will have more talents. When learning auxiliary occupations, there will naturally be more directions to choose from!”

“If 320 you have no money, it is a rubbish career!”

Akuya introduced Su Wen.

She then suggested:”After you choose from these three options and successfully change jobs, you can use the rewards of the way of heaven! It can bring unexpected results to your career!”

“I choose the gun stream!”

Su Wen laughed.

He blocked all other professions, leaving only one genre.

There are four professions in the gunnery style that can be transferred.

They are sniper master, artillery commander, assault master and gunnery style. Master.

The first three are highly directional and all require specialization.

The last one is more moderate and has the advantage of being able to make space magazines and weapon pendants.

In other words, the most outstanding thing about this profession is that it has unlimited ammunition supply. Magazine.

Su Wen finally chose Gun Master.

After he made his choice,

Aqua got the jade talisman for this profession through his communication channel with Tiandao.

“Here! When you get back, use it! You have completed your job transfer!”

She said with a smile.

Su Wen held the jade talisman for job transfer:”Isn’t it possible here?”

“This requires completing a job transfer within your territory! It will bring you new units, and can also help you convert a certain functional (cjbf) building in your territory into an exclusive building for the gun master of the same level for free! Aqua explained:”This is a rare opportunity. I suggest you choose the building with the most construction for conversion!””

“I see!”

Su Wen nodded after hearing this.

After he had eaten and drank enough, he said goodbye to Aqua.

Aqua reluctantly grabbed Su Wen’s hand and asked,”Do you want to wait for me for a few days, and I will help you with it? The permissions of the Titan Knowledge Base in exchange for the permissions of the Elements Knowledge Base?”

“This is no longer necessary! Su

Wen shook his head:”I still have tasks to do, and I will be punished later!””

“Go for it! Little cutie!”

Akuya reluctantly sent Su Wen out of the Kingdom of God.


The moment he walked out of the Kingdom of God,

Su Wen came to the door of the mentor’s room on the sixth floor of the Overlord Tower.

“This is… very convenient!”

Su Wen couldn’t help laughing.

He walked downstairs with light steps.

He quickly returned to the territory and summoned all the captains in the territory.

The flower elf Peggy and the captain of the King’s Guard After seeing Su Wen, Commander Qi Na hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted sincerely:”Greetings to the priest!”


Su Wen was stunned and realized that he now had the aura of the flower elf goddess Aqua on his body.

This allowed the flower elves to smell the smell and feel the breath

“It doesn’t have to be like this, just call it as usual from now on! Pay attention to confidentiality!”

Su Wen said to everyone.

Page and Qina stood up excitedly, their heads were like rattles, and they were on point.

Other werewolves and goblins also expressed their loyalty one after another.

After some questioning Afterwards,

Su Wen learned that everything was going very normally.

The Goblin army over there in the Raging Waves Jungle had gathered about 5,000 people. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

9 goblins have been built. Catapults, 4 siege crossbows.

They are making plague corpses to use as catapults.

The six night elves Mu Guoguo and Qiao Ye have arrived at the designated location and arrived at the Goblin Cave by digging tunnels. The area below.

As long as Su Wen gives the order, they can dig a passage into the Goblin Cave.

On the other side, at the end of the direction of Yangcun.

The vibration of the abyss fissure is getting more and more violent.

During this time, it has begun to move outside. Lava-spitting meteors.

An area with a diameter of 10 kilometers has been transformed into a lava area.

The life in this area has been twisted by the power of the abyss into monsters.

And they are gathering.

Gu Heiyun’s intelligence shows that there are about four or five people here. Thousands of monsters gathered.

Su Wen speculated after hearing the news.

It is estimated that there will be more than half a month.[]

The first wave of invasion from the Abyss is coming.

At this point, this area will have a steady stream of abyss demons crawling out of the cracks.

This is his judgment based on the knowledge taught in school. same time.

The turnover of Goblin Dudu has reached 10 billion lord points.

Mainly sales to Wolfsburg and Yangcun combat forces accounted for a large amount. besides.

Dudu also held an auction, which is expected to officially start in five days.

For this auction, they have prepared gold-level prosperous pyracantha fruits, top-quality toilet wine, purple-level weapons, enchanted stones, etc. for auction.

Own products account for half.

Half of them are goods auctioned on behalf of other customers.

“pity! I still haven’t found the god-level materials you want!”

Goblin Dudu said in a low voice.

Su Wen said with a smile:”I have found a method, and the collection of materials is over! I see that the items in your auction are quite satisfactory. I have a copy of the Huangjie Rushan Order here!”

“Great Your Majesty! Aren’t you going to keep such a precious thing for your own use?”

Goblin Dudu was trembling a little.

He didn’t expect it to be such a rare skill book.

This made him extremely excited.

You know, the purpose of this chamber of commerce’s first auction is to gain fame.

Usually there are no particularly valuable ones. Things.

For example, god-level materials.

There won’t be anything too inferior.

For example, green-level weapons.

Things that are too valuable will attract the attention of high-level chambers of commerce and make the other party feel threatened.

As a result, the chamber of commerce will encounter the other party in advance. This is not conducive to the long-term operation of the Su’s Chamber of Commerce.

Too many things will make customers think that the Su’s Chamber of Commerce has no strength.

A skill book like the Rushan Order is just right! It’s precious to say it’s precious.

It’s really not precious to say it’s not. God-level materials have a sensational effect

“I don’t need it!”

Su Wen shook his head.

After learning about the territory, he took out the job transfer talisman that Aqua gave him.


【Should I change my job from Huayu Siyi to Huayu Gun Master now? 】

Su Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this, and he said without hesitation:”Yes!”.

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