【Architecture: Workers College】

【Group: Flower Elf】

【Grade: 5】

【Related factories: military factories, textile factories, restaurants, steel mills】

【Association mode: automatic】

【Discipline model: Factory full-time technical training】

【Study time: 10 days】

【Commissioning fee: 5W lord points per period】

【Learning Fund: 1 billion lord points】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“Um? Not promoted to the highest level?”

Su Wen was stunned and secretly said it was a pity.

If he could break the limit and upgrade, he could shorten the training period to 1 day, or even 1 hour.

Then he went to the textile factory.

The textile factory is not big.

Yes. A large factory building of about 10,000 square meters.

There are some old-fashioned pedal looms inside

【Architecture: Textile Factory】

【Group: Flower Elf】

【Grade: 0】

【Weaver: 0/10】

【Embroidery: 0/5】

【Textile machines: 10 sets】

【Spinning grade: 0】

【Cloth grade: 0】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“Attribute increase!”

Su Wen directly amplified the textile factory.


A light flashed.

The amplification of the textile factory was completed.

The internal textile machine became an electric-driven gear textile machine. It is very simple to control.

There are a total of ten of these in the factory. textile looms.

They are neatly arranged together

【Architecture: Textile Factory】

【Group: Flower Elf】

【Grade: 5】

【Weaver: 0/150]

630 [Embroidery: 0/25】

【Maintenance worker: 0/10】

【Old electric textile machines: 10 units】

【Spinning grade: 5】

【Cloth grade: 5】

【Gain: The finished product spun from the spinning thread in the textile factory adds +5 defense】

【Gain: Cloth produced by textile factory has flexibility +5】

【Electricity related: nuclear fusion wireless power station]

Su Wen was a little surprised after reading it.

The increase in the level of spinning threads and cloth can actually bring attribute gains to the finished products produced in the factory.

This is very interesting!

He then went to the steel mill without stopping.

“Not finished yet?”

Su Wen looked around.

The construction speed of the steelmaking plant was not fast, but it occupied an extremely large area. It covered almost 250,000 square meters.

The towering chimney was only half-way through construction.

The restaurant is right next to the steelmaking plant..

It covers an area of about 2,000 square meters.

It has been completed.

On the other side of it are the magic tower and the mechanical research tower.

The two towers are also unfinished.

They occupy an area outside the small town of the territory (cjbe ) domain.

These buildings constitute the entire three-kilometer range.

Now if the small town wants to continue to develop, it must expand outwards.

Su Wen plans to wait until the internal building construction is completed, and then continue planning and construction.

He first uses Attribute increase increases the time of all buildings to the shortest time.

Even so.

It will still take 20 hours to complete the steel mill, magic tower and mechanical research tower.

Su Wen walked to the restaurant.

He directly faced the restaurant. The increase.


A dazzling light flashed.

The restaurant suddenly became taller. It turned from the original dilapidated brick building into a luxuriously decorated large restaurant.

It suddenly became six stories high, and the interior Equipped with elevator

【Building: Restaurant】

【Group: Flower Elf】

【Grade: 12 (MAX)】

【Waiter: 0/60】

【Waiter: 0/30】

【Helping in the kitchen: 0/18】

【Chef: 0/12】

【Chef: 0/6】

【Tables: 240 tables】

【Meal price: 1 Lord Point per person】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this, Su Wen did not continue to improve.

He came to the Workers’ College and carried out full-time training programs in related restaurants, military factories and textile factories. after finishing.

He came to the campfire.

First, he recruited 126 werewolves, and he planned to arrange all of them to work in the restaurant.

Immediately afterwards, 60 more hawks were recruited to serve as inscribers and craftsmen in the military factory.

Workers are direct omnics.

The weavers, embroiderers, and repairmen here in the textile factory are also omnics.

Do the math.

485 omnics still need to be recruited.

After completing recruitment.

He promoted all civilians to the highest level.

Then they were arranged to enter the Workers’ College for targeted training.

As for living matters such as housing and furniture.

Su Wen handed it over to the butler Mike to complete.[]

So far.

There are a total of 362 flower elves in Suwen’s territory, 113 hawks, 100 firethorn tree elves, 179 werewolves, 6 night elves, and 10 fat-headed murlocs.

Plus 1 Beamon, 505 omnics, and 3 goblins.

There are a total of 1,279 civilians.

In addition, there are 201 King Guards and 1 Hero.

The total population of the territory is 1482 people

“There are too few troops!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

He came to the bonfire again.

This time, he recruited 800 flower elves civilians at one time.

Then through the sacred barracks, he first transferred these 800 flower elves civilians to become flower language shooters.

Then transferred them again. He was appointed as the Flower Feather Guard.


Su Wen found the King’s Guard led by Qi Na and tried to get them to enter the barracks again for training.

“Can? Su

Wen looked at Qi Na and others who were queuing up to enter the barracks with a look in their eyes:”It seems that low-level troops can be trained and cultivated into high-level troops in this way in the barracks!””

He whispered softly.

After a while,

Qi Na and other soldiers of the King’s Guard had walked out of the barracks.

At this time,

Su Wen also increased the attributes of all 800 Flower Feather Guards to the highest level one by one.

【Name: Qi Na】

【Race: Flower Elf】

【Occupation: Hua Yuwei】

【Lord: Huayu Si Yi Suwen】

【Rating: 109 (3.13%)】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Level 9 Flower King Holy Body: 20x long-range critical strike, 500x range, 500x super long-range vision, void breaking, bloodline deterrence, perfect control of the holy body, yellow-level poison element immunity, yellow-level natural affinity, yellow-level flower and grass control】

【Attributes: Strength 1940; Agility 1940; Spirit 2496; Constitution 1920】

【Equipment: Flower Rose Bow, fine leather armor】

【Professional Skills: Advanced Archery Proficiency, Advanced Cursed Explosive Arrows, Advanced Rainstorm Arrows, Advanced Poison Immunity, Advanced Plant Control, Advanced Flower Language Sword Skills, Advanced Flight Control, Yellow Level Flash (MAX), Must Kill: Flower Meteor, Must Killing skill: Flower God Slash】

【Loyalty: 100%】

“Such an attribute is level 109…it is simply too weak compared to the lord! I don’t know if the legion tower can increase the overall attribute value of the troops. You can try it when the time comes!”

Su Wen shook his head after looking at it.

Now he is much stronger than the soldiers.

As a result, he feels that the soldiers under his command are all weak.

Su Wen also knows.

He wants to make all the soldiers stronger.

There is indeed a way..

That is to improve the ranks of soldiers.

To increase the limit.

“What I lack most now are attribute points!”

Su Wen sighed.

He looked at Qi Na and couldn’t help but muttered:”But! Although my few attribute points cannot give soldiers stronger attribute points on a large scale, it is not impossible to upgrade one or two of them to a strong level of strength!”

“In addition, they must change their equipment!”


He ordered to the soldiers:”From now on! You and other 800 people have joined the King’s Guard, under the command of Commander Qi Na!”


The newly recruited 12th-level flower elf Hua Yuwei with 800 loyalty and 100% responded at the same time.

Su Wen nodded, and he looked at the other person next to Qi Na.

That was Tang, the deputy commander promoted by Qi Na. Fen.

He then officially announced:”Tang Fen is the deputy commander, assisting Qi Na in managing the troops! Your duty is to protect the stability and peace of the city! Kill all invading enemies!”.

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